I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 998 993 Only time

Chapter 998 993. Only time

Keanu Reeves.

Don't mention anything else, including personal relationships and the like.

Just saying this name is worth at least 20 million at the box office in Hollywood, right?

You don’t recommend me to use it?


His eyes were full of confusion, as if he had heard some joke.

Seeing this, Georgia was about to speak when the waiter had already brought over a bottle of wine.

The label looks quite old, but Xu Xin's knowledge of red wine is limited to Lafite, and he really doesn't know other labels.

So, Lao Qian did not answer, but checked the wine bottle and label with the waiter. After the waiter nodded and left, he started again:

"Xu, let's make the most benign estimate for your movie. It will be shot this year and released in the middle of next year. What do you think of this kind of date arrangement?"

"No problem at all."

There are no particularly big scenes in "John Wick."

After seeing the industrial power of Hollywood, in his opinion, some scenes in the script are really at the level of drizzle.

However, he still didn't understand what Lao Qian wanted to say.

"Xu, you know, sometimes Hollywood is actually very small. It's like a circle~"

Old money has put a ring on Hollywood in the void.

Then he said:

"In the past two years, except for the movie "Man of Tai Chi" that Keanu got your guidance on, it was pretty good... Well, let's put it this way. If it hadn't been for your guidance, then the movie "Man of Tai Chi" would also have been pretty good... It will definitely belong to the movies I mentioned below. NO.1..."

His left hand clicked on the index finger of his right hand.

Only then did Xu Xin notice that the ring on his left hand was not a wedding ring.

It was a ring that resembled a lion's head, but also resembled the pattern of other beasts.

The moment he saw the ring, he thought of... Forgot who said it, men should wear different rings on different occasions.

Some rings tell others that you have a wife.

And some rings tell others the rights you have.

Now the ring on Lao Qian's hand obviously does not represent love. As for what it specifically represents, or what kind of status symbol it is... he doesn't know.

Too lazy to research.

He still wears the couple's ring on his hand that was made by a curved silversmith.

The beast's head shook slightly, and an unfamiliar movie title came out of Lao Qian's mouth:

""Forty-seven Samurai""

"NO.2, "Knock Knock Knock"."

"NO.3, "Exposure"."

"NO.4, "Behind the Truth"...and finally "The Man of Tai Chi", if he used the previous version of the script."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin asked directly:

“What’s wrong with these movies?”

"Except for "Forty-Seven Samurai" and "Man of Tai Chi," the other three films have been confirmed not to be released in theaters. Keanu has not been keen on big productions in recent years, but prefers independent films. I am I have no objection to independent films. On the contrary, there are many independent films that are full of sincerity in my eyes. But... from the news I have received from various sources, next year, most of his films can be defined as bad films. Among them, "Knock Knock" has been sold to many distribution companies, and it is a very low-level film. Some critics who have seen it even said that it deserves a Golden Raspberry."


Xu Xin didn't have any other expression on his face. He just nodded slightly and asked curiously:

"What about 'Forty-Seven Samurai'? Does it sound like an RB movie?"

"Yes, that's right. RB's Warring States-themed fantasy film. With an investment of US$175 million, it will be released in October this year. But it has already had three rounds of preview screenings... The preview screenings are a Hollywood tradition. Especially Universal Pictures, they like to do test screenings and spread word of mouth through the so-called audience..."

When he said the last sentence, he made a V with both hands to express the meaning of double quotation marks.

"To achieve a certain publicity effect. But unfortunately, I know some film critics and senior people who have a very keen sense of commercial films. After everyone saw the film, they gave me only one answer: George, if you If there is a movie released at the same time as it, then congratulations to Paramount, you have won."


Xu Xin discovered that old money has a certain peculiarity in his speech.

That is... he likes to show his strength from more or less aspects through his words.

Because he made himself understand what kind of resources he had in this circle.

Not to mention anything else, just being "quickly informed" can show from the side how deep the connections he has accumulated are.

No wonder Yang Mi said that the old money in Hollywood look down on the "young money" who only use money to clear the way.

This kind of communication is really interesting.

But he also understood what Lao Qian wanted to say.

It means that next year, Brother Ji will become "famous" because of a few movies.

But Xu Xin did not refute or say anything like "F @CK OFF".

Just nodded:

"I see."

No need.

He didn't intend to argue with the other party.

