I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 1064 1059 Spring Breeze Without Words

Chapter 1064 1059. Spring breeze is silent...

"You finally asked the right person."

Hearing her husband's words, Yang Mi looked puzzled:

"What does he mean?"

From her perspective, her husband and Feng Xiaogang have been fighting for the past two years.

The two sides are not feuding, but it is definitely not a "enemy should be resolved rather than made" meeting and smiling.

A drink will make the two of them no longer have any grudges?

Isn't it just to burn newspapers at the grave and fool the ghosts?

But now this "enemy" suddenly sent her husband a script...

What is the development of this?

She was puzzled.

Hearing her husband's words, she subconsciously wanted to ask for clarification.

The result...

"As for his case...people who don't know really don't know, and people who know really know."


Yang Mi was stunned.

Looking at him stupidly, her brain was a little frozen for a while.


She stared at her husband's face dryly and straight, and asked stutteringly:

"Then...then...what does he mean?"

"I don't know."

Xu Xin shrugged.


Yang Mi was a little confused again.

"You don't know?"

"I don't know."

"Then...you just said I asked the right person..."

"I said that because Watt boiled water, and it was because of this pot of boiling water that the wheat production this year decreased. Therefore, the heavy industrial equipment on the Yiwu Small Commodity Market must prepare for the Spring Festival logistics guarantee in advance, so that the critical nature of the Chinese music scene has a mysterious veil..."


Yang Mi just stared at the man in front of her.

He began to brainstorm in his mind.

What...Watt boiled water? What...Yiwu Small Commodity...Who the hell is doing Tai Chi?

What the hell is going on?

Her CPU instantly entered overclocking mode.

Even the whole room was filled with the aroma of roasted walnuts.


"You bastard! Go to hell!"

A move of double ghosts knocking on the door hit Xu Xin hard.

But this was not enough, Xu Xin felt dizzy, and before he could react, he was suddenly thrown onto the yoga mat.

Then a piercing pain came from his buttocks...


Yang Mi sat on his waist, pressing her husband's neck tightly, and pinched his buttocks with her other hand.

Pinching and twisting, it hurt Xu Xin...

"I let you fool me!"

"I let you talk nonsense!"

"You bastard, don't speak human language!"

"Don't say anything in the future!!!"

"I'll pinch you to death!"

"I'll pinch you to death!!!"

"Dragon drill!! Die for me!!!!"

Finally, she seemed to be annoyed by Xu Xin's struggle and twisting, and she directly gave up the attack on her husband's buttocks, and her hands were around her husband's neck from behind...


He felt his brain was deprived of oxygen and quickly slapped the ground to admit defeat.

Yang Mi let him go. Looking at the man who was holding his neck and hunched like a shrimp, she said viciously:

"Eat shit at noon!"

After saying that, she kicked him directly, stood up angrily, and walked out the door with her clothes on.


Although he was ravaged, Xu Xin couldn't help but smile slightly when he saw her angry look.

Yang Mi, who had just put on her shoes, suddenly saw his dog-headed smirk, and her anger rose again.

"You dare to laugh!? I must kill you today!"

"Hey, hey, hey? Don't... I was wrong, isn't it... Hahahaha..."

Thinking that she was going to come over to ravage him again, Xu Xin apologized quickly.

But the fact proved that Yang Mi had too many tricks to deal with him.

Xu Xin, who was originally planning to hold his head and squat to defend, suddenly felt a piece of cloth with body temperature falling on his face.

It smelled quite good...

Subconsciously opened his eyes and found that it was his wife's T-shirt.


He looked up instinctively and saw his wife, who was wearing a bra and yoga pants, with her hands on her waist, and began to smile maliciously at him.

"What are you doing!?"

A chill rushed to his head, and he asked quickly.


Yang Mi nodded with a smile:

"I wanted to go out and calm down... You are still laughing, you bastard? Okay, let's go inside and stretch."


Xu Xin quickly made a "don't be like this" expression:

"It's not a joke, why are you so angry?... Let's talk about business, let's analyze what Director Feng wants to do by sending me this script... Don't be so embarrassed!"

"I'm not so embarrassed. Oh, brother~ You old man It's been a while since I came to Tian Shang Ren Jian. Let's go inside..."

"I won't go, I'm afraid of death."

"Hurry up!"

"I won't... Ouch!"

Suddenly, Xu Xin, whose joints were restricted, wailed exaggeratedly:

"Murder, murder! Help! Help!"

