It is necessary to emphasize one point here, that is, unless the most dangerous moment is extremely critical, very urgent, and the world is falling apart, you should never try to jump down from the second and third floors.

The second and third floors do not sound high, and they do not seem to be high, but if they jump off the second and third floors rashly, cases of death and injury abound.

Suppose you are facing a situation where you have to jump. It is best to also need a rope or a soft object underneath.

Unless you have the same physique as Xie Lun, surpassing ordinary people.

Or... just like James, smashed two puppets with a butt. Sitting down the two mummy puppets directly into pieces, James didn't have anything to do with it.

But looking at the other mummy puppets coming around, James is not necessarily shit.

Fortunately, at this time, Xie Lun descended from the sky and waved two chair legs, smashing the surrounding mummy puppets to pieces and flying. Then he grabbed James and killed him abruptly from the crowd.

"Get in my car?"

"Fart, get in my car!"

There was no room for James to refuse, and Shay Lun simply stuffed him into the passenger seat of his car. Then slid past the front cover and got into the car neatly.

No way, Tina can't control the car without inserting the car key. But in any case, Sharon will not leave the car keys in the car.

Quickly inserted the car key, and the engine roared immediately. Without Xie Lun's control, the sports car automatically engages in reverse gear, reverses the car, hits the crowd, and then engages the front gear, reaching the 100-meter speed within 2.6 seconds, Roar whistling away.

"It's too fast, it's too fast!"

James clutched the handrail tightly and screamed sternly.

Xie Lun said in a bad mood: "Stop howling, let me see what you found."

Looking at the self-driving car, James turned pale and hurriedly handed the heavy black book in his arms to Sharon, then quickly fastened his seat belt.

"What is this stuff?"


Looking at Xie Lun's suspicious eyes, James hurriedly explained, "It's not an ordinary photo album, you can see it after you open it."

Xie Lun took a deep breath and slowly opened the first page of the album.


One hundred and forty years, the end of the Civil War.

The extremely remote and backward town of Farravens did not suffer much from the setbacks of the war. Except for donating a sum of money to the north and the south, the residents of the small town still live as they should.

But this peaceful life, which seems to be unchanged in another hundred years, was completely broken with the arrival of a female puppeteer named Mary Shaw.


"This is my brother, this is my dad..."

With trembling lips, James pointed to the photo in the album and explained.

"And this woman, although I can't remember what she looks like, the name noted from the photo should be my mother..."

James couldn't help it anymore, big tears gushing out.

Xie Lun's face is also very ugly, because the photo album is not a simple portrait, but a photo of a man made into a puppet.

Seeing the pictures are lifelike, but with a pale face, a cheek gang, and a well-dressed doll, Xie Lun is a bit disgusted even if it is a murderous one.

A thick photo album, it is roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of photos in it. In other words, there are at least hundreds of decedent's unjust souls hidden in it.

And this album is some years old, because in the first few album pages, it was not photos but portraits that stuck to it, indicating that there was no camera at that time, or it had not yet begun to spread.

"Mary Shaw did it all?"

"Absolutely right," James gritted his teeth. "Look at the first page of the album. It is the weird nursery rhyme. On the last page, it is a portrait of Mary Shaw when she was burned to death, and The location of the corpse."

Xie Lun shook his head: "This just shows that this album is not Mary Shaw's, maybe everything was done by Mary Shaw back then, but now these things should be good things done by your stepmother, Ella."

"Why?" James said bitterly, "Without grievances, why did she do such a thing."

"Either Mary Shaw's descendants, or her admirer."

There was one thing Sharon didn't say, and there was another possibility that Ella might be possessed by Mary Shaw.

Or maybe she is Mary Shaw herself!

"But in either case, she has a problem with leaving this album." Xie Lun looked at James quietly, "She is guiding you to dig into Mary Shaw's past."

James was a little confused: "Where did you see it?"

"It's very simple, whether she tells you the nursery rhyme about Mary Shaw through your father's mouth. Or she leaves this album on purpose to let you know what Mary Shaw has done. All reveal this information, that is to let you Go to Mary Shaw’s grave."

Xie Lun closed the photo album and said in a deep voice, "This is a shame. She killed your wife to lure you back home. She left this photo album to force you to follow the path she laid."


Xie Lun shook his head.

James took a deep breath and nodded: "Well, I want to see what secrets are hidden in Mary Shaw's grave."

"It is more likely that there is some terrible trap hidden there, waiting for us to step into it."

Xie Lun took over the right to drive the car with a cold face. Under the guidance of the map left in the album, he drove the car along the rugged dirt road for a long time before he stopped in front of a lake.

"It should be here." Standing by the lake, Xie Lun frowned, looking at the hazy building hidden in the mist in the distance, "Could it be Mary Shaw's grave?"

"There is a wharf and a boat here," James said in a deep voice, "Let's paddle over and take a look."

"Even the boat is ready for us, it's so considerate."

Xie Lun sneered and shook his head.

This time he brought all the weapons and equipment, and even tied a machete on his calf, just for close combat.

After everything was prepared, Xie Lun and James boarded the boat and rowed carefully to the opposite side of the lake.

At the moment the sun has set, and the lake is still rising with white mist. Even if Xie Lun turns on the bright flashlight, it will not illuminate much distance.

I don't know how long it took, maybe five or six minutes, but maybe half an hour, a wharf that was obviously in disrepair appeared in front of Xie Lun.

Xie Lun jumped up first, and after making sure that the surroundings were safe, he pulled James up. Then James was in charge of lighting, Sharon took the gun, and the two slowly walked inside one after the other.

When they walked past the pier and came under the building hidden in the mist, Xie Lun and James could see clearly that this was a tall and dilapidated Western-style theater.

The wooden walls are covered with holes, perhaps because of the construction on the water, the surroundings are all wet and covered with moss.

Looking at the black hole in front of the theater gate, it is like a monster hiding in the dark with its blood gushing out. James swallowed nervously, then looked back at Xie Lun. Seeing Xie Lun nodded, he walked inward with a tremor.

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