I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 73 Horror Wax Museum

"Is it you?"

Xie Lun looked at these young men and women, rolled his eyes helplessly, turned to John and said, "How did you get involved with them?"

John snorted coldly: "It's just a difficult brother."

"It's you bastard!"

The boy who was handcuffed by Xie Lun wanted to step forward emotionally. But he was held tightly by several other companions.

"Damn it, Nick, calm down."

"He's a police detective, don't you want to be handcuffed again?"


Seeing the boys and girls in a mess, Xie Lun smiled disdainfully, carried Jamie with John, and came to an exhibition hall that was arranged like a bedroom.

After putting Jamie on the bed, John reached out and touched his forehead, and said in a deep voice, "I have a fever, and I must send him to the hospital as soon as possible or take antipyretics."

"This kid used to run a marathon before, why is he in such poor health?" Sheron pulled the quilt over Jamie's body and frowned, "Then John, is there a hospital or a pharmacy in this small town?"

John looked at Xie Lun with complicated eyes: "Do you still have a signal on your mobile phone?"

Startled, Xie Lun took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all.

"This town has a problem, a big problem." John said in a deep voice, "I have been trapped in this town with these children for almost a day and a night. No matter what method I use, I can't leave this town. And the town Except for the wax figure, I have never seen other living people."

At this time, the blond girl who wanted Sheron's autograph came over and said, "What's even more frightening is that people keep disappearing. There were originally twelve of us, but now there are only five of us, and Uncle John."

Looking at Sheron who was frowning and thinking, the girl sighed and reached out her hand: "Agent Xie, I think we need to get to know each other again. My name is Carly, and that is my brother, Wade. Next to him is Yejis, Jill ... and Nick."

Xie Lun did not shake hands with Carly, but asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean by missing?"

"It just disappeared without knowing it, and I can't find it anymore." Wade came over and explained, "At first we thought they were lost, but as more and more people disappeared, we had to hide here .”

Sheron looked Wade up and down, glanced at John next to him calmly, and said, "Tell me about the process of disappearance in detail."

After Carly's description, Xie Lun understood everything they experienced in this small town.

It turned out that after Carly and the others took Nick and escaped from the fast food restaurant, because they were in a panic, they took the wrong road and finally came to a road that did not exist on the map.

Later, because the car ran out of gas, Carly and the others had to stop on a grassy field beside the road. On the one hand, he wanted to find a way to open the handcuffs on Nick's wrists, and on the other hand, he wanted to see if anyone would pass by this road so that he could ask for directions.

But Carly and the others were just ordinary college students. A group of people tossed together for a long time, but they didn't open the handcuffs. Instead, they tossed Nick very hard.

Nick, who comes from a wealthy family, has a violent and arrogant temper, otherwise he would not take the initiative to provoke Sharon. Because of the handcuffs, he suffered a lot, and he was so angry that he cursed.

As a result, the people who hated Nick a little bit, seeing Nick being so shameless, simply dispersed angrily, and no one helped Nick.

Just when these young college students were in such an embarrassing situation, an old pickup truck drove up, driven by a dirty and smelly farmer.

Carly and her brother Wade, resisting the stench from the farmer, stepped forward to ask for directions. Unexpectedly, the farmer was so talkative, he not only told them the road, but was willing to drive them to the nearest small town.

So this group of silly, white and sweet college students boarded the pickup truck and came to this small town of Ambrose.

Then the following plot,

Just like most low-budget horror movies, everyone discovers something horrifying in the small town. In a blink of an eye, the farmer who guides the way disappears mysteriously, and everyone finds that they can't escape...

As for the scary stuff...

On the second floor of the museum, Xie Lun looked at the wax figures brought up from the first floor in front of him, frowned and said, "You guys know what these things are, but you still dare to touch them?"

Wade sighed, "I can't help it. If you stay on the first floor, you won't dare to close your eyes when you think of this thing by your side."

As we all know, wax figures are famous for their lifelikeness, and they can even reach the level of real ones.

But what if the wax figures were made by real people?

Looking at the wax figures of different shapes in front of him, no matter men, women, old or young, all showed extremely stiff and strange smiles, and those eyes were wide open but without the slightest emotion, even Xie Lun felt uncomfortable all over his body.

That's why Xie Lun asked the question just now.

Dare to move these seemingly wax figures, but they are actually corpses, from the first floor to the second floor, only these young people who are daring, cowardly, and quail-like can do it.

"So what about you?" Sheron looked at John, "How did you get into this town?"

"It's just a mistake."

John was obviously not telling the truth.

Xie Lun laughed, he knew that it was impossible for him to get the truth out of this old and cunning guy. Compared with his own father, brothers Dean and Sam are still as pure as little white rabbits.

John also knew that his answer was a bit too perfunctory. He coughed a few times and changed the subject: "When I met them, there were only these five of them left, and the others disappeared for no apparent reason. So I let them hide in this museum, made sure I was in each other's sight, and I was alone to find my way out."

"But no matter how you go, you will always come back. Later, I saw a fire suddenly ignited on the other side of the lake, so I approached you. That's how I ran into you."

Xie Lun frowned: "Haven't you tried rowing across the lake?"


John, Wade and others were stunned.

Xie Lun nodded: "Yes, there is a pier by the lake, and there are boats on the pier."

John thought for a while, then shook his head firmly: "No, I have searched the lake three times, and I can be sure that there is absolutely no dock there, let alone a boat that can carry people across the lake."

"Really?" Xie Lun rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment, and said to John, "I have some ideas, but I still need to go out and verify it myself. I will leave Jamie and these children to you."

John was taken aback: "What?"

Xie Lun didn't speak, but walked downstairs first. John followed quickly, lowered his voice and said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Xie Lun glanced behind him, seeing Wade and the others put a certain distance away from him, and then whispered: "Protect Jamie, I have a hunch that all of this may have something to do with him."

"And... John, isn't that Wade in the back your illegitimate son? Why do I think he looks a little like your second son Sam?"

John's face darkened instantly.

(PS: A small easter egg, Sam in "Evil ~ Evil ~ Power" and Wade in "House of Wax Museum of Horror" are both played by actor Jared Padalecki.)

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