I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 237: Here Comes the Big Fish

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Holly is very smart and low-key, without the arrogance of traditional Americans, she just said a few simple and modest words, and then returned the microphone to Aoki.

"Wait a while and you go to the tenth floor, where I specially prepared a Christmas present for you!"

Aoki whispered something to Holly, smiled, and didn't say anything more, directly announcing the start of the banquet, and the already arranged programs began to perform on stage one by one. Although Holly didn't know what Aoki meant, she still kept smiling, toasted and chatted with the guests one by one with Aoki, and the hall returned to the lively and relaxed state just now.

But these rich people would not have imagined that when they were singing and dancing above, something abnormal happened downstairs.

Three police cars were parked at the three entrances and exits of the building. A man in a police uniform, holding a pistol, greeted the security guards on duty pretending to be relaxed.

The security guards thought they were patrol officers sent to maintain law and order, and they didn't pay much attention to them. Instead, they chatted warmly with them.

Not long after, five Cadillac SUVs drove over. The security guard was going to step forward to inquire, but at this time two police officers took the initiative to step forward, and after looking at it carefully, they waved their hands to let them go.

The security guards guarding the parking lot saw that the police officers let them go, so they didn't meddle in their own business anymore. They raised the railing and let the five SUVs drive into the underground parking lot.

The black guy who put the driver's seat down and lay comfortably on it, listening to music with headphones on, didn't pay attention to the five SUVs driving past his car.

And these five SUVs didn't expect that there were people in the Rolls Royce that had been turned off.

Sitting in the first SUV, a man of obvious Germanic descent was pressing his earphones and asking in a low voice: "No. 3, how is the situation?"

In the monitoring room on the highest floor, a woman dressed as a waiter looked around at the security guards who had all fallen asleep after drinking the coffee she had drugged herself, and said with a triumphant smile, "Surveillance is safe!"

"Okay, keep monitoring, wait for the last big fish to take the bait, and then we will act!"

"Head, are you sure that big fish will definitely appear tonight?"

"Don't worry, according to that guy's character, he will definitely take the bait."

fifteen minutes later,

Two black SUVs escorted an Audi supercar galloping over, and parked steadily at the main entrance of the building.

At the same time, a waiter walked quickly behind Aoki and whispered something in his ear. Aoki's complexion changed, and then he was overjoyed. He hurried back to the platform, signaled for a pause in singing and dancing, picked up the microphone and coughed a few times, and said loudly: "Gentlemen and ladies, I have just been notified that famous entrepreneurs, inventors, philanthropists Mr. Tony Stark is here, and everyone welcomes..."

Before the words were finished, the elevator door opened, and a casually dressed man in a casual suit with his nostrils upturned came out with his arms around a blonde beauty.

There was an exclamation in the venue: "Is it really Tony?"

"My God, can Aoki invite him?"

"Could it be true that the rumors that the Stark Group will cooperate with the Triangle Group to develop secret weapons?"

Tony has long been used to the eyes of all eyes, and he whispered to his female companion, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have come to such a boring banquet, so you have to make it up to me later."

The female companion held Tony's arm tightly, and said with a smile: "As long as I am at the venue and find a boss who is willing to support my research, then you can do whatever you want."

Tony frowned: "How many times have I told you, how much does it cost, I will sponsor you."

The female companion gave Tony a blank look: "You? Come on, you are a playboy, sweet talk when you go to bed, turn your face and deny anyone when you get out of bed, I won't be fooled by you."

While speaking, Aoki has already walked forward quickly, and extended his hand enthusiastically: "Welcome, Mr. Tony, I am the executive president of the North American Division of Triangle Group, just call me Aoki."

Looking at the outstretched hand of the little old man in front of him, Tony curled his lips unnaturally, and then he quickly reached out to Holly beside Aoki: "This beautiful lady, who are you?"

Holly smiled generously, "I'm Mr. Aoki's assistant, Holly."

"Oh my god, I want to have an assistant as beautiful as Ms. Holly."

Listening to Tony's words, Pepper who followed behind rolled his eyes. But considering that his boss is a big idiot and has always been this kind of virtue, Xiaojiao endured it.

Holding Holly's hand, the time was obviously much longer than Aoki's, but in the end Holly couldn't take it anymore and took the initiative to pull back her hand.

Tony didn't feel embarrassed, and under Aoki's guidance, he continued to greet the others one by one. In fact, most of the people present were big names in the rich circle of New York. It stands to reason that Tony should know a lot, but what kind of virtue is Tony.

He doesn't even remember the password of his own bank card, if he hadn't been served by Xiaojiao these years, he might have starved to death for many years.

"This is Trike..."

"This is Mr. Vigo..."

"This is the world's top surgical expert, Dr. Wang, from a big eastern country!"

"Who is this……"

After seeing less than ten people, Tony felt annoyed, and said directly to Aoki, "I'm a little tired, is there a rest room here?"

"Yes, it's specially prepared for you upstairs." Aoki hurriedly said, "Holly, I will take you there."

Looking at the glamorous and generous Holly, Tony nodded in satisfaction. Just about to turn around and leave, his eyes flicked around casually, when suddenly a beautiful figure caught his attention.

That's Tina.

The witch was dressed in a bright red miniskirt, with two long legs straddled carelessly, holding a plate, and chomped on the cake without any ladylike image.

The snow-white cream stuck to the corner of his mouth, the scarlet tongue stretched out, brushed lightly, and then turned twice on the bright red lips, it was full of fatal temptation.

Tony's eyes were staring straight, and before he could recover, two beauties with different styles and temperaments, but equally glamorous, walked up to Tina, talking and laughing in low voices, holding food on the dining table .

It was Mona and Elena.

Before Tony appeared, Xie Lun whispered a few instructions to Tina, and then disappeared with the twins, Lolita, to nowhere.

Tina Sanmi didn't know anyone else at the venue, and she wasn't interested in other men, so she had to focus on delicious food.

Young Master Tony is a man of action, especially when it comes to women he likes, he has always attacked directly and simply. Regardless of the resentful eyes of the female companion around him, he straightened his collar, coughed a few times, walked quickly to Tina Sanmei, and said with a smile: "Three beautiful ladies, good evening, I am interested in having a drink together ?"

The three women were chatting in low voices about what Xie Lun was doing, when suddenly a strange man appeared next to him, and they were immediately upset, they glanced at Tony in unison, and at the same time squeezed out a word: "Get out!"

"..." Tony blinked. He suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, which caused him to start hearing hallucinations, "Eh... the lights here may be too dark, and the three of you may not recognize me. I'm Tony Star gram……"

Tony paused on purpose, looking at the three girls expectantly. It's a pity that the expressions on the faces of the three women did not change at all. It seemed that the name Tony Stark was similar to ordinary cats and dogs in their ears.

Tony still did not give up: "I am the CEO of the Starck Group, and I am also a famous entrepreneur, philanthropist, and inventor..."

Before he could finish speaking, the three daughters of Tina turned and left at the same time: "Who is this, you are so wordy, you are so annoying!"

"Yeah, I wanted to eat something, but a fly came, didn't you see that we didn't want to talk to him?"

"It's so annoying, why hasn't Xie Lun come back, so that we can get rid of these annoying flies for us."

"It's just..."

Hearing the conversation of the three women, Tony felt his heart crackling, almost breaking.

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