I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 631: Heroine

Wang Hua smiled very satisfied, "Well, let's get in the car and go to the crew to audition now. If appropriate, we will start signing the contract."

Shen Fei followed Wang Hua's car, and the car ran directly in the direction of the film and television city.

After about an hour, I finally came to the gate of the film and television city.

"Mr. Shen, take this brand well." Wang Hua handed Shen Fei a listing.

Shen Fei lowered his head and saw that it was written in large characters, "Staff".

"As long as you hold this sign, you can freely enter and exit the building. On the first floor of the building is the lounge, where many people will rest and have some refreshments. You can go in directly with the sign in a while." Said.

Shen Fei nodded and walked into the building.

As soon as he entered the hall, Shen Fei felt that it was really different here. The people who came and went were all of good shape and stylishly dressed. They looked like people in the entertainment circle.

Shen Fei saw it at a glance. There was a very beautiful young woman sitting there on the middle sofa. There were many people standing around her, serving her tea, and someone helping her massage her. .

It seems that she is also a star, and she has some status at first glance, but Shen Fei doesn't know who she is. After all, Shen Fei doesn't care about things in the entertainment circle.

So Shen Fei brought the children into the building alone. When the security guards saw Shen Fei holding the listing, they wouldn't say anything. Everyone was busy as usual, and no one noticed Shen Fei coming in.

Suddenly a sharp voice came from behind, "What's the matter? How do you security guards work as errands? Didn't even a worker come in to find out?!"

Shen Fei glanced back subconsciously, and saw a decent woman standing in front of him looking at him contemptuously.

Seeing Shen Fei's dirty appearance, this woman frowned immediately with a look of disgust.

Originally, no one in this building noticed Shen Fei at all, but being called by this woman attracted everyone's attention.

"Who is this man? How did he get in?"

"This is not a member of the crew, look at the dress like this,"

"Obviously he is a worker on the construction site, why did he come in here? Don't hurry him out!"

For a while, everyone sneered at Shen Fei.

"Well, I'm here to audition." Shen Fei said as he took out the work card that Wang Hua had just given him. "Look, I still have a work card."

Shen Fei did not say that he was here to audition for the actor, because Wang Hua just said that he would let himself audition, and would only sign the contract if appropriate, and that Shen Fei saw so many people that he couldn't even look down on him at all. Isn't it a slap in the face?

Everyone stopped talking as soon as they saw this sign, and even the woman just now was not convinced, she only had her arms around and looked at Shen Fei.

"After doing it for a long time, it turned out to be an extra. An extra came here to take a rest and pour me coffee without adding sugar." The woman said disgustingly.

Shen Fei glanced at this woman and felt very upset. He didn't like her attitude at all. If he were to be a grumpy man, he should have beaten her.

It's a pity that Shen Fei doesn't have that violent temper. For ordinary people, Shen Fei can still bear it sometimes.

Shen Fei walked to the coffee machine money, took a cup of coffee, and handed it to the woman's hand, "The coffee is ready."

The woman didn't even lift her head, "Do you understand the rules, the coffee is so hot, do you want to burn me to death? Hold it for me."

Shen Fei was really annoyed. He came to audition for the protagonist, not to be a waiter for you. Then Shen Fei put the coffee on the table in front.

Seeing this woman, Shen Fei put the coffee directly on the table, feeling very shameless on her face, "I let you hold it, you can't hear it!"

"Isn't the table used to put things? You let me carry it. If I suddenly see you not pleasing to your eyes, you won't be disfigured." Shen Fei said coldly.

The woman's face sank suddenly, "Who do you think you are! It's just a temporary worker..."

"Zhang Chunxiao, when did you change roles and start acting as Miss Qianjin?" At this moment, Wang Hua walked in with Liu Ming from outside.

As soon as Zhang Chunxiao saw Wang Hua, his face turned into a smile and hurriedly greeted him, "Director, you are back, is there a new drama? Is my new role Miss Qian Jin? The director really thank you so much. !"

"There is no new drama. The newcomers are a little restless. I see your domineering look just now, and I thought that other directors gave you the role of the drama." Wang Hua said.

"This...absolutely nothing, except for Director Wang, I don't like other people's plays." Zhang Chunxiao said flatly.

"This is my new male protagonist who came to audition." Wang Hua pointed to Shen Fei and said.

"Ah... just him?!" Zhang Chunxiao was stunned. The worker in front of him turned out to be the leading actor selected by Director Wang? !

"Yes, that's right, you are playing his maid in this drama." Wang Hua said with a smile.

what? !

Zhang Chunxiao was stunned for a moment. He didn't recover for a long time, and sat on the sofa alone, not knowing what he was thinking.

Wang Hua has been in the entertainment circle for so long, and he knows everything inside. There are more actors like Zhang Chunxiao. Today is just a small warning to Zhang Chunxiao.

When everyone learned that this dirty worker was the male lead, their faces were filled with shock and confusion. None of them expected that Wang Hua would have just picked a worker on the street and became the male lead.

Wang Hua did not continue to talk to Zhang Chunxiao, and took Shen Fei to the empty seat on the other side and sat down.

"Director Wang, after all, this is an investment of tens of millions. You just hired a worker to be the actor so casually, isn't it too sloppy?

Let’s not say whether I would like to play against him. If this matter reaches the fans’ ears, I believe the fans will not buy it. He is an ordinary migrant worker. Will he act?

The hero of this play is a downright rich young master. Look at him like that, can he act like a rich young master? I guess he can't even understand the script. "

The person who was speaking was the woman who was sitting in the middle of the hall and was the most beautiful woman who was seen by Shen Fei just now.

It's just that this woman's face is very ugly, and her words are unceremonious. She is obviously very dissatisfied with Shen Fei's role as the male lead.

"Li Na, don't be angry. I am serious about choosing this role. Shen Fei can definitely act the temperament of a rich young man. You believe me this time.

Come, you guys get to know them first, after all, there will be a lot of rival dramas in the future, and you will get familiar with them first, which is beneficial to your work. "Wang Hua said.

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