I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1017 1012 Coach, I think

"Brother Wu, look at what you said. Haha~ If anything happens to the three children in Hengdian from now on, they are not allowed to come to you?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Lou's words are really on point. Please take care of what happens to the three children in the future."

"Hey, no, no, we are friends and close partners. It's ridiculous to say this. As for the three little kids, training is the main thing now. Brother Lu, don't worry too much. Is there any small role you can play later? Well, if you really don’t have anyone, just think about it.”


Early 5 o'clock.

Guo Qilin glanced at the time on his phone.

Finally I remembered why I thought this scene looked familiar.


The first scene of "The Godfather" seems to be like this now.

Sister Jiaojiao and Sister Baoer just waited for investors, advertisers, and people from various companies to visit one after another.

Visits, greetings, chats...the point is not what we talk about, because many of the people who came this afternoon are actually not here to discuss cooperation.

It was as if they were just here to chat. When they met and chatted for a few words, they seemed to hide all their thoughts under their smiles.

Later, Sister Jiaojiao will push out... including herself, mainly Sister Reba.

Add WeChat and say hello.

Then he saw off the guests with a smile on his face.

The process is almost set in stone.

Not talking about business at all.

But...you have to visit.

Sister Jiaojiao is just like Mr. Corleone. When she sits down, her "friends" come over to say hello.

Even if the meeting time is short, what is supposed to come will still come.

And as time came to an end, this encounter also came to an end.

"Okay, you three go back and change clothes. Little Elephant, you take Dalin with you."


After the little elephant nodded in agreement, he said to Guo Qilin:

"Come on, let's go try on clothes."

This time, Guo Qilin didn't say anything like "It's really unnecessary."

Follow and leave obediently.

As soon as the three of them left, Zhang Jiao, who had been upright all afternoon, finally leaned on the sofa.

He looked a little tired:


"Knead it for you?"

Zhao Liying, who had also been a foil all afternoon, didn't have any special reaction.

As a "Hengdian 360", she may not have many other advantages, but when it comes to hardship and patience, most people really can't compare to her.

This kind of thing of sitting on the sofa all afternoon...

What? Is there such a comfortable job?

Hearing her friend's words, Zhang Jiao shook her head slightly, but still leaned fully against her.

At this moment, Koala's identity changed.

But Zhao Liying, who was knocked down by her friend, just smiled and patted her arm:

"Be careful, you'll have to reapply your makeup later."


Zhang Jiao responded, but still closed her eyes.

Looking a little tired.


After hearing this, Zhao Liying said:

"Drink some coffee?"

"……All right."

Zhang Jiao, who felt that this was reasonable, nodded, sat up straight, and said to the waiter:

"a cup of coffee."

After speaking, she looked at her friend:

"After the awards ceremony tonight, tomorrow will be a small meeting for the TV series channel jointly launched by Shaanxi TV and Xiying Studio."

"I'm going to the Magic City tomorrow..."

"I know, you don't need to participate, I'll just tell you. This year...I estimate that there will be a big move on my sister's side before the end of the year at most. I won't tell you what the specific move will be. You don't have any idea. The doorkeeper. Don’t be too blind when you accept the film next year. Ask me more then, do you hear me?”

"Okay, got it."

Zhao Liying nodded carelessly, looking indifferent.

If we don’t allow blindness, we won’t allow blindness.

Just don’t delay making money.

Nothing matters except making money!


She suddenly said:

"Will Fatty attend tomorrow?"

"She must attend. This is a meeting. Companies that have investment records in the film festival in the past three years also have admission letters. I clearly want to give her a push, so of course she has to attend."

"What about Shaobing and Guo Qilin?"


Zhang Jiao was stunned.

But he immediately frowned...

"Sister didn't tell me that Shaobing wouldn't be an actor. I also left a place for him this time..."

"Don't let him become an actor?"


Zhang Jiao nodded slightly, glanced at her watch, and shook her head helplessly.

It's past three in the morning in Los Angeles.

We definitely can't communicate on the phone.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Liying said:

"Then let Guo Qilin go."


Zhang Jiao was stunned again.