Just expressing my opinion:

"Thanks for the advice, George."

At this moment, the waiter had already brought two plates of appetizers and accompanying bread, and the sommelier also came over.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible to talk about the new movie in front of outsiders.

The two of them changed the topic to "Perfect".

"Xu, "Perfect" will be released in theaters at the end of this month. Someone will give you the promotion plan in the next two days."


Xu Xin nodded and took the cork handed over by the sommelier.

He actually doesn't understand...

Or serving wine, he understood. After all, something worth one dollar with a sense of ceremony can be sold for a hundred dollars.

It is a very important part of the economic theory of dog-licking.

But what’s so good about this wooden bottle stopper?

Isn't it just a bunch of sawdust squeezed together to seal bottles?

No matter how you smell it, doesn't it still smell like wood residue soaked in wine?

It's just that he is older...but doesn't Lao Qian know that he is from Shaanxi? If he really wants to smell the so-called smell of time and take a few bites of the terracotta warriors and horses, it will be a surefire success!

He doesn't quite understand what this somewhat illusory sense of ritual is... Of course, it might just be because he's a bit rustic.

Moreover, even if you can't appreciate it, you still have to wear a mask and show some recognition.

"Yeah, it smells good."

So, I contributed my bottle of treasured old money and smiled a little.

Obviously, the compliments from the guests made him very happy as the "host".

After the sommelier opened the wine quickly and neatly, he exited gracefully.

The two of them also officially started eating.

Xu Xin tore a piece of warm bread and asked:

"George, piracy has actually appeared on the Internet."

"Yes, Xu, we have noticed it too. The earliest source of the film is with Korean subtitles, so it should be sourced from South Korea."

Old money is not surprised at all.

The same is true for Xu Xin.

He still remembered...probably when he was in junior high school or high school. At that time, there were people on the Internet who boasted about the copyright awareness and national quality of other countries except China.

People in other countries will never watch pirated movies or books, because they have been taught since childhood that paying for copyright is a matter of course.

But at the beginning, his mentality was: If I don’t watch pirated copies, what will I watch? "Russian Academy" You can get me a genuine copy.

The current mentality is: Public intellectuals deserve to die.

Americans don’t watch pirated copies?

Give me a break.

Kickass Torrents, the world’s largest piracy platform, has the most active users in the United States.

"We're doing our best to seal it off."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"I know. I just hope you won't lose money."


Old Qian is happy:

"Of course not, Xu, don't worry. There are indeed people who like to watch pirated copies, but... to be honest, I prefer to believe that they are a group of people who like your works, but can't wait for July 28th. What's more, , whether it is Rotten Tomatoes or IMDB, the score of "Perfect" is destined to be a movie worth buying tickets for. We are confident about this. What about you? How confident are you?"


When hearing this question from Lao Qian, Xu Xin suddenly showed a meaningful smile:

"My confidence is also high. George, do you know why?"


asked Lao Qian, who was also tearing bread in his hand.

Then I heard the other party’s answer:

"Because I never fail."

A piece of bread must be put into the mouth for a meal.

Subconsciously he looked towards the opposite side.

But the young director's eyes with a hint of "warning" were like a puff of smoke.

When the wind blows, they disperse.

Like an illusion.

So much so that I didn't know if I saw it wrong.

But Lao Qian knew he was right.

After thinking about it for a moment, I understood what this pun without the "V" gesture was referring to.

So, he smiled again.

"Haha, then you hope we succeed?"

As he spoke, he put the bread in his mouth and picked up the red wine.


With a "ding" sound, the two cups made a crisp sound.

When Lao Qian drinks, he always has a smile on his face.

Don’t be afraid if you are ambitious.

Paramount has enough to satisfy anyone's ambitions.

If you are confident, you will not be afraid.

Because this confidence will always be tested by Hollywood.

As for the outcome...

Is it the failure of insisting on one's own way, or is it the superior skill and sharp eye...

We'll find out once we try it.

Had brunch with Lao Qian.

Frankly speaking, Xu Xin's eyes were opened by the Hollywood past events he told.

For example, the Bistro Club not far from here, according to Lao Qian, is simply a holy place for entertainers.

For example, gossip about certain movies.

Lao Qian has been in Hollywood for most of his life and has seen and tasted a lot.

Just take it out and order it, and Xu Xin will be amazed.

