I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Description of reduction and update

In fact, I have really developed a deep self-loathing recently.

That means I can no longer maintain my original update volume.

This book started with 14,000 words per day, then 13,000 words per day, and then 12,000 words per day. In these few days, I started to write 10,000 words per day... To be honest, I wrote very self-loathing.

Not because of the plot, or anything else.

But the trivial matters at home.

Especially during this period, everyone must feel that... I have a lot on my plate.

From the time I started working out in September to now, I first had urinary ketones 2+, high uric acid and blood lipids, and lost weight. Then my wife suffered from neurasthenia, dizziness, and my child was sick...

Everyone, my son just had a fever two days ago, do you remember?

It's only been 2 days.

The fever started again yesterday.

Really... I don't even know what's wrong with me. I just want to get back to my original coding rhythm. Why is it so difficult?

Let me tell you why I want to reduce updates.

First of all, it was yesterday. The temperature in Zhengzhou dropped yesterday, and I really dressed my children in thick clothes. However, after returning from school at 5 o'clock, the child was in a bad state. After my wife saw it, she took her temperature. 37.1.

I'm so stupid, I need to take medicine quickly.

Chai Gui, Chi Qiao, Fei Re Granules and the like come up.

However, it was still not blocked.

The child's fever reached 38.5 at around 9 o'clock.

No, go to the hospital quickly.

Yesterday I was still sighing in the book club. I said that I came to the hospital again because my child had a fever... But I was very lucky because I wrote a 10,000-word update yesterday.

As a result, when we arrived at the hospital at 10:30, we started queuing up.

There are so many people...

I waited in line from 10:30 to 12:20 before seeing the child.

See a doctor, get medicine, and go home.

It’s 2 o’clock in the morning when we get home.

After giving medicine to the child, the child will cry and fuss all the time, which is really exhausting mentally and physically.

And guess what?

My wife started to feel dizzy again today after staying up late.

From caring for one patient, we now have two.

I went to bed around 2 o'clock and woke up at 7:30 to make hot soup noodles for my children. My wife said she was hungry last night, but she didn't eat. I have to take care of their food.

I finished eating around 8 o'clock and I was really sleepy, so I said I should take a short nap.

At around 9 o'clock, my wife called me: Husband, I feel dizzy. Please take care of the child for a while.

I sat on the sofa in a daze and took the child's temperature... 38.7.

I asked my wife: Didn’t you give your child medicine?

My wife told me in a daze: Huh? ...I prepared it for him...Didn't I give it to him?

When I looked, the medicine was still in the cup.

It’s not that my wife is careless, that’s what neurasthenic patients are like. They became dizzy and the whole world was turned upside down. I really don't blame her.

I quickly gave the child medicine. After taking the medicine, my son was watching TV. My wife said, "Husband, I feel dizzy. I can't sleep. When I lay down, the whole world was shaking. It was shaking so much that I felt like vomiting."

I said I would take her to the hospital, but she said she had to take the baby with her to the hospital, so forget it.

Because there are only three of us in this family. As for the specific reason why I am having such a difficult time and no one has come to help me, that is another story, so I won’t mention it because it would be even more heartbreaking to mention it.

So, the old way. Drink sleeping pills to make her sleep.

While she was sleeping, the child's body temperature could not drop. I started to boil water, boil the medicated bath medicine given by the hospital, and let the child soak his feet.

As a result, the child just stepped on the edge of the basin with his foot.

All the water in the basin was spilled.

I felt my blood pressure "buzz"...

But I am not active, the child is sick... I endure it.

I boiled the water again, boiled the medicine, soaked the children's feet, and started to wipe away all the water.

After finishing all this work, it's past 11 o'clock.

The child said to me sickly: Dad, I want to eat noodles.

He didn't eat a few bites in the morning, but at noon he said he wanted to eat Xibei's noodles. It's that kind of tomato egg noodles.


I started cooking.

The meal is ready, it's almost 12 o'clock. With my children eating and my wife sleeping, I thought I could finally feel more at ease.

As a result, the child took two mouthfuls and vomited them all.

It must be that I feel some spleen and stomach discomfort after taking medicine. It is all over the table, floor and clothes.

I didn't dare give him a bath, so I turned on the air conditioner at home and added floor heating to warm the room, then undressed him and wiped the vomit on his body.

After I finished changing his clothes, I started cleaning up the vomit on the table and floor.

But the whole house was filled with the smell of stomach acid.

The child's fever reached 39 degrees due to vomiting.

I quickly took ibuprofen and started coaxing him to sleep.

The child went to bed and the time came to 1 o'clock.

My wife woke up.

Still dizzy.

But she has to eat.

I really can't do it anymore.

Then there was still hail in Zhengzhou. I got dressed and went out to buy her a dumpling.

It was past 1:30 when I came back.

I was really exhausted, so I said I would just sleep for half an hour.

At early 2 o'clock, the child woke up.

He insisted on his mother playing with him, and my wife's virtuous and dizzy mind was like a disco. I can't accompany you at all.

The child came to me.

I played with him in a daze for a while, and finally, he wanted to watch TV.

I thought I was relieved, but the management knocked on the door and gave me hypochlorous acid disinfectant tablets. He said that influenza A and other things have been happening frequently recently, so remember to disinfect your home.

They must have good intentions.

I'm very grateful.

But I also realized... Because of the cold weather, my home has not been well ventilated these past few days, and it has not been disinfected for a long time.

I asked my wife to help me take care of the children and put them in the house, and I disinfected the whole house.

It was around 3 o'clock, and I just had some free time, so I thought to myself that I should hurry up and type, otherwise I would not be able to finish writing.

I just wrote a thousand words. The child went from coughing to retching...vomiting all over the bed.


What can I say? If I don't wash it, I won't even have a place to sleep tonight.

Wash the sheets, change the sheets, and quilt covers.

After everything was done, I sat in front of the computer and my mind was empty.

Looking at the thousand words I wrote... suddenly my mind was empty.

And what’s even more ironic is that you know what… my update notice is now 1,700 words long.

I wrote it in one go, without even thinking about it...it was so smooth when I wrote it.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……

What a fucking irony…

Internet article authors really can do anything as long as they don’t code!


Anyway, to sum up the above.

Is there tonight...I can't say. I'll try my best to write down four thousand or five thousand, but if I can't write it down...then I really won't be able to write it down.

Six hundred thousand versus eight hundred thousand, the advantage lies not with me, but with my children and wife.

Then I want to tell everyone that there will no longer be fixed updates of 12,000 per day in the future.

The daily guarantee is 7,000, whether you can get more depends on the status.

And...do you know what happened just as I was writing this?

After my son's fever subsided under the influence of ibuprofen, he felt better and asked my wife to chase him while he ran around the house.

As a result, I hit the wall and hit the edge of the bed...



Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……





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