After Xie Lun and Doug worked together to change the spare tire, he said to Doug: "Go to the driver's seat and I will try to repair the engine. Remember, when I call you to start the car, you must start the car in time. ."

Doug nodded vigorously, and quickly climbed into the driver's seat.

Xie Lun pretended to come to the front of the car, leaning down to look like he was checking the engine, but in fact he just pressed the ring on his finger to the engine.

"The system restores the target to the most basic starting state."

[Observe...the target is being scanned...recovered to your request, 10 points need to be deducted, is it repaired? 】

"Repair, anyway, I just earned 50 points from that little baby, so I won't suffer."

[Beep...the repair is successful, 10 points are deducted, you currently have 70 points remaining]

Xie Lun patted his palms, raised his head and shouted loudly, "Doug, light up!"

Doug, who was already ready, turned the key immediately after hearing Sharon's order. Just listening to the muffled sound of the engine turning "buzzing", the touring car started successfully.

"Successful, Agent Xie, you are amazing!"

At the moment Doug, there is only infinite worship left for Sharon.

At the beginning, he and his father-in-law Bob worked together for a long time, but did not repair the engine. However, Xie Lun only touched, and the car was able to start without getting his hands dirty.

Maybe this is the gap between ordinary people and NIA agents?

In the eyes of Doug worship, Xie Lun closed the car cover, jumped back into the car, and waved: "Turn around, let's go back!"

Doug and Brenda had already moved the bodies of Ethel and Linna into the trailer behind the RV. As for everything else left outside, they turned directly to the back and forth.

At the moment the morning sun has slowly risen, and the golden sun is spreading on the ground. Under the sunshine, the whole Gobi Desert reflected golden light, as if the ground was covered with gold.

But it's such a beautiful scenery, no one wants to appreciate it except Xie Lun. Brenda, who suffered shock changes at a young age, changed his lively and cheerful personality, and since getting into the car, he has been holding Catherine in a dead face without saying a word.

Doug was also silent. Although the old man and his family always looked down on him, he always loved his wife deeply. But in one night, the family broke down and the people died. If it wasn't for his own daughter, I'm afraid he couldn't hold it anymore.

In this depressing atmosphere, the RV was driving forward quickly.

Soon, Bob, lying on the side of the road, appeared in front of Doug and Schellen.

Doug was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped to check, only to find that Bob was just in a coma, and Roar was breathing, and he was relieved. With the help of Sharon, he moved Bob back into the car, and the RV was on the road again.

When he came to the pile of rocks blocking the highway, Xie Lun saw his SUV parked on the opposite side unscathed.

When Doug Roar was hired to change cars, Xie Lun's cell phone rang, which had been silent for a long time. Perhaps because of the influence of the radiated magnetic field, the quality of the call was very poor. Xie Lun turned several times and finally climbed onto the roof of the caravan.

"...Hey... Sharon... I'm Holly, did you hear that?"

"Deputy Director Holly, I can hear it now. It's just that the signal on my side is not good. Why don't you wait for me to get out?"

"How are you now?"

"Everything is normal, and besides that, I have rescued several victims, some of whom are in urgent need of medical assistance."

"The support is on the road, and it will take about 20 minutes to reach your location. But now I need you to go to another place to investigate and gather intelligence."

Xie Lun was startled: "Deputy Director, please speak."

"We have just received a notice from the military that two hours ago, an underground warehouse belonging to the military lost contact. The convoy sent to deliver supplies to the warehouse, the military intended to let them complete anything to rescue you. But now I have also lost communication..."

Xie Lun's mind emerged, and the group of soldiers who dared to drill into the cave quietly curled their lips.

On the phone, Hollys continued: "At present, the only official person closest to the underground Warehouse is you. Now that you are okay, coupled with the military's requirements, I now, as the deputy director of the NIA, order you immediately. Go and investigate!"

Don't look at Holly's very serious words on the phone, but Sharon, who was brought up by her since childhood, couldn't hear the subtext in her words.

If Holly solemnly called Xie Lun's full name as a family member, then she had better be obedient.

But in what official capacity...

Xie Lun quickly rolled his eyes. It seemed that Hollis didn't want to let himself go, but because of the pressure from above, he could only turn around like this and tell himself:

"Boy, don't go, just talk about the reason, any stomach hurts and leg cramps. Anyway, the emperor is far away, you can't live or die, no one of us officials has anything to do."

However, Xie Lun glanced around and still showed the "in progress" task window. Perhaps this is the system secretly reminding itself that where is the key clue to the conclusion of this case hidden?

Xie Lun was silent for a moment and said: "Yes, Deputy Director Holly, I promise to complete the task."

"Okay...huh?" Hollys got over it, and after a while, she stammered a little, "My signal is not very good, so thanks agent, please consider it carefully and repeat it again, okay? "

Xie Lun's tone became more determined: "I have considered it clearly, Deputy Director, please send the target information."

There was a deep inhalation sound on the phone, and then... the communication was simply hung up.

Sharon grinned bitterly, and it seemed that he really made Holly angry this time.

But soon he received an encrypted text message on his mobile phone. After decryption, the text message contained only a very simple sentence: "Base 116, coordinates XXXXXX, password 7803ZM."

Xie Lun collected his mobile phone, jumped out of the RV, and said to Doug, "You stay here for a while, and support will arrive in less than 20 minutes. I just received a new task and need to turn back, so the RV temporarily Borrow it."

Doug shrugged, and after moving the trailer with the corpse on the back, he said solemnly to Xie Lun: "You can use the RV. You don't have to return it to me in the future. I don't want to see this car again. ."

Xie Lun patted Doug on the shoulder, thought for a moment, then handed the revolver to Doug again, and exhorted: "Don't go wrong this time."

Doug gave a wry smile, took the gun, and shook Sharon's hand vigorously: "Thank you, sir, must pay attention to your safety and take care."

Brenda, who had been silent for a long time, also walked over at this time, gave Sharon a hug, then turned and left silently, and then went to take care of Catherine.

Xie Lun did not continue to have a relationship with his sons and daughters, drove the RV and turned around, and began to drive quickly to the opposite side of the Gobi Desert.

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