I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 856: Start first

"They just want to use this kind of indiscriminate means to abuse themselves, to ruin their own reputations, in order to destroy the reputation of the Mei family, they really do everything in order to be able to drive us people to death. !

Didn’t you two understand it now? ! The reason why the mother and daughter didn’t leave was for this reason. They wanted to appear in front of everyone and let others see them pity them. Tiancheng Road, where is Tiancheng Road, don’t you know? ! "

"There is the place with the most small gangsters and gangsters in Wulingxi. It is simply the slums of Wulingxi. Are they really going there because they have no money! No! They want everyone to sympathize with her and think they are. Abandoned by the Mei family.

Gradually, she will be pitiful to everyone, saying bad things about our Mei family, so that others will think it is our Mei family sorry for them! The two of them would definitely be bullied by the little hooligans there, so that everyone would sympathize with them even more. "

"However, others don’t know. In fact, this is what Mei Yeqing and her daughter want. They just want others to bully them. It’s best if a group of people drag them to bed, like Mei Yeqing’s. Leaving a man is a lonely mess, she can definitely do such a thing.

When others know about it, they will say that the fourth lady of the Mei family has been defiled and let the little hooligans play with it. Isn't this insulting our Mei family! They would rather lose one thousand to exchange us for 800, which is really disgusting! "

At this moment, Mei Yihe said fiercely, her **** chest could not hold back the ups and downs!

When they heard this, Mei Youlian and Mei Youlian were shocked!

"Asshole! What two bitches! What a vicious heart!"

"It's such an indiscreet thing, this kind of idea can also be imagined, mean!"

"These two women are so serious!"

"People like them should go to the pig cage!"

It was only then that they slowly understood, and they began to curse Mei Yeqing mother and daughter.

“I’ve seen Mei Yeqing’s careful thoughts a long time ago. She hasn’t heard from him for more than 20 years, so she suddenly came back. This clearly shows that she came from the family property. I didn’t expect that she rushed to nothing. Without fishing, we began to restless, thinking of the law made our family restless.

Now that they have been driven out by the family, she still has the face to stay. She is looking for the next opportunity to do it. It seems that they have not given up on the family! "

Mei Yihe couldn't help but worry about this:

"The mother and daughter are really disgusting. I am now a little worried about whether they will do something at my wedding. I think they must be planning something now."

"No, how can they be so bold? This is the Ma family marrying a wife, and there is the Jiang family behind the Ma family!"

Mei Xinshang and Mei Youlian were surprised.

Mei Yihe's eyes suddenly changed, and she gritted her teeth and said: "People like them don't dare. If you are really afraid of someone, you won't be able to steal a man and let Mrs. Jiang catch him. I will get married the day after tomorrow. This is me. At the most important time in this life, the two of them must not be destroyed!

If they dare to make trouble at my wedding, I will definitely not let them go! "

"Yihe, don't say it is so scary, my heart is really unreliable!" Mei Xinshang frowned and said.

"Sister Yihe, when you said that, how do I feel that the two of them are really going to do something? What can I do!" Mei Youlian also began to worry, looking very thinking of Mei Yihe .

"I think they will definitely come on the day of the wedding, and they dress themselves up very poorly. They are eye-catching at the wedding so that the guests who come to the wedding will definitely notice them.

There will be many people coming to the wedding that day. If the mother and daughter actually break in, the consequences can be imagined. They will definitely ruin the reputation of the Mei family! "

Mei Xinshang also said worriedly at this time, as if she had guessed that Jiajia mother and daughter would do this.

"They dare! Wait until the day of the wedding, I must hire the best security staff in Wulingxi, if they dare to show up at the wedding, I will let them remember forever! Let them see me in the future, Mei Yihe hides go!"

Mei Yihe said fiercely.

This wedding is really important to Mei Yihe. It can be said to be a turning point in the second half of her life. As long as she can marry Ma Feng smoothly, she will be a member of the Ma family for the next few decades. Half the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family, she would never allow anyone to make trouble at the wedding.

But seeing this situation, Mei Youlian smiled sinisterly:

"Sister Yihe, instead of us defending them like this, we should take the initiative and catch them by surprise."

"You Lian, what do you think?"

"The two mothers and daughters of Mei Yeqing are restless. I don't think they will cause any trouble to give up. She has repeatedly corrupted the reputation of our Mei family, and she is doing it on the marriage of Yihe and Ma Shaoye. Small movements, are we just watching them regenerate their energy and continue to fight against us?

We already know the location of their new store now. If they want to appear at the wedding, they have to have their own skills, right? We have to go over and teach them in advance, so that they can retreat when they are faced with difficulties! "

Mei Youlian said triumphantly: "The two of them are not members of our family for a long time, and they have repeatedly disadvantaged our family. Naturally, we can't forgive them lightly. Now we have to teach them a lesson."

After hearing this, Mei Yihe's heart suddenly opened up, and his eyes lit up, and the whole person was full of energy:

"That's right! Both of them took the blame for all this. They did so many bad things, and they should be taught a little bit, otherwise the two **** will really be lawless!

Let me tell you, on Tiancheng Road, I really know a little gangster, who is a bully on Tiancheng Road. There are also many younger brothers under him, named Hao Bang, who gave him the nickname Big Diao, and there are some shameful things. , We can all let him go to help, but the big deal is just a little good. "

Mei Yihe received Mei Youlian's on-demand broadcast, and the cloud in her heart disappeared, and she suddenly became clearer, and she felt full of energy, "You Lian, you are really my good sister, this is a wonderful idea!

The mother and daughter don’t teach them a lesson. I’m afraid they don’t know what they are, and they dare to ride on our Mei’s neck and shit. Today I let them eat all the **** for me! "

"Go! Let's go find them now! Make sure they look good!"

"Yes! Just do it!"

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