I’m A Big Name In Naruto

Chapter 47 Sato Hu is in full bloom (seeking a flower evaluation vote!)

"Unexpectedly, there will be another food problem!"

Ye Lan looked at the words on the scroll and shook his head helplessly.

At this time, it has been half a month since Might wears them and Guy returns.

Because so many tiny countries were absorbed all at once, the population of Li Zhiguo directly increased to fifty thousand!

In addition, in some tiny countries, civilians often starve to death, so a large amount of food supply was immediately distributed over the stealth city.

No matter how big things happen, the common people's stomachs must be full, otherwise who wants to be your people?

The consequence is that there are only half a year left for food storage for many years. Although the super rice matures quickly, the population is large and the food is eaten more.

So the food problem has appeared again!

However, Ye Lan is not without gain, at least his civilians have become a generation of Ming-kun in their hearts, so that the civilians love him very much.

This is very important to Ye Lan, because he is going to conscript again. Only the civilians are willing to join the army, then the country of Lei can continue to develop.

"Huh, it seems that a single stealth city is still lacking as a planting base, and several more planting bases must be added."

Ye Lan exhaled a little irritably and said to himself.

"Well... let's list these three places as new planting bases!"

Ye Lan picked up the newly planned map and drew a circle for each of the three places in the northern part of the country of Lebanon. There were originally three tiny countries, but they were all defeated and naturally belonged to the land of the country of Lebanon.

"Let's do this first, and let Tajima Kaze issue this order later."

Recording the contents of the new planting base on a scroll in detail, Ye Lan stood up, stretched out, and walked to the residence.

It's still early, Ye Lan is naturally not going to sleep, but to practice.

In the past half month, apart from food and population, two larger things have happened in the country of Lebanon.

The first one was Might Dai. After possessing strong fruits, he practiced unscrupulously, and finally opened the Seventh Gate, shocking the door!

Then inside the military base, Might Dai excitedly performed a shocking move, that is, the day tiger.

As a result, the entire military base was pierced in half by this product, and Sato, who was a military trainer, beat him wildly.

Of course, this was when Might Dai didn't fight back.

After all, after opening the door, Might Dai's strength jumped to Kage-level, and even stronger. If one accidentally injured Sato Hu, it is estimated that Ye Lan would kill him.

And another thing was caused by Sato Hu.

After this guy went to Renji to cultivate spiritual power, he cultivated in less than half an hour, and his Reiatsu is very powerful!

In Renji's words:

"The quality of General Sato Hu's Reiatsu can compete with the deputy captain. If he keeps practicing, he can definitely become the new captain of the 13th Division in less than 50 years!"

Shinigami generally takes about a hundred years to have the strength of the captain class, except for some perverts.

And Sato Hu's talent obviously belongs to the category of pervert.

Of course, the contending with the deputy captain here is only the quality of Reiatsu. To become the deputy captain of the thirteenth division, not only a strong Reiatsu but also a lot of fighting skills and moves are needed.

This move is the White Slash Demon Walk, and it is a basic move that Shinigami must learn.

Regarding Shikai of Sato Hu, Ye Lan looked surprised. He thought that Sato Hu would need at least one month to complete the fit with Zanpakutō.

As a result, this product gave him a surprise and completed Shikai in just three days!

Although it is not comparable to Urahara Kisuke's three-day Bankai, this kind of talent is absolutely top in Soul Society!

Sato Hu’s Zanpakutō is named Lingba, and it is a very special existence. It is not a special Zanpakutō nor an auxiliary Zanpakutō. It is more like a soul armor and spear.

This Zanpakutō is also very powerful. In addition to its strong armor defense and powerful spear destructive power, it also comes with three unique tricks!

Reiatsu is powerful, Zanpakutō is also so awesome, Sato Hu is almost like it's broken!

And once Sato Hu opened Shikai, he was able to follow Might Dai who drove to the Fourth Gate five to five times. That was Jōnin's combat power!

This caused Ye Lan to fall into a strange state.

Who is the protagonist of this tm! *

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