I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 530: wake


Hearing this, Feng Huodan was immediately stunned. Although she had been searching for the young master for a long time, she joined late, so she really didn't know about these things!

Yu Canghai leaned into Feng Huodan's ear, "While the young master is not here, I can tell you quietly, in fact, our young master is also a passionate and lustful master, but he had an affair with many women back then.

It’s also said that you die under the peony flower, and you are also happy to be ghosts. Which man doesn’t like this kind of thing. As the saying goes, heroes are sad for beauty, but we are not the same as the young master. Body. "


Feng Huodan frowned, "I know that Young Master is passionate, but... I just didn't expect Young Master to have so many women..."

"A man does not have three wives and four concubines, let alone our young master, this is not normal." Yu Canghai said.

"But... the young master now is different from before. He is no longer a carefree person. I think now the young master is a good person with an honest duty, and he must be very loyal to feelings.

You don't know. Last time, when I looked at the young master, the young master blushed a little, and he didn't dare to stare at me. "

As Feng Huodan was talking, he couldn't help lowering his head and pursing his lips.

Afterwards, Feng Huodan raised his head and asked earnestly: "Hey, you said, if the young master is awakened from the power in his body and changed back to the way he was before, will he still be as passionate as before?"

"Hey, you are thinking a little bit more now. Besides, this is not an important matter. If you have nothing to do, you can find me the medicinal materials. The little girl will have to use it later."

Yu Canghai was bent over and was pulling his new medicinal materials, not interested in the topic of whether the young master would become passionate.

In the past, Yu Canghai focused on fortune-telling, but now Yu Canghai focused on finding medicinal materials.

"However, I still think that the young master is the young master after all. There are many women around him. It is normal to have wives and concubines in groups. The young master is really awakened, his ability will return, and his character will of course be renewed. came back."

"Ah..." Feng Huodan was startled, and had nothing to say.

"Hey, I saw the medicine just now, why is it gone for a while, Feng Huo Pill, don't be stunned, hurry up and find it for me, it will be really useful for a while."

At this time, in the small room inside the drug store.


A young girl suddenly opened her eyes, probably because she just woke up. The girl's mind has not fully recovered, and her eyes are a little dull.

Dim and dumbfounded...

The girl tried to tilt her head and looked around. It was a room.

in the room? Shouldn't people be left in the air after death?

There is only such a small bed in this small room, and the reason it is dim is because only a small window above can let in a faint light.

The decoration of the room seems to be back to ancient times. The house seems to be made of wood, and there is a sword hanging on the wall. It looks chilly, and there is a strong smell of herbs around it.

"Where is this? I... Am I alive..." the girl murmured.

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a strange old man walked in from outside.

The girl was shocked and asked tremblingly: "Who are you?"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to wake up so soon." The old man nodded with joy, seemingly satisfied with the result.

"Drink this bowl of medicine." As the old man said, he walked towards the girl and handed the medicine bowl to the girl's hand.

"Girl, there is something you can't think of at a young age. You have met me, otherwise you would have become a handful of ashes now."

"Ah? Am I not dead? I'm still alive?! How could this be possible, I'm obviously already..."

As she spoke, the girl couldn't help raising her left arm, "His...it hurts..."

"Little girl, don't move, the wound on your arm is still very deep," the old man said.

The girl looked down at the place entangled with gauze.

"You don't need to look, you are still alive now, if I didn't hit the heart directly, I would be able to **** someone back from Lord Yan.

Little girl, I really don’t understand. Why do you want to commit suicide when you say you are in a good time? Old man, I have lived for thousands of years, and it’s not too long to live..."

This old man was Yu Canghai, but he accidentally told the truth while he was speaking, and when he realized that something was wrong, he quickly stopped.

The girl didn't take Yu Canghai's words seriously, thinking that the old man was joking with herself, she couldn't help but smiled and said, "Then, grandpa, you must be a fairy of Daluo, you have already lived thousands of years, hehe."

"Look, what a beautiful little girl, it would be a shame if she really died. I have seen so many people and many things in my life. You young people have trouble feeling well, and you can't bear it in your heart. Do everything for love..."

Hearing what Yu Canghai said, Hu Anran was a little embarrassed and couldn't help lowering his head.

"Hehe, I'm right, young, too young, can love be more important than life? Ask me to say, you young people should really have a good experience, girls, good men have some, it's not worth it for him One who is looking for life and death."

Yu Canghai now has a very sense of accomplishment, because he rescued Hu Anran, and now he knows that Hu Anran committed suicide for love. As an old man, Yu Canghai inevitably wants to talk.

Hu Anran looked at the old man in front of him, and felt that he was very kind. In any case, after all, he also saved his life.

Moreover, this old man seems to be not too young, but he is different from the old men he has seen before. He is quite a lot older, and he speaks just the same.

But when Hu Anran heard what Yu Canghai said, his face suddenly became serious, and he shouted to Yu Canghai:

"He is not such a person! Not what you think!"

After speaking, Hu Anran also realized his gaffe. How could this grandfather be his savior, how could he speak to him like this.

Hu Anran quickly changed his attitude, "It's not like that, he has never done anything to sorry me."

Yu Canghai is so old, naturally, he would not take a young girl seriously. What Hu Anran said just now, Yu Canghai did not take it seriously.

"Girl, you are really trapped by love. You are still talking to your boyfriend. Do you know that you almost left this world forever."

Yu Canghai couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He is really a child with deep affection. It's time for this little girl to still speak for that kid.

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