I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 434: Inner demon

Seeing Ye Wanru's angry look at this time, the two people carefully asked:

"Aunt, then, what shall we do now?"

Ye Wanru was already full of anger at this time, she hated it!

"Shen Fei! You can't run, I will never let you go easily!"

Ye Wanru said lightly, and no one noticed that a smile appeared quietly at the corner of Ye Wanru's mouth.

At this moment, Ye Wanru’s servant knocked on the door.

"Come in." Ye Wanru gave an order, and then a maid walked in from outside the door.

"Auntie, someone outside wants to see you and said that he is from the Shen family."

Hearing this, Ye Wanru was very surprised:

"You just mentioned the person from the Shen family? Who is he?"

There are people from the Shen family who took the initiative to see him. If something like that happened, wouldn't he be afraid to kill him?

"It's a person named Shen Shichao."

Hearing this, Ye Wanru frowned slightly.

Five minutes later, Ye Wanru walked directly into the living room.

"What can you do to see me?"

Ye Wan sat at the table at this time, looking coldly at the young man with a three-to-seven distribution type in front of him.

In fact, Ye Wanru should have met this young man. When she was on Shenguang Island, Ye Wanru saw him when she was looking around the hall.

At that time, he was not far from Ye Wanru, but Ye Wanru didn't look at him more, and walked past him directly.

Now that something happened to the Shen family just now, this kid named Shen Shichao came to find himself, what on earth did he want to do?

"Aunt Qingqiu, I'm here to apologize to my aunt today. The kid Shen Fei doesn't know the current affairs and provokes my aunt. Even if he has no place to bury him, I, as the Shen family, came here specially this time. I apologized to my aunt."

At this time, Shen Shichao said with a flattering expression. After finishing speaking, Shen Shichao paused and raised his head to carefully glance at Ye Wanru.

Seeing Ye Wanru frowned slightly, she seemed very dissatisfied with Shen Shichao's statement.

"You came to tell me this?"

Ye Wanru's eyes narrowed slightly, and they appeared to be narrow and long. She didn't know what the Shen family named Shen Shichao came to do to him, and they said such a lot of useless bullshit!

With these words, Ye Wanru didn't want to hear a word!

But seeing Ye Wanru's expression, Shen Shichao smiled slightly, and then said:

"Aunt, don’t worry. As far as I know, Shen Fei is already heading south, and it is estimated that he will live there in the future. Now Shen Fei has completely left the Shen family and will never come back again. I also hope that my aunt will be able to Quiet your anger."

Hearing this, Ye Wanru's heart couldn't help but moved. Despite this, Ye Wanru didn't show it on the surface, just nodded faintly:

"Well, if you have nothing else, you can go."

Then Ye Wanru asked the maid to take Shen Shichao out.

After Shen Shichao was gone, Ye Wanru's face showed a faint expression.

This person was not interceding with Shen Fei, but had come to report to himself, and he revealed such an important news!

However, since he already knew the location of Shen Fei, he couldn't let him go!

Then Ye Wanru called the two bodyguards over and directly ordered:

"Now I have grasped Shen Fei's movements. It is the one going to the south. You will catch up right now.

This matter must be done well, and Shen Fei must never have a chance to survive again. "

"Yes! Aunt!"

After the two bodyguards received the order, they left without stopping.

At this moment, someone was watching on a big tree outside, watching the two bodyguards leave quickly, and a smile appeared on that person's face.

"Sure enough, if Ye Wan had already killed Shen Fei, this time Shen Fei would definitely be dead! Coconut!"

This speaker is Shen Shichao who just came out of it!

As Shen Fei said, Shen Shichao is actually not stupid. At that time, Shen Mao just heard what Ye Wanru said in Shen Fei's expulsion ceremony, and felt a little bit tricky. Later, he naturally figured out what it meant.

After all, Ye Wanru is not a nasty person, Shen Fei's good-bye to her, even if she drives Shen Fei out, can Ye Wanru relieve her anger?

Therefore, Shen Shichao believed that Ye Wanru would definitely do something to Shen Fei, and then Shen Shichao kept pestering Shen Maocai, not leaving Shen Maocai every step of the way, and pretending to be very worried about Shen Fei in order to obtain information about Shen Fei.

It was only later that Shen Mao distracted him, leaving Shen Shichao with no choice. He was not upset, so naturally he went to find Shen Fei, wanting to insult Shen Fei at the end and avenge him!

However, Shen Shichao saw Uncle Zhou, and he was very happy. He went back quietly and kept secretly hiding near the airport. He kept staring with binoculars to see which plane Shen Fei was on.

Although Shen Shichao was already 80% sure that Ye Wanru was going to kill Shen Fei, he was not very sure.

So Shen Shichao came to tell Ye Wanru the news, but Shen Shichao was from the Shen family after all, and he couldn't tell the matter directly. You must tell Ye Wanru vaguely. You can't let Ye Wanru find out that she already knows what she wants. Kill Shen Fei.

That's why Shen Shichao used the pretence to plead for Shen Fei and accidentally revealed Shen Fei's direction to Ye Wanru.

It's a pity that Ye Wanru had already figured out the purpose of this guy, but it was the same as Ye Wanru, so he sent someone to deal with Shen Fei directly.

The reason why Shen Shichao didn't leave after coming out of Ye Wanru's room was because Shen Shichao wanted to confirm whether Ye Wanru wanted to attack Shen Fei.

Now that Shen Shichao saw the two bodyguards set off quickly, he naturally understood everything in his heart!

"Hey, Shen Fei, this time I see if you die!"

At this time, Shen Shichao let out a dark smile, extremely proud!


At this moment, a helicopter was flying over the Indian Ocean.

"Master Shen, the destination is ahead." The driver said, but his voice was a little choked.

Shen Fei couldn't help but looked down. He could already see the land. Seeing the land meant that he had to get off the plane and leave.

"Master Shen, in fact, the helicopter can land on the Shen family's special base, but your current status...So, I can only land on the land ahead."

Although the driver did not finish speaking, Shen Fei could understand the meaning of this. Shen Fei smiled bitterly and nodded.

The driver said heavily, "Master Shen, I'm sorry. I've made you wronged."

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