I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 852: The man behind the scenes


Hearing this man's words, Ma Feng seemed to want to say something more, but the man interrupted Ma Feng directly, took out a photo from behind, and threw it to him.

That photo looks very old, and it doesn't look like a complete photo, but it was cut from a certain place. There are many women in the photo.

Suddenly Ma Feng's eyes lit up, staring straight at one of the women, and said in surprise, "This, isn't this Mei Yihe's mother?"

Tang Fengzhi in the photo does not seem to be very old, that is, about 40 years old, which is indeed much younger than now.

"Yes, that's her. Look at the ruby ​​pendant on her neck," the man said.


Ma Feng was startled slightly, and finally took a closer look at the photos. Sure enough, Tang Fengzhi was indeed wearing a pendant around his neck at the time.

In fact, Ma Feng didn't know what ruby ​​obsidian pendant, and he didn't know what exactly this pendant had. It was just that he had listened to his master repeatedly mentioning this pendant during this period of time.

And Ma Feng also knew that his master wanted to get this pendant, so Ma Feng was curious about this pendant.

"I have been looking for this ruby ​​pendant for many years, but I didn't expect it to be in their hands, so you must marry Mei Yihe this time and bring the ruby ​​pendant back from his hand."

"Master, don't worry, I will leave this to me. I will be able to get back a pendant. Now Mei Yihe is obedient to me and wants to marry me. If I really ask him for this pendant, She will definitely give it to me." Ma Feng said firmly.

"You are so sure? Do you know what this ruby ​​stone pendant is? It is not an ordinary necklace. If the ruby ​​stone pendant is in their hands, it seems that they have some understanding of the pendant. This pendant is a rare treasure, I'm afraid she won't give it to you easily."

The man said: "This is why I insist on letting you marry Mei Yihe instead of spending money on them to buy it back, because as long as you are not stupid, you will not sell it."

"I see, are you worried that if you spend money to buy it, they will know the true value of this pendant and will not sell it to us." Ma Feng said.

The man nodded, "You are right. If we take the initiative to ask them to buy this pendant, they will be alert. I guess they don't know much about pendants.

At most, we only know that this pendant is worth some money. We only need to pay, if we pay less, they will not sell, and if we pay more, the value of this pendant will be exposed. And they find that someone has already taken a fancy to her pendant. It also takes some effort to buy. Most importantly, because of other people's attention, it is really a risk. "

"Others? The master meant that there are other people looking for this pendant?" Ma Feng asked in surprise when he heard this.

"Of course, don't you think that I am the only one looking for it? I will tell you the truth. There is far more than me who find pendants in this world.

They opened their eyes and kept looking for it all the time. Not only that, they might still be watching me at this moment. After all, my ability is much better than them. If they follow my **** and find the pendant The possibility is very high. "

"So, if I had direct contact with Tang Fengzhi's mother and daughter, it would be too compelling. Once they were discovered, these people would immediately understand why I did this.

So, we have to think of a separate way to cover it up. You have to marry Mei Yihe first, and then take the ruby ​​pendant from Mei Yihe's hand. In this way, no one will notice. We are. "

"That's it! Master, don't worry, I will definitely help Master get the pendant!" Ma Feng said loudly, but Ma Feng changed his mind again, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but frown:

"Master, I'm in trouble now. My mother has always had the final say in my family. I have listened to my mother since I was a child. She insists on not letting me marry Mei Yihe now. What can I do?

She is very temperamental. If she scares things of determination, I can't compete with her. I guess she will ask grandma and grandpa to help. When that happens, I really have nothing to do, she If you are determined and don't let Mei Yihe enter the door, Mei Yihe won't fly in even with wings in it. "

"Master, my mother is from the Jiang family. You have always heard about the Jiang family, right? This is a truly famous family."

But when he heard this, the man snorted disdainfully:

"Jiang family? It's just a Jiang family. Are you so exaggerated? Your knowledge is really too little, famous family? It's ridiculous, have you seen a real big family? You people, really It's so ridiculous, I don't even know how powerful the outside world is.

As long as you follow me well, soon I will be able to take you to see more things, which are not available in your world. Can a small family like you be called a family?

I am afraid if you have any misunderstandings about the family, after I show you the real family, you will find that all your thoughts are so naive and ridiculous. "

"This world? Is there another world?"

Ma Feng became more curious. He really didn't understand what the master meant, but he could feel that what the master said must be very powerful.

"Okay, I have told you too much now, and you will not understand it. Don’t worry, as long as you follow me, I will let you see one day, you families, but they are all in the hands of others. Chess pieces are used to control the world.

In this world, there are actually many things you don’t know, things you don’t understand, young man, take your time and don’t worry. "

Ma Feng knelt on the ground, listening very intently. His eyes were wide open and his face was shocked:

"It turns out that this kind of family really exists, Master, are the people who control the world, are they from the Shen family, the world's largest family? Could it be that there are still many powerful families like the Shen family?"

The man frowned slightly, "Shen's family? Unexpectedly, you still know the Shen's family."

"The Shen family is the world's largest family. Looking at the whole world, I am afraid no one does not know it. The Shen family is the most powerful family in the world.

When Ma Feng said this, his tone was full of respect.

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