I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 394: Former admirer

Shen Fei looked at the woman in front of him, opening his mouth with some difficulty, "You..."

"Why, don't you know me? You really forget things." The woman in front of her looked at Shen Fei again. Now she can confirm that the man in front of her is Shen Fei.

The woman adjusted her clothes, as if to allow Shen Fei to see her own brand name, and then shook the grandmother bag in her hand. With a slight movement of her mouth, she said lightly, "I am Bai Furong."

White hibiscus?

Shen Fei suddenly remembered that Bai Furong was his high school classmate!

I just didn't expect to be able to meet here!

To be honest, Shen Fei was still very happy. After all, after so many years, the two had never seen him again. When the fellow saw fellow, his eyes were in tears, not to mention being a young classmate.

"Bai Furong, we haven't seen you for many years. Since graduating from high school, I have never seen you again. I am so happy to see me today!"

Shen Fei said with a slightly excited smile at this time.

But Bai Furong didn't seem to be too happy, she still looked at Shen Fei coldly, with an indescribable smile on her mouth, and said disdainfully:

"I haven't seen you for so many years, it seems that you still haven't made much progress. This is because you can't mix in other places. Come here for transfer?"


This is true...

Actually, Shen Fei knew why Furong said so, and he also knew what Bai Furong thought.

This time, Shen Fei came out of Su Jiang to find You Manrong. He was really in a hurry. In addition to the fact that there were so many things a while ago, Shen Fei did not take care of himself properly, and the stubble on his face was not shaved. Now Shen Fei looked like a tramp.

"You are graduating your senior year soon, have you found a job?" Bai Furong asked.

Shen Fei shook his head.

Where did he still have the mind to find a job now, the primary purpose now is to find You Manrong, as for work, Shen Fei hasn't considered it at all.

Besides, with Shen Fei's identity, does he still need to find a job?

Bai Furong shook her head when she saw Shen Fei, and looked down on Shen Fei even more, "Then why did you come to Sujiang? Are you here to find a job?"

"Ah..." Shen Fei said vaguely.

"Where are you going?"

While talking, Bai Furong couldn't help but look at the aunt who was walking with Shen Fei just now.


Shen Fei was speechless for a while, how to say it.

Shen Fei had an idea, and said, "Well, no, I just walk around, I'm about to take a taxi to the city. I'll find a place to live first."

Of course, you can't tell the truth, tell Bai Furong that you want to go to the accommodation with the aunt who is holding the ** in her hand.

In fact, there was also a young story between Shen Fei and Bai Furong, but the result was not very good.

And just now, the aunt walked in front of herself, just for being happy, and finally able to get a fresh graduate like Shen Fei, she would definitely be able to kill her tonight.

This aunt was thinking about being happy. When she looked back, Shen Fei didn't even follow. The aunt is anxious now. Can the duck in hand make it fly again? The aunt hurriedly returned to Shen Fei's side:

"Man, why don't you leave? The place of accommodation is not far from here.

Recently, there are many students in this graduation season. If you are late, the good girl will be picked out by the family. "

When Shen Fei heard this, he was full of dying heart. At this moment, how could this aunt keep up again?

Bai Furong watched the scene in front of him without speaking, and stared at Shen Fei quietly, seeing how Shen Fei was going to explain, with a fascinating smile on her face.

Seeing the unexplained smile on Bai Furong's face, Shen Fei's expression was a bit unbearable, and he said directly to the aunt:

"Sister, who are you? Do we know? What did you say? Did you admit the wrong person?"

To be honest, Shen Fei is so angry that he just wants to hit someone, and it's pretty good to be able to talk to this aunt well.

Besides, in front of Bai Furong, how can you admit that you know this aunt? Even if this aunt takes herself to the hotel, if she really says that, can she still be a human being? Do you want this face anymore?

But this aunt doesn't think so. This aunt has been doing business at the station for so many years. She hasn't seen any kind of people. Besides, the aunt is a solicitor. She is shy and not shy regardless of the occasion or occasion. Yes, as long as it is to make money, the aunt can use any method.

Originally, this aunt was already quite happy, and felt that when she met such a talkative college student like Shen Fei, she would take it to the hotel for a while, and she would be able to make a lot of money from Shen Fei in a few words. How could she easily let go of such a good opportunity? .

"Hey, boy, you're not being authentic, haven't we already said it? I have a girl in eighteen or ninety years, but you want to be in your early twenties.

We also have girls in their early twenties, not to mention that I have shown you all the pictures of those girls, and you have agreed to them. Now why do you suddenly no longer recognize people? You can’t be like that for a young man. . "

This aunt is also a little annoyed. After all, such a good business is about to be completed. This young man said that he didn't know himself at this time. How could it be possible? This aunt is not a vegetarian.

But the aunt was worried that she had such a fierce meal, and then scared the kid away, and quickly changed into a professional smirk:

"Young man, don't worry, the quality of our girl must be very good. You have everything you want."

The aunt held onto Shen Fei's sleeve tightly, for fear that the cooked duck would fly.

There were 10,000 drafts in Shen Fei's heart.

This is a **** mess.

Just now, Shen Fei didn’t mean to go to the hotel to find a girl. He just heard this aunt say that there are many girls in her early twenties. These people caught them and sold them to such a place!

That's why Shen Fei wanted to follow this aunt to have a look at the hotel. He wanted to confirm whether there is Yumanrong in this place!

Although Shen Fei didn't want You Manrong to appear here, but since Shen Fei had such an idea, he had to confirm it, otherwise Shen Fei would not be able to feel at ease.

Who knew I would run into an acquaintance halfway through.

It turned out to be Bai Furong!

This is great, Bai Furong must have misunderstood herself!

At this time, Bai Furong showed an incomprehensible expression on her face, looking at Shen Fei with contempt, but there was also a lively emotion mixed in it.

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