Are you kidding? Since the other party wants to fight three people alone, how can we refuse?

Teacher Mu, you really don't understand us.

"Uh, then the rules stand. Please take your positions, opponents!"

Mu Bingbing was speechless, and then she could only announce the rules.

"The game is between Su Sheng and Li Yi, Chen Dong and Gao Zhi. Each person can only play one card beast. The battle ends when one party admits defeat or the card beast is judged to be unable to fight!"

"It’s about to begin, it’s about to begin!"

The students watching around began to get excited.

Su Sheng looked at Little Wukong, smiled slightly, and said to it:"Little Wukong, you are the future Monkey King! I believe you can do it! Don’t forget our training, I will fight with you too!"

Little Wukong was not worried at all, but looked at his opponent with a strong fighting spirit and shouted!


Mu Bingbing took out a prop card and injected mental power into it.

Suddenly, a protective shield enveloped the battlefield.

"The combatants are in position! The battle begins now!"

The battle is about to begin!

"Naughty bear! Intimidate!"

The first to issue the order was Li Yi, who had been prepared for a long time. As soon as he heard the game start, he wanted to give Su Sheng a warning.


Naughty Bear slapped his chest with both hands, and then shouted loudly, and a visible sound wave rushed straight to Xiao Wukong and Su Sheng!

"Flame Turtle! Crash!"

"Green vine lizard! Bite!"

Chen Dong and Gao Zhi were not slow either. When Naughty Bear activated his skill, they immediately issued a command.

Immediately, the two card beasts ran towards Xiao Wukong!

Su Sheng smiled evilly and blocked the sound waves with his hands.

He glanced at Xiao Wukong and saw that he seemed to be completely unaffected.

"Little Goku!"




"Use Steel Fist on the Green Ivy Lizard!"


Little Wukong yelled, his hands condensed into golden light, and he rushed towards the Green Ivy Lizard!

"What! Both hands!"

"Two-handed!!! At least level 4 skill!"

"This is too generous!!!"

The students who were watching were shocked, even Mu Bingbing was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, it is relatively easy to upgrade a skill card from level one to level three. Many diligent students can train it soon after obtaining the card beast.

However, the fourth-level skill can be regarded as a small qualitative change, and the difficulty of upgrading will be much higher.

Now these students have only obtained the card beast for more than a week. How did Su Sheng get a fourth-level skill card?

Mu Bingbing was puzzled. Did he buy the difficulty?

No way! Teacher Wang said that Su Sheng's family was not well off, where did he get the money.

The price of a fourth-level skill card is several times more expensive than that of a third-level skill card.

In the distance, Li Yi and the other two were shocked.

Chen Dong directly threw out a skill card that had just been condensed, and at the same time issued an order to his Flame Turtle

""Fire Turtle, use smoke!"

He wanted to intercept Xiao Wukong's attack, otherwise the fourth-level gold-attributed steel fist would hit Gao Zhi's restrained wood-attributed fragile green vine lizard and be killed instantly.

Li Yi and Gao Zhi also hurriedly issued orders.

"Naughty Bear! Boxing!"

"Green vine lizard, get out of the way!"

At the same time, the two of them hurriedly gathered their cards.

"Good luck."Su Sheng looked at the card that had just been condensed and smiled slightly. He quickly threw the card towards the naughty bear, and a cloud of smoke directly enveloped it, and its attack was immediately stopped.

The smoke enveloped its eyes and got into its nostrils, causing it to cough continuously and tears to flow from its eyes.

Su Sheng sprinted quickly, following behind Xiao Wukong, using the movement of running to cover up his other operation.

A strong airflow began to spin rapidly on its body, carrying sand and stones.

No one saw Su Sheng's movement of condensing the card, but only saw the skill that suddenly appeared on him.

Suddenly, everyone was surprised again.

"Oh my god! Flying sand and rocks! Rich man!"

""The second skill card! So fast!"

They were a little surprised. On the one hand, it was because Flying Sand and Rolling Stones was not a card that they could comprehend not long after they obtained the card beast. So they thought Su Sheng bought it.

On the other hand, it was because this was the second skill card used by Su Sheng, and the time when this second skill card appeared was a little earlier than they expected.

Because at the beginning of a general battle, it is the default routine operation for the card master to condense a card in advance.

The condensation of the second card can be started immediately at the beginning of the battle.

In this way, two skills can be used quickly in the early stage.

And why not condense all the cards in the card box in advance?

Of course it is because it is not cost-effective!

Because If the card is not used after it is condensed, it will continue to consume mental power!

Each condensed card will be consumed, and the longer the condensation time, the greater the consumption.

If you do not have extremely huge mental power, if you do not want to release the card when there is no mental power, then it is best not to do so.

Affected by many factors, the speed at which each person condenses each different card is different.

But if it is not condensed first, then in Su Sheng's case, his card condensation speed can only be extremely fast.

So the students who are watching, as long as they are good at studying, know that normally, the second skill card will not be released so quickly.

"Did he hide a skill card?"

Some classmates also speculated whether Su Sheng had prepared two skill cards in advance, and then made critical but understanding comments on his behavior.

After all, it was one against three, so it was understandable to prepare in advance.

It can only be said that they all guessed wrong.

Because of this, Su Sheng just slightly concealed the fact that there was no second condensed card around him, and activated the skills in the skill area.

Flying sand and rocks!

Level 4 flying sand and rocks!

Concealment can also be said to be hiding cards.

It is a low-end but very practical fighting method.

After the cards are condensed, they will float around the body, and it is easy for people to see how many skill cards they have condensed.

This will alert the enemy, because it represents how many skills the card master can use at any time.

So in order to solve In this situation, all card masters are required to learn how to use various methods to cover up their condensed cards.

Low-end card masters use external objects to cover, such as large clothes and cloaks to hide.

High-end card masters often use the simplest method, directly using delicate mental power to control the cards in some parts of the body that the enemy cannot see.

Or if the mental power is a little stronger, all the light of the condensed card can be directly eliminated, which will be even less obvious. To achieve the effect of surprise.

Back to the battlefield, the flying sand and rolling stones have taken shape.

Su Sheng directly released the skill.

Target, Flame Turtle!

The flying sand and rolling stones surrounding the body suddenly broke away from the body and rushed straight to the Flame Turtle!

In the face of the astonished expression of the Flame Turtle, the smoke it just sprayed was swept directly into its face!



""Ka, Ka, Ka!"

The flying sand and rocks directly swept up the Flame Turtle with smoke, causing continuous damage in the air.

The gold attribute skill had little effect on the Fire Turtle with fire attribute, but the flying sand and rocks skill level was high enough to cause huge damage to the young Fire Turtle!


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