Xie Lun, who is hiding his figure, always monitors Ding Na's every move in the dark. He originally planned to follow the plot and wait for Christine to release all the monsters, but he didn't expect a piece of red cloth to kill halfway and guide Ding Na to the base.

After seeing Ding Na enter the security duty room, Xie Lun discovered that this matter was not as simple as imagined.

More precisely, it should not be as simple as in the movie.

Xie Lun felt a little strange when he was watching the movie. In a small security duty room, there is a switch that releases all monsters at once. What's more nonsense is that the switch does not have any pre-safety measures, just press it directly.

Even if the submarine launches a nuclear bomb, it needs to check the launch code and two launch keys.

Just like Ding Na now, it just barely makes sense that you need to enter a complex password to start the "self-destruct program".

But what is going on with this red cloth?

He even knew such a secret password.

Ding Na looked at the pop-up window on the monitor and hesitated, but after listening to the uninterrupted gunfire outside and looking at the cracked window, she finally made up her mind and reached out and pressed the Enter key on the keyboard.

"The self-destruct program starts... countdown to 10, 9, 8..."

Xie Lun looked at the picture on the monitor with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

A classic scene in the movie is about to appear.

In the elevator hall outside the duty room, the captain of the armed squad suddenly raised his fist and ordered the whole team to cease fire.

The warning lights on the elevator doors on the left and right flashed suddenly. Before the armed team could react, there was a ding sound and ten elevator doors opened at the same time.

In the next moment, a screaming scream echoed in the elevator hall...

All kinds of monsters, like a tide, swarmed out from the elevator, and swallowed the armed squad in a flash. Then along the corridors, ventilation ducts, etc., rush to the rest of the base.

The base's defense line collapsed almost in the blink of an eye.

In the wooden house on the base, Kurt did not block the door for too long. In fact, he didn't even last five minutes, and the door was knocked open. The werewolf made a low roar in his throat and walked towards Kurt step by step.

But the werewolf had just walked a few steps, and a dagger stabbed at the werewolf from behind, accompanied by a sinister laugh.

The werewolf was also agile, suddenly rose into the air, his feet clasped the roof tightly, turned upside down, his claws grabbed behind him. The Joker behind it smiled strangely, not afraid of the werewolf's sharp claws, and instead of retreating, he stabbed the werewolf with the dagger in his hand.

"Puff puff puff puff" a few muffled sounds, the werewolf's claws did not leave the slightest scar on Joker, on the contrary, the sharp dagger in Joker's hand made several deep wounds on the werewolf's chest.

Blood spewed out, but this inspired the ferocious wildness of the werewolf. It jumped down, embraced Joker and rushed out the door.

Before Kurt could breathe a sigh of relief, a weird man with a saw blade in his head walked in through the door. He walked all the way to Kurt before handing over what he was holding.

That is a Rubik's Cube.

However, this Rubik's Cube is not an ordinary Rubik's Cube, but a round Rubik's Cube made of copper.

Kurt was taken aback, looking at the blank saw man, he hesitated: "What do you mean?"

The saw blade man did not speak, but his eyes grew sharper, and the saw blade inserted in his head began to rotate. At the same time, Kurt felt a sharp pain in his head, as if his entire head was torn apart.

His face was wet and he reached out to touch it, and Kurt realized that his face was covered with blood.

The skin on his face has been torn.

Fortunately, at this moment, Martin rushed over, picked up the big pipe in his hand and hit the saw man's back hard.

The man with the saw blade didn't move at all, but Martin was counter-shocked by an invisible force and took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

The saw blade man ignored Martin and continued to reach out and handed the Rubik's Cube to Kurt. Martin frowned and looked at it, and said anxiously: "Kurt, quickly put the Rubik's cube together, otherwise your head will be torn by the saw blade just like him."

Kurt resisted the severe pain, tremblingly stretched out his hand, took the Rubik's Cube, and turned it awkwardly. This kind of round Rubik's Cube would have been more difficult for a square Rubik's Cube, not to mention that Kurt now has a splitting headache, his eyes are blushing, and his speed is naturally slower.

Martin wanted to help, and suddenly there was a scream from other rooms. It should be that something else broke through the window and broke into the room. But soon the scream disappeared, leaving only the scalp tingling muscle tearing.

At this moment, the weird Joker walked in again from the door. In addition to the sharp dagger in its hand, it also carried the head of a werewolf who donated Linlin's blood.

It was thrown forward, and the huge werewolf head rolled all the way, just in front of Martin. Then it shook its yellow hair, raised its dagger, and let out a wacky laugh.

Martin felt that his legs were weak, and he didn't care about Kurt, turned around and stumbled into it. Joker did not hurriedly followed, as if he was not worried that Martin would run away.

Martin pushed the first door hard, but the door that had been closed unexpectedly opened. I saw that Holden was tied to a chair, and a few people in suits wearing white masks gathered around Holden, peeling the skin on Holden's body little by little with a knife.

And Holden is even alive, but his tongue has been cut off, making him unable to scream at all.

Martin staggered back and slammed open the opposite door. This room is even more miserable. The pair of male and female students who hid in this room has been ripped apart, and several deformed people with tumors on their faces are lying on the corpses and gorging themselves.

Martin retched in his throat and almost vomited out, holding on to the wall and continuing to flee inside.

Pushing open the third door, Ois was hung upside down from the chandelier. A man in a suit holding a chainsaw and wearing a terrible mask was sawing on Ois's thigh. The other hands and feet of Oaisi had been sawn off and placed neatly on the bed.

This tragic scene made Martin's mental pressure suppressed to the extreme. He grabbed his hair hard and squatted down in pain, even though Joker was slowly walking towards him, he didn't want to escape.

He has lost the spirit of resistance.

At this moment, the last door was opened, Christine rushed out of it covered in blood, and the sickle in her hand slashed on Joker neatly.

In the room behind her, the thin and tall Feldmos family zombie was chopped into pieces.

The sickle flicked over Joker's head, knocked down the red ball worn on Joker's nose, and rolled away along the ground grunting. Joker screamed, ignoring Martin, chasing the red ball quickly.

At this moment, Christine pulled Martin up, kicked open the window at the end of the corridor, and the two jumped out from here.

A melodious music sounded, and a white figure appeared in front of them, tiptoeing and turning their bodies.

Christine and Martin looked at each other, she raised the sickle in her hand, and Martin raised his big pipe.

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