I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 993 988 Casting Finalized

Chapter 993 988. Casting finalized

It’s 4:30 pm Yanjing time.

Yang Mi stood in front of the luggage waiting area extremely uncomfortable and kept shaking her legs.

The eyes above the mask were full of anxiety.

If I had known earlier, I would have let the plane fly to the United States.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have left with the crew.

Oops, it’s so annoying!

Why is the luggage so slow?

Thinking of this, she also glanced at her watch.

It’s past five o’clock when we get home!

The kids will be home at around 5:30 at most, and I originally planned to give them a surprise!

Why so slow!

At this time, she felt several lines of sight.

I turned around and took a look and saw that several young people were pointing their mobile phones at this side.


She said nothing, just lowered her head again.

Shoot, shoot, shoot.

Take whatever you want.

I can't care less now.

Love so much.

Just as he was thinking about it, the big fat man over there, Guillermo Toro, came over:


"Well, director, what's wrong?"

"Aren't you going to the hotel with us?"

"No, director, my child is still waiting for me at home."

"Okay, then remember not to be late for tomorrow's event."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

As soon as he finished speaking, the conveyor belt began to rotate.

Yang Mi immediately fell silent and stared directly in the direction of the exit.

This time, she bought a lot of things.

Some are for my husband, some are for my parents, some are for my father-in-law... Anyway, there are many. But most of them are toys.

About seven or eight boxes.

They are all for the two children.

After being away for several months, she really didn't know how to make up for it, so she could only choose the most "old Xu family" approach.


Don’t you want Transformers? Buy it!

Barbie doll? purchase!

Buy whatever you want.

If you want the Empire State Building, mom will move it here for you!

But this also means that she has a lot of things.

The luggage carts for her and Sun Ting were not even loaded, and in the end, Charlie Hunnam helped her carry some of them before they were able to pull it down.

The three people pushed three fully loaded luggage carts all the way to the airport exit. At the door, a row of commercial vehicles was already waiting there.

However...this row of commercial vehicles are on two different hills.

Two of them belong to Shuangwei, while the others belong to Huayi.

But, among the people who greeted Huayi, they were divided into two groups.

One group was headed by a tall middle-aged white man who came to greet him with a smile.

On the other side, there were several familiar faces from Huayi.

Yang Mi didn't recognize him, but knew that she should have seen him before, but she just didn't remember the name and didn't socialize with him.

The reason why a pick-up and drop-off convoy is so complicated is also very simple. In 2011, the filming of "Pacific Rim" started in November.

But in December, Legendary Pictures established a film and television production and distribution company called "Legendary Oriental" in Hong Kong.

Huayi took 10% of the shares and became a shareholder. It is also the mainland cooperative publisher of Legend Oriental.

Legendary Pictures is coming to China to promote its biggest movie this year, and they will definitely come to welcome it and make arrangements for the reception of the crew.

Even if there is an extra "traitor" here.

This "traitor" naturally refers to a native Yanjing girl, a young woman who is anxious to go home.

The people in Huayi have always kept Yang Mi at arm's length... It's not really a word of respect, it's just that they are not from the same place.

But now, because of "Pacific Rim," I have to come and greet him.

Forget about entertaining the crew members...the most important thing is that Yang Mi is still the protagonist.

Although it's not that there's any resentment, everyone's relationship is indeed quite awkward.

But the people at Legendary Pictures don’t have any baggage.

"Charlie, give me the luggage cart."

Seeing the two drivers trotting over, Yang Mi said something to Charlie Hunnam.


The gentleman's British friend nodded happily, and then Sun Ting made the arrangements herself without Yang Mi's need to say anything.

Even though she was stepping on her own land, Yang Mi still had to be patient and act like an outsider and let this group of people welcome her.

As a director, Guillermo Toro is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

He shook hands with Luo Yi, CEO of Legendary Oriental Pictures, and exchanged pleasantries.

Yang Mi was watching the commercial vehicle being packed with the corner of her eye.

My heart was full of worries... I encountered a few air currents along the way. I couldn't break the toys inside, right?

My brother should be waiting for me at home.


How can I eat him tonight?

Oops, no matter what, I have to sleep with my two big babies tonight.

Mom really wants them both to death.

Many complicated thoughts were rising in my mind.

While she was in a daze, she heard a voice:

"Hello Yang."

