I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 109 107 Encounter in the gym

Chapter 109 107. Encounter in the gym

One o'clock.

"Brother Li."

"Hey, brother, here we come!"

The owner of Northeast BBQ's barbecue stall is named Li and is from Liaoyang.

This was only learned after everyone became familiar with it.

At this moment, the boss who was grilling skewers saw Xu Xin, Jay Chou who was wearing a mask behind him, and Dani who was following next to him. He responded and quickly picked up the last specially reserved table from the cart. , placed in the darkness behind the sidewalk where no light can shine.

The person who even set up the table and brought the stools then asked:

"Where are the younger siblings?"

Xu Xin waved his hand:

"I'm too tired from filming, so I didn't come."

"Okay, or the outer waist?"

"Yes, roast three, the pepper will be heavier."

"Okay, sit down first, I'll be here soon."

After ordering the food, Jay Chou said:

"Two cups, I'll have a drink later."

"It's done."

The boss responded and quickly went to the tricycle to get the sheep treasure prepared in advance.

Sitting in the darkness, Jay Chou was obviously a little depressed.

Xu Xin took a bottle of red wine from the bag with an old-looking label.

This wine belongs to Jay Chou.

I don’t know what brand it is... Xu Xin doesn’t understand either.

Jay Chou likes to drink red wine, so he shares it... But every time he talks about the history of red wine, Xu Xin yawns.

As time goes by, he won't have much BB anymore.

He just hung his head and yawned widely.

He was originally sitting on a small stool. With his head drooped, he looked even more tired.

Seeing this, Xu Xin shook his head:

"Just drink some liquor and go back to sleep."

"No, white wine will hurt your throat."

"...And mix it with beer?"

"Well, mix it with beer. You'll get drunk faster, otherwise you won't be able to sleep."

After finishing his words, Xu Xin nodded:

"Dani, bring two bottles of beer from different brands."


Dani stood up and left, while Xu Xin opened the red wine with the red wine knife specially prepared by Brother Li, and poured a full glass for Jay Chou.

"Why is it so difficult..."

Holding the wine glass, there was no one on the street at this moment. Jay Chou took off his mask and touched Xu Xin with the glass.

Xu Xin shook his head:

"The big scene is like this. Director Zhang is not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?"

"...But this will make me look useless~ It's been a week, but this scene just can't be filmed..."

"I can't help it. The requirements for everyone in group performances are very high. You are not a professional martial artist... and you don't need a substitute. What can you do? But isn't it getting faster and faster? I'm familiar with it, I guess it's enough. Things happened in the past few days.”

Xu Xin continued to comfort him.

Counting from the day they started filming the night scene, the crew worked late at night for more than ten days.

And after those two group portrait scenes were filmed, it was time to enter the final finale of the crew, the battle of rebellion.

Three thousand people.

Gold and silver mixed tag team play.

Jay Chou's one-man show.

In the past few days, he conservatively estimated that he had cut off at least a thousand knives, using various positions, climbing, and dropping wires...

Not to mention other people, even Xu Xin's eyebrows twitched when he saw it.

Frankly speaking, he worked very hard.

But these scenes were shot very simply.

Director Zhang... seems to have learned from the experience of heroes. He doesn't like to use special effects, and prefers to use real scenes.

This resulted in a very chaotic scene.

Once a fight breaks out, the entire scene will be chaotic. The most important thing is that this scene is a scene where Jay Chou fights all over the place.

The actors are required to follow the position of the camera.

Because it is impossible to give a close-up of anyone individually, and a large number of overhead shots are used, Jay Chou's movements must be precise, and the surrounding extras must also be precise in their movements, so that the audience can get a share of the melee among the gold and silver doubles. What is Jay Chou doing in Qing Dynasty, what are others doing... and the cruelty of the war.


Just keep making mistakes and reshooting.

Can you say that Jay Chou doesn't work hard?

Of course not.

There is no need for a stand-in, all the battles are done by oneself, and all kinds of movements are performed...it really has the flavor of an ancient warrior.

But the problem is that when the scene of these people becomes chaotic, either one bumps into that, or he steps in the wrong position when filming, or he cannot maintain his center of gravity when standing on a high platform with shields and human support...

