In the dark night, on the silent road, there is only one car driving unhurriedly.

The woods on both sides of the road, under the illumination of the lights, shadows flickered, as if there were countless scary figures hidden in the woods.

Just at the corner, suddenly a figure rushed out from the side of the road. Xie Lun hurriedly braked. Fortunately, he was not driving fast, and the front of the car stopped one meter away from the man, otherwise he would have to hit the man.

Tina was caught off guard. If she hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she might have hit her head on the dashboard in front of her. Even so, she was startled, she dropped the car window and opened her mouth to curse: "Crazy, I can't see the car, I'm courting death!"

A pale, panic-stricken woman rushed over and clung to the car window: "Help, someone is chasing me, and my husband is gone."

A puff of white mist spewed out from the mouths of Xie Lun and the others. The four people in the car glanced at each other. Xie Lun said in a deep voice, "Don't panic, speak slowly, what happened?"

Just as the woman was about to speak, suddenly the woods behind her made the sound of "cracking" branches breaking. The woman panicked, turned around and looked behind her in horror: "He's coming, I have to run run too, that guy is not human at all!"

Tina grabbed the woman's wrist and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of? We are police officers."

Xie Lun said in a deep voice, "Donnie, get out of the car and have a look. Ma'am, get in the car. Don't worry, we will protect you."

Without saying a word, Downey got out of the car with a long knife in his arms, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked coldly at the woods on both sides of the road. Strange to say, as soon as he stood on the side of the road, the strange sound disappeared immediately, leaving only the sound of the night wind blowing the leaves.

Tina clung to the woman's arm tightly, and said with a smile, "Madam, your body is so cold. No wonder, you are wearing such thin clothes in the middle of the night, so be careful of catching a cold."

The woman tightened her collar, smiled wryly and said to Tina: "Your hands are also so cold."

"No way, who made me wear ice silk gloves."

Tina smiled and got out of the car, half pushing and half coaxing the woman into the back seat. The woman looked at Xie Lun and the others in surprise: "Are you police officers?"

"NIA agents, to be exact!"

Xie Lun shook the ID in front of the woman, then put it away, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The woman calmed down, and then said slowly: "My name is Molly. When my husband David and I were driving by here just now, a car rushed out from the opposite side of the road. My husband couldn't dodge it. The car rushed out of the road and hit the road. into the woods."

"When I woke up, my husband was gone.

And when I was looking for him in the woods, I was attacked by someone, and I finally escaped from the woods, and I ran into you. "

As she said that, Molly wept emotionally: "Mr. Detective, please, please rescue my husband, that guy must have taken my husband away."

"Molly? David?"

Xie Lun took a meaningful look at Tina, who was holding on to Molly tightly, and frowned, "Please describe the appearance of the person who is chasing you."

Molly shuddered all over, and stammered: "I don't know what to say, you will definitely not believe what I say."

"Tell me, we've seen a lot more than you can imagine."

"Hmm... That guy should be a tall man, but his whole body is tattered. There is a big hole in his stomach, and his intestines are exposed... What's more frightening is..."

A look of fear appeared on Molly's face: "That guy has no eyes."

Xie Lun frowned: "You mean, his eyes melted, or were they poached?"

Molly shook her head: "No, he doesn't have eyes, no, that's not right, his eyes only have two transparent holes."

"What's the meaning?"

"From the front, you can directly see the two holes in the back!"

The three of Xie Lun were all taken aback.

Based on Molly's description, they thought it was another case similar to "Bloody Mary". Unexpectedly, the other party not only has no eyes, but also has two transparent holes in his head.

With a thought in his mind, Xie Lun said in a deep voice, "Have you had any contact with that person?"

Molly nodded: "He once grabbed me, but I broke free."

"Then stretch out your hand, and I'll see if there are any clues left in your nails."

Not knowing why, Molly stretched out her hand obediently.

Xie Lun's hand had just touched the opponent's finger, and a system prompt sounded in his mind immediately:

[It is detected that you have come into contact with an important participant in the case - Molly, codenamed "Desperate End". After the case is solved, you will be rewarded according to your completion level]

Xie Lun looked at Molly's fingers calmly, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, no obvious clues were left."

Molly was in a hurry: "Please believe me, everything I say is true."

"Don't get excited, ma'am, I believe what you say, but everything needs evidence." Xie Lun winked at Tina, and said, "That's all right, take us to the place where the accident happened, and see if we can find evidence on the vehicle. Can you find the clues left by your husband?"

Molly nodded quickly: "Okay, it should be not far away, I'll take you there."

Sheron glanced at Sam, who had been silent all this time, and said in a deep voice, "You and Donnie stay here, be careful."

Sam nodded, leaning on his ugly staff, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

After instructing Downey a few more words, Xie Lun took the flashlight, and under Molly's guidance, he and Tina walked off the road and walked into the woods.

Xie Lun would not have imagined that on the opposite side of the turn, only one kilometer away, a Chevrolet black antelope was also stopped by a woman.

"Please, help husband is missing!"

The two men sitting in the car glanced at each other, and the long-haired man sitting in the passenger seat said, "Don't panic, calm down, what happened?"


It's not easy to walk in the woods in the middle of the night, not to mention that it's a mountainous area, and there are rocks and debris under your feet. If you don't pay attention, you may sprain your feet, or roll down the hillside if you are serious.

Fortunately, Xie Lun and Tina are not ordinary people, so it's okay to walk on this road. Just looking at Molly walking on the ground, Xie Lun calmly said: "It seems that you often walk on mountain roads."

Molly forced a smile and said, "My husband and I are both fitness enthusiasts. We met when we were hiking and rock climbing. After we got married, we agreed to travel around the country and climb all the mountains, but we didn't expect..."

Her voice became hoarse.

Seeing that Molly was agitated, Xie Lun stopped asking. A group of three walked through the woods for more than ten minutes, and finally came to a crooked tree trunk.

"The car is here. Look, we broke the tree." Molly stared blankly at the empty ground. "But where is our car?"

Tina stepped forward, squatted down and took a closer look at the crooked tree trunk with a flashlight, and said in a deep voice, "New branches have grown from the breaks of this tree, and there are no signs of fresh collisions. It should have fallen down a long time ago. .”

"No, that's impossible!" Molly shook her head and stammered, "I must have misremembered... No, it was that guy... It must have been that guy who towed the car away and cleared up all the traces. "

She turned around abruptly and grabbed Xie Lun: "It must be like this, Mr. Detective, please believe me."

(PS: This story is adapted from the first episode of the first season of the American drama "Master of Horror", and the fifteenth episode of the second season of "Supernatural Force".)

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