I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 988 983 Bathwater Monkey

Chapter 988 983. Bathwater Monkey

"Why does that Asian guy look so familiar?"

"You didn't recognize it? Yang is the heroine of the science fiction movie "Pacific Rim" that Legendary Pictures invested in to be released next month. She is also the Berlin Best Actress of this year."

"Huh?...No wonder! I said she looks so familiar. I was watching the news a few days ago and saw a promotional program for that movie...Why is she here?"

Two actresses were whispering there.

"You must be here for an audition, what other reasons could there be?"

"Okay...I'm a little worried that the director will talk to me in French later."

"Didn't your profile say you are proficient in the languages ​​of France, Italy and Spain?"



"No. It's as if your resume has never deceived anyone. You weren't even born when Schwarzenegger acted in "Terminator". Didn't you also fill it in your resume?"

"That's different. When my mother was pregnant with me, she was an extra in "Terminator"!"

"……All right."

The two people spoke very quietly, and in the entire audition waiting hall, no one could hear anything unless they got closer.

The seating arrangements here are also clearly differentiated.

These two people belong to NOBODY and can sit wherever they want.

There were seven or eight people next to them.

And the people with a little bit of recognition were actually sitting in the direction of Yang Mi.

The middle aisle is like a river, separating people on both sides.

On the one hand, he is NOBODY, and on the other hand, he is the kind of actor who you can recognize when you see him, but you can’t name him.

Currently, there are not many people who can be considered discerning.

In fact, this is normal.

This is the norm for everyone.

Because those are the rules of Hollywood.

I have never heard of any first-line actor who would stand in the audition hall with other NOBODYs.

Even if you are really interested in the director's script, your agent will make an appointment in advance.

Say what time it is, what time it is.

You don’t have to wait when you come, just go in directly. The director will also set aside some time for these big-name stars. They leave directly after the audition. To those big stars, these NOBODYs are like air and they don't need to care at all.

Of course, there are also people who come early.

But I usually wait in a separate room. When it's my turn, I come out of the room and go directly to the audition.

This is how big names should be treated, and this is also the rule of the industry.

And being able to sit here means that we are all the same on some levels.

Therefore, the two young actors naturally have no "awe" of Yang Mi.

What's more... what does an Asian want in Hollywood?

What happened to the heroine of a movie?

In recent years, for the sake of China's box office, there have been many attempts to find Asians to star in movies.

There is nothing new under the sun.

At this moment, a girl quickly walked in at the door of the audition hall.

She seemed to know the two girls. After entering the door, she looked around, then hurriedly came to the two of them, and said to them in an extremely excited tone:

"OMG! OMG! Do you know who I met downstairs? Scarlett Johansson! The famous Black Widow Scarlett!!!"

Although she tried hard to hide her voice, her excitement still allowed many people to hear her words.

Everyone looked at him one after another.

But at this moment, among the three girls in the front row, a girl suddenly said:

“The one where Kevin Durant wants to drink the bathwater?”




Compared to the "murmurs" of the three people, the upright girl who attracted everyone's attention shrugged casually:

"Sorry, I don't like the Oklahoma City Thunder."




The three girls looked at each other.

We are talking about the Qianmen building with you, what are you talking about about the hip bone axis with me?

But no matter what.

The girl who came in just now brought some news.

With the rise of the Marvel Universe, he has become the top among the top, the actor of the ace spy Black Widow, the bathwater porter, the hot woman that Durant is destined to not get...


Did Yang Mi hear it?

She really didn't hear it.

He even yawned out of boredom.

Logically speaking, the waiting time before the audition is the time for actors to prepare.

But she really couldn't get excited.

At this moment, her mind was filled with memories of her lover and children, and she was just flipping through her photo album.

Since becoming a mother, the memory in her phone has obviously become insufficient.

The storage space of the 64G IPHONE5 has now reached its limit.

The main culprit is the photo library on your phone.

And 80% of the photos here are photos and videos of children.

This is not over yet.

There are still dozens of gigabytes lying in her cloud storage.

