I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 823: Misunderstanding and truth

That's right, this kitten is extremely electric!

Jidian is an ancient divine beast. The spirit beast bred between heaven and earth not only can talk, but also has various abilities, such as the current one, directly transforming into a kitten, which is also a special feature of Jidian. ability!

Only after hearing this, Shen Fei was a little confused:

"Then why did you just say that you also felt the presence of Jian Jia on my body?"

"This...this...I don't know, because I asked about the smell of cymbal on that woman at the time, so I think she is cymbal, now it seems that I have made a mistake!"

Jidian at this time was also a little embarrassed, after all, he had made a mistake, and Bai tossed Shen Fei for a year...

Shen Fei was also full of speechlessness. If this were the case, things would go smoothly!

Having said this, Shen Fei suddenly remembered something, and took out the pendant that Yu Canghai gave him before, "Ji Dian, look at this."

"This is not something in the real world. It has to be thousands of years to say nothing. This is something from ancient times! How could you have this?"

Ji Dian said in surprise.

Shen Fei thoughtfully said: "This was given to me by Yu Canghai, saying that it might be helpful to me. Could the smell you smelled before be this pendant?"

If it is really because of this pendant, then why does Mei Yihe have this pendant?

"I understand. I felt the pendant on Mei Yihe before I came here. That's why I recognized Mei Yihe as Jiajia. I was too careless."

Jidian said embarrassedly.

"Damn! It's because of your carelessness that you delayed me a whole year!" Shen Fei shook his head helplessly.

As expected by Shen Fei, Mei Yihe is not Jianjia, but Mei Yeqing's daughter is the real Jianjia.

Shen Fei breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, although you have delayed my time for a year, but fortunately, we finally found the real cymbal. This time you can show me carefully and stop admitting it."

"I can't go wrong this time, I dare to guarantee my life!" Ji Dian said decisively.

"Let me just say, how could the woman Tianling likes be like Mei Yihe? I had already begun to wonder if something went wrong with reincarnation. Now that I have found the real Jiajia, Lao Tzu is also relieved! "

At this time, Shen Fei said with a relaxed expression.

In the past, Shen Fei always thought that Mei Yihe was a cymbal. In order to wake Mei Yihe, Shen Fei suffered a year of frustration in the Mei family and was scolded by the Mei family for a year. Now she can finally get rid of it. !

Thinking of this, Shen Fei picked up his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

"Master Shen."

Soon, a respectful man's voice came on the phone.

Shen Fei said faintly: "I need the city of Shu to do something for me now. Go and talk to the Mei family in Wulingxi..."

"Yes! Master Shen!"

After hanging up the phone, Shen Fei wandered around in the nearby park alone, first to pass the time, and secondly because Shen Fei was really tired during this period of time, thinking that he had endured the Mei family for a year. Tortured, I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself.

After going around for about two hours, Shen Fei felt that the time was almost too, and then he stopped a taxi on the side of the road and returned to Songbai Community.

When he arrived at the door of the house, Shen Fei stayed outside for a long time. If Jia Jia hadn't landed yet, Shen Fei would definitely walk in like before.

But now, Shen Fei has found the real Jian Jia, and the Mei Yihe inside now has no meaning to Shen Fei.

I had been holding back before because there was no way, for the sake of Jian Jia, and for Youman Rong Shen Fei, to be willing to bear it. Now the people of the Mei family have no value to him, and Shen Fei naturally does not want to continue to bear it anymore.

Even now, Shen Fei didn’t even want to see the group of people in Mei’s family. When he thought of returning home, he wanted to see the nasty faces of Tang Fengzhi and Mei Yihe. Shen Fei’s heart felt like eating. It's as disgusting as a fly.

Shen Fei didn't know how long he stood outside the door, but finally made up his mind, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

After entering, Shen Fei was stunned.

Ma Feng was sitting swaggeringly on the sofa in the living room. Tang Fengzhi and Mei Hezheng were serving tea and pouring water. Tang Fengzhi also specially brought out various fruits to Ma Feng.

"Auntie, don’t worry. In this life, I will only marry Yihe. I can understand the feelings of the old lady. The old man is the leader of the Mei family. Naturally, he must speak with credibility. Since the old lady doesn’t So I changed my mind, so I entrusted my dad to talk with the leaders of other families.

If five or six families talked to the old lady about this together, the old lady would see that there was a step down, I believe the old lady would change her mind. "Ma Feng said vowedly.

"Master Ma, it will be hard for you. Actually, the person in our family Yihe has always been you. When you were pursuing Yihe in the past, Yihe said that in the future it will be like marrying you.

Only later, Yihe got a serious illness. You must know this. At that time, Yihe just woke up and was unconscious. In addition, Shen Fei's uselessness of his coveted Mei family's property made him wrong. Heart, Yihe is fooled.

However, one thing, Master Ma, don't worry, Yihe and Shen Fei have never had a bridal chamber. For the past year, they both slept in separate rooms..."

"Mom, why don't you say anything, it's true." Mei Yihe's face flushed and she couldn't help lowering her head.

Ma Feng was so happy to see Mei Yihe's shy face, he couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Shen Fei suddenly came back from outside.

When Tang Fengzhi saw Shen Fei, her expression suddenly changed, and she hated Shen Fei's eyes, "What did you do?!"

Shen Fei glanced at Ma Feng sitting on the sofa triumphantly. Now Mei Yihe has nothing to do with Jian Jia. There is no need for Shen Fei to bear with this family anymore. He said casually, "Nothing to do. ."

"I didn't do anything? I don't believe it. I didn't do anything. You went out for so long?! I don't know what you are doing outside!" Tang Fengzhi said contemptuously.

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people came in from outside.

When Tang Fengzhi saw this group of people, she was stunned, but Tang Fengzhi soon reacted. Her heart was both nervous and nervous, and she greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Mom, why are you here, don't say anything in advance, I'll go and pick you up." Tang Fengzhi said with a smile.

The group of people who came were all from the Mei family, and the one who walked in front was Jin Ru Liu.

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