I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 33 The Fifth Situation

At this time, the Carter family who were trapped in the Gobi Desert did not feel the danger coming.

Bob's wife Ethel is preparing dinner.

In the car, the eldest daughter, Lynn, took care of her daughter, baby Catherine, who just turned one year old. Her husband, Doug, went ahead to scout the trail and has yet to return.

The second daughter, Brenda, moved a deck chair and sunbathed outside.

The youngest son, Bobby, took the two sheepdogs to explore among the nearby rocks.

Western families who are accustomed to "free-ranging" children did not notice that Bobby had gradually left the sight of the adults and entered the rugged and ferocious mountains.

Poppy is holding a stick and waving it in the air at will. At the age of fourteen, he was in a rebellious period and hated this so-called family group activity very much.

Parking the car in this kind of wilderness gave him some free time.

It's a pity that at his age, he only cares about his own brat and doesn't know how dark and cruel this world is.

The shepherd dogs, who had been loyally guarding Bobby's sides, suddenly heard something, the hair on their backs stood up, and barked desperately in front of him.

Startled, Poppy looked up. I saw a little girl in a dress standing beside a huge rock not far in front.

"Fire waterfall, fire explosion, stop screaming!"

Bobby loudly stopped the barking of the two shepherd dogs, and then took a closer look at the girl, although the small face was hidden in the shadows, making it impossible to see her appearance clearly. But the overall look is pitiful, quite in line with the taste of this little boy.

Bobby quickly straightened his collar, actually coughed a few times, and tried to imitate his father or brother-in-law's tone: "Hello, my name is Bobby, what's your name?"

The little girl didn't speak, but stepped back in fear.

Bobby hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person... Are you afraid of dogs? Don't worry, these two dogs will not hurt you, because I will protect you..."

Before Bobby finished speaking, a shepherd dog suddenly barked again. The little girl turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Damn stupid dog!"

Bobby cursed, and quickly chased after the little girl. Faster than him was a shepherd dog who rushed forward first to make way for Bobby, while the other shepherd dog followed behind.

Then just as Bobby passed through the huge rock, a stone the size of a water tank suddenly rolled down from it...


Seeing the road blocked by rocks ahead, Xie Lun had no choice but to stop, and asked in a deep voice, "How far is it?"

Bob gritted his teeth and said, "Ten minutes by car."

"Ten minutes?" Xie Lun looked sideways at the sun hanging on the top of the mountain, and frowned, "Then we must hurry up, because the sun will probably be setting by the time we arrive."

As he spoke, Sheron pulled a body armor from behind and threw it to Bob.

Bob stared dumbfounded, and Sheron opened the back seat like a magic trick, revealing the arsenal underneath.

"It's only been a few years since you retired, but is your NIA already equipped with such complete equipment?"

"That's not enough for me."

After Xie Lun armed himself, he buckled an explosion-proof helmet on Bob's head with his backhand, and finally took out a huge satellite phone.

Having support is not a bad idea.

This is not a superhero movie.

"Special Agent Sherron, serial number ***, security code ***" Sherron quickly reported a series of numbers, "The fifth situation has occurred, the coordinates are ***, and we are now requesting emergency support from the nearby departments."

A nervous woman's voice came from the phone: "Got it, the number is *** agent, your identity has been confirmed, and the message for help has been sent, please persevere..."

After hanging up the phone, Xie Lun opened the insurance of HK416 and said to Bob, "Are you ready?"

Bob gritted his teeth: "Don't worry,

I am always ready. "


The two jumped out of the car, one in front of the other, moving forward cautiously and quickly.

At the NIA headquarters in Washington, Hollis is rubbing her temples and looking at the files on the desk. There was a photograph in the case file clipped with paper clips, and it was Edmund's face.

Suddenly the landline on the desk rang, Hollis picked it up, and said angrily, "What's the matter... What? That bastard, what kind of moth did he make... Wait, I'll be there right away."

Hollis put the file in the safe, got up and left the office, and walked quickly to the communication room.

Seeing Hollis' arrival, several people in the communication room quickly stood up and saluted.

Hollis waved his hand: "Stop being so disciplined, tell me about the current situation."

"Yes, five minutes ago, the New Mexico branch received an emergency request from Agent Sherron. After positioning and the coordinates reported by Agent Xie, we found that he is now at the Kandal training ground in New Mexico."

One of his subordinates was explaining, and pictures flashed across the screen.

"The Kandal training ground was the place where the military secretly tested nuclear weapons in the last century. It is said that there have been 331 experiments in total. However, that training ground has been abandoned for decades, because theoretically, it is no longer suitable for human habitation, so in the It’s no surprise there are outlaws there.”

"The fifth situation refers to the danger of unknown enemies and hostages. In view of this situation, in addition to notifying the nearest police station, we also notified the nearest garrison. They have agreed to our request and are going to send a team to enter the search and rescue .”

Hearing that the military was dispatched, Hollis breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with a frown, "Then where is Agent Sherron?"

"Uh... Just now we lost the location of Agent Sheron. After analysis, it should be due to magnetic field or radiation interference..."

"You bastard, you know how to run around. What are you doing there? Such a high level of radiation, you bastard is not married yet!"

Hollis cursed a few words in her heart, but said with a blank expression on the surface: "Okay, you continue to monitor, and report to me as soon as possible."

Xie Lun's judgment of time was a little optimistic. They had only walked halfway, and the sun was already blocked by the distant mountains, and darkness shrouded the desolate land.

Although the road was very peaceful, it was not attacked by the enemy. But Xie Lun could feel that on the hills on both sides of the road, there were pairs of vicious eyes staring at him.

Once there are any flaws in him, those guys hiding in the dark will rush out without hesitation and put himself to death.


Xie Lun thought about it.

It is not his style to be beaten passively, it is his nature to take the initiative.

But the "flaw" is not so easy to act, how to take it for granted, and let the other party believe it, it is a test of acting skills.

At this time, Bob next to him suddenly screamed and fell to the ground: "My feet...Damn it, I'm caught in a trap, be careful!"


Xie Lun gave Bob a thumbs up in his heart.

As expected, they are old police detectives who have been there for many years. They have a perfect understanding and professional acting skills. Although they haven't communicated with each other yet, they already know what they should do.

Tsk tsk, look at that expression, that scream, that distorted facial features, how real and believable!

I admire you!

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