I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 860: birthday

Don’t look at Hao Bang on this Tiancheng Road. He said he was the number one eldest brother, but the position between him and Mei Yihe is very different. How can Mei Yihe be the third young lady of Mei’s family? Where is he Hao? It's awesome.

If Mei Yihe is really anxious, Mei Yihe can pick up Hao Bang casually.

"Don't dare? What about things that Hao Bang didn't dare to? Then tell me, what the **** is going on! Didn't you say that you will smash his store? What's the matter, you are still afraid that they will not succeed. !?

That Shen Fei is just a homeless man from outside, what are you afraid of him? He has nothing to do with the Mei family, and Mei Yeqing and her ugly daughter. Our Mei family has now expelled them from the family, and the old lady even took back the Mei family’s surname. In this way, you are still afraid of them! ? "

Mei Yihe was angry at the thought of this, and shouted directly at Hao Bang.

"Miss Mei, I wasn't because of the three of them. Did you see the cat on the bar just now?"

"What did you see? Isn't it just a broken cat? Why do you look so ugly with blue hair? You should have gone up and killed that cat just now!"

Mei said with an aura.

"Oh, hey! It can't be done! Miss Mei can't talk nonsense about this, be careful to speak out!"

Hearing this, Hao Bang was shocked, so scared that he wanted to cover Mei Yihe's mouth, but he didn't dare to get close to Mei Yihe, so he could only wave his hand to make Mei Yihe shut up.

"What did I say, you are so scared! Why are you getting more and more useless? It's just a cat. Are you making such a fuss?"

Mei Yihe looked at Hao Bang contemptuously, not knowing what Hao Bang was afraid of.

"Miss Mei, that cat is not an ordinary cat, it is Haiye's cat!"

Mei Yihe frowned slightly, "Who? Who is Hai Ye? What does he do?"

"Haiye, a great figure with a very background in Wulingxi, I don't know since when Wulingxi suddenly appeared a Haiye with a strong background, but very mysterious.

There are many people in Wulingxi, and there are people on all roads. If he sneezes, the whole Wulingxi will tremble! Two days ago, I was fortunate enough to go to his villa with my elder brother. I saw this cat in his yard. It looked exactly like the cat in that coffee shop. To put it bluntly, it was the same cat! "

"That cat is so special that there can be no similar second one in the whole Wuling River. Fortunately, I remembered that if I really killed Haiye’s cat, my life would be lost. It's ruined!"

Having said this, Hao Bang seemed to remember something suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked terrified:

"Oh yes! I remembered! This shop is now owned by Hai Ye. After I smashed that shop again, the original owner sold the store, yes! Now it is Hai Ye Lord's house!

My mother! I'm so **** lucky! Fortunately, I didn't move that store just now, otherwise I wouldn't be enough to die for ten lives! "

Hao Bang was almost scared to death, and he slumped to the ground as he was afraid. After listening to the other boys, they were frightened and couldn't say a word in a daze.

"What and what are you talking about! What Haiye, why haven't I heard of it?"

Mei Yihe still didn't believe what Hao Bang said, frowning and looking at Hao Bang impatiently.

When did Wulingxi have such a human figure, I have never heard of it. Maybe it is Hao Bang’s bad job and made up nonsense. Mei Yihe has other things to be busy now, and there is no time at all. Grind down with Hao Bang.

After all, for Mei Yihe now, nothing is as important as her wedding. The shame of the past and the rest of life must be completely rewritten from this wedding, and the marriage will be tied down when the sky falls.

"Okay, don't talk to me here, get out of here! In the future, you will never have the opportunity to do things for me again!"

Mei Yihe drove away Hao Bang directly, and Hao Bang also let out a sigh of relief and walked away in despair!

Seeing Hao Bang's appearance, Mei Yi was frustrated. Sure enough, these little gangsters are not good. It seems that she still needs to find professional people to deal with these two mothers and daughters!

Thinking of this, Mei Yihe also left directly.

At this time, in the cafe.

Mei Yeqing and Jian Jia were still immersed in the intimidation of those Hao Bang, and the words Mei Yihe said when she left had a huge impact on the psychology of Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter.

Shen Fei could see that after this incident, Mei Yeqing's mother and daughter were worried and depressed a lot.

"You can stay here with peace of mind. There will be nothing wrong with me. Now you have become the owner of the cafe. This is a great event. Let's find time to celebrate and book a restaurant. Let’s have a meal together. If the time is right, it will be the day after tomorrow. There are still some things to be handled in the store tomorrow."

At this time, Shen Fei said easily.

In fact, the reason Shen Fei made this proposal is to make Mei Yeqing and her daughter happy. After all, they have experienced so many things during this period of time, and they shouldn't have the opportunity to adjust their mood.

"The day after tomorrow!?" Jia Jia said in shock.

"Well, the day after tomorrow, what's the matter?" Shen Fei couldn't help being a little surprised when Jian Jia was so shocked.

"The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is my birthday..." Jian Jia said embarrassedly: "I was thinking about making some dishes...

"Oh? The day after tomorrow is your birthday, that would be great, so let's book a better hotel the day after tomorrow, let's go have a meal together, let you relax and relax.

Please wait for a while, let me ask which hotel in Wulingxi is the best, let's go to the best hotel for dinner. "

When Shen Fei spoke, he picked up the phone and dialed a phone number.

"Yu Canghai, let me ask you something, where is the best place to eat in Wulingxi? I ​​plan to help others celebrate their birthdays."

It’s most appropriate to ask Yu Canghai about this kind of thing. After all, in this more than a year, Yu Canghai has turned into a big figure in Wulingxi, not to mention his wealth, and his contacts are also very extensive. This kind of food and drink The matter of having fun is naturally no more.

"Young Master, if you want to celebrate your birthday, you have to go to a better hotel. The best hotel in Wulingxi is of course the Yifan Hotel, especially the top floor of the Yifan Hotel, which is really great. "

"Okay, then book the Yifan Hotel. Yu Canghai, please send me the hotel phone number. I want to reserve a place."

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