I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1009 1004 Martial Arts

There was a hint of surprise in Liu Yifei's eyes, and she asked subconsciously:


Xu Xin's facial muscles stiffened and he nodded vigorously:

"Well, really! You can be the heroine. I think you are suitable too!"


Now, the fairy sister was really shocked.

The first reaction is:

"Don't you think about it Mimi?"

Xu Xin shook his head like a rattle:

"Regardless of whether you think about it or not, it's just you. You are definitely suitable! She can't do it, her acting skills are too bad!"


Liu Yifei's first feeling was absurd.

I was just kidding...why are you still serious?

But the second reaction was a hint of joy.


With such a huge bargain, is it our turn?

With such a sentence, the heroine was taken down?

"You really don't need Mimi? Don't you ask her?"

Seeing that she was still unsure, Xu Xin quickly shook his head:

"No need to ask, I don't know what kind of virtue she has? This woman wants to give it to her... it's a waste! It's you, you are the most suitable!"


Now she really didn't know what to say.

Are you happy?


I must be happy!

But...she had an inexplicable feeling in her heart that "it's not a good thing to get it too easily".

I feel uneasy.

After thinking for a while, she asked:

"When will you give me the script?"


Xu Xin blinked and said with a smile:

"The script is kept secret for the time being. You won't know it until you start filming. This is a Hollywood rule. You, an American, don't know this?"


In front of all martial arts instructors and martial arts experts.

The aunt slapped Murong Fu.

This punch took at least ten years of effort.

All the military commanders will know at a glance that there is no way to stop it.

The heart says...

What a skill, young hero!

Keanu Reeves glanced at the two men, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


Just pretend you didn’t see it.

When Jessica heard the movement, she turned her head and glanced, and saw the director who had been slapped nodded slightly to her.

meaning is……

It's time to start.

"OK, first group."

With her words. Four or five guys with explosive muscles walked to the exercise mat.

Xu Xin stopped playing around.

His requirements for the martial arts finger this time were very simple, that is, "simple, effective, highly lethal, and clean in action."

Scripts will definitely not be provided, but martial arts directors don’t actually need scripts.

Since Bruce Lee popularized kung fu movies all over the world, Hollywood has also changed its usual rough action model and has also begun to introduce top martial arts actors such as Yuan Jiaban, Cheng Jiaban, etc. into movies.

At the beginning, almost all Hollywood actors were from China.

But later, as the dragon and tiger martial arts masters aged, and people in Hollywood continued to learn, the martial arts school in Hollywood is now flourishing.

Not only did they absorb the uniqueness of Celestial Martial Arts, but some people also incorporated these things into other elements.

There are even professional martial arts instructors with different body types and different moves.

The audition method used by these buddies is also the traditional Hollywood "1V1" and "1VN" format.

However, after looking at it for a while, Xu Xin put an

These guys are so rough.

Still taking the hard-hitting approach of Hollywood.

It doesn't have a sense of beauty.

This is true for 1V1, let alone 1VN.

You punch, I kick...

It's called a back-and-forth ugly situation.

Chen Hu curled his lips slightly.

He turned and glanced at the brothers next to him.

He is a senior, and he is also the best one in Hollywood currently.

Master is getting older, so unless it is a particularly important production, he will basically not take action. Normally, they spend their old age in Xiangjiang, but Xiangjiang Movie has also disappeared in the past two years, and the disciples of the Yuan family class have scattered all over the sky.

Some people are in the mainland, and some want to come to the United States to make a living.

Most people here in the United States will come to find themselves.

And these junior disciples he brought today are the outstanding members of Master's sect.

Needless to say, Yuan Jiaban’s reputation is worldwide.

They can take on these four words "second to none".

As the most famous martial arts team, Yuan Jiaban is famous for his camera skills.

What is shot flow?

The answer is simple: Master's requirement is that every scene should have coherent, smooth, and clear movements.

In 1V1, Party A and Party B, how do you throw your punch, how do I block my punch, the strength of the punch, the angle of the block, and the direction of the throw must arouse the emotional resonance of the audience so that they can see and understand clearly. Can be brought in.

What Yuan Jiaban is most proud of is this logic.

Smooth cause and effect chain, clearly for you to see. The speed is neither fast nor slow, and the content is neither too much nor too little. Repeatedly switch offense and defense, and see-saw strength in both directions. The process is very valuable, and the tricks are common in life. The mirror language is plain and vivid, never frivolous or fancy.

