I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1036 1031 Transcendence

Chapter 1036 1031. Transcendence

Lin Li was speechless and didn't know how to respond.

When Xu Xin saw his dazed expression, he could guess that he was the kind of person who was more "superstitious" about Oscar.

It also represents the impression of many people.

The highest award for the film and television cultural industry of the world's most powerful country.

Behind a resounding gold-lettered signboard, there is actually such a set of game rules.

It's normal to not accept it for a while.

Even more ignorant and extreme, he may have heard that the so-called Oscars can be "operated" before, but he just didn't believe it. But now after confirming it from his own mouth, the golden sign in his heart collapsed.


Some things are just like that.

It's like walking down the street and seeing a beautiful woman with a killer silhouette.

Ah, it feels so comfortable no matter how you look at it.

That's really confusing and confusing.

As a result, you quickened your pace, walked in front of her, and when you looked back... you found that she was actually an old man.

I know best how bitter the sadness of heartbreak in the rain is.

Therefore, the wisdom of our ancestors is extraordinary. Hundreds of years ago, we said the saying "You can't watch from a distance, but you can't play with it".

Distance creates beauty.

Without distance, beauty naturally ceases to exist.

He patted Lin Li on the shoulder and walked out of the elevator.

To be melancholy is to wait until the work is over.

Get busy with things quickly.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Xin and the editor finished communicating about the ideas for fine editing, and at the same time, after talking about the processing methods of the few shots that he needed to express in particular, his goal of coming to the United States this time was actually almost over.

Just that fast.

It was so fast that sometimes Xu Xin felt that everyone could finish the video chat.

But the fact is that when it comes to editing, if face-to-face communication is not possible, the effect will not come out.

Even if it’s something that can be said in just a few words.

After coming out of the later stage, he asked Lin Li to find Su Meng, while he came to Lao Qian's office.

Old money is waiting for him.

Seeing Xu Xin walking in, he immediately stood up and walked to a coffee machine. He opened the drawer and revealed various jars inside.

"Xu, Arabica, how is it?"


Xu Xin actually had no idea what he was talking about.

Arabica? Acapella? Abba Abba?

Anyway, I don’t understand.

But soon the smell of coffee filled the office.

Along with the aroma of coffee, there is also a book of information.

"You can only read this information here, Xu."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded, and after opening the folder, he found a list.

There are all kinds of names in it.

There are currently 79 people in total.

There are men and women, but they are generally older. There are also "acquaintances" such as "Coppola".

"Xu, do you know the Oscar judging mechanism?"

"I know, first-level and second-level selection system. International rules."

The first and second levels he mentioned are actually the same as Silk Road and other film festivals. First, the shortlisted candidates are recommended by the department's affiliated organizations, followed by member review.

However, the difference is that, for example, the three major European companies are selected by judges invited every year, and their department members are only responsible for the preliminary review. The final list of winners will be determined by the invited judges. But the Oscar is different. Its final review is made by all members of the Academy in the form of secret ballot.

The total number of Oscar members is currently more than 8,000.

To be honest, it sounds exaggerated at first glance, but it is not.

Its members are not the kind of people who all join in the investment.

But there is a difference.

For example, if Xu Xin is a member, then his position is "director", then he can only select awards related to directors.

If Lin Li is a member and he is a photographer, he can only participate as a photographer.

These functions are separate.

So although the Oscars may sound like they have a large number of members at first glance, voting is actually not very complicated.

Seeing that he understood, Lao Qian nodded and said:

"This list is made up of people who are currently determined to vote for "Perfect" for the best foreign language film."

Xu Xin's eyes moved, and after looking down at the list again, he said:

"To be honest, except for Coppola... I have basically never heard of anyone else's name. Don't the rules for the best foreign language film require all members to vote? Instead of distinguishing functions. How many people are there?"

Lao Qian smiled slightly:

"Xu, this is just the beginning. Moreover, these people originally planned to choose other films."

Xu Xin was stunned.

What this means is...

"Xu, Oscar selection is a sorted selection system. Do you understand? To be more specific, for example, five shortlisted films are placed in front of me, and I will use my own preferences to rank these five films.

For example, I gave the first place to "Perfect", the second place to "Imperfect", the third place to "Too Perfect"...while others gave the first place to "Imperfect", the second place The name was given to "Perfect"...