Asked subconsciously:

"Are you optimistic about Deyun Society?"

"Anyway, you have a free spot. Besides... I've been observing that kid all afternoon."

Rarely, a look of insight appeared in the eyes of the carefree Zhao Xiaodao:

"I've seen the looks in the eyes of many extras in Hengdian. The desire in their eyes is the same as this kid's. Brother Gou and Brother Qian'er have such a good relationship, so just treat it as a favor."


Zhang Jiao did not refuse.

Just the corners of his mouth twitched crazily.

There was even a moment when I wanted to silence the friend in front of me...

There is no other reason. The "dog brother" she calls is Brother Xu.

Because my friend always thinks that Brother Xu is...a dog-faced person. Then he shouted like this in private.

But the problem is that she is not afraid of death, she is afraid of herself.

Will I end up not having a good death because I know "too much"?

She pressed her fingers to her temples helplessly.

It's about 6:30 in the evening.

Guo Qilin, who was finally done with his work, temporarily loosened the somewhat tight tie at his collar and knocked on the door of Brother Bi's room.

There is no way, he really doesn't adapt well.

But...you have to tell the truth.

In Sister Jiaojiao's words, this dress is "one-size-fits-all made of poor material", but it fits well on a fat man like him, who is a little over two hundred years old.

It’s mainly about trial and error that makes it good.

He thought that the other party would prepare at most one set, but who could have imagined that Little Elephant just brought six sets.

Three sets of black and three sets of dark blue.

This is just the suit, not counting the shirt underneath, the dark socks and leather shoes.

Sizes range from XXL to 3XL, both large and small.

After Guo Qilin put it on, although he was not used to the constraints on the shoulders and elbows of formal clothes and the tight feeling of leather shoes, he relied on clothes to lean on the saddle. After putting on this outfit, he felt that he had to walk straight. The compulsion to lift the chest.

Xin said that suits are indeed what Sister Xiaoxiang said, every man must have one.

So handsome.

Then...the joy of wearing new clothes was shattered the moment Brother Bi opened the door.

He looked at the pie guy in a standard three-piece suit. His muscular lines made him look upright and masculine, and he looked a bit like a thug in a suit. The feeling of inferiority came over him unconsciously.


The gap is huge...

Just now in the room, I had already looked in the mirror.

I really think it's handsome.

But now standing in front of Brother Cake...

"Here it comes, come in... the car is already downstairs, but we have to wait for news from Brother Chao and the others. They are ready. Let's go together. This time you walk the red carpet with me. Follow "Running Man"."

"...Eh, okay."

Guo Qilin nodded and walked in.

And Shaobing started to put on shoes.

Guo Qilin actually doesn’t know much about suits and leather shoes.

Influenced by family traditions, he studies more of the culture left behind by his ancestors.

By chance, just after putting on his shoes, Shaobing's phone rang.

Deng Chao called him to come downstairs.

"Okay, let's go down now."

After finishing the sesame cake, Guo Qilin turned around and was about to go out.

"Hey, don't worry, let's take a photo together. It's rare to wear something so cool~"

He said and pulled Guo Qilin in front of the full-length mirror.

Brother Cake is taller than him, but Guo Qilin doesn't think it's a big deal.

But now he was standing in front of the mirror, looking at his bloated figure, and comparing it with Brother Bi, who raised his head, put the phone on his chest, and made a cool pose... He subconsciously complained:

"I'm too fat."

"It's not difficult to lose weight."

After a few "click, click, click" sounds, Shaobing finished taking pictures.

"Let's go."


The two of them walked out of the house together.

Soon, the elevator arrived.

As soon as the door opened, Shaobing was happy:

"elder brother."


Lin Xingxin, who was leaning lazily in the elevator, nodded, glanced at Guo Qilin, and asked in confusion:

"Teacher Guo is here too?"

"Hello, Brother Lin."

At Guo Qilin's greeting, Shaobing shook his head:

"No, I'll bring Dalin here to join in the fun and gain some knowledge."


While Lin Xingxin was chatting with Shaobing, Guo Qilin was observing.