And this happens to be consistent with all action movies.

This is their most attractive feature.

Perhaps, they are just martial arts directors, but as the core foundation of kung fu movies that have led an era, the people in the Yuan family class naturally have something to work with.

Be an expert.

As for the connoisseurs, they would naturally look down upon these rough-muscled men as they walked around in front of them.

as expected.

1VN had just started, and after receiving Xu Xin’s message, Jessica immediately shouted to stop:

"OK, that's it. You can go back. If there is any news, we will contact your agent."

Several muscular men nodded and turned back to the team.

They were in no hurry to leave.

Martial arts is a profession.

It's like a Jianghu sect.

People from all walks of life have different styles.

If you are not from their sect, they will definitely not teach you.

But no one refuses. It’s a steal.

The people from Yuan's class are here. Take a closer look, steal a move or two, and slowly you can enrich your "weapon arsenal".

Naturally, Jessica, as the director, would not drive her away.

So, there was just a group of people watching, and three or four people playing on the practice mat.

After auditioning five or six groups, it was finally Chen Hu’s turn.

We all know each other well, so there is no need to be polite.

Xu Xin also wanted to see what kind of surprise Lao Chen could interpret his request.

Chen Hu and a martial artist who was younger than him walked out first.

After the two set up their formation, the martial artist took the lead in making a move.

The starting point is a punch.

Chen Hu blocked the opponent skillfully, and then punched the opponent's chin.

The guy took advantage of the situation and did a backflip and fell to the ground.


There was a sound of exclamation from everyone at the scene.

Obviously, this move was crisp and neat, and with the cooperation of the two people, a feeling of great power of Chen Hu's punch suddenly arose, making everyone sigh unconsciously.

But Xu Xin's brows suddenly frowned.

But he didn't say anything and continued to look down.

The martial artist stood up again, and the two sides took up positions again.

But this time the opponent used his feet.

The initial movement was a forward kick. After Chen Hu sided to avoid it, he turned his palm with one hand and pushed the opponent's chin again...

The guy just "flyed" out.

Lying on the ground "not knowing whether he was alive or dead".

I have to admit that, among other things, when it comes to "being beaten", the feedback given by the people in Yuan's class is indeed the best.

But... no.

Xu Xin sometimes felt that... Lao Chen's thinking was a bit "shallow".

Indeed, what I ask for is simplicity and efficiency... But the problem is, this is a killer story.

It's not like you haven't read the script.

Don’t you know what kind of path John Wick is?

Although the two moves in front of him are very simple and efficient, they are more like a martial arts master than a "killer".

None of the killer's cold and ruthless moves.

Light is simple and efficient.

But he didn't say anything, thinking that this was just a warm-up, and he would watch later.

After the guy on the opposite side got up again, the two of them started to trade tricks this time.

You come and go, the fight is indeed very exciting, and you can see that every blow is really hitting the vital point.


A sentence his wife said before popped into his mind for no reason:

"You have to have roots under your feet."

These words were taught by Mr. Yu when my daughter-in-law first learned martial arts.

It probably means that people who practice martial arts must have a foot under their feet. This foot allows people to maintain their body balance when fighting and will not lose their position no matter what.

This is definitely true when it comes to martial arts.

After all, kung fu is all about using tricks at the first glance and killing with one strike.

But putting it in a movie... was not what Xu Xin wanted.

Although he does not practice martial arts, he has gained some perspective over the years as his wife has been used as a sandbag during the day and as a furnace at night.

Although the two people's tricks were exciting, there were at least three tricks. Xu Xin could figure out how to "finish" his opponent by following the tricks his wife often used.

For example, in Lao Chen's move, he directly uses one hand to thrust his palm into the opponent's throat.

The guy opposite used his hands to fix the sides of the opponent's arms, one at a time, one at a time, and then he made a counter-joint with his hands to fix them and prevent him from moving.

And if this was a wife, she would have definitely pushed her hand forward with all her strength, directly relying on explosive force to push forward to move the opponent's center of gravity. Whether it was kicking the crotch or lifting her own arm that was caught by the anti-joint, after mobilizing the opponent's center of gravity, Give this guy a liver-exploding punch with the other hand and give him a GG.

According to my wife, your adrenaline has been mobilized and the pain is not that painful.

Isn’t this the end of the fight?

But these two people are still going back and forth with each other.

looks good?

very nice.

But... for Xu Xin, this was already a very procrastinating move.