Once these ballots are sent out, they will be sorted. If "Perfect," which ranks No. 1, has the highest critical reception, it will be shortlisted for the second round.

As for the second round of review, there must be some bias. Remember that your movie received support from many gay groups? "

As Lao Qian said this, he brought over two cups of coffee and took out an ashtray from under the coffee table.

It means Xu Xin can smoke.

And he also took out a leather cigar bag from his arms.

Then he continued:

"In the second round, we have to carefully select which of these movies are popular with the media and the public. That is, the box office...I am not worried about this. In the first round, I am also sure that "Perfect" will advance. .

Then in the second round, your advantage will gradually be magnified.

Marriage problems, gay community, unemployment problems, friendship, infidelity...

There are many things discussed in your movie, and every point of view is based on the character. Maybe except football, which is a bit unpopular, other things are loved by Oscar.

Xu, Paramount does not guarantee that you will win the best foreign language film... It is indeed as you think, there are many Oscar judges, let alone we can't do it, and no production company in Hollywood can do it.

On the one hand, what we strive for is to give some benefits to make those members who are no longer active in the film and television industry inclined to your film. On the other hand, we want to amplify the advantages of your film. Also, when you ask some active members for their opinions and find that they don’t think your movie is the best, you can use some “communication” to get them to choose your movie. "

As he said this, Lao Qian motioned for him to turn back a page.

After Xu Xin did so, he saw the beginning of the "plan".

There was a passage in it that made him feel speechless and dumbfounded:

"Using the empathy of the gay community for propaganda and putting pressure on the media to join the "Perfect" propaganda offensive."


The corners of his mouth twitched and he looked up at Lao Qian:

"You said that people of color, disadvantaged groups, are a double-edged sword."

"Of course. So, during this time, whether we like gays or not, we must support them. Of course, it's not that kind of platform. You have already expressed your preference in the movie, right?"


Suddenly Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

I couldn't help but ask:

"Don't these people realize they are being taken advantage of?"

"Of course. After all, even the disadvantaged groups still have smart people. But...Xu, don't worry, they will be very happy. Because this is also fighting for their rights, isn't it?"

In Lao Qian's eyes, there was a light that understood everything:

"If they don't fight for their rights at all levels, then they will always be regarded as a vulnerable group. The survival of vulnerable groups is essentially based on the mercy of the upper class. Otherwise, why are they called vulnerable groups? If they don't speak out, or It is said that once they lose the value of being exploited, they will never become mainstream. If they are not recognized by the mainstream... Xu, think about the fate of the Gypsies."


He didn't know what happened to the Gypsies in the United States.

But he knew that there were quite a few thieves in Italy.

And it's the kind that everyone shouts about.


He took a puff of cigarette and suddenly smiled bitterly:

"It turns out Oscar is such a troublesome thing."

"Ha ha."

Old Qian is happy:

"Xu, of course it is a very troublesome thing. Otherwise, how can we secure the most valuable award in the world, the honorary throne pursued by countless people? Many people think that they only need to make a good movie to win the favor of the academy. But in fact , when you win the award, your film will earn far more profits than the box office in the global DVD film market. Your fame will allow you to completely open the door to Hollywood, and all the actors in it will become hot stars...Oscar will Bringing you money, fame, even power and a steady stream of influence.”

Speaking of this, Lao Qian sighed and said:

"Perhaps, everyone knows that the Oscars are a business. But...it's a huge profit. Do you understand? Even the loser can get a share of the pie. And the person who wins in the end can grab all the big prizes. You will become a famous director and make countless connections, and this influence can even make you deeply rooted in the soil of Hollywood until your children and grandchildren can enjoy the afterglow of an Oscar. This kind of business, Who wouldn’t want to do that?”

"...Like Coppola?"

"Yeah, like Coppola."


Obtained the affirmation of Lao Qian.

Xu Xin felt sad for no reason.

At the same time, I was also thinking... No wonder your contract emphasized that there must be a share of DVD distribution...


Sure enough, in a capitalist society, business is everywhere.

"What about Bentley?"


