I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 985 After the first day of 980



Leaning on the soft Chinese sofa cushions, Xu Yang and Xu Zhi stared at each other.

Neither of them knew what to say.

71 million...

Although this first-day box office...


Hearing Xu Yang's words, Xu Zhi shook his head slightly:

"No...how does it compare with San Jin's movies?"

"The three gold medals are not just for the first day. These movies were all screened at noon, only half a day... In my impression, this movie seems to have the highest box office on the first day!"


As he has been in this industry longer, Xu Zhi, whose so-called "records" of first-day, first-week, and single-day box office have become increasingly blurry, can't think of any other domestic film that has higher box office numbers than this one.

But it doesn't matter.

Rather than being amazed, he cared more about what was behind.

And you said it was a coincidence...Xu Yang and him thought of each other.

And the reaction was faster than him, and asked directly:

"Have you signed a contract for the third and fourth parts of "Tiny Times"?"


Xu Zhi threw a cigarette to Fa Xiao, and after lighting it himself, his brows gradually began to wrinkle:

"Although he said he wanted to make a series at that time,... a new director, with an investment of more than 40 million, could be said to be a fantasy last year. Before "囧" came out, who could have thought of Chinese-language movies? Can it be such a blowout? So I signed a contract for two movies. And...it's not like you don't know that neither San Jin nor Lao Xue likes this movie... Yuntu wants a movie that has both art and business, right? But we at least have to shoot something reliable. In Sanjin’s words, this story is a story about showing off wealth, something that even us rich locals can’t look down on... I didn’t even plan to shoot the next one. Drama. I’m afraid that Lao Xue will poke me in the back~”


"Ding dong~"

After Xu Yang heard the beep on his cell phone, he opened it and took a look.

Then he turned on the screen to Xu Zhi.

Ren Zhongjun: "Hahahaha~ Mr. Xu! Good news! What a joy!!"

Xu Zhi shook his head:

"You're not going back, are you?"

"Definitely. What are you going to answer at this time? Who knows what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd? We have to sum up the variables behind this matter. I have a clue in my mind. I will deal with him tomorrow."

With that said, Xu Yang muted his cell phone and put it aside.

He sat on the sofa with a cigarette in his mouth and said nothing.

He said nothing, and neither did Xu Zhi.

At this moment, the two brothers were no longer sleepy and tired. All they had was their brains spinning at full speed and imagining various possibilities for the future.

All fathers have explained it.

When you are away from home, you cannot rely on fellow villagers, nor can you rely on outsiders. The people you can rely on most are the people you have grown up with and know the basics.

Three stooges are just like Zhuge Liang.

The two thought about it for a while, and Xu Zhixian said:

"I guess after Guo Jingming got this news, he started thinking about when we should find him."

"Definitely. For this investment, he only got 3% of the director's dividend. And the copyright fee for "Tiny Times". It was more than 70 million on the first day. Isn't this movie going to cost 60 to 700 million to start? He will How much less will he get? So he will definitely increase the share this time. Maybe he will also invest... Do we have countermeasures? "

After Xu Yang finished speaking, Xu Zhi nodded:

"Yes, Guo Caijie."


Xu Yang frowned slightly:

"One Guo Caijie is not enough."

"Let's count Yang Ying half way, but now I'm afraid that she will get used to eating everything in and out, and she will lose respect for us."

"That depends on what Mimi can do. But...let's count her half first. What else is there?"

"That depends on Mimi. The financing in her childhood was her and Si Cong's idea... But after Guo Jingming became famous, there will definitely be no shortage of investors in the future. I am thinking about how to negotiate..."

After Xu Zhi said this, Xu Yang shook his head:

"If it goes according to your ideas, then the negotiation won't work."

As if he guessed what Fa Xiao was thinking, Xu Yang shook his head:

"After a director becomes famous, it's hard to keep him down. If he's not here with us, why can't others just go there? Don't think so. It's definitely a foregone conclusion that he will get up now. If he continues to cast this third film... ...As long as he is not a fool, he will definitely turn himself into an investor. We can't keep the benefits that should be given. What's more... the investment in the third part will also be increased. If the movie becomes popular, we can Don’t you want to raise film remuneration for others? The production fee should also be raised... I just don’t know how much it will be raised now..."


