Illimitable Until Death

: 781 Return after one year

When the square opened his eyes, the lawn of the familiar personal residence entered his field of vision.

"are you back?"

Fang Fang murmured, and then immediately looked at the reminder record of the main **** space.

"No. 11273 applies to leave the personal world in advance. The entry time in the world of "The Aria of the Missiles" has not yet arrived. During the rest time of the Lord God space, you can apply to enter the personal world again at any time until the end of the limited time. until."

If you calculate it carefully, what time has you spent in the world of "The Aria of the Missiles", even one-tenth of it has not passed?

According to the time ratio of 1:10, the square is actually just less than half a day before leaving the space of the Lord God.

"That is, my rest time in the Lord God space can still be calculated in ten days?"

Although accurate, it should be less than ten days.

"With such a calculation, I simply did not achieve the original purpose."

There is a little bit of laughter in the party.

Originally, Fang Li entered the personal world according to the suggestions of the two rituals. It is rare to give himself a vacation and really want to take a break.

It is a pity that in the world of "The Aria of the Missiles", there is no rest in the party, and almost always busy with various kinds of existence, as before, it is completely labor.

Of course, this labor is only after entering the space of the Lord God.

Before he entered the main **** space, Fang was a family squatter, and he was casual every day except for school.

"However, in this way, things in the world of "The Aria of the Missiles" are coming to an end."

Before, Fang Li left directly without any farewell, which indirectly caused various problems, so he took this time to rest and entered the world of "The Aria of the Missile."

Now, although the purpose of the break has not been reached, at least, this time it is no longer a good thing, but it has really come to an end.

There is still a lot of surplus in the rest time of the Lord God space.

"If this is the case..."

Fang Li’s mind unconsciously emerged as a girl’s figure and could not help but laugh.

Immediately, Fang Li looked up and looked up, and spoke loudly.

“Apply to enter the personal world.”


Since there are so many remaining breaks, there is no reason not to go back there.

Go back to the very important person who is waiting for his own world.

Thus, the system sound of the main **** space began to sound.

"No. 11273 applied to enter the personal world and began to match."

"The current personal world is: "Aria of the smashing bomb", "Study of the city asterisk", "Different world life from scratch", "Yue Ji"."

"Please choose the personal world you are applying for."

The system's prompt tone has just fallen from the mind of the party, and the choice is made directly.

"Study on the urban asterisk."

As soon as the voice is over, the system's prompt tone will immediately sound.

"The personal world is selected, and the selected personal world is "study war city asterisk", is it determined?"


"Selected successfully, the rest time in the main **** space is ten days, and the world is entered in a ratio of 1:10. It is necessary to deliver 20,000 redemption points. Is it delivered?"


"After delivery, after entering the personal world, you will not be able to trigger any task. No matter whether it is a main line task, a side line task or a hidden task, it will not be triggered. The other main **** messengers will not be able to enter the personal world, when the time is specified. When you arrive, if you want to stay, you will need to pay a certain amount of redemption points."

The familiar tone will fall again.

Then, in all the personal residences belonging to the party, the figure in the square disappeared from the air and disappeared.



The legendary vertigo has just faded away, and I feel a shock in my waist.

Feeling the vibration, the first thing in the square is a glimpse. Even if it seems to understand something, touch the pure white body that you don’t have on the lower back, smile.

"It’s just coming back, actually making you so excited?"

The sense of vibration naturally comes from the evil spirits.

At this moment, Boss seems to have noticed that he has returned to the familiar world, and a rare reaction has arisen.

"I always thought that you are an indifferent guy. There is no other feeling besides Jie Jie. Now it seems that you are just outside the cold inside?"

When talking about such a sentence that would make the evil spirits awkward, the square gently stroked the pure white body until it recovered calm, and then opened his eyes.

The snoring is almost in the ear of the party at the same time.

Because the location where Fang Li is standing is the center of the lively street.

One by one, people come and go, pass by and let the dialogue pass to the side.

"Have you bought a ticket for the "Lion Star Wushu Festival"? ”

"Don't say it, the tickets are basically sold out, I am still queuing online."

"Is it true? Are you buying tickets one month in advance?"

“Who makes that the most popular show in the world? Which one is not the case?”

"makes sense."

When I heard such a conversation, there was some surprise in the party.

"Is it already time to start the "Lion Star Wushu Festival"? ”

- "Phoenix Star Wu Festival".

- "Lion Star Wushu Festival".

- "Wang Long Xingwu Festival".

The three kinds of Xingwu Festival, with three years as a cycle, and one unit for one year, have become the most popular and popular super-large event in the world under the control of the six integrated enterprise consortiums.

When Fang Li left, it was not long before the "Fenghuang Star Wu Festival" just ended.

Now, has it been time to start the "Lion Star Wushu Festival"?

"It seems that my departure in this world is not only three months."

Having said this, Fang took out his own black ring and temporarily put it on, and found out the terminal that he used in the world.

After the terminal was turned on, the hand reached out and opened the space window in front of you to confirm the time.

Not in the square's expectation, the time left in the party, another month, just happened to be the year after the end of the "Phoenix Star Wu Festival".

In other words, the party left for almost a year.

Since the beginning of the "Lion Star Wushu Festival", online has almost all the hot posts related to it.

However, Fang Li only scanned these posts at a glance, and even searched for another hot topic.

- "Silveya - Chennaiheim".

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