"Muhahaha! Little boy! You fell into the hands of Li Kui, the black whirlwind, and you still want to run! ?"

"...Don't... Sister Kui...Don't make trouble... Sister Kui! Sister Kui! I'm Song Jiang! Sister Kui!"


The bedroom door was tightly closed.


"Xiao Xu woke up?"

"Hey, mom, I woke up."

Looking at the smiling Yang Chunling, Xu Xin's heart was filled with the bitter taste of "bitterness that cannot be expressed".

He actually wanted to say:

"Mom, please take care of your daughter."

It was simply lawless.

She...she was lawless!

In broad daylight, she gave our old Xu a good beating.

She just insulted my old Xu's innocent body...

He actually wanted to say it very much.

But he didn't dare.

Because Yang Mi was following behind.

After answering, he said:

"I'm going to work."

Then he walked away in disgrace.

When he walked, his hips seemed to fall apart.

He came all the way to the studio, boiled water and made tea, and looked at the bathroom... He had the urge to take a shower quickly.

Something dirty had stained his body...

But soon, when he finished printing the script of "I'm Not Pan Jinlian", his mind calmed down.

This script is very complete.

It's quite thick.

Because it was just printed, there was still the temperature of the ink on it.

He sat at the tea table and put the script of "Master" aside.

There are still many places in the script of "Master" that need to be changed. There is nothing wrong with Lao Xu's story and the script, but there are still many plots in it that still have the same old problems.

The meaning is important but not invisible.

The words are too obscure, and only people in the martial arts industry can understand them, but outsiders will be confused when reading them.

He wants Lao Xu to change this part.

However, because he has received it for too short a time, he just marked it out and has not found a suitable direction.

Originally, today's work was to continue to find the direction of these plots in "Master", trim the script, and let Lao Xu take it back to revise it again... But it is definitely not possible now.

But he doesn't mind.

Although he doesn't know why Feng Xiaogang asked him to read this script... But the same thing is that, speaking from the heart, there is no hatred between the Northwest circle and the Beijing circle.

He and Director Feng are rivals in the circle, but there is definitely no hatred.

At least, he thinks so.

Although it is not clear what this story is... But you will know after reading it.

As the kettle hummed, he was thinking, and his eyes fell on the beginning of the script.

"I Am Not Pan Jinlian"

Screenwriter: Liu Zhenyun

The script is adapted from the novel of the same name "I Am Not Pan Jinlian".


He thought about it, opened his notebook, and searched it.

It turned out to be a novel published by Liu Zhenyun.

With a serious and responsible attitude, he sent a message to Yang Mi:

"There is also a novel for "I Am Not Pan Jinlian". You ask Tingting to buy one."

"Okay, brother."


If it were normal, Xu Xin would not care about this address.

After all, he has called Yang Mi "sister" for so many years, and she called him "brother", which was a name they often used when they were in love.


When he saw these two words, he remembered the scene when she sat on him just now, and said "shake, shake to brother's grandmother bridge"...


That scene was too scary.

He felt his brain was boiling.

He quickly shook his head and threw away the thought, then his eyes fell on the first paragraph of the script.

[1. Oil painting

Oil paintings related to the narration.

Narrator: In the Song Dynasty, there was a woman named Pan Jinlian, who was quite pretty. Pan Jinlian's husband was Wu Da, and Wu Da had a younger brother named Wu Song, who had killed a tiger on Jingyang Ridge.

There was a man named Ximen Qing who ran a herbal medicine shop in the county town, who had an affair with Pan Jinlian. He poisoned Wu Da to death.

When Wu Song found out, he killed Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing. From the Song Dynasty to today, people have called improper women Pan Jinlian. The protagonist of today's story is Li Xuelian. Li Xuelian's husband said that Li Xuelian was Pan Jinlian. Li Xuelian said to everyone: I am not Pan Jinlian. ]

In fact, Xu Xin really can't read Liu Zhenyun's books.

On the one hand... he prefers authors whose writing is more poetic. Liu Zhenyun's writing is more plain.

Low reading threshold, good story.

But he can't fit in with the style.

On the other hand... when filming "The Hawthorn Tree", he was also one of the "guests" invited by the old man. When everyone talked about that era together, other authors were more plain and said whatever they wanted. But he always liked to say something... nitpicking.

Obviously, the written language is very approachable, but the contrast in reality is very big. He thinks this person is a bit artificial.

Of course, it is definitely not a bad impression.

It's just a matter of appreciation.

