I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 206 Phone and Tombstone

"Scroft, magazines, ready magazines!"

Shouting, Smith emptied the last bullet of the M16 in his hand, pulled out his pistol and fired while retreating towards the train.

But when he turned around, he found that Schauf, who was still hiding in the carriage just now, had disappeared out of thin air.

And not only Schauer himself, but also the weapons and ammunition they had prepared disappeared along with it.

Smith was taken aback, and hurriedly looked in the direction of Wick, ready to speak to remind him. But the moment he turned his head, the surrounding scene changed drastically.

What kind of weird train, what abandoned platform, what kind of terrifying monster all disappeared at this moment, replaced by familiar and warm furniture decoration.

Even Smith, who has been trained for a long time, is not only in a trance at this time.

He would never have thought that with just a twist of his face, he returned home from the subway station.

The long dining table was filled with exquisite food, and five red candles were lit on the pure gold candlestick, reflecting the ambiguous atmosphere of the whole room.

The beautiful wife was sitting across the dining table, looking at Smith with a smile like a flower: "Sit down and eat, what are you doing in a daze?"

"No... I... just..."

Smith opened his mouth, stuttered but didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong with you?" The beautiful woman stood up and walked over, took off Smith's windbreaker thoughtfully, and said softly, "Are you too tired from work? Hurry up and eat, then go take a bath and have a good rest."

Smith's thoughts have been completely disturbed. With the support of the beautiful woman, he sat down on the seat in a daze, looked at the table full of dishes, and asked hesitantly, "What day is it today? Why is it so rich?"

"Hmph, I knew you forgot." The beautiful woman sat on Smith's lap, laughing coquettishly, "I just think about work all day long, and even forgot about our wedding anniversary."

"Wedding anniversary?"

Seeing the beautiful face in front of him and feeling the fullness of his thighs, Smith was not only a little disturbed, he stretched out his hand and wanted to hug the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman stood up with a charming smile, avoided Smith's clutches, sat across the dining table, and said with a smile: "Eat first, then..."

Smith had already forgotten all about the fight in the subway just now, picked up the knife, and was just about to start.

Suddenly the phone rang quickly in the living room, the beautiful woman's expression changed, and she put the knife on the table bitterly,

He gave Smith a blank look. Smith scratched his head apologetically, quickly got up and walked to the living room, picking up the antique landline microphone.

"Hello, this is the Smith Mansion..."

Before Smith could finish speaking, a woman's miserable scream suddenly came from the microphone: "Husband... oh my God, where are you? Come and save me..."

"What's the situation?" Smith was stunned, "Who are you, did you make a mistake?"

"...Smith, you heartless bastard, you can't even hear your own wife's voice?"

"No, my wife is at home now, by my side..."

For some reason, Smith felt a little guilty, and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the restaurant. I saw the beautiful woman standing at the door of the restaurant, her slim figure leaning against the door frame, but because the light was not turned on, her face was hidden in the darkness.

"...Damn it, you heartless man, have you forgotten me in such a short time..."

The last sentence was like thunder, and Smith was so frightened that he threw the microphone out. But a strange scene appeared, the microphone actually floated in mid-air out of thin air, like a poisonous snake, twisting in the air with its head raised.

"...I gave you everything, but you forgot about me, betrayed me, and abandoned me..."

"...I am your wife, Smith, tell me who I am..."

Smith backed away in horror, and didn't react until his back hit the wall. He hurriedly turned around and ran towards the restaurant, but the beautiful woman who was still there before had disappeared.

And the dishes placed on the dining table also revealed their true appearance at this time.

The heart exuding heat, lying quietly on the plate, was still beating slightly...

Smith retched, pulled out his pistol, and looked around in horror: "Honey, where are you? Come out, let's escape from here, quickly..."

Behind him, the microphone is still chasing after him, yelling frantically: "Don't dream, you bastard, you even forgot my name... I will follow you forever, let you live in regret and pain forever Among..."

"Shut up, shut up for me!"

Smith couldn't take it anymore, turned around suddenly, and smashed the microphone with a single shot.

Seeing that only half of the microphone was left, and it fell from the air weakly, Smith's brain suddenly felt a sharp pain. It seemed that the same bullet had shot into his head and exploded inside.

However, the sharp pain came suddenly and disappeared quickly.

Just for a moment, like a flash of lightning.

Smith shook his head vigorously, gritted his teeth and looked up.

Then I was stunned.

A woman was lying on the floor in front of her with blood on her chest and blood running down her body.

A large hole had been cut in her chest, and the heart inside was missing.


Smith finally remembered his wife's name.


Wick skillfully uses Mozambique shooting skills, and uses a shotgun to repel monsters one after another handsomely and neatly. It's just that Wick neglected one thing. There are hundreds of monsters, but why do they come forward one by one to die?

In the constant fighting and killing, Wick forgot one thing, that is, he should have run out of bullets. But the muzzle of his gun still emits flames, and the bullet belt he carries is always filled with bullets.

All that remained in his eyes was the ferocious monster that was rushing, and he didn't notice it at all, and the surrounding light became increasingly dim. The orange light faded, replaced by darkness like ink.

The darkness gradually engulfed the subway, the platform, and everything around.

In the end, even those monsters no longer sprang out from the darkness, and seemed to be swallowed by the darkness as well.

Wick was startled, and reacted abruptly. Looking around, the world was completely covered in darkness, and he couldn't see anyone else except himself.


There was a deafening thunder, and a rugged and dazzling lightning flashed across the sky suddenly, like a pair of scissors tore through the heavy black fog, revealing everything around Wick before his eyes.

The icy rain fell from the sky, and Wick was soaked in a moment. It turned out that Wick was standing in a cemetery where the edge could not be seen at a glance, and all kinds of tombstones reflected a frightening light under the constantly flashing lightning.

But Wick didn't care anymore, because in front of him stood a dark tombstone.

A photo of a woman was pasted on the tombstone, and a line of words was engraved under the photo: "At this time, my true love - Helen is sleeping"!

Wick's lips trembled slightly, he slowly squatted down, and reached out to gently stroke the tombstone.

Along with the cold touch, there are also floods of memories...

Yes, in that battle at the subway station, although he finally defeated the man in black, he did not rescue his fiancée at the last moment.

As she watched helplessly, she swallowed in her arms.

"So what are you doing today?"

Wick looked at the pistol that appeared in front of the tombstone at some point, took a deep breath, and reached out to pick it up.

"That's right, I came here today to be with my true love forever!"

He reached out and pressed the photo on the tombstone, raised the pistol, and pressed it to his forehead.

A moment later, the gun went off!

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