Before seeing the other party, he felt that the pie brother was not ugly either.

What's more, we have been together for so many years, and there is no need to compare looks.

But now after seeing Lin Xinxin, he suddenly realized...

It turns out that the gap between the pie guy and the "handsome guy" is so big.

He was a little stunned.

But a somewhat absurd idea came to my mind.

"No wonder it can be said to be the dream of 1.5 billion girls..."

The elevator goes all the way downstairs.

When he came to the lobby, Guo Qilin discovered that the first floor had become a beautiful landscape.

Various beauties and handsome men in formal dresses were chatting with each other.

I've seen a lot of them on TV.

The whole hall is filled with the smell of perfume, mixed together... It's not unpleasant, but the smell is quite strange.

However, after looking around, Guo Qilin's eyes were instinctively attracted to one person.

Liu Zhishi in a pure black dress.

She was chatting with a few people... Strangely enough, there was Sister Bao'er standing next to her, but she couldn't move her eyes away from her.

Could this be the aura that Brother Pan was talking about?

Not to mention...it really stands out from the crowd.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Brother Lin walking directly over there.

Brother Cake's voice also sounded in my ears:

"Let's go and say hello to you."

"Oh, okay."

Several people walked towards Liu Zhishi.

Guo Qilin heard Lin Xingxin say:

"You didn't leave over there at the guest house?"

Liu Zhishi, who was chatting with someone, turned around, saw him, smiled and shook her head:

"No, the crew is here, and I'm here too."

"Who is inside, Fat Fairy'er?"

"If she hears you calling her that, she'll have to kick you to death."

"Hahaha, that sounds like I'm afraid of her."

After Lin Xingxin finished joking and saw Shaobing and Guo Qilin coming over, he pointed at Guo Qilin:

"Who is this... Guo Qilin, the son of Teacher Guo Degang, came with Xiaobing."

"Hello, Sister Shishi, I am Guo Qilin."

"Hey, hello, Dalinzi."

Liu Zhishi quickly closed the distance with just one name, and asked with a smile:

"Is your master here today?"

"No, not coming."

"Oh... Pancake, then he follows you?"

"Yes, we will leave together in a while."

"Okay, then take care of him and call me if you need anything."

"Hey, I got it, sister."

Shaobing nodded, and then heard the movement behind:

"What are you talking about? It's so lively."

He turned around and shouted with a smile:

"Brother Chao."

"Well, yo, Qilin, long time no see."

"Hmm, hello, Brother Chao."

Guo Qilin quickly said hello.

There are more and more people in Wanda's first-floor lobby.

At almost 6:30, the commercial vehicle at the door received the order and began to pick up the actors in batches towards the conference center.

A car can range from two to four.

It depends on whether you are familiar with the relationship and whether you are willing to be together.

At this moment, Guo Qilin felt that he was dazzled among these celebrities.

After getting in the car and the car started to move, he said to the cake guy in the other car:

"My eyes are dazzled."

Wang Baoqiang, who was sitting in the middle row with Shaobing, laughed and said:

"Are you not used to it? Once you participate more often, you will get used to it."

Guo Qilin quickly smiled and said:

"Yes, I'm really not used to it...Brother Baoqiang, I saw my sister-in-law is here too. I thought you would be with her."

"Your sister-in-law won't attend."

Wang Baoqiang shook his head:

"She just came here with me to join in the fun."

As he said that, he seemed to remember something and took out the phone.

It didn't work out.

Then he dialed another number:

"Hey, Song Zhe, what are you talking about? She didn't answer my call just now. She probably didn't hear her. You told her not to forget to call home. It's time for the child to do his homework... Well, okay, then I Hang up...hmm."

Guo Qilin said to her heart that this person is quite fond of family.

No one took this little incident to heart. On the contrary, maybe because he felt that Wang Baoqiang was relatively... close to him, Guo Qilin asked a question that he would never ask the cake brother:

"Brother Baoqiang, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask. Tell me."

"Is it good to be an actor...?"

The Shaobing beside him twitched his ears.

"It's not easy."