Suddenly coming back to her senses and looking at Luo Yi who stretched out her hand, she responded politely:

"Hello, Mr. Luo."

"Haha, just call me Lao Luo. My friends in China all call me that."

"Okay, Lao Luo. Hello, nice to meet you."

After the two hands separated, the person standing behind Luo Yi finally stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Teacher Yang Mi, I am Chen Xin, the head of Huayi International Film Distribution Department."

Looking at the polite look of the middle-aged man with glasses, Yang Mi responded politely again:

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

And then... nothing more.

The two of them only spoke to each other to say hello.

When Luo Yi greeted Luo Yi to get in the car, Yang Mi quickly expressed her apology, and then went straight to the two business cars with the other party's understanding eyes.

Finally, he waved to everyone, got in the car and left directly.

After getting in the car, she felt completely at ease.

As for this meeting, it was like an episode to her, not worth mentioning at all.

Her heart had flown dozens of kilometers away.

Then...she encountered a traffic jam.

The little girl was so anxious that she wanted to bite her handkerchief.

After living for more than 20 years, she should have been used to the evening rush hour. In her eyes, she was like some sworn enemy.

He stared straight at the car in front of him and gritted his teeth.

Finally, at half past six o'clock, the car turned into the alley at home.

She straightened up subconsciously.

When he arrived at the door of his house, he didn't even wait for the car to stop. He rushed out and opened the door hastily:

"Nuan Nuan, Yang Yang, mother is back!!!"

While waiting for the electric door to rise and drive in, Sun Ting heard the cry and screams of two children after a moment of silence in the yard.



Hearing this movement, Sun Ting shook her head slightly.

Hurry up.

Quickly unloading her things...she also went back.

The object is still waiting for her at home.

Don't say Sister Mi is anxious, she is anxious too.

"Mom, come here and I'll play the piano for you."

"Hey, okay, baby~"

"Mom, Mom, this is my painting! I won the prize!"

"Oh, baby, you are so awesome..."

If we don't count the brief reunion during the two days of May Day, the mother and son, who had really missed each other for months, just wanted to give each other all their tenderness.

After eating, the two children began to pester her and never left her for a minute.

Even when I go to the toilet, I have to hold my mother with me.

I was afraid that my mother would disappear again in the next second.

Xu Xin couldn't even insert a needle, let alone insert a pin.

I can only watch there helplessly.

From the time Yang Mi came home until now, she has not talked about anything. She has been feeding her during the meal, and the two children can understand words. If she really said something at the dinner table, "Mom is staying in Yanjing for two days." "If you say that, you probably won't be able to bear to listen to this meal.

Ever since, Xu Xin just stared there eagerly.

Occasionally, his wife would glance at him, and her eyes would be full of longing and water-like amorous feelings.

And his response was to pick up the purple clay cup and take a sip of water.

It's an arms race.

Commander Yang had just checked the wolfberry in the cup.

It was demonstrated to her that the ammunition was sufficient and the weapon was well maintained.


If you don’t succeed, you will become an adult!

For Yang Mi, the feeling of returning home... was not that strong before, but this time, she felt like a tired traveler.

For the first time, I felt like I didn't want to do anything, so I just wanted to lie down on the sofa and sit and watch the clouds roll and relax lazily.

In the past, she just felt annoyed when her children jumped around and climbed up and down.

But at the moment, she was just lying on the sofa, letting the two children do whatever they wanted. What she liked to do the most was to sneak up on the little one that Xiang Yixiang could reach by herself when the other baby wasn't paying attention.

From the head, to the face, to the soft little fleshy hands.

He would even lift up the two children's clothes, scratch their soft bellies and ribs, and listen to their giggles.


She hooked Xu Xin:

"Honey, sit here and get closer to me."

The position she pointed at was on the floor in front of her.

Xu Xin was speechless:

"I'm sitting here fine..."

"Oh, hurry up!"

Although the parents went for a walk after dinner, the two children gradually became able to understand words, but there were some things that were difficult for her to say.

Now you, a doggy man, don’t understand the style again.

Urging Xu Xin to sit in front of her, she could easily put her head in and hug her lover.

But to be honest...Xu Xin is quite dirty-hearted.

When his wife's arms wrapped around his neck from behind, he said warily:

"You dare to lock me, I'm really angry!"


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and then pinched his ears in a dumbfounded voice:

"Is there something wrong with you? I'm afraid it's too late for you."