The "PASS" button in his heart was already halfway pressed.

But reason told him that if there were no other good candidates, then Lao Chen would have to change it.

Otherwise it really won’t work.

Fighting like this is good-looking, but it's really no different from traditional action movies.

Soon, the 1V1 over there ended.

Chen Hu gasped twice and saw that Xu Xin and Brother Ji were still looking at him seriously, so he nodded to the other brothers.

Three or four people gathered around him.


Now, the picture actually looks better.

But...that's the same sentence.

It's nice to watch, but the routine is still the same as in 1VN, where the protagonist fights one person, and the others are walking around and making noises.

Let me put it in the most literary terms possible.

You're nice, but you don't touch my soul.

He even imagined Chen Hu as John Wick in his mind.

Facing the menacing enemy, John Wick rushed forward. He quickly punched him, then grabbed the stool next to him and skillfully rolled it into a flower in his hand. He used the gap of the stool to block another enemy and gave him a blow. After he punched him, he hit the third person...

have to.

MR. Wick directly became JACKIE CHAN.

Thinking of this, he sighed helplessly.


After Jessica heard his sigh, she turned her head and glanced.

Then he shouted in a very "disgusting" voice:

"Okay, stop."

Several dragon and tiger martial arts masters who were enjoying the fight were suddenly startled...

Even Chen Hu was stunned.

Obviously, they really didn't expect that someone would stop them before they finished their routine?

This foreign girl...is she so ignorant?

While thinking about it, Chen Hu noticed Xu Xin's eyes.

There is no burning gaze, just a very simple calmness.

There was no joy or appreciation for his wonderful moves.

So peaceful.

The first thought that popped into Chen Hu's mind was:

"Did I not move well?"

But he immediately denied this.

No, these movements are all customized according to the requirements of "concise, efficient, and powerful".

Even after he finished playing, he recorded it and sent it to Master.

Master’s comment is:

“It’s not a particularly beautiful game, but it’s really efficient.”

Master’s assessment is definitely not wrong, right?

Maybe Director Xu doesn’t seem to agree?

At this moment, he heard Xu Xin's words:

"Old Chen, there are props over there. Have you prepared weapons? You can try it."

Chen Hu was stunned again.

My heart said, could it be that I saw it wrong?

Do you think...we can do it? Want to see more?

For a moment, he suddenly felt unsure.

But he still nodded:

"no problem."

So, he took a few people to the prop shelf nearby to choose, and chose two pistols and several short knives.

These are all plastic props, and he also reminded a few people to be careful.


Fighting together again.

Lao Chen fired, one man fell to the ground, and another man rushed out from the side and shot his gun into pieces. After receiving two punches, Lao Chen used a gun in one hand and a fist in the other to kill the opponent like a gunfight, and then killed the third person with two "bang bang" shots...

After this was done, Xu Xin, who had a complete idea in his mind, nodded:

"Okay, that's it. Next group."

Chen Hu naturally knew that this kind of thing was definitely not decided on the spot, so he stepped aside with a few panting juniors.

If they don't leave, he won't leave either.

Soon, the next group of people appeared "tremblingly".

Several more groups of people were auditioned.

Xu Xin became more and more speechless as he watched.

I really didn't realize it before... In the Wuzhi industry, people are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but they are afraid of comparing goods.

He was really dissatisfied with Lao Chen's group of people.

But... I can’t stand other people.

Compared with these ten or so people in a row, Lao Chen is simply not on the same level as these people.

Could it be that my requirements are too high?

Or... Xiangjiang's Dragon and Tiger martial arts masters have really brought this kind of action scenes to the "extreme", and there is nothing that can make them shine anymore?

While he was thinking about it, a new group of people came up.

The same three or four people.

And also has an Asian face.


He is very short and has a ponytail. He looks a bit like someone from Southeast Asia.

Xu Xin lowered his head and glanced at the information.

[Masyan Ruian Action Guidance Team]

Names don't mean anything, Hollywood needs to remember some people's names.

Therefore, registering the name of the action guidance company with the same name as your own is also a publicity method.

By mentioning a person's name in this way, you can find the person.

After quickly skipping the name, he glanced at the other person's resume out of habit, and then saw a line written in English:

"I started working in the Indonesian Secret Service in the 1980s and served as a presidential bodyguard."

? ? ?


Xu Xin's eyes showed a bit of surprise.


He chose to put down his resume and looked at these people.

