I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 499: Liang Xue again

Xing Xiaomei’s biggest wish before was not to become Yu Daxiang’s wife, but that Yu Daxiang would not kick herself before she graduated!

This humble mentality makes people feel extremely speechless.

Now both Yu Daxiang and Guo Fang begged themselves humblely, Xing Xiaomei immediately felt very refreshed, this feeling is really amazing, as if all the insults they had suffered before were all gone at this moment.

At this moment Xing Xiaomei finally straightened her back, and finally it was Yu Daxiang's turn to plead with herself.

But soon, Xing Xiaomei's comfort was gone.

Because Xing Xiaomei knew in her heart that although Liu Yan'er was her cousin, and Liu Yan'er had a good relationship with Shen Fei, what she did to the two of them today was a bit too much.

Xing Xiaomei recalled what she said to Shen Fei today, and her attitude towards Shen Fei, she couldn't help but become scared.

Just now, Shen Fei didn't lick his own two mouths, it was already good, and now he went to plead with Shen Fei, wouldn't that be looking for death?

When Xing Xiaomei thought of this, she regretted it.

Why didn't you tell that Shen Fei was a rich second generation? Even if you didn't see it, even if you said a few good things, you can take a step back, even if you didn't say good things, you didn't say those bad things!

If that's the case, now I can say a few words in front of Shen Fei and help them beg for mercy. At any rate, he is also Liu Yan'er's cousin, and it is impossible for Shen Fei to give himself this face.

If Shen Fei really cares about his own face and let go of Guo Fang and Yu Daxiang, then he will really be highly regarded at Wujiang University in the future, who would dare to embarrass himself again.

Maybe by that time, even Zhou Shao would treat himself differently, let alone Guo Fang and Yu Daxiang these two bugs, even if they were asked to wash their feet up, they would be stubborn. Ran over.

This is such a good opportunity that she didn't even seize it. Xing Xiaomei felt more regretful the more she thought about it, and became more angry the more she thought about it, she hated herself! She hates it!

Xing Xiaomei stomped her feet in a hurry, but it was useless to stom the ground through. It had already happened and there was no chance to make up for it.

Shen Fei drove the Lamborghini around the square several times, and then when he stepped on the gas pedal, the car rushed out like flying. I don't know how long it took before the car finally stopped on the side of a sparsely populated road.

Since Liu Yaner got on this Lamborghini, she has been in shock. She can't believe that this car is actually Shen Fei.

Especially on this road, Liu Yaner saw Shen Fei driving the car very naturally, and knew everything in the car very well.

He was very nervous just now. After being noticed by Shen Fei, he didn't even look at himself, and directly told himself that there was a tissue at the bottom right of the seat.

There is no need to ask at all, Shen Fei knows this car so well, it must be his own car.

Liu Yan'er spent all the time to calm her mood, until the car stopped, she stammered and said:

"Shen Fei...you..."

It is normal for Liu Yan'er to have such a reaction. After all, Liu Yan'er is from an ordinary worker's family. Nowhere have you seen a luxury car like this, and the scene Liu Yan'er at the concert just now dare not even think about it. miss you.

"I know what you are thinking now, and I can also feel your current mood. Liu Yan'er has known each other for so long, and you often helped me when I was in college.

Today I will tell you the truth. It is what you think. I am indeed a super rich man, and this car is indeed mine. I know the man with glasses just now. I lent him this car. of. "

Shen Fei and Liu Yan'er got out of the car, Shen Fei leaned against the front of the car and looked at Liu Yan'er quietly.

It can be seen that Liu Yan'er is very shocked now, her mouth is slightly open, just standing there blankly, she can't say what she wants to say in her heart.

After a few minutes, Liu Yaner squeezed out a word, "So you are a super rich man. I have known you for so long... I don't know at all, I thought...

I thought you were an ordinary person like me, but I didn't expect that your identity would be so..."

Shen Fei's heart was a little bitter, and he couldn't help but smile. Yes, he is indeed a super rich man, but that is already a thing of the past. As for the identity of a rich man, it has nothing to do with him, but this car is indeed his own. of.

But Shen Fei didn't tell Liu Yan'er these words, because Shen Fei felt that things about her family were a bit complicated, even if she told Liu Yan'er herself, it seemed that she couldn't understand it.

And Shen Fei also considered that if Liu Yan'er knew about the affairs between her family, she would probably be worried about it. In that case, why should she worry about her in vain.

Liu Yan'er suddenly raised her head, "Does Liang Xue know about this?"

Shen Fei was startled slightly, and then she understood why Liu Yan'er would ask this, because the three of them had a very good relationship at the time, and Liu Yan'er was also very clear about the matter between herself and Liang Xue.

In Liu Yaner's cognition, Liang Xue broke up with Shen Fei because Shen Fei had no money. After the breakup, Shen Fei was very painful, and it took a long time to get out of the shadow of broken love.

At such a sudden question, Shen Fei really didn't know how to answer, saying that Liang Xue didn't know, and Liang Xue knew too. If you want to say she knew, she really didn't know at the beginning.

"Uh... she knows." Shen Fei said thoughtfully: "To be precise, she didn't know about this at first, but she only knew about it later, but at that time..."

Shen Fei couldn't help but think of the scene when he finally met Liang Xue, and remembering the angry and hateful eyes that Liang Xue looked at him, Shen Fei's heart really felt something unspeakable.

Shen Fei sighed long, "After all, I am sorry for this matter."

"Where did you feel sorry for her? When you two were together, you were so kind to him. Even if you were sorry, she was sorry for you." Liu Yaner said.

"No, I was really wrong with this matter. When I was with her, I should have told her my family and my identity.

At the beginning of this relationship, I should tell her the truth and should not hide her like this. "

Although Shen Fei has nothing to do with Liang Xue now, and he has completely let go of Liang Xue in his heart, but every time Shen Fei thinks of this incident, he always feels that he is not magnanimous enough.

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