I’m a Billionaire

Chapter 871: Show you the night scene

"Where are these people? Aren't they amazing? Why don't you even see your grandmother's appearance now when you hear that your grandmother is here, maybe you are so scared to hide!" Mei Yihe said sarcastically.

"I must be scared. I knew I was in trouble and couldn't afford it, so I hid."

"Be optimistic about the door on the top floor of the hotel. Don't let the three people run away. After such a short time, I'm sure they are still on the top floor."

"Yes! I don't believe it if you look at the gate well, it's so high, it's impossible for them to jump off the building!"

The big guy was talking babbledly, but it was just speculation. Whether it was in the restaurant or in the small courtyard on the roof, there was no half of a person to be seen at all.

Everyone stood on the roof in a daze, and slowly no one spoke. As expected, it was still very quiet here. Except for the breeze, everyone's heartbeat could be heard clearly.

For a while, the atmosphere in the small courtyard was really embarrassing to zero.

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled, "Look! There is something in the sky!"

Everyone couldn't help but looked up at the sky. In the night, they saw a few red dots flashing non-stop, and slowly everyone heard a rumbling sound.

Immediately afterwards, a strong beam of light shone directly on the small courtyard on the rooftop, and everyone was blocked by the unexpectedly strong light.

"What is this?" Mrs. Ge looked at the light from the sky with an angry look.

"It's a helicopter!" Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted.

"It's really a helicopter!"

"Who is this? He even opened up the helicopter!"

"Wulingxi still has such a big man, can he afford to fly a private jet?"

Everyone started talking again.


At this moment, something fell from the sky on the table in the small courtyard.

Afterwards, the helicopter flew slowly towards the distance.

Liu Jie hurriedly walked to the table, picked up the thing that had just fallen from the helicopter, and took a closer look, "It's the napkin on the table!"

Liu Jie suddenly raised his head and looked at the helicopter that was flying far away in the sky, "I see! This napkin fell from the plane, and the few people who ate just now were on the helicopter, I said. , In such a ten-minute time, why did they disappear!

It turns out they were flying in a helicopter..."

Having said that, Liu Jie stopped suddenly, holding the napkin in a daze, his face was full of shock.

He never thought that the few people in Shen Fei just now left in a helicopter. They definitely can't be upstarts!

"Did you leave in a helicopter?" Madam Ge also looked at the sky blankly, her face full of doubts.

Mei Yihe and the others had no time to think, and they were all shocked. After eating, they took a helicopter and left. This is a **** good man!

They are not poor. It seems that they just like to eat these home-cooked dishes. They came to this luxurious top-floor private restaurant just to eat these two dishes!

Liu Jie looked at the food on the table and said to the waiter behind him: "What did the guests at this table just order?"

The waiter blurted out without thinking: "Stewed cabbage vermicelli, stir-fried tomatoes..."

"Are there anything else besides these home-cooked dishes?" Liu Jie interrupted the waiter directly and asked.

"Yes, the guests at this table not only ordered home-cooked dishes, but also all the specialties on the top of the hotel, such as crocodile tail stew, wild large yellow croaker, black and white top caviar, abalone decoction and flower glue...Excluding the charter fee, a total of 70 Twenty-three thousand, six hundred and forty-seven yuan."

After the waiter finished speaking, everyone was so shocked that they almost dropped their chins.

At this time, on the helicopter.

"Shen Fei, something seems to have fallen just now. There are still many people in the small courtyard, so don't hit them." Jia Jia said.

That's right, Shen Fei Jianjia and Mei Yeqing were on the helicopter.

The surprise that Shen Fei said just now was this. After eating, Shen Fei wanted to take the two of them to enjoy the night view of Wuling Creek and let them relax.

Now that it is said that Jianjia should have a good birthday, of course it is fun to find some fresh tricks, and we must give Jianjia an unforgettable birthday.

Of course, this was all arranged by Shen Fei and let the city of Shu. Tonight, drive the helicopter to the vicinity of Yifan Hotel in advance, and wait until you and Jian Jia have finished eating, you can just take the helicopter and leave.

"Really?" Shen Fei subconsciously touched his pocket. The phone and wallet were there, "Nothing has fallen."

"That's not right, Shen Fei, something has fallen out just now, so please take a good look at what has fallen out. You haven't gone far yet. If something really falls out, we will go back and look for it." Jian Jia was a little bit at this time. Said worriedly.

Shen Feizai carefully touched his body, and indeed he did not notice that anything had fallen.

Suddenly, Shen Fei remembered, "Oh, I know what it is, it's okay, it's not an important thing, it's a box of napkins. I put the paper box at the door just now. It must be because I didn't kick it carefully when closing the hatch. Go down.

You don’t need to worry about it. It’s all trivial things. It should have fallen to the ground just now. It won’t hit anyone. The carton doesn’t sink, and there are not a few sheets of paper in it, so nothing will happen. You look at the night view of Wuling River, how is it, okay? "

With that said, Shen Fei pointed to the colorful night scene below and smiled at Jian Jia who was sitting next to him.

At this time, Jian Jia was completely shocked by the mirror image in front of her, and her face was directly attached to the glass, as if she had discovered a new continent.

"It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

Jian Jia looked at the night scene and muttered.

On the helicopter, I could see the entire Wuling River. As night fell, there were lights everywhere, and the roads were like luminous ribbons. The light was really beautiful.

Jian Jia was completely attracted by this mirror image, and Shen Fei was very happy to see Jian Jia's appearance.

"Little Shen, it really cost you money today. I spent a lot of money. It's really disappointing. Thank you for being willing to spend your time on Jiajia's birthday."

Mei Yeqing was really upset, but she looked through the veil and saw a happy smile on Jian Jia's face, of course she was happy in her heart.

In the past twenty years, her daughter has never had a good life with herself. The two of them are always living a difficult life. Jian Jia has suffered a lot with her. Just now, when Jian Jia was ordering food, Jian Jia was embarrassed, even I ordered the cabbage stewed vermicelli.

In fact, Mei Yeqing's heart is also very sad. She knows that this is because she has not been able to give Jia Jia a good life, so that Jia Jia will become like this, and she will be so restrained when she comes to this high-end hotel to eat.

Now, Shen Fei has spent so much thought to help her celebrate her birthday. He also chose the top floor of Yifan Hotel. Now he took the cymbal on the helicopter and could have such a grand and unforgettable birthday, Mei Yeqing Of course I am happy for my daughter.

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