"...The attack should have happened suddenly, many people were killed in their sleep..."

"... Strange explosion traces, no shell casings or warheads were found, but the power is so powerful that it can directly blow up a person..."

"...the warriors of the tribe resisted, but their feathered arrows shot in all directions, as if they didn't know where the enemy was..."

Billy looked at a wooden pillar standing in the center of the tribe. A tall and strong native was tied to the pillar. He was disembowelled and died in a terrible state.

"He should persevere until the end, that's why he received such torture!"

Billy sighed, turned his head and said to the others: "Judging from the time when the corpse spots appeared, the massacre should have happened a day ago. Maybe the aborigine corpse we found earlier was a survivor of the tragedy, but it was killed on the way to escape. The boa constrictor devoured it."

Xie Lun looked at the corpse tied to the pillar: "The physical fitness of these natives varies greatly. Most of them are thin and short, but a few are particularly strong and tall."

"Probably the difference between civilians and soldiers." Daqi said to Norman, "Boss, this place is not safe. You'd better come up with an idea quickly."

Norman looked at the corpses all over the floor with a confused expression on his face, but after a while, he calmed down and seemed to have made up his mind: "Go, go back!"

Including Sheron, everyone looked at Norman in surprise.

Norman said seriously: "No matter how precious something is, it's not as important as being alive. If you can't get it this time, it's a big deal to come back later. However, if a person dies, then there is no more precious thing."

It was only now that Xie Lun felt that she knew him for the first time after getting along with Norman. Of course Norman knows the medicinal function of the blood orchid and the value of money it represents, but he is able to keep calm in the face of extremely high "temptation" and make the most correct choice in the fastest time. No wonder he can become the super rich man in the United States one.

It's no wonder that he can become Spider-Man's number one opponent in the future-the Green Goblin.

Although everyone was a little surprised, after all, Norman was the boss. Since the boss had spoken, Dach and the others would naturally follow orders. Although the reward was not doubled because the blood orchid was not found, as Norman said, life is valuable.

What's more, for this operation, even if it hadn't been doubled, the remuneration would have been very generous.

Dach and the others are already content.

The only regret is probably the traitor.

Xie Lun followed Norman to the outside of the village calmly,

He knew that even if Norman gave up looking for blood orchids, this rainforest expedition would not end so easily.

A group of people hurriedly left this primitive village full of corpses, and returned along the same road. However, when they approached the body that had been swallowed and spit out by the python before, they suddenly heard bursts of intense gunshots coming from the front.

The people who were still walking along the path immediately dispersed and hid behind the trees on both sides.

With a thought in Xie Lun's mind, a transparent black shadow came out of his shadow and drifted silently towards the direction of the gunshots.

"Judging from the gunshots, it should be AK, and there are not many of them, only three of them." Daqi said in a deep voice, "But judging from the interval between the gunshots, they are all shooting wildly."

Suddenly there was a faint scream, and the gunfire immediately faded away.

"One is dead, no, two!" Billy's ears lay on the ground, and he said in a deep voice while listening, "The other party wants to run...there is only the sound of one person's footsteps..."

There was another scream.

The jungle quickly fell silent.

Billy raised his head, and Dutch said in disbelief, "Only the sound of that person's footsteps."

Dach made a gesture, and Bulian, who was the sniper, nodded, and nimbly climbed up the tree with the sniper rifle on his back.

After a while, there were a few birdsong overhead.

Dach received a signal from Bu Lian, indicating that Xie Lun stayed here to protect Norman, while he led other team members to search forward carefully.

At this time, Xie Lun already knew the situation ahead, he frowned slightly, stretched out his hand, and an M9 pistol fell into his hand out of thin air. He put a hand on Norman's shoulder, and Norman turned around in shock, seeing Sharon's serious expression.



Norman immediately hid behind Sheron.

Not long after, Dach and the others came back again, their expressions were not very good-looking.

Dach walked up to Sheron and Norman, and said in a deep voice, "It's a five-member combat team. Judging from their outfits and weapons, they should be the enemies who attacked and followed us. But those five people are already dead. The shape is similar to that of the natives in the village, either being blown to pieces or pierced by sharp blades."

Xie Lun frowned and said, "Didn't hang it up, cut it open?"

Dach shook his head.

Xie Lun snorted and looked around: "Isn't it because of our interruption that the other party didn't have time to do this kind of thing?"

Before the words fell, there was a muffled sound above his head, and then the sniper Bu Lian, who was in charge of sentry and vigilance on the tree, fell down like a stone.

Sheron grabbed Norman and dodged to the side.

Bu Lian was hitting the two of them just now, and saw that the other party was bloody and bloody, and it seemed that he would not survive.

Dach and the others raised their guns and shot towards the top of the tree without saying a word. But apart from the branches, leaves, and bark flying all over the sky, nothing else fell.

"Stop shooting!"

Dutch raised his fist and moved forward carefully, only to find that Brian's neck had been wrung.

But how can an elite sniper be touched by the enemy without noticing it?

The others looked around in horror, but they didn't see any suspicious objects except trees.

"Let's go, Billy, you lead the way, I will be in the rear, and the others will escort the boss to leave quickly!"

Dach gritted his teeth and gave the order.

Without hesitation, Billy ran forward first. Sheron pulled Norman, machine gunners Mike and Ramirez guarded the left and right, Dutch held the rifle and stayed at the end of the team.

But just as they ran forward for more than a hundred meters, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of them. I saw him carrying two knives on his back, wearing a white tights, with only a pair of eyes exposed. It's just that the clothes were covered with blood and muddy water, and his steps were a little staggering, as if he was also trying to escape.

Bai Youyou didn't expect to meet Xie Lun and his party, and except for Xie Lun, no one else expected to meet Bai Yougui. The two sides immediately faced each other with swords and guns, and felt that they would fight each other in the next second.

At this time, there was a sound of dense branches colliding and breaking behind Bai Youling, and then another person ran out one by one, and it turned out to be Kalong.

"What are you doing?" Caron yelled, "What time is it, and you are still thinking about killing each other. Run quickly, if you don't run, it will be too late."

Billy looked at the embarrassed Caron, frowned and said, "Why are you here, where is the boat?"

"It's sinking." Kalong shook his head and said, "If this little brother didn't save me, I would have died with the boat."

Norman said coldly: "What happened?"

"Snake, a very big, very big snake..."

Before Kalong could finish his sentence, a huge black figure slid down from the tree trunk behind him, slowly opening its bloody mouth the size of a water tank.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, and in the next second, everyone turned their guns at the same time, aimed at the giant python behind Kalong and blasted at it.

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