Wang Baoqiang gave a very straightforward answer.

However, he did not hide it, but turned his head and looked at Guo Qilin sincerely:

"It's very difficult for ordinary people to be an actor, a famous one. You have to have acting skills, be handsome, and have opportunities. It's not easy in this industry. But if you have connections, it's quite simple. Yes, there will definitely be filming. If you can film, you are an actor. But if you want to film the film well, want your acting skills to be good, and want the audience to recognize you, it is not easy. You can rely on others to give you resources. But how can you be a good actor with acting skills? You have to work hard and work hard. It’s not easy!”

In fact, what he said was not concealed at all.

It can even be said... without any beating around the bush, he gave Guo Qilin the most direct answer.

After giving the answer, he asked Guo Qilin directly:

"You don't want to talk about cross talk? Do you want to be an actor?"


Suddenly Guo Qilin didn't know how to answer.

I think your question is too straightforward, brother.

When Wang Baoqiang saw that he didn't answer, he didn't ask further questions. He just changed the question:

"How old are you, Qilin?"

"18. Just turned 18."

"So young?"

Wang Baoqiang was a little surprised, but immediately said:

"If you want to be an actor, you have to lose weight. The acting opportunities for fat people are too narrow, and you are a bit young. If you really want to enter the industry, you must have someone you trust around you. In this industry... it is easy to learn bad things, and there are many mistakes. The good thing is that when you are young, if you can’t tell the difference, you will easily fall into a pit, so you have to have someone by your side to help you manage it. And acting skills... you have to learn, read, and hone..."

What he gave was actually words that spoke from the bottom of his heart.

But little did he know that the more he talked, the more Guo Qilin felt guilty.

The guilty conscience doesn't mean that he wants to be a bad person, but... Brother Pan is right next to him.

He felt a strong sense of betrayal in his heart at this moment.

I'm afraid that Brother Cake will feel that he has "betrayed" Deyun Society.


Shaobing acted as if he hadn't heard anything and looked out the window and yawned lazily.

The red carpet waiting area of ​​Qujiang Convention Center looked like a large-scale social scene in Guo Qilin's eyes.

The big stars who usually can only be seen on the screen are chatting and laughing now.

Even the cake guy is like this.

Brother Cake is currently chatting happily with the people on the set of "Youth".

He is actually in this circle, with a smile on his face.

But listening to Brother Cake and the others' chat, Guo Qilin was unconsciously thinking...how many of these people came into contact with Brother Cake for "some" purpose?

And the reason why they took the initiative to contact Brother Pian is that the photo of the principal eating together in the afternoon occupies a larger proportion, or because... they know that Brother Pian has a good relationship with Brother Xu and Sister Mi, and Sister Mi regards Brother Pian as her kin. younger brother?

have no idea.

Can't guess.

But one thing is certain.

The person they want to make friends with is definitely not [Deyun Club Crosstalk Actor - Shaobing].

As for why you are so sure...


Although I am also "laughing with you" now, when Brother Cake introduced me just now, when people heard me, their reactions were "Is Teacher Guo here this time?" and "Oh, I really like to hear it. "Your father's cross talk" type.

To put it bluntly, I am not a cake brother or a father. Maybe I am not even qualified to be taken seriously by others.

And just then...

"Small pancake, Dalin, you two come over here."

came a voice.

Guo Qilin subconsciously turned his head and found that it was Sister Jiaojiao.

Seeing this, Shaobing quickly said to Yang Zishan:

"Then let's go there first."


Yang Zishan smiled and nodded:

“Let’s chat on WeChat later.”

"Hey, okay."

Shaobing responded and walked to Zhang Jiao with Guo Qilin:

"Sister Jiaojiao."


Zhang Jiao nodded:

"You two just stay with me, and I will introduce you two to a few people in a while."


The two of them stopped leaving immediately.

Zhang Jiao looked Guo Qilin up and down and said:

"My clothes are still a little tight."

Guo Qilin quickly smiled and said:

"No, it fits just right. There's definitely nothing wrong with the clothes. I'm just too fat."

