I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1024 1019 It all depends on foil

If Yang Mi could hear what her husband said, she would definitely give her a thumbs up and say, "Hoo!" Your consciousness is so high!

It has to be said in the most authentic Beijing style.

Unfortunately, she couldn't hear it right now.

I even wanted to laugh a little.

Because she happened to see the domineering look on Huang Xiaoming's face.



With a bit of disgust in her eyes, she looked at the "drama" between Zhuo Yihang and the white-haired Lian Nishang played by the other party, and muttered in her heart:

"Brother's acting skills are quite strange. Sometimes he's high, and sometimes he's low."

Obviously in "Partners", she saw the other party's very solid academic approach, whether it was the handling of lines or the control of various dimensions when sharing the stage with the other two leading actors, they were all just right.

It's a pretty solid standard of acting that's in line with his current worth and status.

But in this drama... it's like he's a completely different person.

Brother, can you please lower your head that is raised at a 45-degree angle?

The lower part of your face is wide. When you raise your head, your face looks particularly bloated. Your whole face looks older and a little greasy...

Why do you, the old man, go out of your way to show off such obvious shortcomings that need to be avoided like a baby?

Behind the crowd, Yang Mi looked strange.

But she would definitely not remind him. After all, on the set, as long as the director thinks there is no problem, then... there must be no problem.

What's more, she is still an outsider.

So, she just watched from the side, watching the beautiful Sister Bingbing finish her performance, the director called CUT, the last group of people Wuyang Wuyang disbanded, and the stage management and props began to prepare for the next scene.

When Liang Binning was reapplying her makeup, Wang Dongying reminded her that Yang Mi was here.

She immediately looked around and saw Yang Mi standing in a corner, smiling and waving to her.

But he didn't come.

Obviously, it's working time now, so it's not appropriate to interrupt.

Liang Binning knew it well. After reapplying her makeup, she immediately ran to the next set.

The studio was very large and the crew had built multiple sets, so the wait didn't take long.

But before going on stage, she still said to Wang Dongying:

"Go say hello. I think it will be over in about an hour."


Wang Dongying nodded and walked over quickly.

"Sister Mi."

"Well, how's the progress?"

"It's okay. I estimate that the filming will be completed in about a month."

"Oh~ OK, then Yingying, go and do your work and don't worry about me."

As an artist assistant, in this profession, you must be inseparable when the artist is working. Especially when filming costume dramas, the costumes themselves are troublesome to put on. If the artist is thirsty or needs to hand over a script, he has to wait there at any time.

Seeing Sister Mi say this, Wang Dongying stopped talking.

But soon she trotted all the way and sent Yang Mi the script:

"Sister Mi, this is a backup script. If you are bored, just read it first."


Yang Mi took it.

It just so happened that she was quite curious about what this story was about.

"The White-Haired Witch"... Her earliest memories were of her brother and Brigitte Lin during her childhood.

The script Wang Dongying received did not include a detailed script of lines, but a story script.

She opened it and read it with relish.

She didn’t know how long it took, but she heard a voice:


Subconsciously, I looked up and saw that it was Huang Xiaoming who had still not taken off his hood.

"Senior brother."

A smile appeared on Yang Mi's face.

Then he joked naturally:

"Are you disappointed that you didn't see the baby?"

"Haha, don't make trouble."

Huang Xiaoming shook his head:

"She's finished over there and is heading this way... When will your movie start?"

"It depends on whether these two days are auspicious days. It seems that today and tomorrow will not be good."

Huang Xiaoming was obviously not surprised when he heard Yang Mi's words.

Because he had already learned the news from his girlfriend.

This is certainly not superstitious...but sometimes, a psychological comfort is also very useful.

The City God Temple in Xi'an leads the world to the City God. The crew of the West Film Studio has been operating smoothly in the past few years. Everyone abides by the established rule of picking an auspicious day to start the film, burn the frame, and pray to the City God.

Oh yes, and Guaiguai.

Ever since Xu Xin brought this thing over and promoted it, everyone has watched him become popular, and the demand for "Guaiguai" has also increased day by day.

Not to mention anything else, among the equipment transported here from Xiying Studio, two large boxes are already needed.

It has even been included in the standing supplementary list of Xiying Studio’s equipment library.

Huang Xiaoming nodded slightly and said:

"Then I'm going to take off my makeup."

"Well, are you done today?"

