I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 849: Reasons for delivery

At this time, Jiang Yanqin is getting more and more angry, her majestic young lady in the Jiang family, when has she been so angry!

So Jiang Yanqin pointed directly at Jin Ruliu's nose and said angrily:

"What is my family's strength, Jin Ruliu, you should know very well, such a second-hand broken shoe is not worthy of even our Ma family's driver! Now you, a girl who is in her forties, is in her forties, and she still thinks about men like this! One day away from a man! Are you lonely and unbearable?! A stealer dare to steal on my Jiang Yanqin's head!

What is your Mei family's idea? Did you see that the Ma family is now up and want to oust me, the righteous master, right? Do you want to occupy the Ma family's property? Without me, Jiang Yanqin, what do you think is there in Ma's house? There is a Ma's house in such a small way, do I like it? "

"Mrs. Jiang, what are you saying, how dare I..."

After hearing Jiang Yanqin’s words, Jin Ruliu was frightened and sweating. Of course she understood the meaning of Jiang Yanqin’s words. Jiang Yanqin’s words all hinted at her, and the Ma family’s strength was so strong that she would not be seen in the eyes, not to mention It's their Mei's!

Wulingxi is just a small city. This Jiang family can be ranked in the whole country. If Jiang Yanqin is really offended, I am afraid that their Mei family will not be far away.

At this moment, Jin Ruliu suddenly remembered what Jiang Yanqin said just now, "Mrs. Jiang, what did you just say, you said..."

"I said! This **** you gave birth to dare to seduce my husband! Go to my old public supermarket to find my husband, if you can't find it in the supermarket, go to the parking lot to block my husband.

I happened to run into it. When I found out, she was still holding my husband's tie and pressing her on her body! This is the second lady of your Mei family. If you really don't want to wear this dress, don't wear it in the future. We have a lot of bachelors in Wulingxi, even Wulingxi has contributed! "

With that said, Jiang Yanqin grabbed Mei Yeqing's hair and dragged her to Jin Ruliu's feet:

"Jin Ruliu, please ask your good girl what shameful things she did, and when did she seduce my husband! If you don't understand this matter, I will never finish with your Mei family!"

Mei Yeqing was thrown by Jiang Yanqin to Jin Ruliu's feet.

"You! You... this wicked barrier!"

Jin Ruliu pointed at Mei Yeqing, trembling with anger, panting heavily, couldn't say anything when he wanted to say, and looked at her bitterly.

"Mom, I didn't, I really didn't..."

In fact, Mei Yeqing was very wronged in her heart. Only she herself knew that she was wronged about this matter, but she didn't know how to speak. She knew in her heart that even if she explained it herself, no one would believe it.

"Actually, I've heard that my husband pursued Mei Yeqing from your Mei family before getting married, but at that time, she didn't promise my husband, why is she spending enough time outside now and miss my husband again? I want to come back and re-enter my husband's arms!

It’s a pity that you have forgotten one thing. If Ma Honglei marries another woman, he may not care about you, but today I want to tell you that you have made a mistake. If you provoke someone you can’t afford, you will have to pay a heavy burden. The price! Jin Ruliu, as the head of the Mei family, I have already clarified what I said today, and I have brought the people. It depends on your Mei family how to do it! "

Jiang Yanqin said with a frosty face.

When Jin Ruliu heard this, he was almost furious, and directly slapped Mei Yeqing loudly:

"I'll kill you that corrupts the family tradition! Why did our Mei family get out of such a shameless wicked obstacle like you! Do you think that we have lost enough people to our Mei family?

Twenty years ago, you discredited the ruin of the Mei family, and now you have only been back a few days, and you have done this kind of shameless thing again! Get out of here, never let me see you! "

"Mrs. Jiang, this matter is because of my lax discipline. I apologize to you."

Jin Ruliu can't care to be angry with Mei Yeqing now, her most important thing now is to calm Jiang Yanqin's emotions first.

After all, now is the time to make good friends with the Ma family. If Mei Yihe's marriage fluctuates because of this, then it will be over!

"You don't need to apologize to me, Jin Ruliu, go back to discipline and discipline the Mei family. Don't let the stench in your body come into our house. From then on, your Mei family has nothing to do with the Ma family! Let me find out again, The stench of any restless woman in your family has come to my place, and I will definitely let the Mei family go down in Wulingxi!"

Jiang Yanqin finished speaking and turned into the car.

Standing in place, Jin Ruliu and the others began to beat their hearts. Jin Ruliu stepped forward and said cautiously:

"Mrs. Jiang, don't be angry. Yihe and Young Master Ma will have a wedding in two days. Don't hurt the harmony of the two families..."

"Wedding?! Even with your Mei family's ethos, you still want to get married with our Ma family, I yuck! The wedding was canceled! Now it seems that some of the women from the Mei family are clean, so I don't want to enter the door of our Ma family!"

Jiang Yanqin said coldly.

Originally, Jiang Yanqin disagreed that Mei Yihe was married to the Ma’s family. What her son said was also the grandson of Jiang’s family. Now he is also a young and promising company boss. He is in charge of status, status, and strength. Mei Yihe’s broken shoes It is absolutely unworthy.

Even if Mei Yihe looks better, what can she do? There are more women in this world. Finding a beautiful one is like fishing in the ocean and catching a lot of them.

I think that Mei Yeqing was also a flower of Wuling River. Twenty years have passed. What use is it, and it can’t be eaten as a meal. What's more, Mei Yihe is already a married man. Don’t worry about whether you can sleep or not. , Are also second-hand goods.

For a woman like Mei Yihe, Jiang Yanqin can see in her bones that she has grown up like a fox, and she wants to cling to the powerful, and Jiang Yanqin does not say a word in Mei Yihe’s mouth Will believe.

If my son really took Mei Yihe, then my family would come to the wedding and know that my son had married a second-hand woman from a small family in Wulingxi. Wouldn’t it make people laugh out of their teeth? I didn’t lose Jiang. Family face.

But Jiang Yanqin didn't know what his son thought, what kind of ecstasy soup Mei Yihe gave him, and she insisted on going to a woman like Mei Yihe. No matter how Jiang Yanqin persuaded him.

This Ma Feng is usually very obedient, and is considered a filial child at home, but on this matter, Jiang Yanqin said nothing is useful. Ma Feng is determined and must marry Mei Yihe. Jiang Yanqin never nodded and agreed, and simply ignored the matter.

It's not good now. The situation has reversed. Mei Yeqing has caused such a scandal. She said she would not agree to this marriage, and now she has a serious reason to refuse.

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