I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 116: Hang you

Now the people under Zhou Meng were also taken aback, what's the matter? Why is Zhou Meng's progress bar gone?

At this moment, Liang Xue saw this situation, and his heart was immediately very happy. Didn't he feel happy just now, how is it now?

Liang Xue clicked in and found that the gift in Yier's live broadcast room was frantically brushed, exactly the same as his own situation just now.

Although Liang Xue lost to Yi'er just now, if she really wants to talk about it, Liang Xue still wants to let Yi'er win. After all, she and Yi'er don't know each other, but they do know Zhou Meng.

For example, if your friend is as unlucky as you, then your mood can be better, but if you lose but your friend wins, you will feel even more depressed.

What's more, Zhou Meng and Liang Xue are not friends, people like Liang Xue, of course, hope to see Zhou Meng unlucky!

"It's over, Zhou Meng will lose this next time!"

At this time, the girls who followed Zhou Meng's hand all sighed. Unexpectedly, they all brushed so many gifts, but they were all beaten back by the other party.

"This is completely finished, and the big meal is in the water."

The several "Navy Army" that Wang Qiang invited were also trying their best to give Zhou Meng gifts, but after all, they were few people, and they were not as good as the opponents, and they were soon overwhelmed by the opponents!

Seeing such a situation at this time, the local tyrants in the Yier live broadcast room suddenly clamored frantically!

"Hahahaha, do you think you won?"

"That's right, your little anchor is compared to my Yier! What about your brain?"

"Then it needs to be said that all of us are local tyrants. You are so poor and want to win. You can win!"

At this moment, Yi'er's subordinates on the other side were ridiculed, but Zhou Meng could only watch it blankly. After all, she had just started the live broadcast, and she had never thought that these people were so hostile.

Seeing such a situation, although Zhou Meng’s fans began to fight back, at this time, who could come up with a lot of money?

No way, the opposite is too strong,

Seeing those unbearable words, Zhou Meng couldn't stop feeling a little bit aggrieved, and his eyes were a little red.

She just wanted to have a live broadcast, but now she has encountered such a thing, then it is meaningless for her to do such a thing.

After thinking about it, Zhou Meng intends to apologize to her fans. After all, these fans have given her gifts, and then they don’t plan to continue the live broadcast. If the people above are like this, then what else does she live broadcast? What's the meaning?

But just when Zhou Mengming was about to close the live broadcast, he suddenly saw a reminder.

[Mr. Mystery sent a spaceship. 】

At this moment, on the screen of the mobile phone, a spaceship roared from the ground into the air instantly, occupying all the screens!

This animation can be described as sweeping people's hearts. After all, a spaceship is 10,000 yuan, which is already the highest level gift!

"Oh my God, Xiao Meng, look at that Mr. Mystery who had been supporting you before is also here!"

Seeing this id at this time, Zhou Meng's roommate immediately started twittering.

After all, they heard about it when Zhou Meng sang last time. Now that they saw this familiar id again, they naturally remembered it!

Sure enough, after the spacecraft was sent out, the blue progress bar that represented Zhou Meng immediately moved forward. Although there is still a gap with Yi'er, at least it’s not like the one just now. Power to fight back!

At this time, Zhou's dream of turning off the live broadcast stopped. She did not expect that even Mr. Mystery would also watch her live broadcast.

After all, Mr. Mystery never left a message in the small video that Zhou Meng sent when she was in the bar that day, and she thought that Mr. Mystery had already left.

Now that Mr. Mystery has actually come back, and he has helped himself so much, Zhou Meng's heart is immediately full of gratitude!

"Mr. Mystery, thank you so much!"

Zhou Meng said gratefully, and at this time, Shen Fei also typed a paragraph directly on the public screen:

"Actually, I didn't want to give you a gift. I just can't understand the people opposite. Each of them feels that it is great to have two cents. I will show them what the real tyrants are."

"Thank you, thank you very much, thank you so much!"

Zhou Meng said gratefully, but the people under Yi'er who were on the other side saw Shen Fei's speech, and they were suddenly out of breath!

"Damn, it's great to brush a spaceship, who can you not be able to brush it?"

"That is, say that we only have two cents, and that we are not a real local tyrant. Are you a real local tyrant?"

"It makes sense to have money. You said we were bullying you, but you are doing more!"

"Why didn't you pretend to be forceful with me just now, now that the time is coming, come out to pretend to be forceful, you know we still have the upper hand, you have the ability to brush a few more spaceships!"

At this time, Zhou Meng's local tyrants clamored frantically, and seeing this situation, Shen Fei smiled at the corner of his mouth and moved his fingers!

[Mr. Mystery gave Zhou Meng 10 spaceships]

All of a sudden, 10 spaceships directly set off in situ and launched continuously! Directly flash the eyes of these people!

And the progress bar representing Zhou Meng is like taking a stimulant, instantly crushing Yi Er's progress!

After all, Yier's gifts totaled 40,000 to 50,000, and these 10 spaceships were already 100,000!

All of a sudden, those people in Yier's live broadcast room were speechless, and Yier was also stunned!

She had thought that she would win, and the more Zhou Meng's staff brushed, as long as she didn't surpass herself, the more she would win.

But who would have thought that Zhou Meng's local tyrant would be better than all of them?

"What's the matter? All of them are dumb? If you have the ability, you can brush it against me, each one of them, do you want to point your face, specifically bully a little girl, and each of your mouths are posted like a cesspit. Didn’t you say that rich people are more reasonable? I didn’t show you who is more reasonable!”

Mr. Mystery directly made such a sentence!

In fact, Shen Fei is not a person who likes to scold others, but he just can't understand the foul language of those people just now.

They just bullied Zhou Meng, who was a thin-skinned novice, so they made such a move.

But Zhou Meng is the girlfriend of Shen Fei's roommate, and Shen Fei certainly wouldn't just watch it!

At this time, the girls around Zhou Meng, as well as Wang Qiang and others in front of the screen, did not dare to refute at all when they saw the person opposite, and they all felt relieved.

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