Lao Qian chuckled:

"Haha, my friend, Bentley is just a car brand. But the consortium behind it is extraordinary... Maybe it's because the price doesn't impress you, so they started thinking about it. Xu, my suggestion is, when When they come up with the condition that they will join the lobbying group, you can choose them for your next car advertisement.”


It took a long time to drink a cup of coffee with Lao Qian.

The drinking lasted until almost 5 o'clock.

After getting in the car, although he saw Lin Li's curious eyes, he didn't say much.

Just let Su Meng drive to Beverly Hills.

Guo Fan also made an appointment to have dinner tonight.

It just so happened that we all got together.

Guo Fan and Lin Li were not strangers to each other, so they enjoyed this meal quite happily.

After the movie ended, Guo Fan was taking care of his wife Sun Ran in the United States, and he was not idle on the other side. Xu Xin helped him say hello to Simon Reyes and asked him to bring a translator to hang out with Simon's team every day.

There is no salary required. When Simon shoots commercials, he often travels to major Hollywood companies and shoots. The film association's exchange and learning month hasn't started yet, so he's taking advantage of this time to go shopping with the team.

When asked by Xu Xin what he had gained during this period, Guo Fan did not answer directly but said:

"Director Xu, I took a job outside and have already reported it to the factory."

Xu Xin nodded:

"Um, movie?"

"Yes, a movie. The script is called "My Deskmate", a youth film."

Speaking of this, Guo Fan glanced at Lin Li cryptically.

It seemed that he wanted to hide it...but in the end he didn't hide it and continued:

"This script... is actually quite average. It's also very bloody, involving abortion and puppy love, but... the investors gave me a condition, giving me 10% of the box office share and then dividends."

Xu Xin was stunned and asked:

"Is it a bet? Or is it a direct payment?"

"I gave it directly. I didn't make a bet. The bet was 5% versus 15%. To be honest... I didn't know what kind of film I could make, so I didn't make a bet."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Well, that's okay. But again, it's impossible to be timid before fighting. You have to have confidence in yourself, right? Director Billion Dollars."


The corner of Guo Fan's mouth twitched.

I thought to myself, you, old man, are not burying me in this way.

Xu Xin didn't want to eliminate him, he just felt that Guo Fan's steady and steady choice was in line with his own wishes.

After all, it was his opinion that he gave to the other party in the first place.

Although from the director's point of view, Guo Fan's current state is "I really don't want to make a youth movie", and the strong-willed melon is not necessarily sweet.

But a man is planning for his wife's future children and wants to make more money.

There is definitely nothing wrong with this kind of responsibility to the family.

The premise is...

"Then you must at least make a qualified movie, not a piece of bad film. Even if it is a bit bloody, you must be worthy of the audience. Can you promise me this?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Guo Fan quickly nodded:

"No problem, don't worry! I definitely know this... No matter what happens, we can't embarrass our factory, don't you think so?"


Seeing his firmness, Xu Xin felt at ease.

"Then get busy. This time it's an outside investor, so I can't give you much support. But if you encounter any difficulties, you can tell me."

"Hey, I understand."

Now, Guo Fan felt at ease.


He actually had something else on his mind.

But after thinking about it, I might as well forget it.

It's not time yet.

After finishing a meal with Guo Fan, the "family of three", Xu Xin felt nothing but that he was choked.

After all, you can't smoke in front of a pregnant woman, right?

After they dispersed, he took Lin Li back home directly.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the 19th, Wang Sicong finally called:

"Old Xu, I'm in Los Angeles."

Guess what he did?

Maybe everyone can't think of it.

He chose the cake.

Wedding cake.

When Wang Sicong arrived home, he and Apple were still holding two boxes in their hands.

He didn't have time to visit Xu Xin's home. After he nodded to Lin Li as a greeting, his first words were:

"Come try it and help me choose."

Later, in the early morning, four boxes of cakes that looked very good and could be called works of art were placed on the art coffee table in Xu Xin's house... He only knew that they were works of art, but he didn't know how much they cost.

The art content is too high.

"Which families do they belong to?"

Xu Xin looked at these beautifully shaped cakes and asked the servant who came over to make a pot of black tea.

