It wasn't until noon the next day that Xie Lun opened his eyes on the bed. I slept for such a long time, naturally, not because I stayed up all night yesterday, the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday...

Well, there is a little connection.

But the more reason is that every time Shay Lun uses the "Fear" skill, he will feel a strong headache, the kind of headache caused by an extreme lack of sleep.

Xie Lun once asked the system because of this problem. Unfortunately, the system seems to be just a system and does not have an intelligent function. So Xie Lun can only guess whether it will cause headaches after using the skills, or it is because his magic power is too low.

Probably when the personal level is improved in the future and the magic power is high enough, then this headache will disappear.

Although the headache has been greatly relieved after sleeping for so long, Xie Lun can still feel as if he had been hit by a hammer on his forehead. But Xie Lun knew that he couldn't sleep anymore, at least he had to get up and eat lunch before continuing to sleep.

Only in this way can you gain better weight...cough cough, it is to restore energy.

Xie Lun rubbed his temples and got up weakly. After a brief wash, he pushed the door and walked out of the room. In the United States, there are no decent hotels in a small town like this, but there are motels everywhere.

For example, Xie Lun and the Wen brothers live here.

Seeing Shay Lun going out, Dean, who was wiping the car on the open space outside, waved and smiled: "Sleepy, you finally woke up. To be honest, if you didn't see you still sucking Roar, I would really be afraid that you would fall asleep. Woolen cloth."

"Shut up, Dean, can't you expect me to order it?" Xie Lun lazily said, "Where's Sam? By the way, and my car, where did you put it?"

"Sam went to the rented car," Dean continued to wipe the car: "As for your car, we tried it last night and it can still be driven. The front bumper is broken. You can find a place to fix it yourself."

"Well, I'll go to dinner first, you tell Sam to ask him to make more invoices, I'll go back and get the reimbursement."

Sharon patted Dean on the shoulder and walked to the fast food restaurant across the road.

"Oh, these moths that waste taxpayers' money." Dean took out his cell phone and dialed Sam's number after looking at Xie Lun in the distance. "Sami, where is it? Great, remember, open more. A few invoices, anyway, I will be reimbursed by the wrongdoer..."

Unlike Dean, who had been out of school since he was a child, "unlearned" and "illiterate", Sam is a top student in the law department of Ivy League University. Had it not been for the disappearance of his father John Winchester this time, he would not have followed his brother Dean on a run.

Sam knows very well in his heart that anyone in the United States can do it against the tax, but don't do it against the tax, otherwise it will be ugly to guarantee your death. So he didn't follow Dean's arrangement, and honestly paid and received invoices according to the normal procedures, and did not dare to open more.

When he came back, the sun had already set. Sharon has ordered pizza for takeout, and Dean has also bought beer.

"It's a pity that there is no barbecue."

Xie Lun sighed in his heart, opened a bottle of beer, touched the bottle with Dean and Sam, then drank the bottle directly with his neck back, and then let out a long sigh: "Good!"

With that, he reached out and opened another bottle of beer.

Dean was dumbfounded. He thought he could drink enough, but Sharon was not so perverted. Seeing Sharon drank another half a bottle, Dean suddenly felt that the two packs of beer he had bought might not be enough.

"To be honest, thank you, I still don't believe that you are really an agent of the NIA." Sam took a sip of his drink and chuckled, "How do I say, you and the detectives I imagine Member, it feels really different."

Dean, who was eating pizza on the side, nodded, chewing and vaguely said, "Yes, let alone detectives, even ordinary police officers would believe us in this business."

Sharon drank the second bottle, and in Dean’s distressed eyes, opened the third bottle again, and smiled: "Okay, don’t sing and agree with each other. I can tell you that NIA didn’t pay attention. You two, it’s just that I, as a special agent, happen to know some secrets of your Winchester family."

Dean breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and Sam frowned, "Secret? What secret?"

Sharon glanced at Sam, sighed silently, and whispered: "I can't tell you the specifics, but Sam, I want to solemnly warn you, don't believe in demons, especially female demons."

It's not that Sharon can't say it, but that he has almost forgotten the plot of the TV series, but vaguely remembers that the tragedy of the Winchester family was a yellow-eyed demon. And Sam was eager for revenge, and seemed to be used by a female demon.

Hearing Sharon's words, Sam's face changed drastically. Just as he wanted to ask more, Sharon changed the subject and said to Dean, "Is your father John missing?"

Dean's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Yes, do you know where my father is?"

Xie Lun shook his head and said, "If I'm not wrong, John should be following the demon that killed your mother. But it should be fine. When the time is right, he will contact you."

"Dad is too impulsive. Why don't you take me with you for such an important thing?"

Dean hatedly drank all the beer in his hand.

Sam said solemnly, "Thanks, you must know the specifics of that damn devil, right?"

"Except for a pair of yellow eyeballs, I have forgotten everything else."

Sharon murmured in his heart, watching the solemn expressions of Sam and Dean, he suddenly smiled: "You want to know more, it's not impossible, but..."

Dean and Sam said at the same time: "Just what?"

Xie Lun spread his hands: "Join NIA and become a special agent just like me."


Dean and Sam spit out a vulgar word at the same time.

Xie Lun shook the can and said with a smile: "Just kidding. In fact, NIA has just established the position of Special Agent. I don't know as much detail about your family as you think. But I can help you collect John. If there is the latest news, I can let you know, OK?"

What else could Dean and Sam say, they could only nod their heads.

Xie Lun just wanted to return to his room after he was full of food and drink. When he walked to the door, he seemed to think of something, and turned back to Dean and said: "John seems to have left a sheepskin book, which contains information on the anomalous creatures he encountered. Can you lend it to me for one night?"

Dean pursed his lips: "What if I refuse?"

Xie Lun shrugged: "It's just borrowing for one night, don't you need to be so stingy, Dean?"

Even though he said that, Sharon stared at Dean with his eyes fixed.

Dean hesitation for a long time before he took out a red sheepskin book from his backpack and handed it to Xie Lun, "Remember, you only have one night. And... don't tear it."

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