Xu Zhi remained silent this time.

Lost in thought again.

Xu Yang put out his cigarette, took out his mobile phone and said:

"Let's see if Sanjin is asleep."


And the message he just sent was replied almost instantly:


Seeing this, he called directly.

Soon, Xu Xin got through:

"What's wrong?"

"What are you doing?"

"Eat, and wheel them. What?"

"Here and Xu Zhi are here. Have you received the box office information of "Tiny Times"?"

"I got it. Seventy-one million... The movie looks great, isn't it? Is it so high?"

Xu Xin's words left them both wondering what to say.

Why isn't it your business?

This is what I said...

"Ignore the movie's quality, we are talking about the third one."


Xu Xin, who still had a bullfrog in his mouth, blinked and looked at Wang Sicong.

The eldest young master, whose lips were red, shrugged:

"Guo Jingming will definitely invest more. As long as he is not a fool, he will definitely realize that he is popular. They are the copyright owner, and we do not have the initiative... If it were me, I would have to prevent LeTV from stealing the peach."




Including Xu Xin, the three people who heard this were silent.

However, Xu Xin thought very simply:

"Don't be afraid of stealing peaches. They still hope to cooperate with us to build LeTV Pictures. This kind of job of killing the goose and laying out the eggs... They may also invest more, but as long as we don't withdraw, they don't dare to leave us... ...I think let it take its course. It's nothing more than profit distribution. Let's get the benefits of these two movies first. As for the third one... let's see first what Guo Jingming's attitude is and how he talks. He has the initiative, but the role In this regard, we have much greater say than him. Take it one step at a time~"

"Okay, then how about the movie you watch tomorrow?"

"Okay, have you finished the second part? If you send the two parts directly to me, I won't go to the cinema."

"Okay, then I'll send it to the company tomorrow."

"Okay. Let's just say it~"

Xu Xin hung up the phone and listened to Lang Lang say:

"It feels like the current box office is getting more and more outrageous."

Obviously, he also knew the news of 71 million.

Before Xu Xin had time to respond, he heard Wang Sicong say:

"I couldn't explain it clearly just now. It's up to you to say this. That is, since we are planning to cut off LeTV's leek, the income of the movie "Tiny Times" is not that important. The first two movies are meaty, and the subsequent ones are not. Once the production costs for the third part go up, I think...it’s better to let LeTV join the game and we have a share swap with them. Just like this time.”

Xu Xin was stunned.

After following his train of thought for a while, he said:

"Then... let Guo Caijie and Yang Ying increase their remuneration?"


Wang Sicong nodded:

"Ignore Yang Ying, it's definitely not a bad thing for Guo Caijie to make more money. As the remuneration increases, the production fees will go up. Let's talk to Guo Jingming and bring LeTV with us. After the negotiation is completed, we will propose a share exchange with the LeTV people. .

You see, the box office of "Tiny Times" is here. They played it for a whole year last year and made a profit without losing money. After getting on our train, the box office revenue will be at least over 100 million.

At this time, if I were Boss Jia, I would be sorry for those leeks if I didn’t go crazy raising money. Therefore, this matter must be done quickly. Before they start financing, we are getting a share or debt.

Then just sit back and wait for LeTV's market value to expand. "Little Times" LeTV will definitely operate it as a facade. Especially the marketing for the second part, it might have been overwhelming. We don’t spend a penny, just sit and collect the box office, and we make money no matter what!

But I can't say this to Xu Zhizhi. He invested his youth in this movie. If I feed his youth to a dog, he won't torture me to death next time we meet? So you come to talk, don’t say it’s me who said it, I still want to get out of the Huangpu River alive. "

Following his words, Xu Xin thought about it for a while and felt that it was reliable.

So he nodded:

"Okay. I'm going to the Magic City in just two days. I'll tell them then."

At this time, Lang Lang, who was winking fiercely next to him, said:

"No wonder you want to set up a charity fund... Considering how evil you are, you should do some good deeds to accumulate merit."

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes:

"What I am harvesting is a group of liars and rich people. If you can speak, just speak more! Brother, this is called robbing the rich and giving to the poor!"