"Not yet, there are two other night scenes below... Do you want to say hello to the director?"

"Just wait a moment."

She glanced at Zhang Zhiliang, who was pointing at a filming location and communicating with the staff, and shook her head slightly.

"Director Zhang's work is not over yet."

"Okay, if you need an introduction, just tell me. I'm taking off my makeup."


After Huang Xiaoming left, Yang Mi took another look at Sister Bingbing who was sitting in front of the makeup mirror taking off her makeup, and simply put the script aside.

At this time, Sun Ting asked curiously:

"Sister, how's the story?"

"It's pretty good. Although I haven't finished watching it...but it's very good. Director Zhang does have an idea. The original version of Lian Nishang and Zhuo Yihang is actually more like a martial arts love story about a son and a daughter...well, let's define it this way. But The screenwriter of this version directly cuts into the Hongwan case, one of the three major cases in the late Ming Dynasty, at the beginning, eliminating the tediousness of the previous part, and the arrangement is very clever, which is quite refreshing."

After Yang Mi gave her comments, her tone faltered for a moment, and then she said:


Under Sun Ting's curious eyes, Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"Maybe it's my misunderstanding? This story not only contains the love between children in the world, but also the love between family and country... Even the love between family and country is greater than the love between children. I always feel that it is too full. The story is a bit... very typical Yes, from your brother Xu’s point of view, it feels like it’s both “necessary and necessary”, and it feels heavy in your hand... How do you balance the duration?"


After hearing this, Sun Ting thought for a while and said:

"Then do you want to show it to Brother Xu?"

"Pull him down, he's so busy right now that he's hitting the back of the head with his foot. I mean, Director Zhang is not a simple person. He's very good at Home, Country, World, haven't you seen his previous works?"


"You will know if you go and see it. "The Last Eunuch" was very well shot... Oh yes, and "The Cage Man", which is qualified to compete for the top ten best movies in Hong Kong..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt a little puzzled:

"What? Do you want to be an actor? You care about the script."

"That's not true."

Sun Ting quickly shook her head:

"I just think Sister Bingbing's look is really good-looking. So I'm curious about what the story is like."


Following her words, Yang Mi also glanced in the direction of Sister Bingbing.


My aunt is stunned.

she said to herself.

As for this story...she didn't pay much attention to it.

Director Zhang is not an unknown person, not to mention that the producers in the factory are watching here.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

Regarding the producer of "The White-Haired Witch", Yang Mi knew that it was a man named Li Bin in the factory.

She didn't know the specific qualifications or anything like that.

After Zhang Zhiliang finished his work, Yang Mi went to say hello.

But it's just a small talk, that's all.

After chatting with others for a while, Sun Ting came to remind:

"Sister, BABY is here."

Yang Mi turned around and saw Yang Ying wearing a baseball cap, a pair of jeans, and a long-sleeved sweater.

She looked at Yang Ying, and Yang Ying also saw her.

He quickly waved his hand and trotted along with a smile on his face:


"Well, you're done? What did Director Lu say?"

"Nothing to say, I finally chose a plain white style with gauze. It looks pretty good."

Yang Mi nodded slightly.

I silently took note of Lu Yang's little clue.

I thought that from now on, I would have to use "Do you like the type of BABY" to blackmail the other person for a meal?

As for giving the role of "Hokusai" to BABY...she didn't have any special ideas.

Give it.

Just a vase.

So he pointed his finger at the trend:

"Senior brother is over there."

But who knew that Yang Ying had no intention of going there, he just nodded slightly and said:

"Hmm...sister, thank you."


Then Yang Ying lowered his voice:

"I just received a call from Southern Weekly yesterday about the four little beauties."


Yang Mi smiled and nodded:

"Who else would I choose if I didn't choose you? Your achievements are obvious to all."


Following this compliment, Yang Ying did not stop laughing after all.

Yang Mi looked at her smile and couldn't help but think... Did that 18th-tier backing dancer Xiao Yemo ever think that she would be where she is today?


With some emotion, she urged:

"Okay, let's go quickly. Someone is going to become a husband's stone."

Yang Ying glanced at her boyfriend who smiled and waved at her, and nodded vigorously:


He said and ran over.

Looking at her orderly steps, Yang Mixin said that the two of them looked quite sweet.

And he's about to achieve success... Not to mention, he has done a good deed?