Those are all the little things that happened to the two children from childhood to adulthood.

These are her best memories, even though sometimes she will be so angry with these two little bastards that her chest hurts, but more often than not, they are the concerns of a "single" old mother.

Therefore, her mind is not on the audition now.

She was naturally prepared for the audition of this script, but...this script was not enough to make a Berlin film queen forget about food and sleep...not to mention that she was not that persistent in her pursuit.

Just use your professional ethics and do your best to interpret the role in your heart.

Improvising is obviously not worth cramming.

She just put an earphone in one ear, looking at the photos and recorded videos of the two children from childhood to adulthood one after another. Her eyes were filled with memories of the past.

The more I recall, the more I miss home.

The more homesick I feel, the more incompatible I am with this audition hall.

The more out of place... the less she wants to stay here.

It's very annoying.

Because of a drama, I missed my son and daughter’s Children’s Day...

Will the two little guys cry again?

Did you tell your dad that you missed your mom before going to bed?

Have you ever asked: Dad, when will mom come back?

The intertwining of these emotions made her feel anxious and anxious.

She can't wait to return to China now...

Why are you so mean?

Why do you talk so much? ...or in other words, why are you so cheap? Why do you have to come to Hollywood?

What's there in Hollywood?

What's more important than love and family?

At this moment, anxiety, dislike, alienation, indifference and a kind of dislike for one's own profession are mixed into a complex mood that cannot be accurately summarized even in description and expression.

But at the same time, the rational part also reminded her all the time:

"You're just in a bad mood."

These emotions are not real.

It's really not real.

But... I can't help but be upset.

Listening to her daughter's laughter and the sound of her playing the piano coming from the headphones, she couldn't help but sigh again.


At this time, Sun Ting also walked in.

There weren't many people on Yang Mi's side, and they were all seated sparsely.

There was no one around her.

After Sun Ting came over, she whispered:

"Sister, we have communicated with you. But they still said that if you need to touch up your makeup or change clothes, you can go to the rest room and they will leave it for you."

"Oh, I see."

Yang Mi responded and turned off her phone.

I stopped watching it. The more I watched it, the more annoyed I became.

It's about to start now, so be patient.

Just like those girls who are "highly recommended" by investors, she is actually one of the related households.

He didn't give her a number, so he just waited and called her.

The related households are all the earliest batch, after all, it is not easy to delay for too long.

But the reason why she was sitting in the waiting hall was not because she had any sympathy with these Hollywood NOBODYs.

I just don't have the energy to think.

After arriving, we went to the waiting hall.

She asked the staff to get her number, but when she looked at the list, she found that it was a waiting room and reminded her to go there. But she had already left these trivial matters to Sun Ting, found a seat and started to look through pictures on her phone.

When Sun Ting called her, she was too lazy to move, which led to the current situation.

Seeing that Sun Ting was really not in a high mood, she naturally didn't go up to chat, but just sat next to her and waited.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Yang Mi just stared ahead with her pupils out of focus.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

At this time, the sound of pushing the door and talking came from behind.

Sun Ting turned around and found several people, including Luc Besson, walking in.

Luc Besson, the leader, looked around as he walked.

When he saw Sun Ting, he moved his eyes to the side. Looking at Yang Mi who was in a daze, he was stunned.

He blinked strangely.

But he didn't say much, he just nodded slightly to Sun Ting and led the people directly into the audition hall inside.

The director and crew were all here, and everyone knew that the audition was about to begin.

Then the sound of deep breathing sounded throughout the scene, and even the whispers disappeared.

Soon, after a few minutes, the staff came in holding a stack of materials and started distributing them.

After Sun Ting took it, she handed it to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi looked at it twice and gave it back to her.

Sun Ting looked at the English content above...it turned out to be a character design.

"Lucia. A young girl, after having a one-night fling with her boyfriend she just met in a bar, she got involved in a drug deal and gang incident."

"Lucia is an ordinary, ordinary girl who is in graduate school and has average studies."