Hearing this, Zhang Jiao gave him an angry look and shook her head helplessly:

"If you know you're fat, then work hard to lose weight. I'll learn from your pastry brother. When you lose weight, you'll look good in anything you wear, you know?"

"Hey, I got it."

Guo Qilin quickly agreed.

After waiting for less than half a minute, two more people came over.

"Sister Jiaojiao."

Guo Qilin's eyes were a little surprised.

This is……

Yang Zi?

Xia Xue?

Looking at the girl walking over with Dilraba, he was a little surprised in his eyes.


Zhang Jiao responded:

"Mr. Qi will be here soon, and I'll introduce you to him."

As soon as the words fell, everyone heard a commotion in the direction of the door, and a sound of movement sounded:

"Hello, Mr. Qi."

"Hello, Mr. Qi."...

Zhang Jiao heard this and said:

"Here we come. Fix your clothes and be more respectful when shaking hands later."

After hearing this, everyone subconsciously straightened their waists.

Then, at the end of the passage where the crowd gave way, Guo Qilin saw Liang Binning and a strange middle-aged man walking in together.

first reaction……

Holy shit!

Is Liang Binning so white?

so pretty?

It looks even more beautiful than in the photo! !

And the second reaction...

Is that person next to him "Mr. Qi"?

This person... what kind of method is he?

While thinking about it, Zhang Jiao said:

"Let's go."

With that said, she took the lead and walked towards the two of them.

And her movement... Guo Qilin, or everyone following her, could feel the eyes of everyone around her focused on her.

It was as if these people suddenly became the focus.

Zhang Jiao has become accustomed to it.

This is her main responsibility today.

In fact, this is a "show".

Reba and Yang Zi are the next two people to be recommended by Shuangwei.

Otherwise... Sister Bingbing and Mr. Qi, who came as the finale, would not have appeared so early.

To put it bluntly, I just brought Reba and Yang Zi here to give the outside world a signal that there was someone behind these two girls.

This is her duty and task.

As for Xiaobing and Guo Qilin...it's actually a matter of helping others.

Anyway, Brother Xu and Brother Qian'er have a good relationship. If they have enough face, Brother Xu's face will be bright.

"Mr. Qi, Sister Bingbing."

"Hey, Jiaojiao."

Liang Binning smiled like a flower.

Qi Lei also nodded:

"Well, why have you lost weight again? Didn't I tell you not to lose weight too much?"

The words he came up with were equivalent to clarifying the relationship.

All kinds of emotions rose up in the eyes of the people around me...

Obviously he was just a replacement for "Golden Armor" back then...

Zhang Jiao smiled slightly:

"Thank you, Mr. Qi, for your concern."

"Ha ha……"

After Qi Lei's laughter sounded, Zhang Jiao gave up her position:

"Mr. Qi, these are the actors I mentioned to you before, Dilmurat Dilraba..."

"Hello, Mr. Qi. Hello, Sister Bingbing."

Looking at the girl who stepped forward and shook hands modestly, Liang Binning responded with a smile:


"Well, she is beautiful. I can't let her acting skills fall behind..."

"Yeah, thank you, Mr. Qi, for your advice, I will remember it!"

"Yang Zi..."

With the introduction of Zhang Jiao, the middleman, the standard greeting process began.

And when Yang Zi was done, it was Shaobing and Guo Qilin.

When Qi Lei heard that they were all from Deyun Society, he said with a smile:

"Teachers Guo and Yu never tire of listening to their cross talk. You two have crossed over, so you have to work hard in the future... What do you mean? You are going to pursue the path of art with straight eyebrows and eyes wide open."

While talking, he patted Guo Qilin's shoulder affectionately.

The attitude is called intimacy.

Guo Qilin quickly nodded humbly and agreed.

And the meeting scene is almost over.

"Bingbing, let's go over there first and see their preparations."

"Okay, Brother Qi."

The two of them were like a gust of wind, coming and going as soon as they wanted.

But although it came and left quickly, the goal has been achieved.

No matter Shaobing or Guo Qilin.

From this moment on, the news that Dilraba and Yang Zi are standing behind Xi Film Studio will spread to the entire Chinese film industry.

