I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 612: Shot

They have been fighting here for a full five months, and during these five months, Shen Fei slowly learned a lot about the white-haired hero, plus what Yu Canghai and the others had told themselves before, to the end At that time, Shen Fei had already figured everything out.

The Zen master in front of him wanted to occupy his body and return to the real world. How could Shen Fei agree to not say what the Zen master would do to the current beautiful world after he went out.

Just let Shen Fei replace this Zen master and have been living in this endless water world, Shen Fei would never agree.

"My dignified Zen master, who actually reincarnated to be like you, is simply detrimental to my prestige!" At this time, the white-haired British master glared at Shen Fei and roared loudly.

Shen Fei was also angry, pointing at the Zen master and cursing:

"Devil! It's been such a long time, you are still vicious! When you were dying, but you said yourself, don't kill so many more, it's all..."

"Shut up!" Hearing Shen Fei calling his demon, the hero of Zen suddenly became furious, "I'll say it again! I'm not a demon! I'm the hero of Zen! Does anyone dare to talk to me like this! If you can Kill you, you have died a million times!"

"How?! I just like your look like you can't understand me and can't beat me to death. Are you out of breath?" Shen Fei said basely.

White-haired angrily stomped his feet: "Don't be proud of me here. I saw how you were after being reincarnated. I regretted it at that time. I might as well just die!

I don't want to waste your time here. Do you know that during the 5 months we have been here, the body has no IQ now. To put it bluntly, it is an intellectual disability! "

"I don't care what you say, anyway, I will never let you out!" Shen Fei still clung to her white hair.

"Well, in this case, let's not go out. Anyway, your beloved Yuman Rong is about to be attacked by others. Whether this life can stay or not is still a question. Ouch, it seems very miserable. Ah." said the white hair gloating.

"What?! How did you know?!" Shen Fei was shocked at the time.

"Of course, you can't think of my energy. Although you and I are the same person, I can perceive the body. Within a certain range, I can perceive anything in contact with the body, but you cannot.

I can now clearly feel her helplessness and fear, alas, without me, this world will disappear again. "The white hair said faintly.

The more he downplays, the more bottomless Shen Fei's heart is, "Are you playing tricks with me, do you want to use Man Rong to lie to me?!"

"Haha, I just told you, believe it or not, you can also try it." Baifa smiled slightly, and stopped resisting.

Shen Fei's body was shocked. He felt that gray hair did not seem to be lying, and he suddenly panicked: "No, I want to go out to save Man Rong! Go out! Let me go out!"

"It's up to you? Let's forget it, so many people, what can you do if you go there, if you really want to save him, let me go." Baifa said.

Shen Fei didn't hesitate when he heard this, and he let go of his gray hair, "Go ahead, go and save Man Rong!"

Although Shen Fei knew that letting the British Lord go out was definitely not a good choice, but Shen Fei definitely could not watch You Manrong being bullied by others like this.

As for what the world is like, then... let's talk about it then.

Seeing that Shen Fei had agreed, the hero smiled, and then disappeared into this water world instantly!

And inside the private room at this time.

Jia Huangpao was preparing to untie You Manrong's underwear with a smile, and He Yiwu was waiting by the side, also looking expectantly.

No one noticed the change in Shen Fei's eyes, and a gleam of light flashed across the already lackluster eyes.

And just as Jia Huangpao had already unwrapped the straps on You Manrong's clothes and was about to untie it, he suddenly heard a voice from behind him:

"Dead old man! You stop me!"

Shen Fei sternly shouted at Jia Huangpao.

Shen Fei's voice was not loud, but the moment he said it made everyone feel very majestic, and everyone's heart was shocked.

Jia Huangpao looked back at Shen Fei. He was about to scold Shen Fei, but when he met Shen Fei's eyes, he found that Shen Fei's eyes were completely different from before. There were many things in those eyes. , It made people feel a tingling scalp, Jia Huangpao couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Immediately afterwards, Jia Huangpao felt a blur in front of him, and for a moment he couldn't see anything clearly. He only felt that a powerful aura emanating from Shen Fei's body, and suddenly began to feel anxious in his heart.

This feeling is really horrible, it seems that one of his hands is tightly holding his throat invisibly, and there is a sense of suffocation that can't breathe.

Shen Fei slowly walked towards Jia Huangpao, scared Jia Huangpao trembling all over, wanted to shout but couldn't. Jia Huangpao opened his eyes and looked at He Yiwu in horror.

But when He Yiwu saw Jia Huangpao's eyes, he became happy and said directly to Shen Fei:

"Smelly boy! You are not dead! I think if you don't maimed you today, you really won't give up!"

Of course, He Yiwu was happy. He was a fighting champion, and Shen Fei was a mere mere hitting him. It was just like punching a sandbag.

Just now, He Yiwu wanted to show his boxing power in front of everyone, but he didn't expect that Shen Fei would only fight so few times without being able to fight. The whole person was paralyzed on the ground as if he was half dead.

Now the opportunity has come again. At this moment, we must teach Shen Fei a good lesson, and beat him all over looking for teeth.

With a "huh", He Yiwu's fist hit Shen Fei's head directly. With this punch, He Yiwu used a lot of strength to ensure that Shen Fei's IQ went from 6 to 0!

Everyone looked at He Yiwu, knowing that this punch was about to hit Shen Fei's face, and then Shen Fei's head might be blooming!

Everyone is watching expectantly, waiting for when Shen Fei is finished!

And the women in the private room had already anticipated the consequences of Shen Fei, and they closed their eyes in fright.

"Don't be so fierce."

Shen Fei gently opened He Yiwu's hand, pretending to be shy.

He Yiwu was completely unprepared. He never thought that Shen Fei was able to push his fist away. Then he heard "Duang" and Shen Fei directly punched He Yiwu, as if he was knocked down by a car. , Hit the wall heavily.

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