Lang Lang:


Xu Xin shook his head with a smile and picked up the cup:


What's the name of the wine I ordered today...briefcase.

The boss said it was the kind of local wine brewed in rural areas.

In line with the mentality of doing as the Romans do, everyone had a taste.

Not to mention, it’s really good.

The alcohol is not high, it is sweet and delicious.

Why don't you have two more drinks while Jay Chou is away?


The day after the concert, the drunk brothers said hello to the sick Jay Chou and went their separate ways.

Friends, that's it.

We had sex when we were awake, but after we were hungover, we vomited all over the place and swore to the sky:

"Quit drinking!"

Soon, the plane landed smoothly.

The commuter bus driver who came to pick him up from Yanjing Airport looked at Xu Xin's dazed look and kept muttering in his heart:

"You got up so drunk early in the morning? How much did you drink?"

In fact, he really wronged Xu Xin.

He didn't even eat in the morning.

The memory is just after the checkout, it was a little hot and stuffy, Mengmeng was driving, and he rolled down the window to let in the air.

Then...I don't know anything anymore.

What kind of wine is this?

The stamina is also too great.

Half lying and half leaning on the co-pilot of the Volvo, his dull eyes stared blankly at the city ahead, with only one thought left in his mind:

"Old cousin from Guangxi, it's so scary."

Arriving home feeling dizzy all the way, Yang Dalin saw his son-in-law's virtue, and after hearing about "the incident", he made some noodles for his son-in-law without saying a word.

After a bowl of hot and sour soup noodles, Xu Xin, who had been unable to eat since morning, finally regained his consciousness.

After sweating, I felt like my whole body came alive.

After thinking about it again, he realized that...the two children were not at home.

When I asked, I learned that my grandma took her to play.

Then he belatedly remembered that he had something to do.

I came to the studio, turned on the computer, and downloaded the network disk file sent by Xu Zhi.

What they use is independent optical fiber, which is very fast.

In the time it took to boil some water and make a cup of tea, both movies were ready.

He took the tea cup and sat down on the sofa in front of the projector. As the curtain fell, the movie began to play.

Then, 10 minutes later...

He paused the movie and turned to the computer.

No, you can't watch this movie with a curtain.

He looked at a group of "handsome guys and pretty girls" acting cool and cool, completely ignoring his own moral character and directly chose to fast forward on the computer.


In the next half hour, he looked at the group of handsome men and beautiful women in the picture, who were like glue at one moment, and fell in love and killed each other... He truly felt what it meant to feel like something was stuck in one's throat, like sitting on pins and needles, like a light on the back, like looking at the Tathagata. .

Then an idea popped into my head.

It's a shame that my wife didn't act.

His eyes fell on Yang Ying, who was playing crazy in the video and expressing his inner drama with his eyes. He couldn't bear it and turned off the video.

But looking at the two downloaded files, I realized... there is a second part.

Then I spent another 10 minutes skipping through the second part. I didn’t even know what the whole story was about. I just listened to the lines of this group of people and Yang Ying’s narration... and that was... I'm imitating myself, all kinds of picture compositions are running towards "aesthetic", but the lens sense is used in a mess...

After reading it, Xu Xinren was completely numb.

Really messed up.

After turning off the video and completely deleting the two files, he thought about it and opened Douban.

He wanted to see what the audience thought.

The result is a score of 5.6.

This score...not to mention, is not particularly low.

In his mind, this film scores a maximum of 3 points.

It has to be that three people don't bid for two consecutive rounds, and the system will assign the landlord to his own unlucky virtue.

Pulling down the screen, I saw the first comment with the most likes:

"Vanity, money worship, superficiality, and emptiness, it has even set a new standard for bad movies. I really can't believe that this is Nifeng's work."

The corners of Xu Xin's mouth suddenly twitched.

Then comes the second article:

"Nifeng's wave is really a fucking big score! I went there on the basis that Xu Xin's products must be high-quality, and you showed me this!?"


Article 3:

"It's so beautiful! Ah!!! How did Gu Li find Guo Caijie in the casting? It's exactly the same as in the book!"

Article 4:

"This movie is like a CityWalk guide to the Magic City! Ahhhh! The Magic City in Xiaosi's eyes is so beautiful! Is there anyone out there who can check out those filming spots? I really like it!"

