I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 846: Shameless Mahoney

Jiang Yanqin watched as his husband messed up with his old lover. It would be strange if he didn't explode his hair. Now Jiang Yanqin is already a ignited bomb, and a big explosion can happen anytime and anywhere.

"Wife! Nothing! Wife! I love you!"

Ma Honglei hurriedly stopped Jiang Yanqin.

Ma Honglei knew very well in his heart that anyone in this world can offend, in order not to offend his wife. Once he provokes his wife, he will provoke the Jiang family and the Jiang family. His life's foundation can be It's all over!

Ma Honglei saw Jiang Yanqin so angry that he knelt in front of Jiang Yanqin with a thump:

"Wife! I never betrayed you! It's her! It was this **** who seduce me!"

Ma Honglei pointed to Mei Yeqing, "Wife! Let me tell you, don’t let this woman return to Mei’s house now, but the people of Mei’s family have not accepted her at all. She has no status in Mei’s house, and she has no place at all. Go to any property in Mei's house.

She’s living a very hard life now. Later, she found out that this supermarket belongs to me. She came to the parking lot and blocked me when she couldn’t find me in the supermarket. I thought I hadn’t given my wife a gift this month, so I thought Drive out. "

"As a result, I just got to the parking lot and saw her. As soon as she saw me, she threw herself on my body and said something like me. I ignored her, but she took advantage of me to drive the door, Get directly into the car.

It was she who begged me and wanted me to help her with my previous love and lend her money. I told her that I had no money. I wanted to borrow money to find my wife. I let her get out of the car. Not only did she not get out of the car, she also locked the door. "

"I want to push her down, who knows that she grabbed my tie, wife, at this moment, you showed up, and then there were the next things.

Wife, you believe me, I really didn't do anything to her, it was her who seduced me and then rubbed me against me, it was all her! "

Having said this, Ma Honglei stood up, turned his head to look at Mei Yeqing, and said grimly:

"Mei Yeqing! I told you a long time ago, I don't feel anymore for you, you are nothing but a stranger to me!

That's right, I used to pursue you before, but that was all twenty years ago. I now have my wife. The only one I love in this life is my wife. Don't think you can still be like before! You are not trying to discredit the Mei family, I am not interested in you at all! "

At this time, Mei Yeqing saw Ma Honglei's reversal of right and wrong, tears of anger came out:

"Ma Honglei! You are not a human being, you are so to me!"

However, Ma Honglei ignored her and walked forward, slapped Mei Yeqing with his backhand, and Mei Yeqing fell to the ground. Seeing Mei Yeqing's appearance, Ma Honglei pointed to her and said:

"Mei Yeqing, let me tell you, remember this slap, next time you dare to provoke me, it is definitely not as simple as a slap!"


Mei Yeqing covered her face aggrievedly, she couldn't say a word of anger, she wanted to defend herself again, but what else could she say.

After all, one is Ma Honglei, and the other is his wife. Now Ma Honglei has thrown all his faults on himself, even if he said something, Jiang Yanqin would not believe it!

Mei Yeqing looked at Ma Honglei's face like a pile of flies full of shit. It was so disgusting that she didn't say anything at all, got up from the ground, turned and left.

"Mei Yeqing! If you want to leave, there is no door!"

Jiang Yanqin hurriedly chased after him, and firmly grasped Mei Yeqing's arm:

"Where do you want to go! After seduce my Jiang Yanqin man, I want to leave? Do you think you are back to Mei's house now, I dare not move you, don't say you have no place in Mei's house now, you are even the elder of Mei's house? Madam’s apex baby, I will never let you go today!"

"It's such a shameless thing. Twenty years ago, you were notoriously restless. Relying on your own beauty, you made fun of many people who pursued you, pretending to be innocent. I don't know which wild man he had a **** with.

The dignified second lady of the Mei family, who behaved unscrupulously and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, really lost the face of the Mei family! You can tell at a glance that you are not a serious thing! Why, have the two decades of being kicked out by the family have been happily dying? "

"You’re having enough waves outside, making people tired of sleep. You are too old and you are not popular in the business. Then you think of coming back? What a wave of hoofs, you know to seduce my husband when you come back, you thought Are you the second lady back then? Do you think your Mei family is so great? It's too much of yourself."

Jiang Yanqin really hates Mei Yeqing now, the more he speaks, the more energetic, the more he speaks, the more unpleasant, and he is simply trying to vent all the grievances of these years!

"Let me say that your Mei family doesn't have a good thing, all of them are wave hoofs. When the old lady of the Mei family was young, she didn't know what it was like!

The people below are so unruly, it seems that the old lady is not much better, maybe she still has a male pet in the Mei's compound! "

"You bullshit!"

When Mei Yeqing heard such words, she completely exploded her hair!

It doesn't matter if she has been insulted, but how could she absolutely not tolerate Jiang Yanqin's insulting the old lady of the Mei family, after all, the old lady is her mother.

"Can't listen anymore? It's not wrong to scold your mother. It's you. Don't commit a scumbag anymore. It will make your mother humiliated.

Jiang Yanqin looked at Mei Yeqing's already swollen face coldly, and said disdainfully:

"Before you, Mei Yeqing, and after, there was Mei Yihe. The women in your Mei family crossed the river with leaves, relying on a wave of energy. Mei Yihe married a trash one year ago and let a After playing uselessly for a year, the one with broken shoes seduce my son unexpectedly.

I don’t know that Mei Yihe is my son’s ecstasy soup. My son will marry her life and death. Before this matter is settled, you will come out to seduce my husband and see if your Mei family really doesn’t take our Jiang family back. What a thing! "

"Okay! This is not over today! Go, come with me to Mei's house, I want to ask Jin Ruliu personally, let her see what the Mei's group is!"

After finishing talking, Jiang Yanqin grabbed Mei Yeqing's hair and directly stuffed Mei Yeqing into the car, completely ignoring how Mei Yeqing was struggling.

At this time, Mei's house.

The others had already left, and now only Mei Yihe and Tang Fengzhi were left.

At this moment, Tang Fengzhi looked at these things in front of him, and said to Mei Yihe happily:

"Haha, everything for marriage is ready. This is a happy quilt that your grandma and I personally sewed for you. Look, how bright the color is!"

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