After finishing the meal, the two parted.

Lao Qian has to go to the company, and he has to go home and take care of the baby.

After saying goodbye to each other, Xu Xin turned to Su Meng and asked:

"Is it delicious?"


Su Meng nodded vigorously:


"Then can you tell me what you ate? You ate more than six hundred dollars by yourself?"

Looking at the bill in his hand, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Although his assistant is silly and cute, he knows how big his appetite is.

Although it can’t be said to have a bird’s stomach, it’s really not a lot to eat…

What to eat? More than six hundred?

Then he saw his cute little assistant’s eyes sparkling like Ultraman:

"Brother Xu, I discovered a particularly magical way to eat it!"


"Pizza Margherita with caviar! Spread a layer of caviar all over the pizza! One bite!!!!"


The muscles on Xu Xin's cheeks couldn't help but begin to twitch.



Su Meng's face was full of unfinished thoughts.

He couldn't help but ask:

"Aren't you salty?"

Don't worry about whether the caviar is fresh or not, it must be salty.

"Drink water! Drinking water is the secret!"


Xu Xin opened his mouth and stared at this... idiot who didn't know what he was talking about.



never mind……


When I got home at noon, Yang Mi had not returned yet.

The two children were bored at home after a whole day. Xu Xin simply waited for the two of them to finish eating, and then took them directly to Simon's studio.

He had been to the other party's studio last time when they were doing commercial editing.

What impressed me deeply was that the other party had several special rooms filled with many advertising props, which was quite interesting while ensuring safety.

At that time, I gave an outdoor experience class to the two children.

However, he also brought three servants from home with him on this trip.

Including Su Meng, it is definitely more than enough for four adults to take care of two children.

I communicated with Simon in advance and the other party welcomed him to bring his children to play.

When he arrived at the other party's company, he handed the child over to Su Meng and ignored it. He came to the editing room and started to work.

To be honest, this ad is easy to edit.

In other words, there is no need to cut it at all.

Pinch off the head and remove the tail, and that's it.

After all, it was shot in one shot.

As a director, his main responsibility is to select samples. After selecting the samples, he will color them. In other words, he will color them first and then select the samples that are most suitable for a certain tone.

Such is the life of a director.

Over and over again, everything is just to achieve the most perfect effect in my eyes for this one-minute-long advertisement.

In the end, he chose a dark cyan tone with not strong contrast.

Dyeing the sky against the rising sun a touch of azure blue.

It also gave the truck monk a golden glow.

so gorgeous.

Once you’ve chosen a hue, the rest is easy.

Start selecting background music.

Finally, Jean-Claude Van Damme added the voice to the commercial with the selected background music, as well as the subtitles that needed to be reflected, and the commercial was ready to go online.

Midway, he received a message from Su Meng:

"Brother Xu, Nuannuan and Yangyang are asleep. We are in the rest room."

It was around 3 pm when he sent the message. According to his understanding of the two children, they needed at least two hours of sleep.

So at early 6 o'clock, he temporarily stopped selecting suitable songs in the music library.

That's almost it.

It's time to get off work.

"Xu, let's have dinner together tonight?"

"No, Simon, my wife is still waiting for me at home."

"OK, I also want to take you for a drink."

"Haha, another day~"

That's good about foreign countries.

As long as you refuse, no one will ask you to say "Oh, just one drink", "Oh, just one bottle", "Wine in the glass", "Take a walk, two games, two games"...

After walking out of the editing room, he called Su Meng.

"Where are you? Get ready to leave. Is the child awake?"

"No, Brother Xu, we are in the car outside. Just come over here."

Xu Xin didn't think much and walked straight out.

The car is parked in the open parking space outside the door.

As he walked, he was still thinking about it, thinking that Mengmeng must have eaten too much caviar and his brain was confused.

How dare you not get out of the car to greet yourself.

After a while, he deducted five hundred... dollars from her!

Let’s see if she dares to be so rude in the future.

With full malice, he even made a prediction in his mind the moment he held the doorknob.

[Open the car door and say: Mengmeng. Mengmeng should have said "Huh?" and turned her head in confusion. Then I said it myself: I’ll deduct five hundred from you! Pause and add: U.S. dollars! 】

By then this girl's face should change to:


That must be particularly interesting.