Anyway, it’s all kinds of problems.

It was stuck for more than a week.

Every day I drag my body that is about to fall apart and eat a few Yang Bao and drink some wine before I can sleep.

Don't ask Xu Xin why Zhou Ai suddenly liked eating this food.

Maybe it's a man's habitual instinct.

When I feel tired, weak, or have a sore back, I always want to find something to replenish my body.

"Xu Ke, cheers."


Xu Xin didn't ask how expensive this bottle of red wine was or what it was for... If you were drinking at a night market stall, even if you bought a bottle of wine worth 108,000 yuan, wouldn't it only be paired with this little thing?

Dani came back soon with four bottles of beer.

not much.

But two different brands of beer, with different degrees of yeast and hops, paired with a bottle of red wine, is enough to make you tipsy.

"Speaking of which... Mimi is about to finish filming, right?"

"It's coming soon, it's probably only going to be in the next two days."

"Hey, after the filming of this movie is finished, when will you come to Wanwan to play? I also have good friends over there who introduced you, and we are all very good friends."

"What the hell...you have to wait until after 2008."


Jay Chou was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

"Yes, indeed, this matter is more important."


Xu Xin nodded:

"Carry out an opening ceremony that the world will remember, let everyone see a new side of us... I guess it will be difficult for me to spare time until this matter is finished... Of course, if you marry Patty, then Let’s talk about it separately. As long as you stagger the opening ceremony, I will definitely be there. Okay?”


Hearing Xu Xin talk about this, Jay Chou finally showed a relaxed smile:

"That sounds interesting."

"Then look~"

As he spoke, Xu Xin raised his cup.

Jay Chou bumped into him again and said with a smile:

"Then if you and Mimi get married, should I sing a congratulatory song to you?"

"If you dare to play "Happy Breakup" I will kill you."

"Hahahaha, damn it...how could I be like this? Hahaha~"


Picking up a light topic, the two chatted while drinking. After a while, the barbecue was served.

Together with Mr. Li, who asked for an autograph and a photo, we had a glass of wine together. It was almost 2 o'clock, and after drinking four bottles of beer and one red wine, the two of them, who were just in time to get drunk, got on the bus. The business car driven by Ni.

Early in the morning.

After Yang Mi and Sun Ting finished eating in the restaurant, before she could speak, Sun Ting asked:

"Sister Mimi, what are you bringing for Brother Xu?"

"Bring more eggs, hasn't he started to gain muscle recently? Did you buy the milk you asked him to buy yesterday?"


"Well, that's all. I'll bring some fried broccoli, and that'll be enough."


Sun Ting stood up and took the thermos box to choose rice.

Yang Mi took her mobile phone and dialed her boyfriend’s number:

"Dudu... hello."

Xu Xin's confused voice sounded.

The time difference between the two of them has been a bit out of sync recently. Because of Jay Chou's drama, Yang Mi has been resting. In addition to catching up on the progress of "The Condor", one is busy at night and the other is busy during the day, so the only time we can see each other is in the morning.

But the meeting was also in a hurry. It was already ninety o'clock in the morning as soon as my boyfriend got up, and there was no food in the hotel at this time. So she was the one to bring it up. Although it was a bit cold, she wouldn't be hungry at all.

"I'll bring it up for you. Remember to put on your underpants, do you hear me?"


Without waiting for her boyfriend to say anything, she hung up the phone.

Soon, Sun Ting was carrying a thermal box, which Yang Mi bought herself.

"Let's go."

The two got up and went upstairs.

When she arrived at the door of Xu Xin's room, the girl had already taken out another room card.

After swiping her card, she took the thermal box and went straight in.

The door is not closed.

In the room, Xu Xin, who was wearing only basketball shorts, was sleeping soundly wrapped in a quilt.

After the girl put the thermos box on the table, she ignored Sun Ting standing at the door and tiptoed to the bedside. She leaned on her arms and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek, whispering:

"Baby, I'm leaving."

After saying that, I glanced at my boyfriend’s vaguely visible abdominal muscles…

It feels sweet in my heart.