"Hmph, you know that too?...Oh, falling in love with someone who doesn't come home~"

"Yes, yes, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Listening to her husband's off-key singing, she put her head on her lover's shoulder and breathed directly on his earlobe.

A scent of reality that was somewhat haunted by dreams, but smelled better than that longing, entered the nasal cavity.

Ignoring the two little guys riding on her, she used her nose, cheeks, forehead, and even lips to touch her lover's taste bit by bit, and murmured:

"miss you."

"How much do you think?"

"You'll find out later tonight~"

She whispered the words of love into her lover's ears as quietly as possible.

His hand also penetrated through the collar of Xu Xin's clothes.


"Mom, mom, hug me, don't hug dad, hug me."

The couple hadn't been warm for three seconds before the professional light bulb came over.

Moreover, with her mother as a "bridge", she naturally rode on her father's neck. The two legs were flapping around there...

A trace of impatience finally flashed across the old mother's face.

A slap on the little buttocks:

"Go, go, mom wants to hug dad, don't get in the way!"

"I don't!!! Daddy!! Daddy!! Mommy beat me!!!"

"Okay! Xu Wanqing! You have learned how to complain, haven't you! Come here! Let's see how mother punishes you!"


In less than ten seconds, Xu Xin let her daughter flapping behind her. Because of the violent movements, she would kick herself in the head from time to time...

His face was full of helplessness.

Say you like it...I quite like it. Once the wife comes back, the family will be complete.

No matter how noisy the children are, he doesn't feel annoyed.

But let’s just say you don’t like it… Your father and I just enjoyed the warm fragrance of nephrite for a while, why did you become such a virtuous person again?

Can't this home give me a moment of rest?

So annoying.


He received another flying kick from his daughter on the back of his head.

After a long quarrel, the return of the old father-in-law and mother-in-law temporarily relieved the couple.

The two of them bought a piece of fried yogurt. The two little guys like to eat this very much in summer. Now they are sitting on their own small table to share the food.

In front of her parents, Yang Mi naturally couldn't act particularly intimate.

She just sat up, crossed her legs around her husband's upper body, and rubbed his shoulders condescendingly.

While rubbing it, he asked casually:

"Lao Wang doesn't care about South Beauty's affairs?"

"No, didn't he say it on Weibo? He sat and watched."

The two of them were talking about what happened a few days ago.

Some media broke the news that the gambling agreement between South Beauty and Dinghui has expired and has begun to enter the liquidation stage.

However, the specific details were not actually exposed. It was only dug out that after Zhang Lan gave up domestic listing last year and switched to Hong Kong stock listing, he was rejected because his assets were not transparent. She directly changed her nationality and wanted to pursue foreign investment.

Originally, a South Beauty...at most, people from related industries would have some fun.

However, the Weibo exchange between one of the "Four Young Masters" and Mr. Wang is still fresh in my mind.

Wang Sicong broke the news about South Beauty's financial problems, the inability to complete the gambling agreement, and a series of other things. So many people who liked me went to his latest photo of going to the beach to complain about the hot weather and asked, "Principal, what are you doing?" Look," Wang Sicong replied:

"I sit and watch."

Suddenly it became a hot meme on the Internet.

Yang Mi has seen this news abroad, and Xu Xin will naturally not miss it.


"He has been busy preparing for the wedding recently and is too lazy to take care of these things. I didn't ask...it has nothing to do with us."

"Then...how was his wedding to Brother Seven?"

"Preparations are in progress. The specific date has not been chosen yet, but from what he means, it should be postponed to November."

"It would be great if we just put it in December. We can still have Christmas together."

"Because I'm going to Berlin to be a judge in December."

"Hey! Did he change the date just for you?"

"I don't know if it's true...but that's what he said. Grandma, this is a huge favor!"


His wife's chuckle accompanied by soft strength made him lean back with some enjoyment.

Amidst the warm fragrance of nephrite, he looked at the two children who were eating fried yogurt and asked:

“What does your movie say?”

"You mean "LUCY"?"


"No news yet. Luc Besson is not the kind of director who auditions multiple times, just once, and then he chooses it himself. But didn't I say, it has nothing to do with me. With Scarlett Johansson there, who will look at me? "

The two chatted until the two children finished eating the fried yogurt, and she took them to wash their hands.

Xu Xin came outside to smoke.