As for how much weight this news holds...

Then let others make their own decisions.

Anyway, the second-in-command of West Film Studio ended up personally.

And Zhang Jiao's mission ends here.

In the noisy crowd again, she said to several people:

"Okay, remember to hold your chest up and your head up when we go to the red carpet later. Let's all go back to our respective crews."

She waved her hand and left directly.

The matter with the children was over, and her living father-in-law hadn't arrived yet.

I have to hurry up and see what is going on with this disturbing thing.

"Running Man" program team.

Looking at Fatty, Shaobing, and Guo Qilin walking back, Lin Xinxin yawned lazily...

He was also one of the unlucky ones who was captured by Wang Sicong last night and played games all night.

He had also seen Zhang Jiao take these children to meet Mr. Qi just now.

I didn't feel any trouble in my heart.

Lao Qi is good at everything except wine.

Always running away from alcohol.

You still owe me three cups.

"Ha... um."

He smashed his mouth and gave these children a reminder:

"The red carpet is about to start. It's time to go to the bathroom. It's always troublesome to go inside."

Guo Qilin was stunned.

He nodded quickly:

"Hey, I got it. Brother Pancake, are you going?"

Shaobing waved his hand:

"I just finished going and I didn't drink much water today."

"Then I'll go there."

He said and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

After a while, when he came out and was about to wash his hands, he heard someone calling him:

"Qilin, hello."

Guo Qilin turned his head subconsciously.

I saw a very beautiful girl looking at him with a real smile.

It's really beautiful.

But... I don’t know him.

I can only say it looks familiar.

However, he still nodded subconsciously:


"I'm your fan, why don't we add you on WeChat?"

"Uh... you praise me, I will praise you."

Just as Guo Qilin was about to wipe his hands and pick up his phone, he saw the other party hand over a piece of paper:


"Uh...hey, thank you."

Guo Qilin was stunned for a moment and took it. After wiping his hands, he took out his mobile phone.

After scanning the code, a WeChat business card popped up.

【Zhang Zixuan】

After adding friends, Zhang Zixuan smiled and said:

"Shall we take a photo together?"

"Okay, okay."

Soon, after a "click"...

"I really like you, especially the cross talk between you and Yan Hexiang. Hey, if I want to listen to the cross talk in the future, can I contact you?"

"No problem, you can tell me when the time comes and I will save a place for you."


The girl showed a sweet smile:

"That's great, I'll treat you to dinner another day, BYE~"

"Uh... ok. Walk slowly."

Guo Qilin bid farewell to the girl politely.

The first reaction in my mind is...

A chance encounter?

Or...are you specifically waiting for yourself?

Is she really a fan of mine?


Just thinking about it.

"Yo? Dalin?"

Guo Qilin turned his head subconsciously.

have to.

Another unknown person...

And obviously, I don't know him, but...they know me.

He was thinking in his mind, with a gentle, courteous and thrifty smile on his face:

"Hey, hello, teacher..."


"Why so slow?"

Looking at Guo Qilin who came back with his head down and murmuring his cell phone, Shaobing asked in confusion.

But Guo Qilin just handed over the phone.

Shaobing took a look... and found that there were about seven or eight new friends added.

One of them, Zhang Zixuan, was sending a message to Guo Qilin.

He was stunned...

Suddenly happy.

After returning the phone to Lin Lin with a smile, he said:

"Sister Xiaoxiang called me just now and asked you to get up early tomorrow. Tomorrow Xi Film Studio and Shaanxi Television will hold a TV series... It's a very important meeting. You should also go. It will gain some experience."

Hearing this, Guo Qilin pursed his lips subconsciously.

Then nodded:

"Okay, are you going?"

Enjoy the sesame cakes:

"I won't go, I'm not an actor."


Guo Qilin said nothing.

Looking down at the "Hello" emoji sent by Zhang Zixuan with a waving kitten, he politely replied, then directly clicked on the WeChat contact and searched for two words: "Fitness"

Then he clicked on the friend chat box that popped up and typed a line:

"Coach, I want to lose weight."

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