With a bit of emotion in her heart, she smiled and walked towards Liang Binning who had finished taking off her makeup, and shouted sweetly:


Then I said sorry to my father-in-law in my heart.


The daughter was offended.

"Sister, let's go in the same car, not with these two people."

"That's for sure. I don't want to be a light bulb."

The two were joking while riding in a commercial car together.

Wang Dongying wanted to drive another car, so she didn't follow.

After getting in the car, Liang Binning took out the facial mask from her bag, applied it to her face, and leaned on the seat.

He also handed one to Yang Mi.

To be honest, Yang Mi also admires our aunt's awareness of skin care.

That mask is really a must-have.

Even if you have ten minutes to spare, you have to post it.

She quickly waved her hand:

"I won't post it anymore."

"Well... you also have to pay attention. After the age of 30, your skin ages very quickly. Although these are just moisturizers, they can make you look several years younger than others over time."

"I know. I'm just sweating today and I don't feel comfortable wearing it... Sister, how do you feel about the filming of this scene?"

She asked casually.

After all, strictly speaking, the filming of this scene started in June, and it has been filming for more than three months now. The progress of the crew is relatively slow. What kind of work did the slow workers do? I am chatting now, so I must ask.

But who knew that after Liang Binning heard her words, she gave a very strange answer:

"To be honest, I'm confused right now."



Absolute Ichiban, who was lying in the car, nodded:

"The filming of this scene was so tiring. There were all kinds of jumps...some parts were filmed, and some parts were not filmed. It made me confused."

"Some of them don't shoot?...Dance into scenes?"

"I don't know. It's also my first time to work with Director Zhang. But... isn't it coming to an end now? My role is almost over. I checked the script in the past two days and found that I had about twenty or thirty scenes. Didn’t film it... maybe it will be supplemented in the future? I don’t know. The main reason is that I didn’t know Director Zhang’s style before, and as actors, we don’t have much time to ask.”

"You shouldn't stop filming, right? I read the script and story in the afternoon, and I think it's quite complete. It just feels a little full. The movie may be over 2 hours long..."

"Who knows. Anyway, the quality is controlled by the factory, so I can just follow the instructions... Hey, yes, do you want to go to Milan with me next month?"


"It's fashion week, let's go take a look?"

"Forget it. I have to take care of the child, and Xu Xin won't be back next month. Besides...it's still unclear whether I can finish the job next month. Who knows what the situation will be like..."

"Hey, it's easy. Let Lu Yang focus on filming scenes related to you. Don't you have this privilege?"

"Hehe, I thought so too..."

The topic naturally turned in a different direction.

The car also drove towards Hengdian City.

In fact, Liang Binning and Yang Ying are not particularly familiar.

But there is definitely some friendship over a meal.

What's more, I have been getting along quite well with Huang Xiaoming in the past few months. They are both fellow Shandong fellows, and their meals were not half-cooked.

But no matter how close we are, there really isn’t any.

Even if Yang Mi didn't say anything, Liang Binning could analyze something more or less just by looking at Yang Ying's "momentum" along the way.

But the mind of a woman who has been in the entertainment industry since she was a teenager is looked down upon.

The thing that was talked about the most at the dinner was actually not the movie, but the side business.

Yang Ying is more curious about how Liang Binning plans to develop her side business.

Naturally, this matter is not a secret. Liang Binning said casually while chewing on the chicken feet that are destined to have collagen that cannot be absorbed by the human body:

"Side business, in the final analysis, is tied to your own popularity and commercial value. As for how to develop and plan... To be honest, it depends on how you look at it. If your popularity is particularly high, it will help generate income from your side business. But if your business value has not been fully developed, I suggest that you don’t touch it for the time being. What you have to do is not to use sideline income to cut your business value, but to manage yourself into an existence where rare things are more valuable. . For us actresses, the ceiling of income is actually commercial value. It determines the upper limit of your income."

As the absolute ceiling among Chinese artists, the C position among C positions, Liang Binning's words are actually a motto for any actress who wants to expand her commercial value.

Because they are the ones who have struggled from nothing to where they are today.

As the only actress in the current entertainment industry who is called "ye", her commercial value and influence are obvious to all, both domestically and internationally.

What she can say must have been tested by the market.

Only she doesn't want to say it. Once she says it, it can almost be said to be a golden rule that does not require verification.

This is the gold content of Fan Ye.