After touching it admiringly, he stood up and walked out.

Building muscle...that's what she said.

the reason is simple.

After having a supper that night, she "fucked" with her boyfriend two more times in a row.

Then one night, she suddenly said:

"Why are your abs gone?"

One sentence dispelled Xu Xin's idea of ​​being lazy.

It is true that after coming to Hengdian, although he had a very detailed plan from coach Yu Fei, whether it was a relationship or a conflict with filming time, he did not exercise in such a systematic way.

The abdominal muscles that had just begun to appear were a little bit boring.

Therefore, with just one word from her, Xu Xin started to eat reasonably and properly again.

Late night snack is eaten with friends.

But there are still some restrictions on other aspects that should be restricted.

Training also has to be picked up again.

Although his fat-brushing speed was a little slow due to this late-night snack, at least the muscle contours began to appear again.

And the good sister who sees all her boyfriend's efforts for her, and is gradually evolving towards physical control, has to wipe off her boyfriend's oil every day, so that she can feel at ease.

Walking to the door and closing it gently, the girl with a pleased expression on her face bared her little white teeth at the assistant:

"Let's go."


Sun Ting nodded and followed.

As for the situation between the two of them...

Although the first time Sister Mimi called her to Xu Xin's room, she was still a little uncomfortable... or surprised.

But after a few days of getting used to it...

Not to mention, these two are really sweet.

As for the hidden rules, Sun Ting no longer believed it.

I just don’t understand why Sister Zeng and the other party would make such a fuss.

But she was smart enough not to ask.

Instead he made a very simple move.

That is to remain silent.

Sister Zeng asked, "That's good."

completely fine.

Xu Xin and the like have absolutely no contact with Sister Mimi.

Moreover, she took the initiative to tell Yang Mi and told her that Sister Zeng had called her.

What was the content of the conversation and how did you answer it.

Although it is not a retelling of the exact words, at least the meaning is expressed.

For example, "Sister Zeng asked Director Xu, but I don't follow Sister Mimi to the set every day, so I said I don't know very well."

She knew very well that Sister Mimi could clearly understand what she wanted to express.

Therefore, in the past few days, it was visible to the naked eye that Sister Mimi was kissing her more.

He doesn't shy away from her anymore.

When Xu Xin woke up from sleep and saw the insulated lunch box that had been delivered at an unknown time, he already understood that... his girlfriend must have been here.

He just remembered the other party reminding him to wear underpants...

I've almost forgotten the rest.

Without thinking much, after finishing breakfast, he walked to the gym.

Nowadays, the meetings of the creative team have been changed to the afternoon according to Director Zhang’s time difference.

In the morning he was free to spend his time as he pleased.

Entering the gym, he began to warm up.

Although there are not many equipments here, except for the treadmill, there is only one set of equipment, but the advantage is that it is quite complete, and the basic equipment is also available.

After he warmed up, he did a five-kilometer run as usual. After finishing the five-kilometer run, he was sweating.

I turned around and planned to train for strength.

When I got off the treadmill, I realized... there were a few more people in the gym today.

First, there was a girl next to her who was warming up, wearing a cap and loose sportswear. The second is the people surrounding several girls.

Based on his intuition, he felt that the other party should be an artist.

Because this battle is so similar to Jay Chou's first day here, when he was flushing carbon.

Of course... that's just one day.

According to Zhou Ai, those who have been fed by Xu Xin these days are:

"Xu Ke, I've gained a lot of weight. There's some fat here~ If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to wear the armor."

As a result, he took Xu Xin to a barbecue after work, while he was still trying to lose weight on the set.

Oh yes, as for why it is called Xu Ke Zhou Ai.

It's purely because of the great man's famous saying, "I protect the ball like Henry."

Xu Xin said that he plays like Kobe, even better than Kobe.

It’s just that sometimes it’s tough.

Jay Chou is not convinced, saying that his excellence is to imitate Iverson perfectly...

Likewise, butterflies sometimes drop balls when they pass through flowers.

Then the two of them affectionately gave each other nicknames...

In short, this girl's battle is very similar to Jay Chou's that day.