While he was thinking about it, he couldn't hold back the smile on his face, but as soon as he opened the car door... he was faced with a smiling face.

Yang Mi.

His wife, who was holding Yangyang in her arms, was looking at her with a smile.


Xu Xin was stunned immediately.

But Yang Mi raised a finger: Shh.

Pointing to the back seat.

Xu Xin took a look and saw that his daughter was sleeping soundly in the safety seat.

He nodded quickly, got in the car, and wanted to pick up the child.

But Yang Mi shook her head slightly and whispered:

"No, I'll hold you."

"Okay. Mengmeng, let's go home."

The commercial vehicle moved slowly. After leaving Simon's company, Xu Xin asked:

"When did you come back?"

"I got home at 2:30, and when I saw you weren't there, I called Mengmeng. I came to see you when I knew you were here."

Having just attended the premiere in Mexico City, she didn't look tired, but instead seemed endlessly relaxed and comfortable.

"I don't need to go to Argentina. I'll just wait for the North American premiere. One is the United States and the other is Canada. After these two participate, it's basically over."


Xu Xin nodded and glanced at the child sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms:

"Why don't we wake them up? If we continue like this, we won't even know when we can fall asleep at night."

"It's okay, nothing happened these two days anyway."

After hearing this, he said to himself that you still have a movie waiting to be shot.

But the words remained unsaid.

It ruins the scenery.

"What's the review of the movie? I've been busy today and haven't paid much attention to it."

"I'm not paying attention either."

Yang Mi gave him an unexpected answer.

She shook her head slightly and said:

"This is just the Mexican premiere, and I don't understand Mexican. Let's wait until it is released in North America and China."

While talking, Su Meng happened to turn a corner while driving.

Start heading west.

The terrain of Los Angeles is undulating, and Simon Reyes' company is located in the suburbs. There are very few cars at this time. The setting sun just shined through the front windshield of the car.

Because she was holding her child, Yang Mi chose to sit with her legs crossed to make her son more comfortable.

Facing the setting sun, she seemed to be in a good mood and said directly to Su Meng who was driving:

"Mengmeng, play a song."

"Okay, sister...do you listen to brother JAY?"

"If you don't listen to him... you've come to the United States and you still can't avoid him? Radio. Find a radio to listen to."

"Oh, alright."

Su Meng directly switched to the car radio. After pressing the automatic frequency modulation, a very soothing melody soon sounded.

This melody is really soothing, and the intro is a kind of bouncing melody composed of cello and some instruments. Although the melody is jumping, it is very, very soft.

Not to mention waking up, the two children must have slept more soundly with this kind of music.

Xu Xin also remained silent.

Because of the angle, he was also illuminated by the sun at the moment.

The sunlight was not dazzling, but he squinted his eyes habitually and adjusted his sitting posture, intending to enjoy the rare tranquility.

Soon, the car came to the first intersection.

In fact, there were no vehicles in front of the commercial vehicle. Although the traffic light not far away was green, Su Meng had subconsciously begun to slow down.

There was no other reason. The traffic light didn't count the seconds, and she didn't know how long it would take to change.

The boss and the child were both sitting in the car. They would rather go slowly than go fast at this moment.

Sure enough, when the car entered the solid line stage, the green light turned yellow directly.

Su Meng naturally stopped in the first row.

At this time, Xu Xin noticed a large truck on the opposite road.

The truck is a typical American heavy truck with a very long front end, and it seems to be the same model as Optimus Prime.

The two exhaust pipes stood up high, as if they were about to transform in the next second.

But Xu Xin's eyes instantly straightened.

Although the angle of view and light distance are wrong, but...it doesn't matter.

He just stared at the truck in the opposite lane that was also waiting for the traffic light, ignoring the cars passing by on the left and right. He stared straight at it, but in his ears was this song that sounded particularly familiar to him, but he didn't know the name. s song.

The female singer’s voice is ethereal.

Filled with a soft sense of tranquility.

Paired with soothing melody and just the right amount of silence in the business car, it gives people a strange sense of tranquility.

And in this quiet feeling, outside the car, the sunset gradually starting to turn red echoed with the Optimus Prime truck.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary scene.

But in his eyes as a director, the sky at this time, the earth at this time, the perspective and the truck at this time are the most harmonious freeze-frame scene between heaven and earth.

The melody of the song is so beautiful.

