I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 291: Gave you a gift

"It's true, Xiaobai..." Before Qin Qiuyu could finish speaking, Li Feilong shouted: "Come on! Take this little **** to me for good treatment!

Our flying dragon will have the rules of the flying dragon club. Once you enter my house, you have to abide by my rules! "

As soon as Li Feilong's words fell, a big man walked out from the side and came to Xiao Bai in a few steps. He threw Qin Qiuyu away and grabbed Xiao Bai from Qin Qiuyu's side.

The big guy lifted Xiao Bai's arm and walked directly to the back of the hall.

"No! Xiaobai!"

Qin Qiuyu quickly got up from the ground and rushed towards the big guy, trying to rescue Xiao Bai from the big guy's hands.

This is simply impossible. Before Qin Qiuyu got close to the big guy, Qin Qiuyu was stopped by Li Feilong's other younger brothers, and put him back to Li Feilong's side.

Li Feilong looked at Qin Qiuyu coldly, "What are you calling, I am doing this for her good, as a human being, I have to let her know what the rules are since I was a child."

Qin Qiuyu and Li Feilong faced each other, seeing the disdain in Li Feilong's eyes, and suddenly understood something.

Sure enough, Li Feilong was deliberate.

He has a daughter who can’t speak. Many people know this. Li Feilong has been plotting against him. Shen Fei stayed with him for a night. He knew what happened to Xiaobai who was with him day and night, Li Feilong. How could I not know?

Li Feilong must know that Xiaobai can't speak. All of this today was planned by Li Feilong!

He was deliberately making things difficult for Xiaobai. Could it be that he already had a murderous intent on Xiaobai?

Qin Qiuyu trembled all over, not daring to think about it anymore.

Li Feilong was not a good person in the first place, and now he brought Xiao Bai over, I am afraid that Xiao Bai's life will not be easy from now on.

Do you really think that you have followed Li Feilong, and Li Feilong will treat Xiaobai as a daughter?

Qin Qiuyu gritted her teeth tightly, hating herself so naive.

Qin Qiuyu's heart was twisted like a knife, and now it was useless to understand that Xiaobai had been taken away by Li Feilong's men.

Qin Qiuyu watched with tears in his eyes as Xiaobai was taken away by the big guy. Although Xiaobai could not speak, he could make a sound.

Xiao Bai was terrified, she twisted her body desperately, struggling, "Ah, ah..."

Hearing Xiaobai's cry, Qin Qiuyu couldn't help but want to rush over, but was stopped by Li Feilong's men.

Li Feilong glared at Qin Qiuyu viciously, "Tell me to be honest!"

Qin Qiuyu couldn't help but watched Xiaobai being taken away, getting further and further away from him.

At this moment, a chaotic sound suddenly came from outside the door.

Then two people walked in the Feilonghui hall.

These two people walked in, just like walking into their own territory, not caring about the people present.

The two men carried a stretcher in. The stretcher was covered by a black cloth, and no one could see what was on the stretcher.

But it seems that the things on the stretcher are not light.

The two men are sturdy in stature. Normally, the stretcher should be carried by four people, but the two of them walked in without any effort.

All the people fixed their eyes on the two of them, but the two of them didn't have any expressions on their faces, and walked to the center of the hall without expression.

"Who! I don't know where this is, dare to be so presumptuous!"

Seeing these two people coming in, the Feilonghui people rushed over and surrounded them.

This is still a matter of thinking. Of course, they have to stop them. Where is the Flying Dragon Club? The Black Tiger used to be the boss, but now without the Black Tiger, the Flying Dragon Club is the big head.

Moreover, Li Feilong gathered everyone here today, and these two men came in with a stretcher so grandiosely, it was indeed too arrogant.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for these two outsiders to enter the hall so smoothly. Up to now, there is not even one person who has come to report. This really makes Li Feilong angry.

"Li Xiaodao! No one came to report!" Li Feilong shouted.

That's right, Li Xiaodao should be guarding outside on occasions like today, but now Li Xiaodao doesn't know where he is going, and Ma Zhenxiong sent someone to find him.

So these two people walked in in such a fair manner.

"This is what our young master gave to Li Feilong!"

Hearing this, the members of the Flying Dragon Club became angry immediately, "Asshole! How dare you know the name of our uncle! Is it right to die?"

These people took advantage of Li Feilong's presence here, and couldn't wait to show themselves in front of Li Feilong.

After yelling, one of the leaders rushed up directly and raised a fist at the heads of the two people.

The others followed suit and rushed up towards the two people.

This is the site of the Flying Dragon Association, not to mention the fact that the boss is still here, so blatantly clamoring, it must be a lesson.

Only a "bang!" was heard.

The man was kicked five meters away before he touched his fist.

The little brothers who followed the man stopped in fright and stood there looking at the two people carrying the stretcher in astonishment.

Now I was on the site of the Flying Dragon Society, and he kicked the people of the Flying Dragon Society openly in front of Li Feilong. This was obviously a provocation, and it was really too long for him.

Who is Feilong, how can he bear this tone? !

Suddenly, all the Feilonghui people present stepped forward and surrounded the two people tightly.

So many people surrounded the two of them, but the two of them were as calm and composed as before, without the slightest fear.

"Li Feilong, the visitor is a guest, let alone we brought you something, you are a little ignorant, right?" One of them said lightly.

"Presumptuous! Dare to talk to our boss like this! I think you are looking for death!"

One of Li Feilong's men roared.

The man ignored Li Feilong's men at all, and then said, "Li Feilong, this is what you are looking for."

After speaking, the two men put the stretcher on the ground.

When Li Feilong heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and he was slightly startled.


What have I been looking for?

Is it possible that the black tiger left behind something good?

Li Feilong was smashed into the field today, and he was naturally very angry, but when he heard this, he was really curious about what was on the stretcher.

And Li Feilong can see that these two people are not afraid of themselves. Is it because the things on the stretcher are indeed treasures that can make them happy, so these two talents are so confident?

Li Feilong's mind was full of thoughts, and at the same time he became more and more interested in the unit price.

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