"Brother Lu, can you see if I sensed it wrong? Does that first-year student have the aura of that card?"

A young man asked Lucas hesitantly.

For some reason, he sensed the aura of that card on that boy over there.

However, he had never seen that boy.

This made him wonder if he sensed it wrong.

So he wanted Lucas, the strongest person here, to confirm it.

Lucas looked at Su Sheng in the distance and frowned.

He also sensed that the boy seemed to have the aura of that card.

But it seemed very faint.

After thinking about it, he whispered to the people around him:"It is true, but it is very faint, as if it has not been used. It may be a new member of the organization."

The young man who raised the question was even more confused and said,"Really? It's strange that they actually selected members from the first-year students?"

Then he suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had discovered something, and whispered:"Could it be related to the disappearance of Jiang Xuan and the others?"

His words startled the two young men around him, and they looked at Su Sheng at the same time.

After a long while, Lucas said,"It's unlikely, right? Jiang Xuan's three guys, although they have bad tempers, they are still strong. No matter what, they can't lose to the first graders."

The young man who asked the question nodded, still frowning, which was also what he was confused about.

After thinking about it, he decided to ignore the other party. After all, they are in the competition now, and obtaining the qualification to enter the secret realm is the most important thing.

If you can't get the qualification, you will inevitably be punished.

The young man seemed to think of a terrible scene, trembling all over, and shook his head quickly, not thinking about it anymore.

On the other side, Su Sheng glanced at Lucas and the others, but didn't pay much attention.

As soon as he went out, he noticed these people.

They all had the aura of the Hermes barrier card.

Su Sheng didn't say anything. The enemy was in the dark, and he just didn't show his feet.

However, thinking of the three people staring at him just now, Su Sheng could naturally guess that the other party could also sense the aura of the Hermes barrier card.

It seems that the three barrier cards must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Time passed.

The doors of the rooms opened one after another, and out walked the card masters and their card beasts.

These were the ones with full points.

At the same time, the doors of the rooms disappeared one after another, and the card masters in the room doors should be eliminated.

When the door of a room opened and the last card master walked out, the sound of the broadcast came from all directions.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhang Tianyou"

"Congratulations on your successful advancement to the tournament"

"Now, I will explain the rules of the competition. Please listen carefully."

"This competition will be divided into two stages"

"The first stage will be held among all the qualified first-year students. I will select the strongest one from among the qualified students and send him to the arena to become the champion."

"Then the next step is very simple. All the first-year students who advance to the next round have the right to challenge the champion."

"If you win, the winner will become the champion."

"The loser will take a break and can challenge again in the next period of time."

"Originally, according to my idea, if you fail, you will be out directly. But others said that was too harsh, so it was changed to two challenges for each person. Please cherish these two challenges, or if you think you have no chance, you can give up these two challenges."

"When everyone has used up their challenge opportunities, this stage ends. The champion will become the rookie champion of this competition."

"In addition to the champion, the ranking of other people will be determined by the school leaders according to their performance in this competition. The school leaders have a set of fixed scoring rules."

"If you feel that the way the school leaders rank you is unfair, you can give up now."


Everyone was silent, especially the first-year students who had been promoted. No one dared to speak.

This vice-principal was famous for his strictness.

After a pause, the broadcast continued.

"Very good, if you have no objection, I will continue to announce the rules for the second stage."

"The rules of the second stage are the same as the first stage, but this time the new champion will be the champion again. The difference is that this time everyone in the grade can take part in the challenge."

"All contestants in the grade will only have one chance to challenge, including the first-year students who have used up all their chances in the first stage. You will also only have one chance."

"Do you understand? If you understand, please respond."

The whole audience was silent. The rules were not difficult to understand, and everyone understood them.

However, everyone's silence seemed to anger the vice-president.

Seeing that no one responded, the voice on the radio became violent.

"I said! If you understand, please respond! Are you deaf or dumb?"Everyone responded quickly, saying that they understood.

Then they all trembled.

At this time, they all had the same thought in their minds: the vice-president is so scary.

However, it seemed that other leaders could not bear it any longer.

While they were quietly persuading the vice-president, another voice came from the radio.

"Principal Zhang, you are too harsh."

The result was a louder response from the vice-principal.

"How about you guys come?!!"


"Come on, come on"

The students trembled as they heard the sound of a table breaking on the radio.

Fortunately, it was over soon.

Zhang Tianyou's voice continued to be heard.

"Okay, then, I will open the game to spectators, everyone get ready"

"When the bell rang, the game started."

With his announcement

, the sky in the entire space slowly turned transparent from the original black nothingness.

When everyone reacted, the surrounding scene had been revealed.

Outside, there were countless spectators.

At this time, they had put away the cards for viewing the game, and were looking at the contestants in the center of the arena in front of them with great joy.

They all cheered for the contestants they favored.

"Master Zhao! Come on! Champion!"

"crown���! Champion! Champion!"

"Champion! Champion! Champion!"

"Come on, Xiang Nanfei! So handsome! You must win the championship!"

"Come on, Master Zhou! Win the championship!"

"Goddess Mu! Come on!"

"Goddess Su! Come on!"

"Murong Ling! Murong Ling! Murong Ling!"

"Wind! Wind! Ao Tian Feng! Come on!"

"Wuhu! Steel Armored Flying Dragon, Charge!"

"Champion! Champion! Champion!"

""Champion! Champion! Champion!"

In the center of the arena, there were many tables covered with red cloths.

One after another, leaders in formal attire were sitting among them, smiling at the contestants on the stage.

Among them, a muscular man was standing there with a microphone in his hand.

Two logistics personnel in work clothes were cleaning up the broken pieces of the table in front of him.

After cleaning up, a card was used, and a new table suddenly appeared.

Another staff member covered him with a red cloth.

The two left, and the muscular man sat down again.

The leaders on both sides of him were trying to hold back their laughter.

Zhang Tianyou coughed twice, picked up the microphone again, and made the sound that everyone had just heard.

"So, I declare"

"The ring match begins!"

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