The author's words are actually emotional.

For example, he likes Mr. Lao Sha very much.

The words are straightforward, but not without wit and humor.

But he doesn't like the straightforward simplicity in Liu Zhenyun's words.

But this kind of text also has one advantage, that is, although the content and dialogue of the script seem a bit complicated, it doesn't require so much brainpower.

For example, the following paragraph.

[4, Wang Gongdao's home.

Day, outside.

Li Xuelian knocked on the door. A woman in the small room at the door asked: Who are you looking for?

At this time, Wang Gongdao opened the door.

Li Xuelian: You are Wang Gongdao from the court, right?

Wang Gongdao: Yeah.

Li Xuelian: Chen Ada from Houshanling is your cousin, right?

Wang Gongdao: Yes.

Li Xuelian: Did you know that Chen Ada’s wife’s maiden family is from Cuijiawu? Did you know that Chen Ada’s wife’s sister married into Qijia’an? My aunt’s cousin married a nephew of Chen Ada’s wife’s sister’s in-laws’ family. So we are still relatives.

She raised the bacon and sesame oil in her hand.

Wang Gongdao: What’s the matter with you?

Li Xuelian: I want a divorce. 】

In fact, there are many things that can be omitted here.

For example, Wang Gongdao’s response in the conversation between the two.

In this form of dialogue, even the director does not need to think about it, and can leave it to the actors to interpret.

There are words coming and going.

But Liu Zhenyun’s script is very clear.

Unconsciously, Xu Xin was thinking... Is the other party’s script charged by 1,000 words...

Sure enough, it is better to be concise.

While thinking, he put down the script and made himself tea.

At this time, there was a movement at the door.

Yang Mi walked in.

I wanted to make a joke and scare him into coming for the third time. Seeing that he had already started working, I lost the mood to play.

I walked directly to the antique shelf and took down a small cylinder.

It was filled with incense sticks.

In Xu Xin's puzzled eyes, she said:

"Sandalwood, wake up the brain. Do you normally do it at noon?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Seeing his unlucky behavior, Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"Nonsense, cooking! What do you think you do?"


"For noon, mutton soup and hand-pulled meat, do you want to eat noodles rolled by our mother or rolled by me?"

"You roll it."


In the slowly spreading sandalwood scent, she walked out of the house.

But just when she reached the door, she remembered something again. Seeing his focused look, she went directly to her lover and picked up his phone.

It's not to check the phone, but to help turn off the ringtone and vibration of the phone.

When a director reads a script, it is actually a process of divergent thinking. At this time, it is best not to be disturbed by anyone or anything.

She can't be a director, and she won't be a director.

That job... requires too much brains.

But she knows how to be a good wife.

Fill in the details that her husband missed little by little, and be comprehensive in all aspects.

Then she retired and walked out of the house.

Xu Xin was left sitting on a chair, staring at the script intently.


The story of "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" is actually... quite sharp and ironic.

The protagonist Li Xuelian and her husband accidentally got pregnant with a second child. Li Xuelian wanted to give birth to the child, so she discussed a fake divorce with her husband. After the divorce, the two deliberately separated and had little contact in order to cover up other people's ears and eyes.

As a result, when Li Xuelian gave birth to the second child and asked her husband to remarry, she suddenly found that her husband had remarried.

When she asked her husband to remarry, her husband turned his face and refused to admit it, saying that it was you who wanted to divorce in the first place, and the divorce certificate was also there.

He also said something like "Are you really Li Xuelian? I see your name is Pan Jinlian."

It turned out that when she married her husband, she was no longer a virgin.

Then, with this incident as a guide, she started a 20-year journey of suing.

She sued her husband for a fake divorce.

But the problem is that when they were divorced, she insisted that the couple's "emotional breakdown" was a legal divorce...

In fact, to be honest, this story is pretty good.

Liu Zhenyun's script is very solid.

Whether it is emotions or scene descriptions... Perhaps because it is too straightforward, people can intuitively feel the frustration in Li Xuelian's heart.

But the problem is...

There is something wrong with this story.

From the perspective of an observer, first of all, you did not abide by the family planning and had some tricks. Secondly, many people implicated in your complaint are also innocent. For example, the presiding judge... At the beginning, it was Li Xuelian herself who said that the couple was not in harmony and their relationship was broken. As a result, now she said it was a fake marriage... In Li Xuelian's case, although it has been described that her husband agreed at the time, it was indeed a "fake divorce."

