I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 837: Beg

In fact, Mei Yihe did not want Mei Yeqing and Jian Jia to attend her wedding. There was another reason, that was Shen Fei.

Although Shen Fei has divorced himself now, and Mei Yihe has never taken Shen Fei seriously, after the divorce, Shen Fei is not a little sad, but very happy.

As soon as the front foot was divorced, the back foot became entangled with Jian Jia. Mei Yihe felt uncomfortable in her heart. It was not that Mei Yihe liked Shen Fei, but Shen Fei had been very good to herself this year.

Mei Yihe felt that Shen Fei must love herself very much, and had a deep affection for herself. After divorce, Shen Fei should be very depressed, even begging to remarry, and begging to not leave.

But all of this was imagined by Mei Yihe himself, and Shen Fei had no nostalgia at all, and ran directly to the other woman's side.

Although Jian Jia looks very ugly, but because of this, Mei Yihe's heart is even more unhappy. She is the number one beauty in Wulingxi, and all men are moved by it, but Shen Fei does not even look at herself. Turned around to please an ugly monster. Isn't that an indirect way of showing that you are not even as good as an ugly monster? !

"Grandma, I think it makes sense for Sister Yi He to say that the events of Mei Yeqing made the whole Wuling River gossip. This incident has been spread for many years, and now it has finally calmed down. I've turned it out, how can a wedding be held!" Mei Xinshang stepped forward and said.

When Mei Youlian saw Mei Xinshang and began to help Mei Yihe speak, she quickly said: "That's right, grandma, the two of them have been away from Mei's house for so long. We are not familiar with them at all. If they weren't because If you can't live outside, how can you come back? This kind of person is absolutely not allowed to attend the wedding of sister Yihe.

In case they cause any trouble at the wedding, the De May family should wipe their butts. If the Ma family is upset, we will lose a lot. "

"Yes, it is true that the two of them cannot be allowed to participate. This matter is related to the future development of our Mei family. It is not a trivial matter."

Everyone keeps talking about each other.

The members of the Mei family didn't want to see Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter, because the big guys felt that the reason why Mei Yeqing returned to the Mei family was purposeful, otherwise Mei Yeqing had never contacted anyone in the family for so many years.

This time I suddenly chose to appear at the Mei family banquet. In front of so many people, I knelt at the gate and begged Jin Ruliu to return to the family. It must have been a deliberately chosen day, because she had calculated it. Many guests visit, even if Jin Ruliu takes care of her face, she will leave both of them behind.

In this way, they can return to Mei's house smoothly. The people of Mei's family have already seen through this way of Mei Yeqing.

They don't care what Mei Yeqing's purpose is for returning to Mei's house this time, but they will never let Mei Yeqing harm her own interests.

From the moment Mei Yeqing set foot in Mei's house, the family members have been paying close attention to Mei Yeqing, suppressing her from the beginning, and will never give her any chance to breathe.

The most important thing is that everyone understands one thing, that is, Mei Yeqing will never be allowed to touch Mei's property. These properties have nothing to do with Mei Yeqing and will not give her any money. .

This is why everyone strongly opposes Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter attending the wedding. If the mother and daughter attend the wedding, it means that they have already assumed that they are from the Mei family.

If they are not allowed to participate, it means that Mei Yeqing and her daughter are not still outsiders excluded by the Mei family.

After listening to everyone's discussion, Jin Ruliu also began to think.

But at this moment, a person came in from the door suddenly, and everyone looked at the door in unison. When they saw the person coming, everyone was stunned. Today is Mei Yeqing.

Everyone was very surprised when they saw Mei Yeqing. A family meeting was being held now, and no one invited Mei Yeqing to why she was here.

When Jin Ruliu saw Mei Yeqing, he was also taken aback for a while, and then frowned:

"We are holding a family meeting, what are you doing here?"

Mei Yeqing didn't care about the way Jin Ruliu looked at her, and smiled and said, "Mom."

"Did you not hear me? We are holding a family meeting, who let you in?" Jin Ruliu said coldly, this is telling Mei Yeqing very clearly that a family meeting is now being held, and you, can’t participate.

After hearing this, Mei Yeqing also felt a little embarrassed, and her face became slightly hot. Then, she took out a piece of embroidery embroidered with mandarin ducks from the cloth bag.

"This is the mandarin duck playing handkerchief that I embroidered myself."

With that said, Mei Yeqing walked directly in front of Mei Yihe and handed her handkerchief to Mei Yihe:

"Yihe, I know you will get married soon. As an aunt, I should prepare a big gift for you, but my aunt has no money.

So I embroidered this mandarin duck playing in the water as a handkerchief for you as a wedding gift. This handkerchief is not worth much, but it also represents my heart. I hope you don’t dislike it. "

"You think too much, I won't dislike it." Mei Yihe said lightly.

When Mei Yeqing heard Mei Yihe say this, she couldn't help but show a smile on her face.

Soon Mei Yihe added: "I won't accept a gift like you."

When Mei Yeqing heard the words, the smile she had just revealed immediately solidified, smiled awkwardly, and slowly put down the embroidered handkerchief in her hand.

Mei Yihe glanced at Mei Yeqing disdainfully, "Would you give me such a piece of rag as a wedding gift? Are you too much to look at yourself, or you don't even look down on Mei Yihe at all.

you do not know? The wedding of Master Ma and I was held in a private room at the Yifan Hotel, a top hotel in Wulingxi. The whole Wulingxi has identities and status will come to attend, and even the big figures in other cities will also come.

This piece of your rag is not qualified even if you polish my shoes, so you are ashamed to say it is a wedding gift for me? "

"Don’t think I don’t know what you think in your heart. You see that I’m going to marry Ma’s soon. You want to please me, get closer to me, and want to cling to me without paying. What you think is It’s not a bit beautiful."

Mei Yeqing was said by Mei Yihe, her face was hot as if she was feverish, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Okay, you don't have to spend time here, take your rags and go quickly, I don't want to see you for one more time, you can die of this heart." Mei Yihe said unceremoniously .

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