However, Xu Xin only glanced at it and looked away.

First, people wear masks and caps.

Second, you have a girlfriend, why are you staring at other girls?

Panting, he came to the strength area, grabbed the barbell, and started doing basic training.

After a few sets of barbell training, start rowing again.

As for rowing, the girl has finished her aerobic warm-up, and is also doing the equipment under the guidance of... what should be a fitness instructor.

Compared to Xu Xin's own training, others seemed much more professional.

One of the two female coaches helped her with the movements, and the other seemed to be a body coach, helping her shape her body.

The formation looks really big.

But the well water on both sides does not interfere with the river water.


Xu Xin started to do squats.

According to coach Yu Fei, he is not suitable for high-power squats now, but must first master the essentials.

Therefore, when Xu Xin was learning to squat, coach Yu Fei just asked him to get on the bar, but he didn't add any barbell plates to the bar.

The main thing is to regulate his actions.

Although he had done it when he was in Shenmu and in Brother Zhang's gym, in the eyes of coach Yu Fei, a women's classical player, it was obvious that Xu Xin's various equipment movements were not standardized.

In the few lessons they had, coach Yu Fei helped him correct some of his habitual movements.

Whether it's the angle of the steps or how to maintain the body's center of gravity when exerting force.

In fact, anyone who has taken a fitness class knows the difference between a correct movement and an incorrect posture.

Normally, people who want to keep fit cannot do without the guidance of a coach in the first year of fitness.

When you can really train alone, you usually have to do all the movements correctly, well and to a standard under the guidance of a coach.

Does Xu Xin understand this?


But understanding is one thing, getting started is another.

Before the body forms muscle memory, it is common for the movements to be performed crookedly, or the force exerted at the wrong point, or subconsciously.

In addition, he is really willful...

Otherwise, coach Yu Fei would not have repeatedly mentioned "the posture must be correct" and "the risk of excessive training" in the training plan sent to him.

Today, he chose to load himself with 20 kilograms of barbell plates.

It’s not that it’s just to show off.

It was simply because he felt that one bar alone could not satisfy the sore feeling that he wanted when his muscles exploded.

Groups of five.

Three groups and one change.

He planned to do thirty squats today to get a feel for his condition.

As a result, as soon as a set of movements was completed, those people had already arrived in front of the big bird machine opposite the squat.

Xu Xin was polite and didn't look at the person... and couldn't.

Without the guidance of a coach, he turned his back to the opponent and faced the mirror to correct and maintain his movements.

As soon as he finished the second set of movements, Xu Xin, who always felt that something was not right, was gasping for air when he felt two eyes on him.

Looking in the mirror, I found that the girl in the peaked hat who was pulling a single big bird rope and using side pull-downs to exercise the coordination of the muscles of the whole body was talking to the coach next to her.

And the one who was still staring at him was the coach.

The two were communicating, and then the coach nodded... and walked directly towards Xu Xin.

"Director Xu, can I help you with some guidance? Your movements are not quite right."


Hearing what this fitness instructor said, Xu Xin was stunned subconsciously:


"Yes, there is something wrong with your exertion. It will hurt your waist if you practice like this. Can I help you correct it?"


Xu Xin turned his head and saw that the girl standing sideways had taken off her hat and the mask that half covered her mouth.

Liu Yifei?


He politely thanked Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei nodded politely, put on her hat again, and continued to perform movements under the guidance of the body shaping coach.

"Then let's get started."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, the pretty female coach nodded and stood behind him:

"Come on, squat first..."

Not to mention, after receiving professional guidance, Xu Xin's feeling that something was wrong immediately disappeared.

Like Coach Yufei, the other party first corrected his squatting posture, and then the problem of leaning forward when exerting force... After doing this, Xu Xin immediately found the sore legs that Coach Yufei once taught him. familiar feeling.

This tastes right.

After several sets of squats, Xu Xin politely thanked:

"Thank you, coach, for your hard work."

"It's okay, it should be. But... I suggest, Director Xu, that it would be better for you to find a professional coach for training. Do you need me to contact one for you? It's a local one here."

Xu Xin's eyes lit up and he nodded:

"Is that okay? ...Thank you very much."