But the problem is that only the audience outside the fourth wall and the couple know about this situation.

Others don't know.

Xu Xin brought himself into the presiding judge Wang Gongdao and Lao Gu.

Lao Gu was just fulfilling his job.

When a couple came to divorce, he would mediate and persuade them to reconcile. But Li Xuelian kept saying that they were not in harmony... Seeing that he could not persuade her, he fulfilled his obligation and went through the divorce procedures.

After a while, she came to find him and said that she had a problem. She and her husband had a fake divorce, and she made a mistake in her judgment...

Isn't this crazy?

This is where the problem with the story lies.

Of course, as the script developed, he could actually see that... Although he didn't know the content of the novel, in the script, Liu Zhenyun actually wanted to criticize something and satirize some indescribable things like one-size-fits-all.

But... this is also the most uncomfortable part for Xu Xin.

First of all, this film is definitely not a commercial film.

This is 100% certain.

But the question is... Why do these old predecessors like to put the hat of criticism on the so-called "art film"?

It seems that they must criticize something in order to sublimate the artistic quality of the film.

In Xu Xin's opinion, this is completely a forced sorrow for the sake of writing new words.

It's a bit out of place and inferior.

The taste of deliberate guidance is too strong.

Therefore, this film seemed a bit fragmented to him.

The story is very good, but the problem is... on the surface, this film looks like it speaks for women, but in fact it is still satirical.

This is very contrived.

The smell of private goods is too obvious.

Putting aside whether the review standards could be passed or not, Liu Zhenyun did not like the feeling of "everyone is drunk and I am alone" in this script.

In the script, Li Xuelian uses gangster logic to coerce everyone forward, which is unreasonable.

At its core, the script also has a strong fifth-generation style, especially in this era of gradually tightening review standards. It also likes to use a plot in which officials rely on unruly people to self-reflect... It really makes Xu Xin's balls hurt to watch it. .

The script is obviously not bad, but the story...


He put down the script, thought about it, and went directly to the computer.

After opening the WORD document, start typing on the keyboard:

"Director Feng, I have read the script. Let me share my own opinions for your reference.

First of all I think this is a great story..."

12:30 noon.

Serve meals on time.

After Yang Mi tasted the mutton soup, she showed a satisfied look.

"Mom, come down below. I'll tell him to go."

She came all the way to her husband's studio and found that there was no one at the tea table.

I looked into the computer room and saw my husband typing away.

So he slowed down and walked over.

He said nothing, wanting to see what he was writing...

【It's not about the small things, it's the small things that make the big things happen. Teacher Liu has a good intention on this point. But the problem is that Li Xuelian was given an original sin in this "little thing". The human being has a congenital flaw that the audience cannot understand.

Her stubbornness is always unfolded from her own perspective, and the rhythm of the script from this perspective seems too slow. And a person with normal views may not be able to empathize.

Although Teacher Liu left a very clever balance in the script, as a legally illiterate Li Xuelian, in her understanding, the law is "reason". If the principle is wrong, the law is wrong. But similarly, the script also explores "principles" and "justices."

But he also mixed in the output of some values. It’s about women’s dignity and more emotional emotional issues.

I think there are too many propositions. It can be appropriately deleted or excerpted.

Or just explore the law and principles from one person's perspective. Either reflect the dignity and equality of the female group.

If the two are mixed together, it will look unflattering...it feels too heavy to have both. 】

As he wrote this, Xu Xin paused.

I vaguely noticed someone behind me and turned my head subconsciously...

"Ah! You scared me to death! What are you doing!"

He clutched his heart and said speechlessly.

Yang Mi didn't react at all, she just said:

"time to eat."


Xu Xin glanced at the screen, nodded, stood up and walked out with her.

Yang Mi then asked:

"What about the script?"

"It's too full, too many things are mixed in. It needs to be deleted. And... the style is a bit hard to find."

Xu Xin shook his head and gave his own evaluation.

"The story is actually quite good. It's a leading female role. If you can act... maybe you can win another award..."


Before he finished speaking, Yang Mi shook her head like a rattle:

"Don't try to trick me... let's not talk about whether I can talk to them. I'm busy enough this year, and this kind of script takes too long to prepare and is too mentally consuming. I don't plan to do it in the past two years. Take this kind of hard-working movie.”


Xu Xin was stunned:

"No answer?"

"Yes, I won't take it anymore. The company held a year-end summary meeting in the past two days, and I just finished speaking. I said that unless it is a script that I feel is particularly good, the direction will mostly be on commercial scripts, or film and television dramas. From now on, the most One movie and one TV series a year, definitely not too many.”