The fifth:

"I never thought that Xu Xin and Yang Mi's Headwind could produce a film like this. One word: Absolute!"

At first glance, this statement makes it difficult to distinguish between good and bad reviews.

But when you see its two-star rating, you will know that the reviewer is qualified if he doesn’t criticize it.

Then Xu Xin probably looked at them all and found that the overall evaluation was very extreme.

Most people who have read and liked the original work recognize Guo Jingming's film and feel...

"Wow, that's really good."

"Gu Li and Lin Xiao are so beautiful!!!"

"Xiaosi really captures the flavor of scar literature."

Xu Xinxin said you know the literature about hammer scars...

As for other people who came here because of the reputation, after reading it, their overall evaluation was just two words:

"bad movie."

The actors are great at acting, the actresses are great at lines. If you don’t read the subtitles, you can’t even hear what the Bayan accent is saying, and the kind of plot that seems luxurious but is actually completely empty, etc...

But there is a very strange situation here.

Usually, if the audience sees a bad movie, the first person to criticize is the director, and the second person to criticize is the actors.

I scolded the director for making a bad movie, and scolded the actors for their shitty acting.

This is all normal.

But... it would be abnormal to directly name Niefeng.

Xu Xin is naturally not the kind of person who cannot accept criticism.

Isn't it normal for someone to scold you after spending money?

Consumers naturally have the right to scold you. We all treat each other well. If you feed the audience shit, the audience can't curse anymore?

That doesn't make sense.

And he doesn't have any conspiracy theories. He thinks it's someone hiring trolls or causing trouble.


It doesn’t matter whether fans of the original film think it’s good or not, but a passerby like Xu Xin can’t stand it at all.

The plot is empty, and it's true that it has nothing to say.

It just didn’t shoot well.

Since you have produced a bad movie, you should stand upright when you are beaten.

He was just looking at the comments from these viewers and thinking...

How many of these 71 million are there, just like the previous "Partners", who came to the West Film Studio, Headwind, and Cloud Atlas. When they heard that their favorite film company had launched a new film, they came over quickly. I supported a wave of support, but ended up getting shit on my face...

Unlike those who criticize their own films.

Xu Xin can accept criticism from others.

But let him think about it... It was so easy to cultivate an audience that came eagerly for the new movie, but found that after watching this... he really felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

This feeling is not particularly strong, and may even subside as long as he changes his mind slightly and puts the blame on Xu Zhi, who paid for his youth.

But the problem is that he doesn't think so.

If I didn’t handle the film and someone else was completely responsible for it, then if something is wrong with the film, it definitely has nothing to do with me.

But the problem is...he handled this film.

Although he didn't agree with it, he didn't stop him when he heard that his friend was willing to pay for his youth.

He thought that at worst he would just show it to fans of the original work.

So I specially arranged for Xu Zhi not to follow Cloud Atlas in this film. If you want to invest, just go against the wind.

But he never expected that even if the journey was against the wind, many people would still come to support with high expectations for Cloud Atlas and even Xiying Studio.

He is even now 100% sure that the reason for the high first-day box office of more than 70 million yuan is that the vast majority of passers-by audiences who believe that "Xiying's production must be a high-quality product" account for the vast majority.

This was what made him uncomfortable...or rather, what made him feel pain and happiness at the same time.

Looking at the best, there are more and more good products in the entire circle, and the audience has gradually gained recognition. As long as we stick to this path...I dare not say the upper limit, but the lower limit can at least support the bottom line. Even if everyone fails, as long as Xiying follows this path, it will not make the audience feel like a "pill in the film and television industry".

But to say the worst...this has nothing to do with Xiying.

It doesn’t even matter to the entire northwest circle. It's just that Xu Zhi, the rich man, paid for his youth.

Captain, don't shoot, brothers are so innocent!

Obviously I have tried my best to avoid it.

But the audience's expectations still spread to this film, but it all came to nothing.

This is the real reason why people are helpless.

And just then...

"Ding dong."

The ringing of his cell phone took him out of his thoughts for a moment.

Xu Zhi sent a message:

"Ren Zhongjun is coming to Magic City tomorrow and asked me out for a meal."


Xu Xin's eyes narrowed.

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