His wife's return was not actually a particularly happy feeling for him, but rather a sense of warmth that the missing sense of security was finally replenished.

Even if it's summer right now.

Soon, within half a cigarette, he heard a sound coming from inside:

"Xu Weizhen! Take off your clothes quickly! Mom will take you two to take a bath! ...You run away again! You run away again!!!"

"Ah!! Mom, don't catch me hahahaha..."

Unconsciously, he showed a smile.


I feel like home right away.

The two children may have not slept in their mother's arms for a long time, so they seemed particularly excited tonight.

Normally, I usually fall asleep around 9:30 or around 9:30 at most.

But today, the commotion continued until around 10:30, when the two children finally calmed down.

But this state is just falling asleep, not completely asleep.

The whole bed was made a mess by the two children. At this moment, one of Yang Mi was crawling in her arms, and the other was holding her mother's arm tightly.

In fact, it can be seen from this state that the words expressed by the two little guys may not be so rich.

But that kind of missing is as real as ever.

At this time, Xu Xin, who was lying on the small bed, pointed to the bathroom.

It means he went to take a shower.

Yang Mi nodded slightly and signaled him to go quickly.

When Xu Xin came out, he saw that his wife had arrived on the small bed at some point, and the posture of the two children changed to Yangyang lying on his pillow, but Nuannuan was held in her arms.

"What's wrong?"

"Wake up, you're afraid I'll leave."

As she spoke, she rocked her body slightly so that her daughter could sleep more deeply.

Just like when I was a kid.

But a pair of eyes were staring at her husband.

"Hey, why don't you dance for me~"


The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched, and his eyes looked a little more dangerous:

"You didn't go to some strip club, did you?"

"No, why should I go there? I'm just jealous of you."

"Then you can be greedy, I'm going to bed."

Hearing this, the young woman smiled and said:

"Go to sleep, I can use it even if you lie down."


Take a look.

These are all words of tiger and wolf.

He snuggled into the bed and didn't play with his cell phone. Instead, he looked at his muse with the child in his arms, motherhood and beauty united in his body, under the light of the night light.

It's like looking at a work of art.

A work of art mixed with motherhood, desire, love, obsession... and even a little bit of love and divine radiance.

He was extremely obsessed with it.

In fact, it has been exactly 7 years since he and his wife met.

People say that every couple has the seven-year itch. In these seven years, all the love and sweetness will be wasted away by the trivial matters of life, turning into useless food that each other eats and discards.

He didn't know whether this statement was true or not.

Because this situation does not exist between two people.

He always regarded his wife as a part of his soul.

It's incomplete without her.

He wondered if his wife saw him as the same person.

But...at this moment, even if the night light is dim.

Even if there is silence.

But every look between each other's eyebrows is enough to turn into a blazing wildfire in the dark night, lighting up the starry sky and igniting each other's hearts.

Yang Mi's breathing became heavier unconsciously.

But his body still maintained a slowly swaying state.

The silence lasted for a long time.

Until she put the child on the bed, Nuannuan turned over skillfully and hugged her brother.

And when she turned over, her mother was already holding her father's chest condescendingly.

No need to say more.

Just like a match is all it takes to light up the whole world.

The night burned.

It's close to 1:30.

It's sunny and sunny!

The sound of rushing water turned off.

After walking out of the bathroom one after another, Xu Xin started to put on shorts.

"Want to smoke?"

Obviously, Yang Mi knew him very well.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, you want to sleep first?"

"Let me accompany you. I'm not sleepy now. I slept until I got off the plane around 3 p.m. and didn't wake up until I got off the plane."

So, the two people in pajamas came under the eaves again.

Yang Mi also carried a pot of warm tea and a fruit plate on the table.

Obviously, I really want to have a long talk with my husband.

The door to the master bedroom is also open, so you can easily hear the children through the screen window, so don't worry.

The two of them were sitting on the porch.

Xu Xin lit the cigarette and blew out a breath of extremely pleasant smoke.

Yang Mi began to carefully tear off the grape skins.

With a bit of joyful satisfaction on her face, she said:

"I watched the finished film of "Pacific Rim" and I thought it was pretty good."


Xu Xin became interested:

"When did you watch it?"

"Before we got on the plane, Legendary Pictures finally came out with the final version, and we watched it together."

