I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 758: Depressed Shen Lehua

At this time, Shenguang Island.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with Brother Lehua? I just saw him go out angrily. I called him, but he ignored me and left in a helicopter without knowing where he was going."

In the room, Shen Qianer sat with Shen Maocai, she could see that Shen Maocai's complexion was not good.

"How long did you say that Shen Fei has just left? He forgot so soon?! He also said that he was going to give me my 70th birthday. How can I think about my birthday now!

He is really a heartless guy. When he was young, Shen Fei always protected him and helped him! What a **** thing! "Shen Maocai said angrily.

"Grandpa, how can you say that to Brother Lehua? You said that, but you really wronged him. Regarding Brother Shen Fei, Brother Lehua was very sad. During this period of time, Brother Lehua I was stuffed in the room, holding a photo of him and Brother Shen Fei, drinking silently without seeing anyone."

"This time, Brother Lehua wanted to celebrate his grandfather's birthday, but he actually wanted to make his grandfather happy. Brother Lehua told me about this before. He said he couldn't be so sad for his grandfather and said that his grandfather is too old. Being so dull is not good for your health, and only then thinks of making grandpa happy with the birthday, after all, this is also a piece of filial piety from Brother Lehua.

Brother Lehua didn't want to do this at this time because he didn't feel good in his heart. He must have gone through a lot of psychological struggles when he said this. "

Speaking of this, Shen Qianer's face also showed a trace of sadness.

"This..." After hearing this, Shen Mao felt that he shouldn't have treated Shen Lehua like this just now, "Qian'er, has Lehua gone?"

Shen Qian'er nodded, "It should be gone."

Shen Maocai sighed deeply, feeling that he really shouldn't blame Lehua just now, and couldn't help but regret it, "Oh! I blamed me, I only thought about Shen Fei, and I blamed Lehua for a while. I was wrong.

Since he's gone, let's go. After a while, he should be back. When he comes back, I must apologize to Lehua. "

Shen Qianer heard Shen Maocai's words, and although she didn't say anything on the surface, she felt very heavy. After all, since Shen Fei's incident, the whole family has been enveloped in a layer of sadness, and the people in the family have not been happy for a long time. Up.

Shen Qian'er followed with a sigh, "Brother Lehua left so angrily and didn't know where he was going, I hope he won't be in conflict with others!"

At this time, in the bar.

A young man is sitting in the VIP area of ​​the bar. The table is full of all kinds of expensive, Tequila Rye 925, Absolut Absolut, Remy Martin, Moet Chandon, on the table. A bunch of Maserati's keys are even more eye-catching.

Such a table of millions of high-end wines and that super sports car instantly attracted the attention of many people in the bar.

The eyes of the people and women in the bar gleamed immediately, holding up their wine glasses and twisting their waists, like **** in heat came to the young man's side.

It's a pity that the young man was not interested in these women, so he cursed them all.

"Fuck off! It's all **** fucking for Laozi!"

After the roar, the young man directly picked up a bottle of the expensive Henry IV Duchonne Champagne Cognac on the table, threw it to the ground with a "bang", "I warn you, grandpa is in a bad mood today , Don't bother me the fuck!"

The coquettish women in the bar were so scared that they backed away. This was a good bottle of wine, and they fell so casually, and they felt distressed.

You know, this bottle of wine alone can be worth tens of thousands of dollars. This fall, what is the wine, the fall is a wad of money!

"10 more bottles! Give me wine!" Compared to those women, it was obvious that this young man hadn't put the bottle of wine in his eyes.

This young man who bought drunk in the bar was Shen Lehua.

"Master is so bored drinking alone, let me accompany you."

At this moment, a woman was still unwilling to give up, risking being scolded again, twisting her waist and moving her hair towards Shen Lehua.

Although Shen Lehua had just let all these women go out, how could these women be willing to leave? There are really very few Kuo Masters like this, and I can't meet one all year round. Of course, I can't just give up so easily.

What's more, people like them who often roam around in bars can tell at a glance that this rich and young master must have encountered something bad, otherwise, how could such a hot drink alone be boring.

For the women in the bar, this is undoubtedly a piece of braised pork delivered to the mouth. If you can take the opportunity to attach it, you will have nothing to worry about from now on! Even if it's a one-night stand, I can get a lot of benefits.

"Fuck off, don't understand if I am talking! It's all the **** get out of me!"

Shen Lehua immediately became annoyed. In the past, if there were so many beauties around him, he would have started it a long time ago, but today he didn't even want to look at it. He was very upset, and he didn't want anyone to disturb him!

There are still a few women who don't give up, still surrounding Shen Lehua, "Oh, master..."

Shen Lehua stood up suddenly and snapped! Snapped! Snapped! I slapped the woman next to me directly!

"How many times have you said it! Let you all get out of here! If you don't get out, you will slap! If you dare to come over, I will kill you!" Shen Lehua shouted.

Shen Lehua slapped Shen Lehua on the ground with a low-cut short skirt and a low-cut waistcoat.

"Fuck your mother, even the old lady dare to fight, what do you think you are, the old lady at your table still looks down on me!"

This woman was wearing **** red lips, jet-black eyeliner, and her long eyelashes were almost turning up to her eyebrows. At this time, she was staring at Shen Lehua angrily.

"Get out! Don't **** trouble Laozi!" Shen Lehua didn't bother to care about her, and cared about who she was.

"Boy, you wait for me! You dare to beat me, my old lady must teach you a lesson!"

After speaking, the woman left angrily.

From beginning to end, Shen Lehua didn't even lift his head, and didn't put the woman in his eyes at all.

"Look, this kid is done!"

"Who was that woman just now? She dare to scold a rich man of this level?"

"Who knows, 80% of them have encountered a stubborn stubble!"

"This woman has a lot of history, this kid, tut tut..."

When everyone was talking about it, suddenly a group of people walked towards Shen Lehua.

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