I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 858: Rogue Hao Bang

"What kind of combination are you? The trio who snatched the Mei family property?" Mei Yihe sneered.

At this moment, Mei Yihe’s heart was actually very proud. In his opinion, Shen Fei wanted to fight for the Mei family’s property, but he was thrown away by himself, and even the door of the Mei family could not be entered. I don't know how much resentment there is in my heart.

And the reason why the mother and daughter of Mei Yeqing and Jian Jia came back to the Mei family was also for the Mei family's property. They have also been driven out by the Mei family, and they must hate the Mei family in their hearts.

Don't these three people share the same smell?

"But it's useless for you to worry about the Mei family's property now. The three of you are destined to enter the Bremen's gate. You won't get a point for the Mei family's property."

Mei Yihe looked at Shen Fei and Mei Yeqing mother and daughter coldly, her heart was really refreshed.

At the beginning, Mei Yihe thought that Shen Fei liked Jian Jia, but after repeatedly thinking about it, she suddenly realized that the reason why Shen Fei approached Jian Jia was actually for himself. He actually wanted to remarry him in his heart.

Because Shen Fei knew that he would not care about him anymore, so he was like using these two people who had just returned to the Mei family to find opportunities to get close to him, but unfortunately, he was very wrong, and the two of them were not at all. Being treated by the Mei family, let alone to please yourself.

"Shen Fei, I advise you not to think too much, no matter how much energy you spend, we will never be able to remarry again. You should see yourself early, you are not worthy of me at all.

You and I are people from two worlds. There is no possibility of any intersection between us. Our previous marriage was just a joke, a big joke. Wouldn’t you really think you could come in to our Mei’s house? Become the son-in-law of the Mei family, stop dreaming! You don't see what you are! "

"Now that you wake up from the dream, you should know yourself clearly. What should you do now? You want to marry me because of your virtue. You don't know anything about yourself. You are just a refugee in my eyes. Trash at the bottom!"

Mei Yihe spoke out her heart without concealment, she really looked down on Shen Fei.

Shen Fei looked at Mei Yihe quietly, and these words sounded like clouds and mists. He really didn't know why this woman appeared in front of him again, and what nonsense Barabara said here.

When Mei Yeqing saw Mei Yihe's group appear here, she was very nervous, but she was more panicked. She thought it was the Mei family who came here, and she worried that the Mei family would not let them go. Mother and daughter.

"You, why did you come here?! You, what are you doing here..." Mei Yeqing said tremblingly.

"What can I do in a coffee shop? Isn't it possible for me to come to take a shower? It's something that has never seen the world. I came to drink coffee and I am a guest."

Mei Yihe said proudly.

"We haven't reached business hours yet, you can..." Shen Fei's words haven't been finished yet.

A group of people came in again from the outside.

Seven or eight young people came in dangling from outside, as if they were entering their own home, without any restraint at all.

After entering, I sat directly at the empty table, slapped the table hard, "Bring the menu!"

These people have tattoos on their bodies, colorful hair, tights, peasy shoes, big gold rings on their hands, and big gold chains around their necks. They look very rich, but they don’t know this group. If you swim in the water, will these gold float?

The leader here is a dark and fat man wearing a black T-shirt, a round beer belly, and a pair of two to five to eighty thousand. It makes people feel that this child has no parents since he was a child, and no one has taught him the same. .

At first sight, these people were unkind. Mei Yeqing and Jian Jia were shocked when they saw this scene, and they couldn't help but step back a few steps.

But Mei Yihe was very calm, not only that, but they were very happy in their hearts. They simply sat down quietly and watched the group of people in the cafe quietly, and started eating. Melon pattern.

"Are you deaf? Who is the owner of this? Can't you hear me, the uncle said to let you bring the menu!"

One of them, a young man with green hair, said cursingly.

When Mei Yeqing and Jian Jia saw these people, they couldn't help but become frightened. The two looked at Shen Fei, but they dared not go forward.

"Sorry everyone. Our cafe only opened in the afternoon. It's a break now. If you want to have coffee, wait for the afternoon to come."

Shen Fei could tell at a glance that these people were not good people, but he was not afraid of them either.

"Rest time?! I didn't see all the brothers coming in, what's the matter, you want to get rid of the brothers!?"

"Master the drafter! Does anyone dare to treat us brothers this way on the road today!"

"Boy! Did you make trouble for us on purpose!"

With that said, several young people slapped the table directly, stood up, pointed at Shen Fei and cursed:

"Boy, do you know who we are! How dare to drive us out like this! I think you don't want to live anymore!"

This cafe was originally not big, these people stood up all of a sudden, plus Mei Yihemei Xinshang and Mei Youlian and others, instantly felt that the cafe was full of people, and the atmosphere was really good. A little nervous.

"Oh, I really don't know who you are."

Shen Fei said with a sneer looking at these people.

The man who took the lead rolled his eyelids, squinted his eyes and looked at Shen Fei up and down. He stood up slowly, and came to Shen Fei's side slowly, "Boy, you really don't know I am Who?"

Shen Fei looked at him coldly, without speaking.

The man patted Shen Fei's face directly, and said provocatively, "I am Hao Bang. No one has dared to yell at Lao Zi on Cheng Cheng Road this day. Why didn't this shop go bankrupt before it closed? Do you know? ?"

After that, Hao Bang looked up at the store and looked around for a week. "Looking at the decoration inside, you have worked hard. Unfortunately, you don’t know that the original boss had offended a few of our brothers. , Overnight, this shop let us smash it.

Did you see the garbage picker on this street? To tell you the truth, he can only make a living by picking garbage on this street. This is how I offended the uncle. "

When Shen Fei heard this, he was taken aback. Yes, when he was renting this shop, Shen Fei saw that the house had obvious signs of smashing, and Shen Fei was still wondering how the house became like this. .

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