I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 602: trap

But You Manrong couldn't help it. The music was still going on, and everyone else had changed venues. He couldn't always stand stupidly on the stage. This kind of behavior is absolutely taboo in the performance.

Anyway, I have already reached this point. How can I easily turn around? Shen Fei is still waiting for him at home, and he can't give up this opportunity to make money anyway.

You Manrong moved slowly and came to the stage. He didn't know what happened. When You Manrong was dancing on the stage just now, he was not nervous at all. Now he is standing in the crowd of men under the stage. It feels like there is a sense of crisis, as if they can be caught at any time.

You Manrong had noticed that these men were staring straight at him. Their eyes were disrespectful and full of jokes, which made You Manrong very disgusted.

Suddenly, Yu Manrong felt that someone was touching him, and turned around in shock, and realized that he was so close to the man. Yu Manrong quickly changed his dance moves and jumped away from the man just now.

You Manrong only then secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help feeling in his heart: "It was really dangerous just now!"

You Manrong was completely immersed in the shock just now. At this moment, he didn't know where he gave birth to a pair of big hands. He hugged You Manrong's waist all at once, and pulled You Manrong directly towards the other direction.

You Manrong was completely unprepared, and suddenly screamed in shock. Immediately after, You Manrong felt that his body touched a warm body, and at the same time, the man's alcohol also passed into You Manrong's body. nasal cavity.

Yuman couldn't help but frowned, and when Yumanrong reacted, he found that he had been trapped in his arms by an old man.

You Manrong stared with a pair of big eyes, just to face the old man, "Such a handsome chick, is new here? Not bad, not bad, really good."

With that said, You Manrong felt a pair of big hands walking on his body.

For an instant, You Manrong's head buzzed, his brain went blank, and the whole person was silly there.

Youman began to struggle subconsciously, trying to break free from the old man's arms, "Let go of me! I'm just here to dance...I..."

Regardless of whether this person is already quite old, he is still an old man, but his strength is still greater than Youmanrong, and Youmanrong has no way to escape.

"I know you are here to dance. After all, you are a newcomer. Sure enough, you don't understand the rules. Do you think they are here to dance?" said the old man.

Youman couldn't help but look at Lingling's people and suddenly panicked. I don't know when Lingling and the others were already sitting on those men, and they started to kiss those men!

Those men's hands were wandering around Lingling and the others restlessly. You Manrong quickly turned his head. Yu Manrong was too big to be able to stand it anymore, and could not help covering his face with his hands.

"I can see that you are a newcomer. Just learn more from them in the future. In fact, I can teach you too."

The old man looked at You Manrong with a squint, then slowly moved closer to You Manrong's small face, and grabbed Yu Manrong's **** with his big hands.

"Ah!" You Manrong screamed loudly, trying to stand up like fleeing for his life, but it was a pity that You Manrong was too weak to break free.

The old man looked at You Manrong with an obscene smile, "What a lovely girl, don't be afraid, I will be very gentle with you, you can treat me as your boyfriend."

As soon as these words came out, You Manrong only felt nauseous in his heart.

Shen Fei?

Shen Fei has never done anything like this to himself!

Such an old man dared to be compared with Shen Fei, which is simply disgusting!

With just such a sentence, Yu Manrong suddenly thought of Shen Fei. He didn't know where Yu Manrong's strength came from, and he broke free from the old man, turned and ran outside.

In fact, You Manrong didn't know exactly where the exit was. He just ran ahead by himself, tears streaming down.

If Shen Fei knew about his own dancing here, would Shen Fei be angry with himself, would he ignore him again.

But, but now I really need money, and now I have nowhere to go, how can I live without money.

At this moment, You Manrong suddenly bumped into someone. You Manrong subconsciously bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"You Manrong? Why did you come out now?" The person You Manrong met was not someone else, but He Bi, the manager of the club.

Although He Bi didn't know what was going on inside, but seeing You Manrong's appearance, he probably understood something in his heart, frowned slightly, but he didn't show too much anger.

"He, Manager He, I, I don't think I can do this job!"

Yu Manrong summoned the courage to say, because Yu Manrong was really scared at this moment.

At that moment, You Manrong seemed to wake up suddenly, and she immediately understood what a clubhouse was? Why did He Bi said that there are illegal activities and non-violation activities in the company?

He Bi's sentence itself is contradictory. In other words, doesn't it just show that this company has illegal activities? !

You Manrong suddenly thought of this company. In case it is a scam group, and he embarks on this road because of lack of money, it will be difficult to get out even if you want to quit this business in the future. As long as you think of Yu Manrong’s , I'm not at ease.

"It doesn't matter. I also know that you have not been in contact with this industry before. You will definitely not adapt to it the first time you do it. I have already said that today is for you to come for an interview.

Since you think it’s not appropriate, it’s okay. If you want to do it in the future, you can contact me at any time. "He Bi said lightly.

You Manrong originally thought that if He Bi knew that he didn't want to do this job, he might be very angry, at least he wouldn't look good on him, but he didn't expect He Bi's attitude to be so plain and didn't mean to blame himself at all.

"Thank you, Manager He, then I will leave first." You Manrong said politely.

"Hey wait a minute, although today is an interview, but this big evening will not let you go for nothing. Here is 2,000 yuan, it is your appearance fee tonight, take it."

He Bi took out a stack of cash from his wallet and handed it to You Manrong.

You Manrong didn't expect to come to the interview by himself, even if he was still rich.

"Appearance fee?" You Manrong said in surprise.

"Yeah, today this dance can't let you dance for nothing. You have to pay for the show if you dance, take it, you deserve it," He Bi said.

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