Speaking of this, a hint of emotion appeared on her face:

"Sigh... I have to say that Hollywood's special effects are really not enough. And the soundtrack, I think the whole movie... maybe because of the subject matter? I have a general feeling about the story, but the soundtrack left such an impression on me. Deep. That kind of... what should it be? Punk? Heavy metal? Rock?... Anyway, it feels particularly appropriate for the scene. With that kind of giant robot, it feels like it has completely elevated the movie to a new level."

She said, but Xu Xin couldn't empathize.

The only thing I can tell is that the soundtrack of this movie seems to be very good.

But he still asked:

"What's your biggest feeling these past few months?"


After handing her husband a grape, she who was originally full of emotion immediately showed a disgusting expression:

"I'm really busy. You said that I went to France, Argentina, Mexico... so many countries. Logically speaking, it can be considered a global trip, right? But you know, wherever I go, it's like just looking at the flowers, and I'm distracted. Anyway, my impression is that I kept discussing the role I played in the script, and then promoted the movie... And another outrageous thing about this movie is that it is not the traditional movie based on movies like "Transformers" and "Transformers". IP like "Marvel". It is original, so it will be more difficult for the audience to recognize it. We must increase our publicity efforts, which is the most annoying... I will never make any Hollywood movies in the future. Really! If you shoot me again, I will be a dog!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a "ding" sound, and the mobile phone she put in her pocket rang.

Since she was still tearing the grape skins off in her hands, she didn't care.

Now that I'm talking...who is a good person who sends a message after one o'clock in the middle of the night?

It should be some kind of mobile phone upgrade, right?

Otherwise, it would make no sense for someone to send me a message at this juncture.

But when she had her hands free, she still wanted to explain it to her husband to save him from overthinking.

While tearing off the grape skin, she said:

"Besides, there are still a lot of things going on in China. The people at Tencent also know that there is a problem with their prices, and they have been saying that they want to talk to me again. Baozi is also very popular now..."


Another sound.

But...this time it's Xu Xin's mobile phone.


He was holding a cigarette and listening to his wife's chatter quietly. He looked down and saw someone sending him a WeChat message, so he turned on his phone.


Yang Mi asked.


Xu Xing was about to answer, but after seeing the content clearly, his eyes suddenly became strange.

Click on the chat box and point the screen at your wife.

Yang Mi squinted her eyes and saw clearly...

Friend ID: Sister Mo

News: Have you slept? Call me back tomorrow after seeing the message. It's urgent.


The corners of Yang Mi's mouth immediately twitched.

An ominous premonition arose in my heart.

At this time, she heard her husband’s words:

"Look at your phone. Did Sister Mo send it to you first?"

Her heart panicked...

"Don't tell ghost stories in the middle of the night!"

The crescent moon spreads its soft light across the earth.

Not to mention...it really smells like Yue Guangguang's panic.

Ignoring the fact that her hands were still stained with grape juice, she quickly took out her phone from her pocket and took a quick look...

"It's over, it's really Sister Mo!...What does she want from me?"

"I have a hunch..."


Before her husband could say the rest of his sentence, she stopped him.

"Don't be so talkative in the middle of the night!"

Xu Xin shrugged:

"Isn't it okay to just make a phone call from Crow Mouth? Don't be afraid, the child will be on vacation soon. Even if you are really chosen, our family will be able to go to the United States to accompany you by then. Why are you panicking?"

"Can you stay with me?"

"Uh... probably not. Lao Zhu has already started fine-cutting. I can't go over until I finish this."

"Then what nonsense are you talking about!!!"

Emotional breakdowns in adults often last only a moment.

The young woman who was so affectionate just now is almost ready to curse.

Seeing this, Xu Xin shrugged and asked:

"Then I go back now?"


Yang Mi pursed her lips.

After "struggle" for a while, he nodded:

"let's hit."

"Ding ding dong dong..."

The WeChat call was quickly connected.

Liu Momo's voice rang out:

"You two haven't rested yet? I thought I would have to wait until the afternoon to receive your reply."

"No. We were sitting in the yard chatting."

Xu Xin glanced at his wife, and after greetings he went straight to the point:

"What's going on?"

"The choice for the heroine of "LUCY" has been decided."

Dong dong dong dong dong…

Yang Mi's heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate.

When he was feeling anxious, Liu Momo had no intention of hiding anything and continued:

"Choose Mimi."


Yang Mi's face turned pale.

It's over.

It's all over...

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