The other party responded with a smile:

"It's okay, let me contact you?...What are the requirements? Age, gender, or professional level..."

"Of course the more professional the better, oh yes, it needs to be male."


Hearing this, the other party glanced at Xu Xin in surprise...and then nodded:

"Okay, I understand. Then... why don't you and Yifei exchange contact information?"

"Okay, then, please remember it. She is still training, so I won't interrupt. Can we contact the coach after he finds her?"

"No problem! Then...do you want to do anything else, Director Xu? Let me help you continue to guide?"


"Hello, Xu Xin."

After completing the morning training, Xu Xin took the initiative to walk to Liu Yifei and extended his hand.

Thanks to the other party, this morning's training made Xu Xin feel a long-lost sense of relief.

That feeling of being completely vented is really enjoyable.

Of course I want to thank you.

When he came, Liu Yifei was still doing physical training under the guidance of the coach.

But she was wearing baggy clothes and her figure couldn't be seen.

If there are fans here, they may be filled with regrets.

He originally meant to wait until the opponent finished practicing before saying hello, but after seeing him coming over, Liu Yifei took the initiative to stop training and stood up.

Hearing Xu Xin's self-introduction, the girl's face showed a fresh smile after exercise:

"Hello, Director Xu."

"No, if you don't mind, just call me by my name."

Xu Xin shook his head and had no airs.

He has no prejudice against this girl. To put it bluntly, when he hears the words "Liu Tianxian" from Yang Mi's mouth, he can hear his girlfriend's envy.

Envy other people's opportunities.

I envy others' fame.

I envy other people's resources...

Well, that's all.

As for the rest... Xu Xin estimated that the girl must have a sense of superiority in her heart.

But no matter what, although it was the first time that the two met, from Yang Mi's mouth, he already understood some things about the other party.

Regardless of resources, godfather, or fame, at the very least, the other party's efforts cannot be faked.

So, his courtesy and gratitude came from the bottom of his heart.

After hearing this, Liu Yifei also smiled and said:

"Then just call me Yifei."

"Let's remove the word "you", okay?"

"……all right."

The hand that had been touched just now was lifted up by the girl again:

"Hello, Xu Xin."

She repeated Xu Xin's greeting.

Xu Xin smiled slightly:

"Hello, Yifei."

"Okay, you practice slowly, I'll leave first. I'll leave the coaching to you. Call Yang Mi another day and let's have a meal together."

"Well, okay, bye."


After bidding farewell to Xu Xin, Liu Yifei did not continue training, but looked at the coach.

Of course the female coach understood the meaning of this look and handed over her mobile phone.

"Sister Xu, what did you say?"

Liu Yifei asked while lowering his head to write down the phone number.

"I told you to contact him when you find a coach, and asked him what his requirements were. He said to find a male coach, the more professional the better. Nothing else."

"Male coach?"

Liu Yifei blinked, with a hint of appreciation in her eyes, then nodded and returned the phone to the coach.

Frankly speaking, the other party's mobile phone number is easy to remember.

Starting with 13...the last number is 3666.

With such a neat arrangement of numbers, although she couldn't say it was her first time meeting them, she had to admit that the other person's number was easy to remember.

Because the remaining two numbers are also just one of these numbers.

In other words, this Mimi’s boyfriend’s mobile phone number actually only has 3 digits.

That's 136.

It's easy to remember and you only need to remember it once.

She mentally estimated the value of this mobile phone number...

It's estimated to be a few tens of thousands less?

After all, leopard numbers are quite popular now.

Then after coming back to his senses, he handed the phone to his assistant.

When she was about to follow the coach to do a set of movements again, suddenly, she said:

"You are not allowed to talk to my mother and godfather about what happened today."




No one in the group said a word.

But I also understand...what if someone leaks this matter.

So...one of the people present today counts.


You can’t even stay, right?

(This mobile phone number is now with a friend. I originally offered it to me, but the other party regretted it... I am extremely sorry. And let me tell you, having a tooth extracted next month is not a break, but it may be a waste for a few days. I will tell you the details. Yes, it’s definitely not a discontinuation of updates.)

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