Illimitable Until Death

: 588 —— “laziness”


In the confusion, Emilia heard such a drop of water.

The air around it is a bit cold.

The feeling of dampness is everywhere.

There is a hard feeling of stone behind it.

Hands and feet seem to be bound by something.

Under such circumstances, Emilia gradually recovered her consciousness.


In the snoring, Emilia slowly opened her eyes.

Just in the moment when Emilia opened her eyes, a face was printed in the field of vision.

It was a creepy face.

It’s pale without a trace of blood.

It’s just like losing weight.

The eyes are slightly protruding from the eyelids.

Inside, there is a madness that can almost be called a sense of no reason.

Such a face gaze at Emilia outside the distance of less than five centimeters from the face of Emilia.


A sense of horror, I fell in love with the heart of Emilia.

And when Emilia was horrified, the face was a laughter.

It is obviously laughing, but the tears are flowing out of the other's eyes.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh…!"

It was full of moving crying.

Immediately, the other's face was far from loving Emilia, so that Emilia could see the whole picture of the person in front of her.

I saw a priest-like vestment, with a green hair, and the skin of the whole body was like necrosis. A man with a frightening paleness was unfolding his hands, holding his body and crying. While making a very weeping sound.

"What is this...! What a...! What a hobby and what kind of beauty!"

The madman who is so cried is crying and laughing, as if thanking God for letting him be born in this world, and gratifying God for giving him the meaning of survival, holding his head and shaking his voice.

"The brain is shaking..."

With that said, the madman suddenly put his finger into his mouth.


In the cracking of the skin, the madman actually bite his finger.

Blood has flowed out of its mouth.


Emilia only feels that her heart has risen with a chill, and she looks at the horror's purple eyes and carries a terrifying look.

Not for the other, just because the behavior and actions of the madman are too incomprehensible.

However, the other party did not care about Michelia's reaction, as if immersed in his own world, holding his head and twisting his body.

"This is just like the legend! No! It is the essence! The half-magic of silver hair! Now it is in front of me! This is also the favor that the witch has given me! Love, love, love, love, love, love, love!"

Such a madman who made a moving call, put his fingers one by one in the entrance, and then bite them one by one, so that the blood is red and the teeth are red, and the bitten fingers are also reddish. The color of Yin Hong is so glaring in the dim space.

Just as there is no pain at all, the madman is self-mutilating.

Meaningless self-harm.

At least, for the kind-hearted love of Emilia, such a scene is meaningless and extremely shocking.

At the moment, Emilia couldn't help but look away, but she found out what kind of situation she was in now.

In front of it is the dark and dark space, where it seems to be the underground cave.

And Emilia is bound by a chain at the deepest part of the cave, tied to a rock, and the body can't move at all.


I noticed my status quo, and I loved Melia first, and finally I finally thought about it.

I should have been on the battlefield.

On the battlefield of cruising whales.

However, just as Emilia was ready to go forward because of the activeness of the party, suddenly her back neck seemed to be knocked out.

Then, when Emilia regained consciousness, she came here.


The brain that has just been awake has not yet fully operated smoothly, and it has been hit by the incomprehensible behavior of the madman in front of him.

However, at this time, the self-mutilated madman suddenly stopped laughing and crying, and filled with heart-rending crazy eyes to the body of Emilia, with a glimpse of his head. Ninety degrees, like the neck was cut off, there is no emotional opening.

"Great time! Although I really want to hold trials at this time! But it doesn't seem to be! Oh! This is also the test that the witch gave me! Yes! I know! This is the test! But! But but it is! But! But The test is also because of love! Love!"

The madman’s tone suddenly returned to a frenetic state, twisting into a ninety-degree head and swaying to the other side at the same angle, and then shaking his head back and forth like a pendulum.

For such a person, Emilia can't control her heart without timidity and fear.

However, compared with timidity and fear, Emilia has noticed another fact that has to be paid attention to.


Emilia looks at the madman's eyes.

"You are the person the witch taught?"

In a word, let the madman's movements come to an abrupt end.

Immediately, the madman is laughing.

"This is really rude! I have forgotten to give names to important test subjects! Ah! Witch! Please forgive my laziness! Forgive me!"

The madman who called this suddenly grabbed a stone next to him and used his whole body to forcefully hit it with his head. In the sound of snoring, he ran into his head.

However, this time, Emilia did not be afraid of such crazy actions, but stared at each other with a sharp eye and questioned her voice.

"Answer me! Are you a witch taught?!"

The unrelenting questioning is the performance of the madman as an enemy.

In this regard, the madman stopped the action again, regardless of the head of the bloody, like a doll, slowly turned his neck, turned his head, looked at the love of Emilia, the pale face like a corpse remained Stiff, the body just like this reaction at this time, followed by the turn, let the other face to love Emilia.

Immediately, the madman grinned and raised his hand, and began to expand toward Emilia.

"Yes, that's right!"

"I! It is the great sinist taught by the witch! I am the believer of the lazy love, Peiqiu-Roman Nikon!"

After that, the witchess named Petitius was a solemn tribute to Emilia, and made such a statement with a mad expression.

"Let you wait, witch."

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