Illimitable Until Death

: 736 Aria's change


On the night of the night, in the dormitory room, Fang Li got a message from Aria who suddenly came to the door.

"Huasheng transferred to school?"


Watson transferred to school.

Just today.

This is the news brought by Aria.

"You didn't go to class when you took time off, so I didn't know." Aria wrinkled her little nose and said: "According to the Academic Affairs Section, Watson completed the transfer procedure this morning, and did not even have classes. On the table, the girls in the class also ran all of them to ask me, is it because I have made any means to force Huasheng to leave."

Nowadays, the entire Wuzheng Gao people have already known that Watson came to Wuzheng Gaoli for the marriage contract with Aria.

Now, Watson suddenly has no precursors to transfer, and others will doubt this matter, which is a matter of course.

However, it is true that it is because the relationship between the marriage contract and the Huasheng was transferred to school.

"Yesterday, Watson once again invited me once and told me clearly about the whole thing." Aria seems to be in a very good mood and said to the party: "Because you have knocked down Hilda, Watson believes that he can't win you, so he has given up the marriage contract with me. I said that since there is no marriage contract, there is no reason for him to stay in Wuzheng."

It’s a bit confusing.

"It seems that when Watson meets me today, it is probably already done the transfer procedure. Is it time to leave?"

In other words, after that, Watson left directly.

However, Fang Li suspected that giving up the marriage contract is only one of the reasons why Watson left.

The more important reason should be the Battle of the Extreme East?

After all, Watson has already negotiated with Jude and Yuzao, and is ready to recommend free stone mason to join the division.

In this case, it is necessary for Watson to go back and take care of the next thing.

Then again, the Battle of the East is a world war.

Once the free stonemason announces to join the division, the genus will be eyeing the free stonemason.

Then, Watson, a super-class spy, naturally has to go back and prepare for the servants who are likely to come at any time.

Of course, what I care about now is another thing.

"You said, Watson has already told you the whole story?" Fang Li looked at Aria, and asked: "That is, you know the things of the Battle of the East?" ”

When I heard this, Aria’s emotions gradually calmed down.

Even Aria still slammed into the square, a look of fire.

"You don't mention me, I almost forgot!" said Aria Xing, who asked the sin in the opposite direction: "You actually smashed me with such a big thing, as a partner, it is completely disqualified!"

"Because it is a partner, I am glaring at you." Fang shrugged and said: "Think about you a while ago, but almost fainted, a look of overwork, if I tell you this thing You will definitely rush to the front?"

"That is of course!" Aria said without any hesitation: "I don't care about the Battle of the East, is there a group of Iraqi remnants still active?"

"That is not only the Iraqi remnant party, but also the major forces from all over the world, all of which are terrible enemies that you could not think of before." Fang Li said bluntly: "I-Yu is only one of them." Part, do you understand?"

"Don't treat me as an idiot!" Aria said with a grin in his face: "I certainly know how serious things are, and it is not the first day to be a martial!"

Indeed, in terms of the experience of Wuzheng, Aria is still above the square.

Fang Li became a martial law detector after he entered the school.

Aria, at the age of fourteen, has already begun to be active in Europe.

Therefore, in terms of the qualifications of Wushu, Aria is much higher than Fangli, and is a native of this world. He is born in the same place as the Holmes family. Naturally, he will not understand how the world is today.

"Just, those guys' goals are the bullets in my body?" Aria said with a natural look: "If this is the case, then there is nothing to worry about. Anyway, we have already prepared ourselves before. ?"

If that is said, then it is correct.

After returning to this world, Fangli and Aria were negotiated for the bombing.

The countermeasures were decided at that time.

"No matter who it is, as long as it is a criminal who has given me the bullets left by my grandfather, then all the holes will be opened!"

Aria's pair of blush-like jewel-like eyes turned to the side of the square, so open.

"We have already decided already?"

Therefore, the Battle of the Extreme East does not exist in the end, it does not matter at all.

The nature of anyway has not changed.

So, the helpless smile in the square, followed by a smile.

"You are right, there is really nothing to be surprised."

The affirmation in the square made Aria's eyes bent into a crescent shape, and the mood seemed to be very good.

However, I don't know if it is the illusion of Fang.

Fang Li always felt that Aria had a slight change to the crimson eyes.

What changed specifically, I can’t say it.

Just think...

"Hey, Aria." Fang Li could not help but ask: "Is your eyes brighter than before?"

It is this feeling.

In the former Aria, although the pupil of the eye was crimson, it had a deep feeling, like a gem buried in the ground. Although it was brilliant, it was inconspicuous.

But now Aria, the color of the pupil seems to be much brighter, just like a gemstone dug out of the earth, exudes a radiance.

However, Aria himself seems to be completely unconscious.

“Brighten?” Aria said in a puzzled way: “How can I not know that there is such a thing?”

After that, Aria did not know where to take out a small mirror and began to pick up the mirror in her hand.

"Oh... I feel a little bit... a little changed?"

Just when Aria blinked at the mirror, he heard a voice in the square.

"Hey, you have to be careful."

That is the voice of Hilda.

I saw that Hilda’s voice was slightly transmitted from the shadow of the square, and it was like a mosquito-like voice in the ear.

"The little girl at the Holmes home may become very dangerous."

This sentence is exactly the same as what Lei Ji said at the beginning.

Unfortunately, there is no time to ask in the party.

In the next second, the phone in the square suddenly rang.

The person calling is Jude.

And Jude just flustered and gave this sentence to Fang.

"Not good! The enemy is coming!"

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