Illimitable Until Death

: 600 will definitely see you again?

After that, Fang directly went back to his room and waited for Emilia and Rem to come back.

In the middle, there was no door.

Because it was a noon relationship when I came back, it didn't take long for Ram to come to the party to eat.

However, it is known that I have lived here for a whole month, and this is definitely not to be expected.

Unlike the versatile Rem, the housekeeping power of Ram is almost entirely below the horizontal line. It is not so much a servant as it is a display.

The only thing that Ram is good at is steamed sweet potatoes.

Fang Li didn't want to use a steamed sweet potato to fill his stomach just as soon as he came back.

Therefore, Fang Li’s remarks were rejected, and Ram’s contemptuous eyes were ushered in. Then the maid’s eldest sister left.

By the way, Ram’s lunch did not eat, and it is estimated that he has been eating sweet potatoes for a few days.

Until the evening, Emilia and Rem finally came back.

In the hall of the Rodsvall mansion, Fang Li just came downstairs and watched Emilia and Rem, who were greeted by Ram.

Rem still maintains the perfect maid literacy as always, even if he is tired and tired all day, his face is still not tired.

Perhaps this is also related to Rem is a ghostly person with strong physical strength?

Contrary to Rem, Emilia is a look of exhaustion.

Looking at such a love of Emilia, Fang Li smiled and said.

"It doesn't seem very smooth..."

In this regard, Emilia just returned with a complicated smile.

Obviously, in order to appease the people who are led by Mezza, there is no less touch of love.

"However, the panic has finally been stopped."

Having said that, Emilia has only slightly cheered up, as if she felt that all of this is valuable, the smile began to get a little angry.

"Although everyone... is very angry, at least I accepted my explanation and did not continue to cause big commotion."

With such words, there is indeed a trace of peace of mind in the voice of Emilia.

"This is also the influence of the adults in the square." Rem was on the sidelines, and his face finally brought a smile. He said: "Because everyone knows that Emma Liya has been recognized by the dragon. Even if you don't easily accept the love of Emilia in your heart, you will still take this into consideration, and you will have a lot of inner rejection and impulsiveness."

makes sense.

If there is no such thing as the approval of the dragon, even if I love Melia's broken skin, it is estimated that there will be no one who listens to the comfort of a silver-haired half-elf?

Therefore, this can also be regarded as the impact of the party.

"Really..." Emilia held her hand tightly, resting in front of her like a prayer, and there was countless gratitude and warmth in the purple eyes that cast into the square.

Aside, Ram was just standing there quietly. Although he did not speak, he was obviously aware of it. It seems that he has received the news and knows what happened at the Wang Xuan meeting.

I glanced at Emilia and glanced at Rem, and Ram sighed in my heart.

Because only Ram found this.

That is, from the beginning of the door, after the party came down from the upstairs, whether it was loved by Melia or Rem, the eyes were always locked in the side of the square, not moved away.

Although he is unruly and informal, Ram is a girl again.

So, Ram still knows.

What does this performance mean?

(It’s not that I don’t understand why Emily and Rem are like this...)

After all, even in the standard of Rama's picky to the extreme, Fang is a very good object.

Even though he usually swears in the mouth, but Ram is very close to the heart.

As Rem once said, the way you want to go with your own way, compared with Ram, there are really many similarities.

Therefore, Ram is probably more trusting than Melia and Rem.

(However, relying on this kind of feeling, it is estimated that it is not worthy of the love of Mi Liya and Rem...)

Ram thinks so.

Obviously it was only a month's worth of time. It was actually an incredible person who could leave deep trust in the hearts of so many people in this mansion.

(Even with Beatrice also...)

Just as Ram thought so, when Emilia and Rem showed the same smile in the square, it was extremely untimely to throw such a sentence.

"In this case, if I leave this house, you should be able to do your own thing."

In a word, let the whole atmosphere freeze.

"Leave?" Love Melia stopped her mouth.

"Leave?" Rem's expression solidified.

"Leaving?" Ram couldn't hide his surprise into the square.

In the horror of the three girls, Fang Li once again smiled, but did not turn around, straightforward explanation.

"I came here, originally for the witch to teach things. Now, the witch teaching has been solved. Even Wang Xuan has successfully passed the initial difficulties. Then I have no reason to stay here?"

When this was said, in addition to Ram, Emilia and Rem were both at the same time.

"There is no such thing!"

At this time, Emilia and Rem’s expressions are surprisingly consistent.

That is anxious.

"How can there be no reason?" Love Melia said in a difficult way: " have helped me so many things, I have not repaid you yet!"

"It’s like the love of Melia." Rem also showed some eager side, saying: "The help of the adults in Fangli is difficult to express in words. Please stay in any case. !"

"...The Lord Rozval has ever told me that in this mansion, besides the love of Melia, the most distinguished is the Fangli." Ram was silent for a while, then he was expressionless. Said: "We are obliged to entertain you. No matter how long the adults want to live here, there is no problem. I believe that the Lord Rhodes will give the same answer."

The three girls, at the same time, expressed their retention to Fang.

This is a bit of an accident in the party.

However, Fang Li still smiled and said such a sentence.

"I also have something to do with myself. It is impossible to stay in this mansion all the time."

"So, don't leave me, you can't see you again."

"In the future, I will definitely see you again?"

"for sure…"

Hearing here, Emilia, Rem and Ram know that this matter is irreparable.

At the moment, the three girls are silent.

Until a long time... for a long time...

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