The eldest young master shrugged:

"Two are from France, one is from Canada, and the other is from New York. Damn it, they are trying to kill me for this wedding cake. Brother Qi is proud to eat these small desserts, and I am afraid that the selection will not suit her taste... I am in France for a day I ate seven or eight pieces of cake, and if this continues, I’m really going to get diabetes.”

Xu Xin could not empathize with his complaints.

Just a harsh criticism:

"Tsk, you big dog. It's great to have money!"


Wang Sicong simply rolled his eyes.

My heart says what you said is truly human.

After tasting these four cakes, Xu Xin chose the cake named "Dominique Ansel Bakery".

According to Lao Wang, he also likes to eat this.

This cake chef named Dominic is recognized as a genius cake chef in the baking industry, and this cake, which is as exquisite as a work of art, has left a signature on something...an honor.

There were too many elements that Xu Xin didn’t understand.

But what is certain is that it is very expensive.

Because the cake has to be made on site.

God knows what price Lao Wang offered to the other party before the other party agreed to go to the ungrateful Maldives and become a member of the wedding banquet team.

And Xu Xin couldn't help but ask:

"How much has your wedding cost so far?"

"I don't know, I didn't count. I just swiped my dad's card without asking about the price."


Feeling the aura of the rich second generation coming to his face, Xu Xin couldn't help but complain:

"You still spend Uncle Wang's money?"

"Nonsense! I want to do it myself, but it's not appropriate to tell me. The seventh brother is not pregnant yet, and the media has begun to analyze how much money she will get after our divorce... If I don't use the old man's card, you Believe it or not, once the news leaks out, it will definitely mean that my father does not like Seventh Brother, and the tragedy of Seventh Brother marrying into a wealthy family will be the beginning of his tragedy..."


Not to mention, Xu Xin was speechless.

So, pointing to the garden cake, he asked:

"How much does this thing cost?"

"I don't know. The price of the 9th floor has not been discussed yet...but it's not much money, drizzle. At most, it can be settled at one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand."

"…USD dollars?"


The eldest young master simply rolled his eyes.

I really can't stand the old-fashioned vibe of my friend.

It's the same as if your family is short of money.

"Hey, I have a favor to ask of you."

"Come on, do you still need to ask me?"

"Can you draw a picture for us two?"

Hearing Lao Wang's request, Xu Xin was stunned:


"Just like the wheel and Ms. Ye Huimei. I quite like that style."


Xu Xin agreed:

"But I'm afraid I won't be able to give you a wedding gift in time."

He worked on the painting of the wheel and Ms. Ye Huimei for half a year.

Firstly, busy.

Second, come on...the bigger the painting, the more difficult it is to paint the charm.

He had to treat it carefully.

This is his blessing.

But Wang Sicong waved his hand:

"It's okay, you can give it to me anytime. I'll save the largest frame for you in the art gallery at home."

"Um, okay...huh???"

Xu Xin was stunned and looked at him subconsciously:

"What the hell? Art gallery? What do you mean?"

"Eh? You don't know?"

A flash of light appeared on the eldest young master's face:

"The old man gave me a French manor with a winery... I didn't know he actually bought a winery in Alsace. In the summer we can go grape picking."


Never mind whether summer is the season when grapes are ripe.

Xu Xin looked at the showoff look on the face of the bitch in front of him and finally confirmed... I'm really afraid that this painting is fake. You bastard, showing off to me that you have a French manor is the real thing!


Is that how you play?

"Old Wang, have you ever heard of Cthulhu style?"

Wang Sicong was stunned.

I always feel that this word sounds familiar.

But I couldn't remember it for a while.


"What do you mean?"

Xu Xin was happy.

"It's okay. I plan to paint this painting of you two in a Cthulhu style. It will definitely be very festive."


The eldest young master, who really couldn't remember where he heard this word, nodded carelessly.

In his mind, who is Lao Xu?

A good friend of mankind.

It's impossible for a good friend to trick you, right?

As a result, Xu Xin smiled even happier.

Sun thief.


If I don't transform you two into Patrick Star and Squidward, I won't call you Xu Gou!

Ouch! ! !

Even on an October evening in Los Angeles, the weather is still cool and pleasant.

Wang Sicong wore big sunglasses and enjoyed the last afterglow of the sunset. After lying on the beach chair and lighting a cigarette, he said to Xu Xin lying next to him:

"Don't mention it, if there were a few big ponies swimming in the pool, it would be even more Hollywood."