And the location of the frozen truck and the setting sun was just right...but not that good either.

Because it is stationary.

Xu Xin needs it to move.

And as if it heard his thoughts, it finally moved.

After the red light turned green, it moved.

"Mengmeng, drive slower, the slowest!"

An order was issued with a dull brow.

Su Meng still obeyed subconsciously.

He immediately released the accelerator and allowed the commercial vehicle to start moving forward at idle speed.

Xu Xin's eyes were fixed on the truck that was also moving slowly.

Ignoring the black smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe, I just stared at it and the sunset.

The radio is in my ears, and the singer who can’t hear the lyrics hums:

"Tick-ta-la type~"

"Tick-ta-la type~"


And that jumping yet gentle melody that always accompanies the singing.

At this time, the vehicle behind made a dissatisfied whistle.

But Su Meng didn't care.


Have you ever seen a female driver drive?

This is also an automatic transmission.

If it's a manual transmission, I have to let you experience what stalling at the start means!

And Xu Xin did not let her drive at a slow speed. Instead, after the truck and commercial vehicle passed by, he said to the urging of the car behind:

"Okay, let's drive normally."

Su Meng nodded and stepped on the accelerator.

Yang Mi glanced at her husband and saw his brows furrowed. She thought to herself that he must have received some inspiration and naturally she would not disturb him.

Until Yangyang in her arms was awakened by the sound of a car horn.

Until the song ended, Xu Xin asked:

"What song is this? Do you two know it?"


Yang Mi replied:

"What's wrong?"

"Do you have it on your phone?"

"No, won't it be over after just a search?"

"Okay, let go."

He ignored Yangyang who was still a little dazed after sitting up and was wondering why he was in the arms of a beautiful sister.

Yang Mi took out her mobile phone, and Su Meng also switched the car Bluetooth mode tacitly.

Soon, the song "ONLY TIME" sounded again.

During the melody, Xu Xin stared ahead and frowned.

Seeing this, Yang Mi whispered to Su Meng:

"Keep driving, this way."

Su Meng nodded silently.

I have been playing the song "ONLY TIME" on an endless loop for 5 intersections.

Until Xu Xin said:

"Turn around at the next intersection, I'll go back..."

After he finished speaking, he remembered something, turned to his wife and asked:

"are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry. Baby, are you hungry?"

Yangyang, who had just woken up and finally recognized that this beautiful sister was her mother, was naturally not hungry either.

So, the commercial vehicle turned around.

Just when a bump in the speed bump woke up Nuan Nuan who was sleeping in the safety seat behind her, Xu Xin opened the car door and got out of the car before her daughter could react, and went straight to Simon... Reyes' editing studio.


Looking at Simon who looked like he was about to get off work, Xu Xin nodded:

"Simon, is there anyone else in the editing room?"


"I seem to have found a suitable soundtrack, now I need to play it again."

Upon hearing this, Simon Reyes turned around and said:

"Let's go, I'll take you there."

Soon, in 5 minutes.


The bearded man had a strange look in his eyes, listening to the songs playing on Xu Xin's mobile phone and looking at the silent picture on the computer.

At first he felt a little inappropriate.

Volvo heavy trucks, Jean-Claude Van Damme...this combination of muscle + steel, not only to find heavy metal, but also to find music that is more suitable for men's style.

What's more, although there are female truck drivers, most of them are men.

Enya's soft music is not suitable.

But... after a song was played, Xu Xin adjusted the shot speed of Jean-Claude Van Damme's cheating in the sample film. As the prelude ended, Enya's singing voice sounded. For a moment, Jean-Claude Van Damme... The one-character horse slowly "unfolds"...

All of a sudden, the smell was there.

Matching the artistic conception under the radiance of the morning sun.

The bearded guy's eyes slowly widened and became round.


How could it be...so harmonious?

In the song, Enya hummed softly:


Who can tell where this road leads.

Wherever the years go.

Only time.

Along with the soft singing, Jean-Claude Van Damme's one-word horse opened again.

Even if there are no vocals, even the soundtrack looks very rudimentary in this environment where it is played on a mobile phone.


Xu Xin, who didn't know that Simon's eyes were wide open next to him, nodded slightly and said to himself:

"Hmm...it tastes right."

Absolutely right!

I recommend a book, The Broken Bowl Book, it’s quite nice.

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