"She has the fears normal people have when faced with gangs, drugs, and things they don't understand."

"After experiencing a certain event, she will change."…

After sorting out all the characters, Sun Ting, who had already read the detailed script, naturally didn't think the character was so fresh. The staff in the audition waiting hall have also begun to distribute number plates.

At this moment, many people have come to the audition hall one after another.

There are about seventy or eighty of them.

The NOBODYs and the "named" actors were still divided into two sides by the passage, silently abiding by the rules of the audition, and no one tried to exceed them.

Seeing this, Sun Ting turned to Yang Mi and whispered:

"Sister, they have started to distribute number plates... and they also distinguish colors. It should be the audition group. Do we want to go back to the private room?"


Yang Mi didn't answer.

Don't know what to think.

Sun Ting had no choice now, because she couldn't figure out whether her sister was immersed in the role or just in a daze...

Facing the red No. 5 number plate distributed by the staff, Sun Ting could only take it, and then stopped the other party from continuing to disturb Yang Mi and said:

"We're together."

The staff nodded understandingly and moved on to the next person without being surprised.

After all the number plates were distributed, a few minutes later, a female staff member came out:

"Yellow, come in."

Sun Ting started counting.

I found a total of ten girls walking in.

A group of ten people...

At this time, the staff member who had been communicating with Sun Ting came over. After seeing the red No. 5 in her hand, he quickly said:

"SUN, Yang can audition alone."

Sun Ting looked at Yang Mi again, smiled and shook her head:

"It doesn't matter."


The ladies were a little speechless, as if they didn't understand Yang Mi's "non-privilege" choice.

But it is not required:

"Okay, if you insist."

As she left, Yang Mi turned her head belatedly, looked at Sun Ting with eyes that regained focus, and asked in confusion:

"What's wrong?"

"She asked us to audition alone without having to wait in line."


Yang Mi nodded and glanced at the red number plate in her hand:

"It doesn't matter, just leave it like that, no more fuss."

Before Sun Ting could answer, a voice sounded:

"Blue, whoever gets blue, please prepare."

So, Yang Mi stopped talking, but took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Yellow does it quickly.

In less than twenty minutes, it was all over.

As ten girls filed out, those who had drawn blue numbers stood up.

However, the staff who came out did not call them. Instead, they closed the door and stood at the door, as if waiting for someone.

This person obviously represents the director's authority, so he doesn't speak, and neither does anyone else.

Silence began to spread in the waiting room.

One minute, two minutes... In less than three minutes, the glass door was pushed open. First there was a sturdy white man, followed by a woman with orange-red hair and sunglasses, and two ordinary-looking people behind her. woman.




Scarlett Johansson is here.

Sun Ting's eyes narrowed.

This was also her first close contact with the female Avengers agent.

What to say...?

Is she really shorter than she thought?

The legs are not as thin as they look in Avengers: Infinity War... but they are okay.

The overall figure is very well-proportioned.

The lips are really sexy... No wonder Durant wants to drink her bath water.

Tsk tsk...

She was sighing, and Scarlett Johansson walked into the audition hall like the wind.

The staff member also walked in.

Now, the auditioner with the blue number plate also knew what it meant.

There's nothing to say, he's a high-ranking guy.

Not surprising.

Scarlett Johansson herself spent nearly ten minutes.

Then he left again in a hurry.

"Please come in with the blue number plate. Please prepare the red number plate."

Upon hearing this, Sun Ting whispered:

"Sister, we are the next group."


Yang Mi responded softly and said nothing else.

In the audition hall.

Luc Besson rubbed his beard and made a rustling sound.

The casting director Mauric Lonzo next to him saw this and nodded to the girls:

"Okay, everyone can go out. We will notify your agent if there is any news."

These NOBODYs came out in response, and after they all went out, Luc Besson said to his own director of photography, Terry Abergart, next to him:

"What do you think of Scarlett's performance?"