Hearing this, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"That's right, and there must be a few bodyguards beside you."

"Yes, yes, that Yangma must be beautiful. She is wearing a bikini, and her figure will explode as soon as she comes out of the water... When she comes ashore, she will wrap herself in a bath towel and sit on your lap."

"Then two people came over escorting a man covered in blood. Yang Ma sat in my arms, pretending to be calm on the outside, but actually he was panicking inside."

"That's right! Hahaha, the two of them are actually an ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend. The woman committed herself to you because of your evil power, and the man came to take revenge..."

"Then looking into the man's hateful eyes, I said to him: Luke, I am your father."


Wang Sicong laughed wildly.

Obviously, this kind of urban bloody revenge drama paired with the plot of "Star Wars" made him very happy.

While laughing, he happily took a sip of the cold juice drink next to him and sighed:

"Oh...it's a pity that if the sun goes down, the Ocean Horse will not be beautiful."

Xu Xin shrugged:

"How about letting Mengmeng and Pingguo come?"

"Don't, Mengmeng is so fat that she's almost neck-deep!"

Su Meng, who was also lying there and resting, glanced at Sister Apple.

The look in his eyes seemed to say: "These two people are so brave!"


Apple's response is simple.

( ̄▽ ̄)~~*

it does not matter.

Little cute.

At this moment, Sister Mi and Brother Qi are not here again.

Let the two of them have a good time.

It’s time to enjoy the sunset in Beverly Hills.


The evil capitalist life!

So comfortable! ! !

Su Meng also looked happy at the thought of going to the Maldives to enjoy the sunshine and beaches tomorrow.

never mind.

If there is no neck, then there is no neck.

As a successor of socialism, I am in a good mood and will let you two go for the time being!

"Hey, what should we have for dinner?"

Wang Sicong picked up the phone and asked Xu Xin.

His phone rang just now.

"Whatever, what do you want to eat? Texas BBQ? That restaurant is actually pretty good. How about French food? Italian food?... How about we go for Turkish food? The last time Lao Qian took me to eat at a Turkish restaurant I think the barbecue is delicious."

Xu Xin said it very casually.

But he didn't notice that Wang Sicong's face suddenly became confused.

First there was doubt, and then it turned into confusion.

Then came confusion.

It ends with a burst of unbelievable absurdity.

"Old...Old Xu."


Looking at the sunset in the distance, Xu Xin was thinking about whether to take off his sunglasses.

Stare at the sun for a while and then sneeze deeply.

So I answered very casually.

As a result, he heard Lao Wang’s voice:

"Director Zhang... someone exposed what happened between him and Aunt Ting... Why is this Jun He so familiar?"


Xu Xin's first reaction was what Lao Wang was talking about.

The second reaction was that the old man and Aunt Ting were a legal couple. What was the exposure?

But immediately the third reaction revealed something was wrong.

"What the hell?"

He sat up straight and stretched out his hand.

Wang Sicong also handed over the phone and at the same time ordered:

"Apple, look at the hot searches on Weibo and search for topics related to Director Zhang."


Guo Ping quickly sat up and took out her mobile phone.

The same is true for Su Meng.

It concerns Director Zhang, so this matter... is not a small matter.

At this time, Xu Xin also saw the content on Lao Wang's mobile phone.

It was a message from Brother Qi. Just behind the words "I love you, rest, I'm going to the gym", there was a screenshot of a mobile phone. The content of the screenshot was a Weibo post by an actor named "He Jun".

He Jun?

This name...why is it so familiar?

Xu Xin pondered and looked at the Weibo content.

"He Jun V: When I returned to my hometown during the National Day, I learned that director Zhang Yimou and Chen Ting had three children in China! Chen Ting was my senior sister in the Wuxi Children's Palace dance class when I was a child. Although this is not news in Wuxi, it is I'm still puzzled. -——All the above is true.

Attached below is a recent photo of Chen Ting.


As for the photo, Xu Xin was speechless after seeing it.

What a damn recent photo.

He has seen this photo before.

That was the photo on the copy of the ID card that the old man and Aunt Ning left for Zhang Weiping to go through some procedures and so on!


He frowned.

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