Does Yang Ying agree?

She couldn't agree more.

Because this is almost completely consistent with her philosophy.

But there are slight differences.

She even felt that her thoughts were more advanced than the other person's.


That's how it works sometimes.

As the old saying goes...it takes a year to learn to speak, but a lifetime to learn to shut up.

For Yang Mi, she learned "shut up" from her father, who was still called Uncle Xu at that time.

There was nothing special about it, just a simple dinner out. She and her husband were not engaged at that time, but they had already participated in some drinking parties with "Uncle Xu".

When "Uncle Xu" introduces himself, he will say:

"This is my Mimi."

It's not a "little girl" or a "three-gold girlfriend".

It's just like "what a sweet girl".

Then... those uncles and elders who may seem ordinary now, but at the time, each of them were multi-millionaires, would become particularly kind to me.

And once, there was a person at the dinner party who drank too much and was very talkative and nagging... It seemed that it was because of some pressure. After drinking too much, he wanted to vent a little bit and talked about his family affairs.

Everyone was also trying to comfort me, saying that they should be more open-minded or want to be more open-minded.

After the dinner, on the way home, "Uncle Xu" told her:

"This person will never shut up. If you ever meet someone like this who likes to play tricks after drinking a little bit of wine, stay away."

Be obedient and listen to the sound.

Don't care whether "Uncle Xu" is complaining or something else.

But to her, it means "shut up".

That's how she understood it.

Unless it is really close relatives and friends, no matter what you say, keep it in private.

It's just the two of us, no outsiders, let's talk about it from the bottom of our hearts.

If there is one more person, some things must be kept silent.

Therefore, over the years, Yang Mi had privately talked with Di Wei about her fiancé’s tendency to triple negate when he lied. She had privately talked with Liu Yifei about how the company viewed her and Shishi’s overlapping resources. She had also talked with Shishi about the two of them. How can I synchronize my period...

But only...she never talked about these things in the presence of other people.

Drinking tables, dinner parties, interpersonal relationships, communication...

In fact, some things have common principles.

A big meeting is held for small matters, and a small meeting is held for big matters.

The more people there are at a meal, the less nutritious the conversation is.

No matter how much we chatted, we were just trying to find a sense of presence in this dinner party.

When my husband talks to others about things, he can only talk to three or five people at most, and these three or five people must be at least related to the matter he wants to talk about. As for me, girls' thoughts are actually more complicated, so one-on-one chat is better.

This is her habit.

But Yang Ying obviously doesn't think so.

After hearing Sister Bingbing's words and discovering that the other person's "great mind" coincided with her own, she started thinking... that she was showing off to the other person, expressing herself and the No. 1 female star's commercial value. It doesn’t matter if they are excited at the same frequency.

In short, she directly expressed her thoughts:

"Sister Bingbing and I think exactly the same. But there is a slight difference. In fact, I have also been managing money recently, but most of my financial management is focused on investment. Especially Internet investment, I think now is the second window period. , and our commercial value will not be affected very much."

Her eyes brightened slightly:

"I've been paying special attention to some trends in investment banks recently, and I've met some people. I'm thinking that I can try financial investment in the future. What do you think?"

Yang Mi kept picking up the vegetables and scooped out a spoonful of vinegared peanuts.

And Yang Ying's smile was reflected in Liang Binning's pupils.

The same smile on his face:

"I think it's good. Financial investment is still very good. At least in terms of financial management, it's still relatively dynamic."

After speaking, she picked up the red wine glass:

"Come on, let's touch one."

Four red wine glasses touched together.

Yang Ying took a sip of wine and said:

"Brother Xiao Ming knows a lot of people who are engaged in financial investment, some are managers in large investment banks, some are engaged in private equity... We often have dinner together, and I didn't understand anything at first. But after getting in touch with them more, it's okay understood."


Liang Binning responded again with a smile and turned to look at Huang Xiaoming:

"Speaking of investment, I remember when you were in Huayi, didn't you and a few people do something... the winery business? How is it now?"

"It's not done yet."

Huang Xiaoming shook his head slightly:

"It's a pity."

"Who was there at that time?"

"Me, Jia Yuliang, Liu Xing, Lao Wu..."

"How are Jia Youliang and Li Xiaolu doing lately? I haven't seen him for a long time..."

Yang Mi took a few peanuts into her mouth, feeling the taste of peanuts and vinegar, and glanced at Sister Bingbing.