Terry Abergart thought for a while and said:

"I think it's okay, there's nothing outstanding, but her advantage is in the action scenes. I think her first performance was average, and it didn't bring out the qualities that Lucy should have in the script. But I have to admit, she After picking up the pistol, and the non-physical performance of that kind of super power... maybe it's the reason for "Avengers"? I can empathize with it."

Whatever the director asked, he answered.

The two have collaborated on many films and are familiar with each other's characters.

When he heard this, Luc Besson also nodded slightly, glanced at the staff who were still waiting for his order, and casually spread his hands:

"Okay, let's continue."

The staff came out as ordered.

Then when he brought people in, Luc Besson had a look of confusion on his face.


He subconsciously wanted to open his mouth...

Why is Yang in this group?

? ? ?

But at this moment, Terry Abergart leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Director, that Asian temperament is great."


Luc Besson was stunned.

Subconsciously he glanced at the people who came in and stood there.

If his eyes were correct, there was only one Asian person here.

That's Yang.

The corner of his mouth twitched.

But this is normal. The crew members like me are not very clear about investors, or they keep a distance from them rationally.

Hollywood rules.

The crew members must stay together, otherwise it will be a challenge to the director's control and authority.

They only need to listen to the director's orders. Whether the director listens to the investors' orders is another story.


He scratched his beard again.

Looking at Yang, I had an unexpected feeling... like I saw a giraffe among a group of gorals.

Very strange.

Everyone was obviously standing in a row, and she was still standing at the edge.

But he couldn't ignore her.

In fact, Yang's appearance is not outstanding.

But that aura...it felt like she was incompatible with this place.

This feeling comes from the inside out.

It can be said that from the first sight, people can no longer "forget" her.

Luc Besson glanced around subconsciously.

I found that everyone's eyes were actually the same, leaning to the right.

Obviously... everyone has noticed this Asian who exudes a unique and alienated temperament.

At this time, Mauric Lonzo spoke:

"The audition footage is over there, and Bauer is responsible for acting with you..."

The audition begins.

Yang Mi pinched a page casually, took a look at it, and sat on the chair by the wall.

She is number 5.

Starting on the 1st.

Not urgent.

No. 1 was a girl with freckles on her face. After one minute of preparation time, she held the crude prop gun model in her hand and pointed at Bauer: "He won't live long anyway."… …

In less than a minute, the performance is over.

Mauric Lonzo said directly:

"Starts on the 2nd."

No. 1 is performing, so others naturally don’t need any preparation time.


The second, the third, the fourth...

Then without needing to be reminded by the other party, all that was left in her heart was "Hurry up and get it over with", and with a cold and distant look on her face like "Sister, I'm tired, let's destroy it", Yang Mi stood up.

While standing up, everyone heard two intermittent words.

first sentence:

"a BO'O'WO'WA!"

Second sentence:

"a bo..."

The third sentence:

"a bottle water~"

The fourth sentence:


There is no "ACTION", she muttered from the moment she stood up, and walked directly to Ball who was not ready yet and was looking for his script book.

"I'm already here."

Standard American pronunciation export.


Ball was stunned and glanced down at the script.

And the whole time, Yang Mi stared at him.

There should be one sentence in Ball's line book here:

"glad to meet you."

And "Lucy"'s reply was:

"Me too."

But he got stuck and hadn't found the script book yet.

Seeing this, Yang Mi used a look that looked like she was not looking at a person, but rather a strange creature. Along with the slow twisting of her head, she expressed "This thing is very strange." After feeling it, he pointed back casually:

"By the way, Chief De Rio."


Ball, who finally found where the line was, hurriedly said:


After greeting the non-existent Sheriff Del Rio, he said:

"Let me introduce you to my colleagues..."

"No need, I know everyone here."

Yang Mi's eyes changed from staring at Bauer slightly to turning her head to look at Luc Besson.

She stared, and Ball quickly continued speaking.

At the same time, I was cursing in my heart.

What's going on with this person? Don't change my lines.

"Like I said, Lucy's brain unlocked some functions..."

"I can use areas of the human brain that have never been explored and gain many incredible abilities. But that's not the point. I know you won't believe it. For example, this gentleman in a plaid shirt..."

