I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 382: Missing 20 years ago

"Master Shen, if we really want to check, it's actually very easy to find out."

Seeing Shen Fei's appearance, Bai Guangyue comforted Shen Fei:

"Because there are not many people who know Gu art in the world, and in the past, Gu art was also a profession. Many people have lived by raising Gu for generations.

Although it is said that generations of kings have resisted Gu technique, the power of Gu technique is too tempting to completely prohibit it at all.

For this reason, some families began to conceal their names and secretly practice Gu technique. It was because of this that they kept the Gu technique intact.

If anyone in the world today has the ability to manipulate Gu, then I still know the names of these three sects and these three people. "

"Who is it!?" Shen Fei asked with staring eyes.

"Master Shen, take a closer look at the shape of this Gu," Bai Guangyue said.

Shen Fei looked at the Gu under the microscope again, still the same as before, and found nothing else.

"I didn't find anything." Shen Fei said.

"Master Shen, these leaves and branches are the family symbol of one of them. He made the Gu into the shape of the family symbol, so we have no way to determine what kind of Gu it is. This shows that this person's Gu technique is so brilliant."

"You can still operate like this?"

"Yes, the young master, this is the symbol of the Shang family. This guy is a master at using Gu. This is his habit. He wants to create his own Gu, an iconic Gu.

And he knew that if this way, no one else knew such stocks at all, and he couldn't be found at all. "Bai Guangyue said.

"Who is he?"

Bai Guangyue sighed, "He is Shang Tang, Master Shen, this person is quite terrifying."

"Shang Tang?" Shen Fei had never heard of the name. "If this is the case, why did he start with Zhou Manyun? What kind of grudge did Zhou Manyun have with him, and he was brutally attacked by him!"

Shen Fei's heart is full of anger!

After all, Zhou Manyun is You Manrong's mother, even if it is not her biological mother, You Manrong still regards Zhou Manyun as her biological mother!

Now that I know the murderer who hurt Zhou Manyun, I will never let him go!

"Master Bai, do you know this person?" Shen Fei asked.

"Well, Master Shen, to be honest, I haven't seen him for many years. The last time I saw him, I was more than 20 years ago, but I think if I see him again, I will definitely recognize him. he comes."

Bai Guangyue said hesitantly at this time.

After hearing this, Shen Fei clapped his hands:

"Well, as long as you can recognize him!"

"Master Shen, what do you think?"

Uncle Zhou, who was standing aside at this time, saw Shen Fei's appearance and asked in a low voice.

"Of course I have! Uncle Zhou, you have to trouble you to do this. I want you to do everything you can to find out. All the monitoring in Jiangcheng 4 months ago, especially the monitoring near Jiangcheng University, must be checked. !

Master Bai, you are responsible for finding this person in the surveillance. I must ask for justice for Zhou Manyun! "

At this time, Shen Fei looked cold and said bitterly.

When Bai Guangyue heard this, she laughed blankly:

"Master Shen, I am afraid it is useless for you to do this."

"Why do you say that?"

Shen Fei frowned, can't you find a clue like this?

"Because this Gu hasn't been caught in the messenger's body recently, if I read it correctly, it will be at least 20 years old."

What the hell? !

Gave it 20 years ago? !

Shen Fei was taken aback, "Isn't it!"

"It's true, Master Shen, because I found a large number of Gu worms in the body of the deceased. Basically, every cell of the body was filled with this kind of Gu worms. The deceased was because there were too many Gu worms in the body.

The body has been completely overloaded, and all body functions collapsed in an instant, so there is no chance of rescue. "

At this time, Bai Guangyue touched his beard and said to Shen Fei.

After hearing this, Shen Fei was also amazed.

It turned out to be like this. It's no wonder that when I was in the hospital, I couldn't find any problems, and the whole body's organs were failing too fast, which exceeded people's imagination. Now it seems that it is all the cause of Gu worms!

"Master Bai, if it goes back more than 20 years..."

Speaking of this, Shen Fei suddenly thought of something, "At that time, did you see Master Bai? Can you tell me in detail what this person is like!"

Bai Guangyue also nodded:

"Yes, I did meet him once twenty years ago. In fact, that encounter was also accidental. At that time, the family had already begun to develop the industry on Xisha Island.

But the matter was only a preliminary plan, and it had not been fully implemented yet, so at that time I was also looking for medicinal materials all over the country.

I happened to arrive in Wujiang City that year, and happened to meet the local big family Hu family to hold a wedding, because the Hu family is too big, everyone went to the wedding scene.

So I also went to the scene to join in the excitement. After I went there, I knew that the bride was a lady from the Ye family! "

"The marriage between the Hu family and the Ye family? I am really unfamiliar with these two families, but I seem to have heard someone talk about the Ye family. It seems to be a very powerful family."

Shen Fei frowned. He didn't know much about the affairs of other families, but this Ye family was very powerful, and even the Shen family could break the wrist with them!

"Master Shen, you are right. Both the Hu Family and the Ye Family are powerful families, but the Hu Family's power is obviously much weaker, and there is no way to compare with the Ye Family.

Because of this, there were a lot of people attending the wedding back then. Not only the people from Shangtang, Monochrome, and Broken Sword Villa, but also the people attending the wedding, because this marriage shocked many people. I It was also one of them, because I was not on the list of wedding invitations, so I ended up pretending to be the coachman of the Hu family and got in. "

Thinking of what happened back then, Bai Guangyue also showed a trace of reminiscence, and then continued:

"But when I went in, I found that the wedding scene was not what I imagined. Except for the Hu family, none of the Ye family showed up.

The bride, Ye Wanqing, brought only one dowry maid. Besides, there was no one from the Ye family anymore. How could this Ye Wanqing also belong to the Ye family's eldest lady. There was no one to come for such a big thing as marriage.

This incident was very strange in any way, so I asked a guard who worked at Hu's house. "

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