Not to mention, the food in this restaurant is not bad.

Then, she picked up the red wine glass again:

"Baby, our good days are gone for a few more days."

After hearing this, Yang Ying, who obviously hadn't talked enough about the topic yet and seemed a little unfinished, quickly picked up the cup:

"Hey, you can drink it after work."

"I'm reading the script. Your role is quite trivial. Are you sure you have time?"

"That's right...well, it's true that Hokusai's role is particularly broken..."

The red wine glasses touched each other lightly.

"Ahem, baby, do you want to get in my car? Let's go together... hahahahaha..."

In Huang Xiaoming's dumbfounded eyes, Yang Mi joked and waved goodbye to the two people holding hands with Liang Binning.

The dinner ended with a final laugh.

Everyone got in the car and went their separate ways.

"Ha... um."

After getting in the car, Yang Mi yawned.

It was just early 9 o'clock, but she was already a little sleepy.

The four of us drank a total of two bottles tonight.

Why don't others mention it? Anyway, for Liang Binning, half a bottle of red wine is no different from not drinking at all.

The side door glass of the business car was sealed, so as soon as the two of them got in the car and closed the door, there was no need to say goodbye.

To a certain extent, it's quite humane.

And just when she finished yawning, Liang Bingning sighed:


Yang Mi turned to look at her and heard her talking to herself:

"There is something wrong with me right now. When I see or hear... or even meet some stupid people, I feel uncomfortable. I even want to die..."


Hearing the words of the big fox, the little fox chuckled.

He said to himself:

"There are some things. The bastard looks at Mung Bean. As long as the two of them look at each other, no one can say anything."

Liang Binning shook her head helplessly:

"So, the marriage of these two people has been decided?"

"Not yet...but I think it's almost done. Well, Tingting, how long have they been together?"

Sun Ting, who was driving, thought about it and said:

"It's been three years, sister. In my mind, it was the first time the two of them met at the "Wind" celebration party, so it's been three years, right?"

Yang Mi was in a daze and said to Liang Binning:

"Three years is almost enough."


Liang Binning sighed again.

But Yang Mi was happy:

"Oh, okay. It's just a meal. Yang Ying is actually like this. She seems to be smart, but in fact she has a low self-esteem... In fact, she has very complicated feelings towards me. She respects me and is afraid of me. Then. Now... I feel that my career is going quite well. These four actresses were selected immediately, and all kinds of works are not bad... Isn't there a line in "A Better Tomorrow", what does it say... I'm not I want to prove how great I am, I just want to prove that I am no worse than others.”

Liang Binning rolled her eyes directly:

"Although I'm getting older, I'm not someone who can flirt with someone who's not yet a four-year-old actress, right? This guy... I changed the subject today and talked about my career and side hustle... It's not bad. You're quite smart, you know not to talk to me about salary."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yang Mi smiled even happier.

Looking at her heartless smile, Liang Binning became even more helpless:

"You... I really can't guess what Xu Xin and you are thinking. Why do you think you are pushing people like this out? You just pull out some people at will. Can't you pull Liu Yifei? Huayi is not a tough bottom line. The two sides have made peace with each other, but her achievements are not higher than hers? Why did you bring someone out who is alienated from you? Give yourself eye drops?... You also gave her one of the four little actresses. Why are you so big-hearted? ? Do you know that when the quota comes out this time, people will say that you look ugly because of your eating habits? "

"Because Tencent needs me to increase Shuangwei's market value to increase their influence. They are about to exchange shares. The outside world needs to estimate Shuangwei's market value and the market value expansion ratio of real money. What are rumors?"

"What about Yang Ying? Why do you have to push her out?"

"Because if I didn't push her out, the role of Beizhai might have belonged to Tang Yan or Shishi."

Liang Bingning was stunned.

Frowning slightly...

Then it dawned on me:

"Oh, yes, I remembered it. At last year's Silk Road Film Festival, Guo Jingming seemed to want you to play Lin Xiao."

"That's right."

Yang Mi shrugged:

"It's the same thing, sister, we both just get what we need."


Liang Bingning was speechless.

He crossed his legs and turned his head outside.

Amidst the bright lights and neon lights in Hengdian, her voice rang out from the carriage:

"That's right. How can we bring out our good qualities without their bad qualities?"

Yang Mi was speechless.

That's it.

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