Terry Abergart subconsciously glanced at his green plaid shirt.

Then I heard the other party continue to say in that tone... just like a ruthless repeater:

"I know your daughter died when she was six years old and you recorded the details of the vehicle very clearly. I can help you forget this painful memory if you want. But you seem resistant but we don't have time to waste." Demonstrating the futility of my abilities. Now, without this useless exchange of information, ladies and gentlemen, please listen to me..."

What to say?

She didn't say.

Because that’s where the lines end.

The next clip will transition.

Those lines were so professional and too many that she couldn't remember them all at once.

But the show is over.

Those who have read the script know very well that the clips performed by the other party are the final stage of the script. Lucy's brain has been developed to 90%, and her humanity has been dominated by absolute rationality. There is no social interaction, etiquette, etc., which is no longer the scope of her consideration.

Therefore, throughout the whole process, they didn't really care about each other's lines...that's not right either.

It should be said that lines are not the most important.

What matters is the look in the other person's eyes.

And...the humiliation brought by that look.

Yes, it's humiliation.

Because the actor looked at them like he was looking at a monkey.

A group of monkeys.

Just like what the other party said.

Eliminate useless information exchange.

Monkeys, listen to me.

This feels very unpleasant.

But I have to admit...if someone really has the ability like Lucy in the script, she has obviously become a creator-level existence. To her, humans are really almost the same as monkeys.

Through that look, they felt more than just humiliation.

There is also a sense of alienation.

That is the indifference stemming from a high-level view of life.

Different from indifference.

There may also be reasons for apathy.

But there is absolutely no reason for indifference.

Through her observations, head tilts, emotionless lines, and the alienating temperament she exudes from the moment she walks in...

Put these together and sublimate them with "humiliation".

Suddenly, everyone remembered her performance which lasted less than a minute.

From the moment Ball got stuck, "Lucy" felt that the other party was wasting his time.

So he put all the other party's lines through his own mouth and said them quickly and accurately... with a strange mixture of British accent and American pronunciation.

In less than a minute, all pleasantries were omitted.

After all is said and done, the performance is complete.

Everyone was left in shock.

Until she sat down.

Although girl No. 6 was embarrassed, they didn't react until she subconsciously stood up.


It has ended.

Do I no longer have to be looked at as a monkey?





Mysterious silence.

No. 6 didn't even know if he should start.

Fortunately, the silence did not last long. After about ten seconds, Morik Lonzo nodded after reacting:

"let's start."

So, Number Six started performing.

Just like that, five minutes later, everyone's auditions were completed.

After everyone, including Yang Mi, heard what the casting director said, they walked out of the room silently.

Yang Mi herself was standing on the edge, so she was also the slowest when walking.

Luc Besson just kept staring at her...

Stare at her...

Until I watched her step out of the door.

He sees it, and so does everyone else.

Everyone saw Yang Mi suddenly shrugging after walking out of the door.

It looked like the tone in his heart had finally relaxed.

Then, in full view of everyone, she turned her head in one direction and spoke in Chinese.

"Tingting, let's go."

After saying that, unlike the original alienation, the whole person's steps turned into the appearance of a meteor, and he disappeared directly out of everyone's sight.

Looks very free and easy.


Morik Lonzo looked at the director subconsciously.

Luc Besson is scratching his beard.

But the expression on his face was nothing special.

There is no distress and no thinking.

He didn't even have the intention of having a detailed chat with anyone.

After just scratching it dryly for a few times, he nodded:

"Call the next group of people."

So, the audition continued.

In the elevator.

Sun Ting glanced at Sister Mi who was leaning against the elevator wall and suddenly yawned, and finally asked:

"Sister, how do you feel?"

Yang Mi shook her head silently.

She waited until the elevator reached the first floor and walked out of the door before she responded to Sun Ting:


"What's the matter?"

"I miss home."


Sun Ting understood.

At this moment, whatever the audition is.

Compared with the longing and concern in my sister's heart...


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