"...What's the reason?"

In his eyes, his wife is currently in her prime period as an actress.

The ten years from the age of 27 to the age of 37 were when she was most capable.

Why did you suddenly become so stupid?

"On the one hand it's because you're tired, and on the other hand you've been restless during this period. I don't know how you want to make a decision... so I'll just keep it the same in the face of changes. If you want to get busy, then I'll be honest. If you are free, you can take care of your husband and raise your children with me. Anyway, I will support you."


Xu Xin paused.

Looking at his wife who opened the door and walked out, he said:

"Isn't it necessary?"

"Why is it not necessary?"

Yang Mi, wrapped in thick pajamas, turned to look at him and asked in confusion:

"If you get busy, if I'm too busy, I'll hit you on the back of the head. What will happen to your family?"

As she said that, she pointed behind Xu Xin:

"Especially... even Feng Xiaogang has started to contact you. I really can't understand the changes in this circle... But no matter how the circle changes, or how stormy it is outside, there are people in our family, so it's no problem. The children are also gradually Older, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school... Look at Lao Wang's virtue, regardless of whether he has money or not, the lack of childhood in his family will be his lifelong regret. I don't want this to happen... I have planned it..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"What's the plan?"

"After Nuannuan and Yangyang started to learn to read, they were thrown into the care of our uncle. He laughed at me in front of the students every day, saying...his niece is not smart. If she was smart, she would not join the entertainment industry, but I got admitted to Tsinghua University... I have been talking about it for so many years, so I should pay something! My cousin is so good at studying, it will be no problem for me to come over and be a tutor for my son, right? It’s their fault! I have to give Yang Laosan a slap on the head!”


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Yang Laosan is her third cousin.

The uncle's children.

Xu Xin is quite familiar.

He has been bullied by his wife since childhood, and now he trembles when his wife glares at him.

But looking at her indignant look, Xu Xin suddenly sighed again:

"Well... let's just say, can you discuss with me any decision you make in the future?"

But who would have thought that after he said this, Yang Mi looked at him contemptuously with a look like "I raised you all":

"Is it useful to discuss it with you? To discuss it with you, I might as well throw a Holy Grail in front of Mr. Guan. When you are in doubt, you can ask Chunfeng..."

"Then if the spring breeze is silent..."

Yang Mi raised her eyebrows:

"It dares!"



You really are a saint to Mr. Guan Er.

Anyway, I can't beat you, old man.

Xu Xin shook his head with a dumb smile and walked out wearing slippers.


After dinner, he completed the summary of his views on "I'm Not Pan Jinlian" in the document.

At the end, he did not forget to add:

"Of course, this is just my one-sided view. I asked someone to buy an original copy and look at it again."

After saying that, he sent it to Feng Xiaogang.

Leave a message on WeChat:

"Director Feng, I have sent my opinion to your email. Please take a look."

Feng Xiaogang did not reply.

But at almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I replied:

"Let me take a look first. You are fast enough. I just woke up."

Then, at 3:30, he sent Xu Xin another message:

"I've finished reading it, Xiao Xu. I don't agree with some of the content, but there are a few suggestions that are constructive. Thank you."

"It's okay. I'm just telling you my opinion. Just don't mind."

"That's not possible. I have to thank you. After these few days have passed, I'll treat you to dinner. We'll talk later, I'm busy."

"Okay, you're busy."

At this point, the conversation between the two ended.

Yang Mi, who was nearby and stretched her feet into his pajamas to keep warm, saw that he put down his mobile phone and asked:

"What did you say?"

Xu Xin glanced at her cell phone.

"...So, what does he mean?"

"have no idea."

Xu Xin shook his head sincerely:

"Maybe I just want to make this type of film, but I'm a little unsure for a while. Why don't you ask me for advice?"

Yang Mi thought for a moment and suddenly said:

"Is it possible for you two to be friends?"

This really bothered Xu Xin.

After thinking for a while, he scratched his head:

"Actually, we don't have any grudges either."

Put aside identity, status, alignment...even opinions on the other party's behavior, etc.

Essentially, there is no hatred between the two.

That's it.


"We probably can't be friends. After all, there's a generation gap here."

After he concluded, Yang Mi nodded:

"I understand. A relationship of working together and taking advantage of each other, right?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

My heart says that your little mouth is really full of honey.

If you can speak, speak more.

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