Illimitable Until Death

: 574 has started since yesterday

As a result, this night passed much faster than I expected.

It didn't take long for the sky to be bright.

Early the next morning, Fang Li woke up from his sleep, opened the curtains and let the sun spill into the room.

“The weather is good, it is very suitable for morning exercise.”

With such an idea, Fang Lidang is even preparing to temper the stars.


Just then, a phenomenon was discovered in the party.

I saw that many people are busy at the Karlsten family's inside and outside.

Some receive guests outside the gate.

Some greeted a dragon car into the mansion.

Some are fully armed and go in and out inside and outside the house.

Some are carrying goods that are unloaded from a dragon car and moving them all in one direction.

That scene is like being prepared for a major battle.


Fang Li slightly blinked, thoughtfully.

The memory was somewhat stimulated, and the party recalled some of the more important things in the original work.

"if it is like this…"

The party suddenly smiled.

On the outline of the body, a few sparkling stars leaped.

"Maybe you can get a little bit of it..."

This sentence has just fallen from the mouth of the square, and the door in the square is being ringed.

The person coming in from outside the door is Rem.

As always, she is neat and tidy with a little lyrical taste.

Rem came in from the door and looked very calm in the eyes.

That is proof of the state of work.

Immediately, Rem is opening to the side.

"Fangli adults, Kushen Xiu has sent people to invite Emilia adults."

In other words, the one-day talks have begun.


The location is no longer the last meeting room, but in the study room of Kushiro.

"Sorry, I have kept you waiting."

Kui Xiu sat on the sofa, standing behind Felix and Wilhelm, revealing a sense of majesty on his face, and his eyes are more serious than yesterday.

Emilia is sitting opposite Cui Xiu.

As for the back, it is standing in the square and Rem.

With such a battle, the two candidates were sitting face to face.

The atmosphere began to tighten at once.

Then, Ku Xi Xiu looked at Fang Li, and bowed his head to the side, saying such a sentence.

"Yesterday was really taking care of you."

Obviously, from the description of Wilheem, Kushen knows that the facts have been guessed that they are testing him.

However, even in this case, Fang Li still has no suspicion to cooperate with the temptations of Ku Xixiu and others.

This represents two things.

The first is to express the goodwill of this side to Kui, and to increase the success rate of the negotiations.

The second is that since the showdown, it is equivalent to the fact that Cui has owed this side, and it can also form a favorable advantage for the negotiation.

"As Will Weimheim said, you not only have extraordinary skills, but also have a superb mind."

Kusui Xiu offered an admirable smile to such a party.

"As the head of Marks said, Qing is a respectable knight."

However, for the words of Kui Xiu, love Mi Liya is a face that is unknown.

At the moment, Emilia looked back and forth and looked at Kui Xiu, and some confused said: "That, what happened?"

"How much is there." Ku Xiu Xiu nodded in love with Emilia, with a meticulous attitude, said: "Fang Liqing has paved the way for this negotiation in advance, you really have a good knight."

“Hey?” Love Emilia suddenly looked at the party and asked, “Is there such a thing?”

"How much is there." Fang gave a reply the same as Kui Xiu, and smiled at Emilia: "You can only say, in fact, since yesterday, this negotiation has already begun?" ”

In the words of the party, it was to let Kui Xiu also laugh.

"As Qing said, this negotiation has started since yesterday."

Kushen corrected the view of Emilia, saying: "And, the reason you came here, I can guess a little."

The 珥 珥 修 修 这样 说 说 说 说 珥 珥 。 珥 珥 珥 珥 珥 珥 珥

Under this force, the hand that loves Melia is in front of her can't help but tighten.

Because, in the power, there is a sense of existence that cannot be opened up.

Just like preparing to go to war, Kushen Xiu is so open.

"You are coming to declare war?"

Seriously incomprehensible speech, so that Emilia could not help but widen her eyes.

Don't say that you love Mi Liya, that is, you can't help but swear.

As for Rem, it is even more surprising to look at the party, just like saying "when is this?"

Of course, neither Fangli nor Emilia have this plan.

Wilhelm seems to be seeing it, so he swears: "Chu Xiu Xiu, it seems that we misunderstood."

“Misunderstanding?” Kui Xiu repaired a slight glimpse, and immediately said: “But, Felice said that at the beginning of Wang’s election, the other party immediately went to the door, most likely to be the most advantageous to us on the bright side. Declare war and take the lead in eradicating the most favorable competitors."

This sentence was immediately exchanged for the answer from Felice.

"Chu Xiu repairs adults, Kushen repairs adults." Felice smiled a little mischievously: "People just said that there is such a possibility, not really only the possibility of this ~"

"Is that the case?" Cui Xiu repaired and immediately reopened his head to the party and said: "It seems that I really misunderstood, sorry, let's start again."


The party was completely speechless.

Is this supposed to say that the other party is too serious? Still too simple?

Only love Mi Liya, it seems to be really relieved, the degree of seriousness and simplicity is never under the treasury.

"In short, we are not going to declare war, but we want to conclude a covenant with you in the form of reciprocity."

Seeing that the tightening atmosphere suddenly began to loosen, I was going to see the tail from the beginning, and I could only intervene in the party that completely handed the negotiation to Emilia.

“Can you listen to us first?”

As expected by the party, the atmosphere was retightened.


Kushen’s eyes were sharp again, and even the body leaned forward slightly, gazing at Emilia.

"Let me listen, your thoughts."

Listening to the words of Kui Xiu, with the sharp eyes of Kui Xiu, the palm of his hand is getting tighter and tighter.

However, at the same time, the expression of Emilia is becoming more and more firm.

Immediately, Emilia is an opening.

"Our thoughts have already been said."

"Please form a covenant with us in the form of reciprocity."

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