I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 681: perish together

Ye Wanru was shocked, "What!? You actually left Shen Fei?! You..."

This was something Ye Wanru never expected.

Zhou Yuanhua looked at Ye Wanru coldly, "How? Ye Wanru can't threaten me anymore, right? The reason I did this was all for you! To kill you!"

"Unexpectedly, you are so loyal to Shen Fei, you even left Shen's house in order to save Shen Fei."

After learning about this, Ye Wanru's heart was still a little happy.

"Zhou Yuanhua, don't worry, Shen Fei is not dead. When Shen Fei wakes up, you have to tell him that I rescued him."

Then until now, there was no need for him to stay anymore, it was time to return to the hidden world.

"Bah! Ye Wan, what nonsense are you talking about? You obviously killed Master Shen Fei, but you are still here saying that you are saving people. Do you think I will be fooled by you? I have seen everything you did, Ye Just like I will never let you go!"

As soon as Zhou Yuanhua's words fell, he shot Ye Wanru.

Ye Wanru didn't have a trace of defense, and the bullet wiped his face. It was really too dangerous. He was almost hit by Zhou Yuanhua.

If this continues, he doesn't even have the strength to escape, and Ye Wanru has already clearly felt that he is weak.

Zhou Yuanhua gritted his teeth and shouted: "Ye Wanru! Take it to death!"

At the same time, Ye Wanru also attacked Zhou Yuanhua, "Then don't blame me for being rude to you!"

While she was talking, Ye Wanru raised her hands, and a dozen darts flew out of her body, all flying towards Zhou Yuanhua.

Zhou Yuanhua slammed the gun in his hand, and then quickly stepped away, but it was still hit by Ye Wanru's dart.

In fact, Ye Wanru didn't intend to kill Zhou Yuanhua. Those darts were just throwing away, and he wanted to force Zhou Yuanhua back.

Because she doesn't have much physical strength anymore, Shen Fei is already safe, and now Ye Wanru just wants to return to the family as soon as possible, and now that Zhou Yuanhua has found Shen Fei, he will take good care of Shen Fei.

As for the misunderstanding between himself and Zhou Yuanhua, there is no more time to explain, probably only when Shen Fei wakes up, Zhou Yuanhua will believe that he is really harmless to Shen Fei.


Ye Wanru's eyes widened, and she looked at her wounds in disbelief. The gun that Zhou Yuanhua had thrown out just now hit her!

Ye Wanru didn't even see where the bullet came from. Just now when Ye Wanru threw the dart at Zhou Yuanhua, he heard Zhou Yuanhua pull the trigger.

But Ye Wanru didn't see the bullet flying towards him in front of him. After he threw the dart, Ye Wanru was hit by the bullet!

Whoosh! Whizzing!

Ye Wanru only felt a pain in her body and limbs, and then her whole body could no longer move, as if she had been tapped on acupuncture points.

With a plop, Ye Wanru fell directly to the ground.

"This is impossible!" Ye Wanru murmured, Zhou Yuanhua's destiny was right in front of him, but why did the bullet fly from his right?

Zhou Yuanhua covered his wound, "Hahaha! Ye Wanru, you didn't expect it! Do you think my marksmanship is just ordinary marksmanship?! Then I really don't deserve to play for the Shen family for many years!"

This is Uncle Zhou's unique skill, throwing the gun directly, and then the lead is tied to the trigger, so that the bullet can be shot directly from an incredible angle!

Moreover, Uncle Zhou's are naturally specially made, each one is powerful, as long as it is hit, it is seriously injured!


Ye Wan also directly vomited a mouthful of blood at this time. She only felt that she was groggy, and slowly felt that her eyelids were a little heavy and her eyes turned black.

Am I going to end my life here?

"Zhou Yuanhua, I want to tell you..." Ye Wanru said suddenly.

"Ye Wanru! Save your energy and go home! I tell you, this bullet is different from ordinary bullets. The moment I hit it, it will burst in the air and become six. Now, These six have all hit you.

Soon, these six bullets will explode in your body, and by that time, you will be completely hopeless! This is your retribution for killing Master Shen Fei! "Zhou Yuanhua said coldly.

Hearing Zhou Yuanhua's words, Ye Wanru almost exploded. I, Ye Wanru, the second young lady of the Ye family, was frequently slandered by you here. It was beyond endurance!

Ye Wanru suddenly sat up suddenly, took a deep breath, and then shouted, "Ha!"

I only heard a "shoo", as if something burst from Ye Wanru's wound.


The bullet broke out of Ye Wanru's body and hit the cypress tree on the edge of the cliff.

"Boom!" The bullet exploded on that tree!

She wanted to use her strength to force out all the bullets that hit her body!

"Ye Wanru! Don't think about it!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure rushed towards Ye Wanru directly.

Zhou Yuanhua had no thoughts anymore, and now he wanted to end Ye Wanru, this time he came with a mortal decision!

Zhou Yuanhua rushed over and took Ye Wanru down the cliff together. No one knew how high the cliff was, and no one knew what was under the cliff!

"Ye Wanru! I tell you, no matter how powerful your Ye family is, I will avenge Master Shen Fei! I, Zhou Yuanhua, have never been afraid of you! Come to die with me!"

Zhou Yuanhua held Ye Wanru tightly. The two fell very fast. Ye Wanru didn't have the energy to worry about the bullet in his body anymore.

Seeing Zhou Yuanhua wanting to die with him at this time, Ye Wanru suddenly sighed.

It is indeed very rare for Shen Fei to have such a person next to Shen Fei.

Ye Wanru smiled suddenly and said softly: "With you by Shen Fei, you can definitely protect him."

After saying these words, Ye Wanru directly aroused all the strength of her body, and suddenly hit Uncle Zhou's body!

There was a huge shock wave from the edge of the cliff. This shock wave directly pulled Zhou Yuanhua away from Ye Wanru's hand. Then, Zhou Yuanhua felt a thrust oncoming, and Ye Wanru was getting farther and farther away from him...

After a while, Zhou Yuanhua realized that he had bounced upwards, and with a sound of "bang!" Zhou Yuanhua was thrown to the ground heavily.

After Zhou Yuanhua came back to his senses, he realized that he was actually on the top of the mountain.



"Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, four explosions suddenly appeared under the cliff.

Uncle Zhou knew that Ye Wanru had been hit by her special bullet, and she must be dead!

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