There was not much communication between the two parties. After all, there were more than a dozen groups of people.

Understand the process.

This man named "Yayan" and another man...who was actually similar in stature to him, and even looked somewhat similar, formed a battle formation.

While several others stood aside.






Looking at the buddy flying backwards, Xu Xin's heart crossed one word: 6.

To be honest, he didn't even see what was going on. He saw the guy throw a punch, and then the man named Yayan blocked with one arm. Then he bent the blocking arm into an elbow and hit the opponent's collarbone downwards. It looked like Muay Thai's use of elbow strikes. Then he kicked the guy opposite him in the leg socket. Due to the stress on the joints, the guy's center of gravity suddenly became unstable and he half-knelt on the ground. Then Yayan flew up and kicked straight, and he flew backwards.

His eyes lit up instantly.

Tell the truth.

It also flew out upside down.

But when Chen Hu fought, the routine became more serious, and it seemed that there was no real harm...

But this guy is different.

There were three movements in total, which were extremely smooth and fast. It was like a flash of lightning, and a person "died".

Moreover, the guy was not injured at all.

Xu Xin watched helplessly as this guy named Yayan kicked the opponent's neck, but the guy quickly got up and stood in front of Yayan again.

Then, the other party took out a claw knife from his arms.

First, he bent the blade in Xu Xin's direction, and then poked his cheek with the tip of the dagger.

It proved that the claw knife was made of silicone, and then he held a knife flower with one hand... which had both strength and swiftness.

The reason why he describes it this way is mainly because he has a...like movement where the frames of a movie suddenly slow down.

The knife was originally swinging very fast, but it slowed down instantly, as if his knife had put a brake on the air.

Very aesthetic.

The so-called expert will know whether there is something or not as soon as he takes action.

The actions of these two people, not to mention Xu Xin and the others, even Chen Hu and the others frowned slightly, showing expressions of surprise.

He always felt that these two people looked familiar.

But I can't remember where I saw it.

But the problem is that he has been in Hollywood for more than ten years, and the colleagues he met range from 100 to 50. The skills of these two people are obviously not simple, but why are they so cool?

Although strange, why does it feel so familiar?

He must have met these two people.

Where is it?

Just as they were thinking about it, the two people who had already set up their positions started fighting.

With this claw knife in hand, the man named Yayan seems to have completely changed his style. He is no longer pursuing the broad-scale killing like just now. The man on the other side has just started to attack, and Yayan sneaks in with a waist. Within the range of the opponent's "cylinder", the claw knife in his hand relied on the function of the knife ring to spin a knife flower on the index finger, and then before the opponent's punch could be withdrawn...

"Swiss, swiss, swish!"

Accompanied by the foley sounds in his mouth, he slashed the inner thigh with one knife, slashed the waist and abdomen with one knife, and slashed across the neck with one knife...

After three strikes, the opponent opposite him fell directly.

Act fast!




Three knives.

Just three swords.

But these three swords revealed a message to everyone.

If this knife is real, then there must be a scene of blood splattering and corpses lying on the ground.

Then, the felled buddy quickly got up.

Yayan said a few words...I don't know where they came from, and several people nearby gathered around him.

Then, after everyone set up their positions, he started 1VN.


When 1VN started, the amazing joy in Xu Xin's heart disappeared.

In Hollywood, martial arts directors should be more specifically action directors.

The responsibilities included in the position of action director are, on the one hand, responsible for the moves in the fighting scenes, what actions the protagonist does, what actions the supporting characters do, how to fight, and how to use their moves. On the other hand, it is to help the director complete the sense of space in group martial arts scenes such as this.

When will this person come in?

How the protagonist fights and exits, and how the other person enters and exits...

It must have this function.

It is impossible for a director to study kung fu and action in detail, so the action director must completely design the sequence of moves and fighting scenes for a scene, and divide all the actions well. After they are done, the director will decide what to do. How to film the play.

Everyone’s division of labor is very clear.

The opponent's action style was almost perfectly in line with Xu Xin's preferences.

Cold, ruthless, and no room for mercy.

To put it bluntly, unlike the Longhu martial arts masters who had practiced martial arts since childhood and were taught "martial arts" by their masters, what he showed was more like an essence.

"Kung Fu is for killing people."

A pure killing move that is pleasing to the eye.

But as soon as 1VN started, Xu Xin looked at the way a few people were hanging around outside while the two were fighting, and he knew that in terms of group fight scenes, they were much worse than Yuan Jiaban.

Yuan Jia Ban... or the old Shaw Brothers era, from the beginning of kung fu movies, they also went through this style. But what is pursued now is no longer that the protagonist takes the initiative and the supporting characters "draw circles" outside, but that everyone is connected in series, and the protagonist is required to use a set of continuous actions to defeat everyone in the camera.

As for those who are temporarily out of order, most of them will be like a generation of masters, giving everyone different attributes.

For example, when the master fights, the apprentice can watch from the side.

Ma San and Gong Er knocked the dog's brains out, but the apprentice did not dare to act rashly because of Lao Jiang's knife...

This is the path they are taking now.

It can be said to be an evolution.

To put it bluntly, it is to help the audience feel more immersed.

I will never let you be like the Xiangjiang movie in the 1990s, where one person beats the villain here, and the others can only draw circles outside with dicks in their hands.

But in this regard, the action director named Yayan has obviously not evolved to the level of Yuan Jiaban.

Maybe for others, enough is enough.

But for a great director who is also at the upper level in the country where kung fu movies originated, it is obviously not enough.

But Xu Xin didn't say anything, but waited patiently for Yayan to knock everyone down, then lowered his head and drew a circle on the other party's information.

These people are qualified to enter the next round of film and television legend reference.

At the same time, he also picked up Chen Hu's information and drew a circle next to it.

If there is no martial arts team that amazes me later, then if nothing else happens...the action directors of this drama should be these two groups.

As it turns out, it is.

Unlike Yuan Jiaban's assembly line-like integration and Yayan's team's simplicity and efficiency, the other martial arts teams are indeed a level lower than these two groups.

At almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon, all martial arts auditions ended.

Everyone, including Chen Hu, stood up and left.

No one communicated much during the whole process.

No need to communicate.

Just wait for the phone call.

The good people work together to negotiate the price, and the bad people don't even need to call. Everyone knows what's going on.

After everyone left, Xu Xin took a box of memory cards from Jessica.

One of them contains video records of these audition teams in the afternoon.

As for the rest, these are the images provided by these martial artists who came to audition when they were acting as action directors.

But at this moment, Liu Yifei, who had been watching with gusto all afternoon, suddenly slapped her forehead:

"Ah!! I remembered!"


Xu Xin turned to look at her in confusion.

MR. What did Wick's late wife think of again?

I saw the fairy sister who was not dead yet took out her mobile phone, typed a few words quickly, took a look at it, and then handed the phone screen to Xu Xin:

"I finally remembered why those two people looked so familiar. Yayan! Sai Saipu! They are the villain bosses in the two parts of "The Raid"! One is one, and the other is two! Those two killers!"


"Yes! Haven't you seen it?"

"No, does it look good?"

"It's not that good... the plot is very average, it's a movie produced in Indonesia. But... these two movies... especially the movie "The Raid 2: Thugs", the fighting scenes in it were rated 05 by "Black Belt" magazine Ranked sixth among the top ten battle scenes in action movies in the past 12 years! It’s an authentic violent aesthetic! It’s very beautiful!”


After hearing the words of the fairy sister, I looked at the Baidu Encyclopedia of "Raid" on her mobile phone...

The name of this movie, Xu Xin, is very unfamiliar.

But looking at the other party's appearance, he seemed to admire the fighting scenes in this movie.

So, he nodded:

"Okay, let's go. Go home and take a look. Jessica, how about this for today?"

"Okay, Xu, once you've made your choice, let me know and we'll start the second audition."


After a shout of victory, everyone waved goodbye.

After walking out of the studio, Liu Yifei curiously asked Keanu Reeves:

"Keanu, Xu asked me to play the heroine of this movie."


Keanu Reeves was stunned.

Is there a heroine in John Wick?

Why didn't I know?

He subconsciously cast doubtful eyes on Xu Xin.

Then I saw my dear director nodding to him with a particularly strange look:

"Yes, Keanu. Liu is the female lead and plays your wife in the film. Great, right?"


Mr. Neo, the famous Hollywood dreamboat, popular male idol and savior, understood his friend's expression.

Suddenly the muscles on his cheeks began to twitch.

MR. Wick turned his eyes to his expectant "wife"...

My wife's eyes sparkled.

Just like Ultraman's eyes.

It seems that I am extremely looking forward to this role.


All right.


He nodded somewhat awkwardly.

That's right.


What a "great" idea you have.

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